requirements :
to create custom column map and column pair expectations
use the custom expectations with great_expectation library
how to use the custom expectations as same as how core expectations are used without initializing ge data context
use case :
cannot initialize data context, the custom expectation needs to work with core expectations via repo installation
need a way to work the custom expectations in the similar way core expectations work
Im trying to get familiar with using MOQ and mocking in general. So I want to test an api controller which uses an assembly which serves as a repository for getting/updating data etc.
eg a structure like this.
Repository.GetSomeData (returns JSON object)
This repository class has an interface, and that is what is injected via the .net core startup class. The method in this case, GetSomeData does a number of steps via calls to the Db, as well as reading a file from the file system, parsing it and moving it off to another folder.
Question: How can a "mocked" Repository work without doing the things that the "real" object does? All the examples I see are simple addition, returning strings etc.
When you mock something like your repository, you going to stub out methods on the repository to return some canned result. Calls to those methods on the repository mock, then, bypass the real methods and instead just do what you've stubbed.
Essentially, you need to first identity what methods will be utilized. Then, you should determined appropriate responses those methods should return based on the particular scenario you're attempting to unit test. Then, you create the mock and add stubs for those methods with those responses.
The whole point of mocking is to remove variables, so you're intentionally trying to get to the "happy path": the set of internal responses that put the action in the state you need it to be in for specific test you're conducting.
I have created a mock application to illustrate the situation I am facing: Mock App
In this application; I have created a service with a single boolean property and a function to toggle that property (x); and two components (one to toggle the service's property; the other to observe the number of toggles and display it). The observer lies in toggle-observer. It is added directly to service's property as: myService.x. The code is not working as is; however if the comment at line 14 of toggle-observer.js is commented out; the observer starts working.
My question is that, do I need to perform a get to the whole path of a nested observer property to get it working? Is this the expected behavior? If so, can somebody explain why? My best regards.
Note: This is a mock example to illustrate the case; it is not related to anything I am designing in a real app. I am trying to avoid observers as much as possible; but I ran into this situation while trying out sth. and decided to ask it.
From ember guide service
Injected properties are lazy loaded; meaning the service will not be
instantiated until the property is explicitly called. Therefore you
need to access services in your component using the get function
otherwise you might get an undefined.
From ember guide, unconsumed computed properties do not trigger observers.
By combining the above two concepts, we can come to the below conclusion,
You haven't used myService any of the property inside toggle-observer component so it will be undefined until you explicitly call get function or use it in template.
Unless you use it x property in toggle-observer component, then it will not trigger observer. You need to consume it either in toggle-observer.hbs file or in init method.
I'm not sure how to create a custom matcher that would verify the information stored in a custom exception. I need a custom matcher because the way exceptions are stored in this system that I'm working on is they are added up on a list. Now I need to verify that errors on that list and the error message.
I'm pretty sure this was already done before, I'm just not sure where to look for it
Try using sameBeanAs matcher from shazamcrest. It is able to compare two objects by serializing their fields to JSON. No getters, public fields or any annotations on the production class are needed. All you need to do is just create the expected object and compare it against actual object:
com.shazam.shazamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(actualException, is(sameBeanAs(expectedException))
Note: it is important that you use MatcherAssert from shazamcrest and not from hamcrest, otherwise sameBeanAs gives bad diagnostics.
I am not sure how comparing exceptions will work in regards to stack trace which is just a field in Throwable. If it is a problem you may have to ignore specific fields when using sameBeanAs.
If you still want to write your own hamcrest matcher, here is the tutorial.
Is is possible (without writing custom SQL) to have Eclipselink trust me as to whether to perform an update or insert on a merge, rather than perform a select, then an update or insert? If so, how?
In my mind I'd like to use a transient flag and a custom if statement to determine whether the item is already in the database or not, and instruct eclipselink to perform the query required. I understand Hibernate provides this as update() and save()
A few notable points:
I have a large amount of objects that are being batch-merged, as such
persist() is not suitable for me (also the objects do not exist in the
library except when they are passed in for the merge anyway)
Because there are so many objects being merged, it is unlikely that there will be any cache hits, so eclipselink has been unable to tell if its sent it in before via the cache
Because amount of objects going in (to a non-local database, in this case) the SELECTs are a problem, especially given I can tell which will be required before the operation occurs
I'd really rather not switch to Hibernate
Thanks. Perhaps I am missing something obvious!
What you are looking for is called existence checking in EclipseLink, and can be configured using the #ExistenceChecking annotation as described here:
Try specifying #ExistenceChecking(ExistenceType.CHECK_CACHE) as while it states that check_cache is the default,this is for Native EclipseLink projects. JPA projects use a Check_Database as the default to conform to the JPA specification requiring that merge calls merge into data from the database if necessary. Using the check_cache will prevent EclipseLink from querying at all, so you can query yourself based on your own criteria. Existing objects will be required to be in the cache though, otherwise there is nothing to merge into, and EclipseLink will have to perform an insert.
Another option is to use a customizer to define the DoesExistQuery used for each class. This could allow you to override the checkEarlyReturn method to perform as needed to determine existence.
The above options still use the JPA merge and so still require getting the existing data to merge into - so it will still require selects for existing objects not in the cache. If all you are after is an update all type statement that will update the object or insert the object as is, without tracking only what has changed, you might try looking at native EclipseLink functionality, such as the UnitOfWork api. Using something like ((EntityManagerImpl)em.getDelegate()).getUnitOfWork().updateObject(entity) or use the UOW execute your own UpdateObjectQuery would avoid the selects for existing objects, at the loss of only sending changes.
I got fixes for skipping select call before insert/update in eclipse link jpa
I have seen the [DebuggerNonUserCode] and [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] attributes in resources and other SO questions about exlcuding code from coverage statistics, and wanted to know if it was possible to automatically add this attribute to the classes in the code generated by the Entity Framework using .NET 4.0.
Also would it need to be class level or could it be on the diagram.Designer.cs level, needing one attribute for all code generated by that diagram?
Since partial classes (which Entity Framework creates) merge attributes, extended functionality in other partial classes are also excluded if the attribute is class level in the template, it will have to be applied at the method level.
The best way that I've found to do this is using T4 (as recommended in #Craig Stuntz's answer) to:
include: using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; at the top of the file
Then apply [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage] to getters, setters and Factory methods by searching for:
and placing them in the appropriate place.
This was made a lot easier using Tangible's T4 editor Extension for VS.
This is my first attempt and it seems to work, "your milage may vary", so complete a test run to make sure everything's working as necessary.