For several days I'm seeing intermittent error while making call to Postman API to fetch collections or Environment. However, most often, if you run it again, it works fine.
The code is straightforward (using Node):
const response = await axios.get(`${collectionId}?apikey=${key}`)
Error (failing to load collection intermittently)
Error: collection could not be loaded unable to fetch data from url "<id>?apikey=<key>"
getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
const response = await axios.get(`${environmentId}?apikey=${apiKey}`)
Error (failing to load Environment intermittently):
run-try-err Error: could not load environment
Something went wrong with the server.
at done (/Users/deepakaggarwal/Documents/Projects/newman-runner/node_modules/newman/lib/run/options.js:119:40)
at /Users/deepakaggarwal/Documents/Projects/newman-runner/node_modules/newman/lib/run/options.js:79:24
What could be the reason of this intermittent issue? Is there a problem with Postman APIs?
When trying to create a pyspark session via sparkmagic+livy, it suddenly returns
Invalid status code '500' from https:<the livy server>:8998 with error payload: "java.lang.NullPointerException"
The same configs worked just some hours ago, and also tried a minimalist session creation and the result is the same.
I tried to launch a session via the REST api(instead of sparkmagic notebook), and result is the same: java.lang.NullPointerException
Queries to the livy endpoint, for example get sessions list, work fine in both curl and python requests library, so I knot the livy server is up and running. Why could nullpointer exception be returned? are there any livy(or whatever) logs I can check?
I have an API hosted on Google Cloud Run. I'm not sure how to replicate this error, but it seems like during the first few pings after a while of inactivity, the API is down and I get the following error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = last resolver error: produced zero addresses.
After a few more pings, the API behaves correctly. I never get this error in development, so is this just a problem with Google Cloud Run?
P.s. this is a flask python3 app
I have tested this app on local host and it works well, but when I try to deploy this app to the google cloud all I get is an error, which I can't seem to fix, I have tried even giving the compute engine and app engine the admin permission in iAM panel, but still no success, please help.
i have the code on github
The error:
ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Flex operation projects/flask-1-281017/regions/asia-south1/operations/047ccf3a-d10b-446c-98fa-cf8b0030f076 error [INTERNAL]: An internal error occurred while processing task /appengine-flex-v1/insert_flex_deployment/flex_create_resources>2020-06-22T13:46:06.604Z15036.ow.0: Deployment Manager operation flask-1-281017/operation-1592833567657-5a8ac76fc8c66-e121f85c-538636c0 errors: [code: "RESOURCE_ERROR"
location: "/deployments/aef-default-20200622t191524/resources/aef-default-20200622t191524"
message: "{\"ResourceType\":\"compute.beta.regionAutoscaler\",\"ResourceErrorCode\":\"403\",\"ResourceErrorMessage\":{\"code\":403,\"message\":\"The caller does not have permission\",\"status\":\"PERMISSION_DENIED\",\"statusMessage\":\"Forbidden\",\"requestPath\":\"\",\"httpMethod\":\"POST\"}}"
this actually makes no sense to me, so if anyone can suggest something, it will be really helpful.
This issue could be related to resources in the zone that your project is located (some time gcp resources get low in some zones and regions and it is difficult to deploy an app in that zone/region).You could try out different zones/regions for example instead asia-south1 you can try with asia-northeast3
I'm configuring Postman Monitor to schedule night executions.
However I'm facing the following error in the monitor console log:
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ...
Note that I'm working on the private network of my company.
When I send the request manually without the monitor it is working fine.
Could you please help me to fix this issue?
It is possible that in the header the server responds with a different name than the one you put in the URL. The name must also be resolvable by DNS or hosts file
we already have a release version in playstore and its working just fine.
But suddenly now when we try to build and run the code again since we want to add new functionality. It would no longer communicate with our backend.
So i searched the net using the error as keyword and saw that need INTERNET PERMISSION as the 100% result and answer, which we have already and not helpful at all. Yes we have it in debug and live manifests.
The server is up we can access it in the browser and as well as postman also dig command
So i searched more things in the net to no avail, found about the because proxy issue thing i tried both client side and server-side. we don't have proxy
we use simple request only like this:
static Future getDriver(String phone){
var url = baseUrl + "/mobile/driverPhone";
return,body: {
"phone" : phone
also some suggestion say to use DIO, but i want to know the reason first before i gave up with this http plugin. Can someone with good heart explain and help me with this?
P.S. we on master channel, here are some error logs
The error SocketException: Failed host lookup: '' (OS Error: No address associated with hostname, errno = 7) usually means that your DNS lookup fails. From the error itself OS Error, is usually a system-level error and nothing specific to http or Dart/Flutter.
You might need to adjust some settings in your DNS. Also, if you are using a Mac/Linux system you might be able to run dig to see if that resolves.
Running your app in the actual device could be possible as well since there is a possibility its getting an error in your virtual device due to DNS settings or the virtual device you are using is not connected to the internet. You will be able to isolate the problem.