S3 Static site downloads index.html after uploading files - amazon-web-services

I have a static site that I served to s3 called tidbitstatistics.com
I wrote a script using boto3 to replace the files with new ones and since then, my site doesn't open - instead it downloads the index.html file.
From what I can tell, I didn't change any settings. The site was working fine before I re-uploaded the files. Since then, I deleted all the files and re-uploaded them manually, but I am still running into the same error.
I thought this might have to do with the file types, but they were the correct text/html file types when re-uploading manually and I am adjusting my script to specify file types when calling put_object instead of upload_file with boto3.
Static site hosting is turned on for that bucket and public permissions to read are set. I'm just not sure how s3 all of a sudden won't serve my static site.
I followed the answer here, but I don't see a Content-Disposition property.
Any help would be appreciated - web development is not my strong suit!


Site not deployed on AWS S3

I have followed all instructions of deploying React app to AWS S3. Uploaded all files and folders in bucket, but, when clicked on site endpoint in Static Website Hosting shows blank page.What may be the cause? Please see following images for reference
All files and folders uploaded
Static Website Hosting in properties also updated
Public access also enabled
Bucket Policy also updated
Blank Page
This is all required for React App to deploy on AWS S3. Any suggestions?
Fetching index.html works fine, but the various JavaScript files are all yielding 404.
The problem appears to be that your HTML is fetching resources as:
but in the origin they are actually at:
Fix your index.html to refer to static resources rooted at /static/, not /WeatherApp/static/.
In package.json file, change homepage to: "homepage": "./"
npm run build
re-upload these build files.

Why isn't AWS CloudFront updating my files?

I'm new to AWS.
But, I have an S3 Bucket containing a static website and it is hooked up to CloudFront. Originally, I had just a "under construction" HTML file. But since I removed it and actually added my website, I'm still seeing the old HTML.
If I browse to the cloudfront.net or the us-east-1.amazonaws.com I can see my full website. But its when I browse to my actual domain name when I see the old HTML.
I have changed the meta-data to to one hour and I also tried the same within CloudFront TTLs.
I also read that I had to invalidate my old file, which I did do but it doesnt seem to be doing anything.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Whole new project inside a jekyll project

I have some website projects that I want to show case that have their own index.html files.
I want to make a route in my Jekyll website so that if I go asdf.com/project1/ I would see simply my project1.
Is this possible to do?
My project is deployed on amazon AWS S3 buckets, hosted on Cloudfront. Should I upload to the bucket and set up some kind of routing?
How would I go about doing this?
If you want S3 to show a specific HTML page when navigating to asdf.com/project1/ the easiest way to achieve this is by creating a file with corresponding key project1/index.html in that bucket.
Source here (bottom of page): http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/IndexDocumentSupport.html
You have two options, put those pages inside Jekyll as "projectname/index.html" or an html file without extension.
If you don't want Jekyll to process them and just use the html do not add front matter to it and jekyll will just copy them to the output folder.
Then you may need to set the right content type when uploading the website to the S3 bucket.
You may find helpful to put that into a script: https://simpleit.rocks/having-pretty-urls-in-a-jekyll-website-hosted-in-amazon-s3/

Coldfusion: What are security issues that can occur if I allow users to upload .css and .js files to my site

I want users to upload their themes containing .css, .js files to my server in zip format, Once they will upload the application will unzip it and the user will be able to see the theme at mysite.com/themes/user/. I want to know what security issues can occur if I allow user to upload .css and js files to my server. Can the malicious code redirect the site or do DOS service attack or change the dynamic aspects on my site. Scanning the files for malicious code before unzipping seems impractical. What safeguards should I take.
First and foremost, don't unzip them into a public "temp" folder while you're doing whatever else you're going to do with them.
There's no telling what that ZIP file will actually contain.
There's no telling what those JS files will try to do to your site.
You should read what Samy did to MySpace before you implement this functionality. (A breakdown of the attack.)

S3 Static Website Only Displays Index.html (but not other dependent files)

I've been messing around with AWS lately and it definitely great. As a first test I'm trying to host the most basic static website via S3. The site is simply just one html file and a few javascript, css and image files.
Whenever I load the static URL the only thing that loads is the index.html file, its contents and for some strange reason the only image that loads is my avatar, yet all the images are stored in the same folder. All of the css, js and image files are also written as relative links too of course.
I've made sure all the files and folders permissions are set to "world" multiple times.
I also looked at the network tab in dev tools and its giving me 200's on every GET request.
I'm completely stumped as to why this is happening. Does anyone have an idea of what I'm missing?
The url is available at http://www.mikefisher.io.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/
I should add that the site works perfectly locally as well as on a traditional web server.
I checked my browser console and it gives me this error which I think might have something to do with it.
Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type binary/octet-stream:
Fixed it!
The issue I was having is the metadata for the CSS files in Amazon S3 were set to 'binary/octet-stream' by default.
The way I fixed this was selecting the individual files in the bucket, clicking the properties tab, then in the meta-data section typing in 'text/css' as the value.