WebpackV5 output has an unknown property 'assetsModuleFilename' - webpack-5

WebpackV5 output has an unknown property 'assetsModuleFilename'
WebpackV5 output has an unknown property 'assetsModuleFilename'
WebpackV5 output has an unknown property 'assetsModuleFilename'
WebpackV5 output has an unknown property 'assetsModuleFilename'


pandoc error: [WARNING] Could not parse YAML metadata: Unexpected 'd'

I am not sure why I get the following error message while converting markdown to PDF with a template:
[WARNING] Could not parse YAML metadata at line 10 column 1: Unexpected 'd'
Here is the command I use to build the document:
pandoc --template eisvogel -o output.pdf input.md
Here is the markdown file:
titlepage: true
title: Some title
author: [Author]
date: "2022-11-25"
colorlinks: true
disable-header-and-footer: true
# Quick Introduction
A famous guy once said:
The error occurs when I add the disable-header-and-footer: true. If this line is not here, then the Pandoc processes the document.
The space after the colon in the offending line is not a normal (ASCII) space but the Unicode character U+202F, "Narrow Non-Break Space". The YAML parser doesn't see a key-value pair but a single word because of that. Replace it with an ASCII space and everything should work.

Get substring from Oracle message error

How can I retrieve from this
ERROR at line 12:
ORA-00904: "REPLAC": invalid identifier
that what goes from ORA and its colon, so for this example
"REPLAC": invalid identifier
Test working here .*ORA[\d\w\-]*\:(.*) shall get you the error

Best way to save a file using NSDocument?

I'm encountering problems saving a document as I can see in the debug area:
NSFileVersion tried to tried to add a new generation and failed. Versioned file URL: file:///Users/mike97/Downloads/test%20copy.xml, contents URL: file:///Users/mike97/Downloads/test%20copy~.xml, error: Error Domain=GSLibraryErrorDomain Code=2 "Unable to open /Users/mike97/Downloads/test copy~.xml" UserInfo={NSDescription=Unable to open /Users/mike97/Downloads/test copy~.xml, NSUnderlyingError=0x608000856020 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory" UserInfo={NSDescription=No such file or directory}}}
2017-06-19 20:19:53.069020+0200 XML Parser[2095:54823] NSDocument failed to preserve the old version of a document. Here's the error:
Error Domain=GSLibraryErrorDomain Code=2 "Unable to open /Users/mike97/Downloads/test copy~.xml" UserInfo={NSDescription=Unable to open /Users/mike97/Downloads/test copy~.xml, NSUnderlyingError=0x608000856020 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory" UserInfo={NSDescription=No such file or directory}}}
2017-06-19 20:19:53.118611+0200 XML Parser[2095:54823] <XML_Parser.Document: 0x6000001014d0>: An error occurred while attempting to preserve the backup file at file:///Users/mike97/Downloads/test%20copy~.xml: Error Domain=GSLibraryErrorDomain Code=2 "Unable to open /Users/mike97/Downloads/test copy~.xml" UserInfo={NSDescription=Unable to open /Users/mike97/Downloads/test copy~.xml, NSUnderlyingError=0x608000856020 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory" UserInfo={NSDescription=No such file or directory}}} ##
The app try to atomically save a file called 'test copy.xml' and doing this just rename that file to 'test copy~.xml', why cannot found the original one. In fact changing the option parameter saving the data the error gone.
This is the code I'm using in my NSDocument subclass:
override func writeSafely(to url: URL, ofType typeName: String, for saveOperation: NSDocument.SaveOperationType) throws {
if let vc = self.windowController?.contentViewController as? ViewController {
switch typeName {
case "XML v1":
do {
try vc.parser?.save().write(to: url, options: [])
} catch {
throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
In NSData.WritingOptions we can found some of the options to save a file, but I'm not sure what of them I need. Anyone care to explain me what they are and what are the best using the 'writeSafely' method chosen by me?
Also that method handles possible errors, so that a non-atomic write operation appear to be enough, but I wonder on how can I preserve the 'versioning' functionality by macOS.

pig REPLACE gives error

Let's assume that my file is named 'data' and looks like this:
2343234 {23.8375,-2.339921102} {(343.34333,-2.0000022)} 5-23-2013-11-am
I need to convert the 2nd field to a pair of coordinate numbers. So I wrote the follwoing code and called it basic.pig:
A = LOAD 'data' AS (f1:int, f2:chararray, f3:chararray. f4:chararray);
B = foreach A generate STRSPLIT(f2,',').$0 as f5, STRSPLIT(f2,',').$1 as f6;
C = foreach B generate REPLACE(f5,'{',' ') as f7, REPLACE(f6,'}',' ') as f8;
and then used (float) to convert the string to a float. But, the command 'REPLACE' fails to work and I get the following error:
-bash-3.2$ pig -x local basic.pig
2013-06-24 16:38:45,030 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.Main - Apache Pig version 0.11.1 (r1459641) compiled
Mar 22 2013, 02:13:53 2013-06-24 16:38:45,031 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.Main - Logging error messages to: /home/--/p/--test/pig_1372117125028.log
2013-06-24 16:38:45,321 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils - Default bootup file /home/isl/pmahboubi/.pigbootup not found
2013-06-24 16:38:45,425 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.HExecutionEngine - Connecting to hadoop file system at: file:///
2013-06-24 16:38:46,069 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Lexical error at line 7, column 0. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""
Details at logfile: /home/--/p/--test/pig_1372117125028.log
And this is the details of the pig_137..log
Pig Stack Trace
ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Lexical error at line 7, column 0. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""
org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 7, column 0. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""
at org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.PigScriptParserTokenManager.getNextToken(PigScriptParserTokenManager.java:3266)
at org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.PigScriptParser.jj_ntk(PigScriptParser.java:1134)
at org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.PigScriptParser.parse(PigScriptParser.java:104)
at org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.GruntParser.parseStopOnError(GruntParser.java:194)
at org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.GruntParser.parseStopOnError(GruntParser.java:170)
at org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt.exec(Grunt.java:84)
at org.apache.pig.Main.run(Main.java:604)
at org.apache.pig.Main.main(Main.java:157)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(RunJar.java:197)
I've got data like this:
2724 1919 2012-11-18T23:57:56.000Z {(33.80981975),(-118.105289)}
2703 6401 2012-11-18T23:57:56.000Z {(55.83525609),(-4.07733138)}
1200 4015 2012-11-18T23:57:56.000Z {(41.49609152),(13.8411998)}
7104 9227 2012-11-18T23:57:56.000Z {(-24.95351118),(-53.46538723)}
and I can do this:
A = LOAD 'my_tsv_data' USING PigStorage('\t') AS (id1:int, id2:int, date:chararray, loc:chararray);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE REPLACE(loc,'\\{|\\}|\\(|\\)','');
C = LIMIT B 10;
This error
ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Lexical error at line 7, column 0. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""
came to me because I had used different types of quotation marks. I started with ' and ended with ´ or `, and it took quite a while to find what went wrong. So it had nothing to do with line 7 (my script was not so long, and I shortened data to four lines which naturally did not help), nothing to do with column 0, nothing to do with EOF of data, and hardly anything to do with " marks which I didn't use. So quite misleading error message.
I found the cause by using grunt - pig command shell.

DQL searching MD5 string?

How do I search my database using DQL for a MD5 string.
I'm using doctrine and want to write the following query in DQL.
SELECT * FROM club_members WHERE md5( CONCAT('secret_key',id)) = '8e801b9cd9b38c142472d5fc5238f538'
I tried
$dql = "SELECT c FROM models\Club_members c WHERE md5( CONCAT('".$secret_key."',c.id)) = '8e801b9cd9b38c142472d5fc5238f538'";
but get a fatal error
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException' with message '[Syntax Error] line 0, col 52: Error: Expected known function, got 'md5'' in //application/libraries/Doctrine/ORM/Query/QueryException.php:42 Stack trace: #0 //application/libraries/Doctrine/ORM/Query/Parser.php(396): Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException::syntaxError('line 0, col 52:...') #1 //application/libraries/Doctrine/ORM/Query/Parser.php(2778): Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser->syntaxError('known function', Array) #2 //application/libraries/Doctrine/ORM/Query/Parser.php(2311): Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser->FunctionDeclaration() #3 //application/libraries/Doctrine/ORM/Query/Parser.php(2279): Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser->ArithmeticPrimary() #4 //application/libraries/Doctrine/ORM/Query/Parser.php(2247): Doctrine\ORM\Query in //application/libraries/Doctrine/ORM/Query/QueryException.php on line 42
Any suggestions?
MD5 is not included into standard Doctrine, you need to install MD5 extension: https://github.com/beberlei/DoctrineExtensions/blob/master/lib/DoctrineExtensions/Query/Mysql/Md5.php