Coldfusion 2021 Update 5 breaks xml - coldfusion

I just applied update 5 and now I am getting XML errors:
"Error","ajp-nio-","10/13/22","11:28:42","Medlists3","coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.XmlSearch(Lcoldfusion/xml/XmlNodeList;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; says
If the XML path contains a forward slash or backslash, it will be
blocked. The flag, coldfusion.xml.allowPathCharacters, must be set to
true to allow the same.
But I don't know where to make this change.

This question was asked on CFML Slack and it was said that you needed to manually clear all .class files from disk since the bytecode is not binary compatible.

A legacy Fusebox 5 coldfusion application got this exact error. Following up on gabriel's note: after deleting the contents of cfclasses, I had to restart the Coldfusion 2021 Application in services (Windows Server 2019) in order for the contents of cfclasses to refresh. After the restart, the application worked as normal.

Adobe added the following comment for the patch notes for CF2018 Update 15, but they said that this shouldn't be an issue in ColdFusion 2021-
Known issues in this release
If you encounter the following error message, clear the classes in <CF_HOME>/instance/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfclasses.
"coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.XmlSearch(Lcoldfusion/xml/XmlNodeList;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; The specific sequence of files included or processed is: \<filepath>, line: 34 "
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.XmlSearch(Lcoldfusion/xml/XmlNodeList;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
If the Uninstall button is disabled on Update 15, uninstall the
update using the uninstaller.jar present in the hf-updates folder.
your application uses the functions XmlSearch and XmlTransform,
you'll have to recompile the files after applying Update 15.

I added the variable "-Dcoldfusion.xml.allowPathCharacters=true" in Java JVM arguments and it worked.

In your Coldfusion Administrator, under Server Settings, Java and JVM, in the JVM Arguments box, append the following to the end (make sure there is a space after the last entry:
Then restart the CF Service.
Took care of the problem for us.


Got error 'invalid UTF-8 string at offset 1' from regexp

I need help, I have tried to find the solution but until now all I have found is stuff related to regex but I think the problem might be in another place.
I have a project locally (Windows 10 --> Xampp Latest version [Apache & Mysql], I use CodeIgniter as Framework, I developed a function which searches in my database using REGEXP (I use query builder)
It works fine and everything. Here I searched for saltarín <-- Note the accent on the letter i
So now that it works I have decided to update the online website but as soon as I was testing the online project I noticed an error jumps when I search something with accented characters or in this case the letter ñ which also works locally.
I checked my database configurations, in database.php I have dbcollat set to utf8_spanish_ci and my online database and tables are set to utf8_spanish_ci too, I think this must be a server configuration but I don't have an idea of what it really could be
In case you need it this is the piece of code which uses regexp
$this->db->where("lower(secret_colum_name) REGEXP", $this->secret_hehe);
Thanks a lot for your time, I really appreciate your help.
EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm using hostinger to host my website
It's me again. It was just as I suspected it was something about the server, After some hours of research I found out that my server didn't have the same extensions and configurations, you can use php -m command to find out your local extensions so you can then enable them on your remote server which in my case I had to do by c-panel but your case could be different.
I also changed my php version in the remote server and I'm not really sure about the next thing but it might have helped.
I had a setter defined in my model which did the next thing
$this->my_var = strtolower($my_var);
I removed strtolower and after all the steps previously mentioned I reloaded my site and now it works

Conflicting mapping for two ColdFusion Applications

I've spent over a day now trying to resolve an issue where two applications use the same relative paths but are under a different "root", and this causes the wrong code base to be accessed for one of the applications.
These are my roots to the two Applications:
In both Applications there is code that references the relative path (e.g., /clients/content/login.cfm)
I noticed that the ColdFusion Administrator has a Mappings section where the first mapping has a logical path / mapped to the directory path D:/www/.
This works well for the first application since the clients folder is found directly under the www folder, however the second application doesn't work correctly as it too adheres to the same mapping. Therefore instead of searching for /clients/content/login.cfm under the Others folder, it searches yet again under the www folder.
Note: Both applications have a different Application.Name so they are indeed segregated.
The biggest red flag is that we don't experience this issue on our older ColdFusion 9 server, however we are experiencing this on the newer ColdFusion 2016 server.
Sifting through ColdFusion Administrator, I can't seem to find any other settings which could affect the underlying root per Application which could take precedence over the Mappings.
Is there a setting I missed? Was there a drastic change regarding relative paths or mappings between ColdFusion 9 and ColdFusion 2016?
Sifting through ColdFusion Administrator, I can't seem to find any
other settings which could affect the underlying root per Application
which could take precedence over the Mappings.
Solution: Use application specific mappings.
<cfset this.mappings["/Clients"] = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath())>

Cannot get Custom Attribute Finder to appear in WSO2 Identity Server Console

I did some development of a custom AttributeFinder for WSO2 4.6 several years ago, and I am trying to reproduce that old development on one of my original WSO2 4.6 instances, but I cannot get the AttributeFinder to appear in the WSO2 IS Console in Extensions. I know that 4.6 is old, but I just want to get this working with 4.6 first.
I've built the AttributeFinder in Eclipse successfully
Put a copy of the JAR in E:\WSO2\wso2is-4.6.0\repository\components\lib
Put copies of ojdbc6.jar and classes12.jar into E:\WSO2\wso2is-4.6.0\repository\components\lib
[This AttributeFinder is supposed to get the attributes from an Oracle DB]
I've updated E:\WSO2\wso2is-4.6.0\repository\conf\security\ by adding:
Then I restarted the WSO2 but when I got into the console and look at Extensions/Attributes, it is only showing the default attributes/attributefinder.
As I said, I had this working awhile ago, so I'm sure that the code I used to build the attribute finder class/jar is ok, and the lines I had to add into above are ok, but it just looks like WSO2 IS doesn't even "know" that I have a custom attribute finder installed, so I think I must be missing some step or something.
Can anyone tell me what else I need to get WSO2 IS to "see" my custom attributes?
I just figure out what the problem was. I had added my lines to the default, out-of-box, and in particular, I had the Designator line:
In the default, there was already only one other PIP Designator lines, something like:
What I didn't realize is that, apparently, the Designator numbering has to be sequential!
So, when I changed the line to:
instead of:
Then, the WSO2 IS picked up my custom finder ok!

Is there a way to stop ColdFusion 11 from caching Fusebox circuit.xml.cfm files?

Is there a way to stop ColdFusion 11 from caching Fusebox circuit.xml.cfm files?
I have to restart the coldfusion service every time I make a change to a fuseaction file and it's getting tiring.
There are 2 settings in play here. One is "trusted cache" - a setting in the CF admin that does not "check" for a modification once a class has been compiled. You can turn trusted cache off and CF will begin to check for modifications.
The second (and more likely) setting is "parsed" setting. This setting actually saves all your include files into a "parsed" directory and compiles the from there. You can try adding the following to your URL:
Fusebox.parseall=true or alternately Fusebox.loadclean=true - one of these might work.
Finally there is a "mode" setting you can modify to "development" from "production" - that will cause the whole thing to be reparsed.
This is from memory - but maybe it will be enough to get you going. good luck! :)

The getBuiltInScopes method was not found

I have an application that has worked for quite a while. I have made no changes to the code since the last time I used it. Basically, the code creates a zip file with input for an involved report. I used it in March of this year it worked fine. I've been assured by the gov't sysadmins and DBAs that nothing has changed, but I still get the attached error. Any ideas?
Environment: Oracle 10.2 ColdFusion front end