Custom Viz Plugins in Superset not working - apache-superset

I have been working on setting up a local development environment to build custom viz plugins in the superset.
I used to follow the steps from
Successfully I can able to create the plugin-chart-hello-world.
I have created the symbolic link and made changes in the superset-frontend(package.json and MainPreset.js)
Plugin Not listed in the Superset Explore view. I am running the latest code from the GitHub superset repo, node v16.15.1, and npm 7.24.2. Please guide me to solve this.


Trouble deploying django webapp onto google cloud

I've been following the google cloud documentation titled, "Running Django on the App Engine standard environment" . I'm using the same app provided in the documentation in the "Cloning the Django App". Honestly, I get lost in the google cloud documentation under the "Configuring Database Settings" section. This what my (mysite/ in the given app mentioned previously)
Mysite/ img
Whenever running python makemigrations - I get the following error message on the CLI...
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Set the SECRET_KEY environment variable
Also, I have noticed there is no .env file in that repo. Would I maybe have to create it myself or would is it fine? Again I am using the github given app via the documentation.
Just trying to deploy Django website to google cloud. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im on Mac Big Sur btw if that matters.
I tried to deploy the application using this documentation and got the same error you mentioned about. Then I observed that there is some issue with the github files mentioned in the documentation for which an open github issue is there. The reason for the issue is that the current code in the github repository matches a new tutorial version and we hope to get the new tutorial version updated soon to match the current code in the github repository.
For now using a specific previous version of ‘mysite/’ file in place of the current ‘mysite/’ file and adding ‘PyMySQL==1.0.2’ in requirements.txt file will work. The required previous version of the ‘mysite/’ can be found in this link. Follow the documentation for all remaining steps.

How to deploy files for Sitecore using TDS

I'm starting a new Sitecore 9 project using Helix and TDS. I've got my basic structure setup, using Hedgehog's fork of the Habitat site as a guide. I'm also referencing Hedgehog's docs.
My solution is just a start, so it's very simple right now, only a Foundation.Serialization module that contains the TDS projects for the basic layer folders and a Project.Website module that contains a TDS project and an MVC Website project (MVC)'s got a basic Razor view and some random CSS/JS files.
The TDS Habitat readme, says to use Solution > Deploy Solution to deploy the projects. When I do this on my project it builds and the Sitecore items are deployed to Sitecore, but my Views and CSS/JS are not....presumably because I haven't configured anything to facilitate this.
Looking at the docs and the TDS Habitat solution, it's not clear to me how to configure TDS to know anything about how to deploy files. I'm finding info on the web that says that TDS will deploy files, transform configs, etc but with no examples of how to actually make that happen.
How do I set things up so Deploy Solution will also deploy files from all of the web projects in a solution to my local web root?
First, you will need to make sure the Sitecore Deploy Folder is set. From the documentation:
Sitecore Deploy Folder – Contains the path to the ROOT of the Sitecore
instance on the file system. This setting is used to install the TDS
Classic service when needed and to deploy the compiled code when the
TDS Classic project is built.
You also need to make sure that file deployment has not been disabled:
Disable File Deployment – Stops TDS Classic deploying files to the
directory specified in the Sitecore Deploy Folder.
If you are still not seeing the files being deployed, you will need to check if the process has access to the deploy folder.
You can also deploy files as a .update package and then use another automated tool to deploy the .update package to the target environment.
I figured out the issue. On the properties page for a TDS project there is a field where you indicate which projects should be built and deployed along with the sitecore items:

Configure a remote project

I am starting a Django project. I'd like to connect this project in such a way my partner could work remotly and we can see the trackings and modifications on that project. What do you suggest to set up those configurations?
The program is called git, its not necessary use GitHub, Bitbucket to deploy your Django project in a server, also you can have a version control of your project and work with your patner without problems. Read this to deploy your Django project and this is git

Not able to install feature pack for web services WAS 6.1

I tried creating the Webservices on my RAD 7.5 with WAS 6.1 but it says that the feature pack for Webservices JAX-WS is not available.
When i tried installing the feature pack by using the Modify option from IBM Installation manager it's asking me some type of repository.
""A repository used for installation is unavailable. To continue, make the repository available"
Specify the repository for package for IBM Websphere Application Server 6.1 (32 bit) Test environment Alternatively you can specify a repository location and browse for a repository location
I am not sure what repository location needs to be provided here.
You can try to install it manually as listed in link below :
The profiles have to be recreated based on WebServices Templates as existing profiles cannot use the Feature pack. Also WAS v7.x has this feature specs post GA.
NOTE : You will have to install WebServices Base code on WAS first, then PK53084 (using Update Installer) and then fixpack for WebServices matching WAS fixpack ( using Update installer).
The only down side is that you would have to use Update installer to apply updates to WAS and WebServices code. IM cannot be used to apply updates to test environment.

Mylyn & Redmine Integration

I'm trying to get Mylyn and Redmine work together so I can manage tasks right inside Eclipse. I saw this on redmine wiki but I think it's for the old version of Mylyn.
I can't find the Generic Web Connector plugin for Mylyn but there's this Web templates plugin. I think that one replaced the Generic Web Connector. But it's quite different from the screenshots posted at the Redmine wiki. There's no Task URL, New Task URL, etc.
Here is what you are looking for:
A Mylyn connector specially for RedMine. It works fine with eclipse ganymede.
The update site is:
Here are the steps to perform integration between Eclipse Mylyn and Redmine.
I assume that Eclipse, Mylyn and Redmine are already installed, the latter somewhere in $REDMINE_HOME. Tested with Eclipse 3.7 and Redmine 1.2.1.
Summarily, you need to install an Eclipse plugin AND a Redmine plugin.
Go to $REDMINE_HOME/vendor/plugins and run
git clone git://
(Re)start the server, and in Redmine under Administration/Plugins the Mylyn Connector Plugin should be listed
Again in Redmine, under Administration/Settings/Authentication, check the "Enable REST web service" field
In Eclipse, install the Eclipse connector via its update site
Create your repository and check that it connects, then you are good to go!
See this manual.
Eclipse Menu.
Help -> Software Updates ... -> Add Site...
As of july 2012 now there is a new dedicated Redmine-Mylyn-Connector under active development for Redmine 2.x! (Got to admit, I haven't tested it yet.)
I am in the process of testing the 1.x connector that can be found on sourceforge, I will edit this post once I am done.
The update-site for the mylyn-plugin from the link in the accepted posting works.
As well as the mylyn-connector for the redmine installation. (Tested with 1.3.2 installation, don't forget to restart the web server after installing it. ;))
But both things aren't working out... once the mylyn-connector is installed, the web-interface is not working anymore. ;(
The special connector works with 2.x and Mylyn finally looks proper. the redmine server plugin. another server plugin link and the eclipse connector plugin
Will look like this.
As of yesterday, Sven has taken down the update site (if you go there, you'll find nothing) since someone reported him to Sourceforge (see
So, there are NO binaries available now for Eclipse. Does anyone know of alternative ways to get these plugins? I have no clue how to compile.
The GIT and SVN repositories are there, but again as I sad, I'm not a java programmer. Can anyone offer Sven a site where he can store the binaries as an Update?
For retrieve redmine mylyn connector
In eclipse juno 4.2
"Install new software" and as local archive like in this post :
How to install plugin for Eclipse from .zip
Also a good read from redmine.
HowTo connect a Mylyn repository to Redmine: wont work anymore, for the new update sites look at
The Web Connector could be found via