Apexcharts: Are "grouped" pie charts possible? - apexcharts

I would like to create a pie or donut chart where the individual areas can be grouped. Here is a simple picture to illustrate:
With Chart.js this is definitely possible, but with Apexcharts I didn't find a corresponding demo and also no comparable function in the documentation.
So my question is if my intention is at all possible with Apexchart and if so, how?
Thank you.


Google Charts: Is it possible to have a table as the horizontal axis?

I need to display a chart where the horizontal axis is a kind of a table. I checked the Google Charts documentation as well as other links but could not find any help. Can you tell me whether something like that is possible in Google Charts? If yes, then how?
Below is the link to an image showing a similar kind of a thing.

how to highlight a specific area on chartjs line chart

I am using chartjs to draw a line chart on my application. I have dates onx-axis but as a category scale. Means labels are strings but are dates. On the y-axis i have numeric values. I am changing the chart on some functionality and after change i want to highlight some area of the chart. Is there any way i can highlight an area on the line chart? I have searched but did not find anything.
I want to do this pragmatically like there are some specific dates which i want to highlight so i want to have this type of effect.
Any kind of help would be much appreciated. I am very beginner in charts and javascript stuff.
P.S this is specifically for the line chart not for the doughnut
I use this https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-annotation lib to do something like this.check on it. I think this will helpful.

Chart.js Bar Chart coloring Technique

Hi Everyone i just want to ask question about bar chart in this application http://www.chartjs.org/
is it possible to create a bar with 2 colors?
for example i have a target 1000 and reach 500
so the full length of bar is color blue(target) then the 50% length of the bar is color red(reach)?
sorry for my question if it is confusing thanks
I think that a posible solution could be use some kind of Stacked Bar.
But chart.js doesn't support that out of the box, It looks like that you need the a fork of chart.js called chartnew.js that allow stacked bar which could give you this two colors in the same bar and many other options. Take a look at the github page of the project
I hope it helps

Vertically stacked Google Bar Charts

I'm trying to produce a vertically stacked bar chart using the Google Charts API and I thought I had found the solution when I found the option:
isStacked: true
However, This seems to add the stacking horizontally (see link below) and I cant seem to find a way to do it. Anyone come across this before or can help me?
See: http://jsfiddle.net/tmA55/1/
Do you mean a vertically stacked ColumnChart?
Just change the chart from BarChart to ColumnChart:
new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart'))

how to add label/text to each coloumn in Google Chart

I am using ColumnChart to draw a chart and I need to have text on each coloumn (at the top of it)
I can't find any documentation about this, I was wondering if someone can help please?
Something similar to this:
(source: seo-website-designer.com)
This is currently not possible with the new Google Charts, the nearest you can get is to have a tooltip but those can only be triggered on hover at the moment.