GetPixel via DirectX 11 efficient implementation - c++

I have this function that get a Pixel color from the screen with GDI+ API:
RGBTRIPLE GetPixelColorGDI(int x, int y)
HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
COLORREF color = GetPixel(dc, x, y);
ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
rgb.rgbtRed = GetRValue(color);
rgb.rgbtGreen = GetGValue(color);
rgb.rgbtBlue = GetBValue(color);
return rgb;
the function works perfectly but it is too slow.
For this reason I like to try to implement the equivalent in DirectX 11 (I don't have a good experience in DirectX in general) and please excuse me if it is incorrect, this in my first attempt:
/// <summary>
/// Get pixel color from screen (24 bit) via DirextX 11
/// </summary>
/// <param name="X"></param>
/// <param name="Y"></param>
/// <param name="swapchainDescription"></param>
RGBTRIPLE GetPixelColorDX11(int X, int Y, IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain)
HRESULT hr = 0;
using Texture2D = ID3D11Texture2D*;
IDXGIResource* backbufferptr = nullptr;
ID3D11Resource* SourceResource = nullptr;
Texture2D DestResource = nullptr;
ID3D11Device* device = nullptr;
ID3D11DeviceContext* context = nullptr;
D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE MappedSubresource;
hr = pSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(IDXGIResource), (void**)&backbufferptr);
if (hr < 0) {
hr = backbufferptr->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11Resource), (void**)&SourceResource);
if (hr < 0) {
hr = pSwapChain->GetDevice(__uuidof(ID3D11Device), (void**)&device);
if (hr < 0) {
hr = pSwapChain->GetDesc(&desc);
if (hr < 0) {
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC TextureDesciption = { };
TextureDesciption.Format = desc.BufferDesc.Format;
TextureDesciption.Width = desc.BufferDesc.Width;
TextureDesciption.Height = desc.BufferDesc.Height;
TextureDesciption.MipLevels = 1;
TextureDesciption.ArraySize = 1;
TextureDesciption.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
TextureDesciption.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
TextureDesciption.BindFlags = 0;
TextureDesciption.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ;
TextureDesciption.MiscFlags = 0;
hr = device->CreateTexture2D(&TextureDesciption, nullptr, &DestResource);
if (hr < 0) {
if (!context) {
context->CopyResource(DestResource, SourceResource);
context->Map(DestResource, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &MappedSubresource);
COLORREF* pPixels = (COLORREF*)MappedSubresource.pData;
rgb.rgbtRed = (pPixels[0] >> 16) & 0xff;
rgb.rgbtGreen = (pPixels[0] >> 8) & 0xff;
rgb.rgbtBlue = pPixels[0] & 0xff;
return rgb;
In this code is missing where I can set in X and Y coordinate in pixel because I don't known how to do it.
Apart this I don't sure if this way is enough efficient to make this more faster then the GDI++
GetPixel version.
The idea is (I don't sure if is possible) is select only one pixel (x, y) on source texture and read the color on "pPixels[0]"
I explain better why I need and why.
My hooked DLL hook the DX11 "present" and draw a rectangle using shader that work as "placeholder" on a game menu.
Drawing phase is very fast becouse use DX11 and there no any FPS drop.
To do it I use a library called "imgui".
Before draw the rectangle I need to known in what position I need to place the rectangle and this depend by the result of the actual GetPixelColorGDI that is slow.
The user press a arrow key to move the rectangle on another position.
I call "GetPixelColorGDI" from 1 to 11 times for single screen.
If the next slot is filled I call GetPixelColorGDI only one time, but if the next 10 slots are empty I need to call GetPixelColorGDI 10 times.
So best solution can be create GetPixelColorDX11 like this:
RGBTRIPLE GetPixelColorDX11(int X, int Y, IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain)
and this overloald:
int x;
int y;
RGBTRIPLE[] GetPixelColorDX11(COORDINATE[] Pixel , IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain)
so this can cover all cases.
here my function that I use to initialize DirectX to draw the rectangles:
bool InitDirectX(IDXGISwapChain* pChain)
// Get swapchain
pSwapchain = pChain;
// Get device and context
HRESULT hr = pSwapchain->GetDevice(__uuidof(ID3D11Device), (PVOID*)&pDevice);
if (FAILED(hr))
std::cerr << "Failed to get device from swapchain" << std::endl;
return false;
// Get window from swapchain description
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC swapchainDescription;
hWindow = swapchainDescription.OutputWindow;
// Use SetWindowLongPtr to modify window behaviour and get input
wndProcHandlerOriginal = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hWindow, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)hWndProc);
std::cout << "Successfully initialised DirectX - resolution " << swapchainDescription.BufferDesc.Width << "x" << swapchainDescription.BufferDesc.Height << std::endl;
// Update the screen resolution multiplier
UpdateResolutionMultiplier(swapchainDescription.BufferDesc.Width, swapchainDescription.BufferDesc.Height);
return true;


Transparent glitches while drawing GIF

I wrote some solution to draw gifs, using Direct2D GIF sample:
// somewhere in render loop
IWICBitmapFrameDecode* frame = nullptr;
IWICFormatConverter* converter = nullptr;
gifDecoder->GetFrame(current_frame, &frame);
if (frame)
if (converter)
ID2D1Bitmap* temp = nullptr;
converter->Initialize(frame, GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA,
WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, NULL, 0.f, WICBitmapPaletteType::WICBitmapPaletteTypeCustom);
tar->CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(converter, NULL, &temp);
scale->SetValue(D2D1_SCALE_PROP_SCALE, D2D1::Vector2F(1, 1));
scale->SetInput(0, temp);
Where gifDecoder is obtained this way:
d2dWICFactory->CreateDecoderFromFilename(pathToGif, NULL, GENERIC_READ, WICDecodeMetadataCacheOnLoad, &gifDecoder);
But in my program almost with all gifs, all frames, except the first one, for some reason have horizontal transparent lines. Obviously, when I view the same gif in browser or in another program there are no that holes.
I tried to change pixel format, pallet type, but that glitches are still there.
What do I do wrong?
Basic steps:
On image load, in case of gif, for caching purposes store not all frames as ready to draw ID2D1Bitmaps but only the image's decoder. Every time decode the frame, get bitmap and draw it. At least, at first animation loop frames bitmaps and metadata (again, for each frame) can be cached.
For each gif create compatible target with the size of gif screen (obtained from metadata) for composing.
Compose animation on render: get metadata for current frame -> if current frame has disposal = true, clear compose target -> draw current frame to compose target (even if disposal true) -> draw compose target to render target,
Note, that frames may have different sizes and even offsets.
Approximate code:
ID2D1DeviceContext *renderTarget;
class GIF
ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget *compose;
IWICBitmapDecoder *decoder; // it seems like precache all frames costs too much time, it will be faster to obtain each frame each time (maybe cache during first loop)
float naturalWidth; // gif screen width
float naturalHeight; // gif screen height
int framesCount;
int currentFrame;
unsigned int lastFrameEpoch;
int x;
int y;
int width; // image width needed to be drawn
int height; // image height
float fw; // scale factor width;
float fh; // scale factor height
GIF(const wchar_t *path, int x, int y, int width, int height)
// Init, using WIC obtain here image's decoder, naturalWidth, naturalHeight
// framesCount and other optional stuff like loop information
// using IWICMetadataQueryReader obtained from the whole image,
// not from zero frame
compose = nullptr;
currentFrame = 0;
lastFrameEpoch = epoch(); // implement Your millisecond function
Resize(width, height);
void Resize(int width, int height)
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
// calculate scale factors
fw = width / naturalWidth;
fh = height / naturalHeight;
if(compose == nullptr)
renderTarget->CreateCompatibleRenderTarget(D2D1::SizeF(naturalWidth, naturalHeight), &compose);
void Render()
IWICBitmapFrameDecode* frame = nullptr;
decoder->GetFrame(currentFrame, &frame);
IWICFormatConverter* converter = nullptr;
converter->Initialize(frame, GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA,
WICBitmapDitherTypeNone, NULL, 0.f, WICBitmapPaletteType::WICBitmapPaletteTypeCustom);
IWICMetadataQueryReader* reader = nullptr;
char disposal = 0;
float l = 0, t = 0; // frame offsets (may have)
reader->GetMetadataByName(L"/grctlext/Delay", &propValue);
if (SUCCEEDED((propValue.vt == VT_UI2 ? S_OK : E_FAIL)))
UINT frameDelay = 0;
UIntMult(propValue.uiVal, 10, &fr);
frameDelay = fr;
if (frameDelay < 16)
frameDelay = 16;
if(epoch() - lastFrameEpoch < frameDelay)
if (SUCCEEDED(reader->GetMetadataByName(
hr = (propValue.vt == VT_UI1) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
disposal = propValue.bVal;
hr = reader->GetMetadataByName(L"/imgdesc/Left", &propValue);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = (propValue.vt == VT_UI2 ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
l = static_cast<FLOAT>(propValue.uiVal);
hr = reader->GetMetadataByName(L"/imgdesc/Top", &propValue);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = (propValue.vt == VT_UI2 ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
t = static_cast<FLOAT>(propValue.uiVal);
renderTarget->CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(converter, NULL, &temp);
if (disposal == 2)
compose->Clear(D2D1::ColorF(0, 0, 0, 0));
auto ss = temp->GetSize();
compose->DrawBitmap(temp, D2D1::RectF(l, t, l + ss.width, t + ss.height));
ID2D1Bitmap* composition = nullptr;
// You need to create scale effect to have antialised resizing
scale->SetValue(D2D1_SCALE_PROP_SCALE, D2D1::Vector2F(fw, fh));
scale->SetInput(0, composition);
auto p = D2D1::Point2F(x, y);
renderTarget->DrawImage(iscale, p);
}*gif[100] = {nullptr};
inline void Render()
for(int i = 0; i < 100 && gif[i] != nullptr; i++)

Windows/C++ - Load icon from third-party exe for SDL_SetWindowIcon - crashing

I am attempting to load an icon from a third party executable for use in SDL_SetWindowIcon.
Based on some debugging, I believe I am loading the icon correctly, but I don't seem to be populating the SDL_Surface correctly.
Here's what I'm trying currently:
//attempts to load an icon resource from the specified assembly
//uses rcName if provided, or rcId (as an int resource id) if rcName is null
//if successful, convert and set it as SDL's window icon
void LoadIconFrom(std::string assembly, int rcId, const char* rcName) {
//get a module handle for the target assembly
HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(assembly.c_str());
if (hModule == NULL) {
ShowError((std::string("Icon Error ") + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str(), "hModule is null!");
//get a handle for the desired icon
if (rcName == NULL) {
hIcon = LoadIcon(hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(rcId));
else {
hIcon = LoadIcon(hModule, rcName);
if (hIcon == NULL) {
ShowError((std::string("Icon Error ") + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str(), "hIcon is null!");
//load some info regarding the selected icon, make sure it has bitmap data
if (!GetIconInfo(hIcon, &ii)) {
ShowError((std::string("Icon Error ") + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str(), "IconInfo is null!");
if (!ii.hbmColor) {
ShowError("Icon Error", "Icon does not have bitmap data!");
//attempt to determine the size of the icon
int iWidth, iHeight;
if (!GetObject(ii.hbmColor, sizeof(bm), &bm)) {
ShowError("Icon Error", "Could not read bitmap data!");
iWidth = bm.bmWidth;
iHeight = bm.bmHeight;
//ShowError("Icon Win!!!",(std::string("Loaded icon of size: ") + std::to_string(iWidth) + "x" + std::to_string(iHeight)).c_str());
icon = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmBitsPixel, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000);
Uint8 * bits = NULL;
Uint8 * temp = NULL;
bits = new Uint8[bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight];
temp = new Uint8[bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight];
memcpy(temp, bm.bmBits, bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight);
Uint8 *ptemp;
Uint8 *pbits = bits;
for (int j = bm.bmHeight - 1; j >= 0; j--)
ptemp = temp + j * bm.bmWidthBytes;
for (int x = 0; x < bm.bmWidthBytes; x++)
*pbits = *ptemp;
if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(icon)) SDL_LockSurface(icon);
memcpy(icon->pixels, bits, bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight);
if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(icon)) SDL_UnlockSurface(icon);
delete[] bits;
delete[] temp;
SDL_SetWindowIcon(mainWindow, icon);
It crashes at SDL_SetWindowIcon. The last bit is supposed to flip the image over, which I believe to be required from examples I've found. Removing that part doesn't seem to have any effect.
If I don't modify "bits" at all, and leave it empty, the program doesn't crash but I get a blank icon.
What am I missing here?
Edit: I have also tried CreateRGBSurfaceFrom, which seems to have identical behaviour - either blank on a blank array or crashes if there's any data in it.
Edit 2: "icon" is an SDL_Surface*, declared elsewhere.
Edit 3: Using SDL 2.0.7.
Edit 4: FIXED CODE :
//attempts to load an icon resource from the specified assembly
//uses rcName if provided, or rcId (as an int resource id) if rcName is null
//if successful, convert and set it as SDL's window icon
void LoadIconFrom(std::string assembly, int rcId, const char* rcName) {
//todo: make error throwing here only happen in debug, while
//release should just continue on its merry way, iconless
//get a module handle for the target assembly
HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(assembly.c_str());
if (hModule == NULL) {
ShowError((std::string("Icon Error ") + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str(), "hModule is null!");
//get a handle for the desired icon
if (rcName == NULL) {
hIcon = LoadIcon(hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(rcId));
else {
hIcon = LoadIcon(hModule, rcName);
if (hIcon == NULL) {
ShowError((std::string("Icon Error ") + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str(), "hIcon is null!");
//load some info regarding the selected icon, make sure it has bitmap data
if (!GetIconInfo(hIcon, &ii)) {
ShowError((std::string("Icon Error ") + std::to_string(GetLastError())).c_str(), "IconInfo is null!");
if (!ii.hbmColor) {
ShowError("Icon Error", "Icon does not have bitmap data!");
if (!GetObject(ii.hbmColor, sizeof(bm), &bm)) {
ShowError("Icon Error", "Bitmap data does not exist!");
HBITMAP hbitmap = (HBITMAP)CopyImage(ii.hbmColor, IMAGE_BITMAP, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION);
if (!GetObject(hbitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm)) {
ShowError("Icon Error", "Could not read bitmap data!");
// Verify that the data we have obtained is a 32bpp bitmap with color info
if (bm.bmBitsPixel != 32) {
ShowError("Icon Error", "Bitmap data not in a 32bpp format!");
if (bm.bmBits == NULL) {
ShowError("Icon Error", "Extracted bitmap data is null!");
// Create an SDL surface - note the mask varies by platform endian-ness
int rmask = 0x00FF0000;
int gmask = 0x0000FF00;
int bmask = 0x000000FF;
int amask = 0xFF000000;
icon = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmBitsPixel, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
if (icon == NULL) {
ShowError("Icon Error", (std::string("SDL surface creation failed: ") + SDL_GetError()).c_str());
// Re-orient the bytes to flip the image vertically
Uint8 * bits = NULL;
Uint8 * temp = NULL;
bits = new Uint8[bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight];
temp = new Uint8[bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight];
memcpy(temp, bm.bmBits, bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight);
Uint8 *ptemp;
Uint8 *pbits = bits;
for (int j = bm.bmHeight - 1; j >= 0; j--)
ptemp = temp + j * bm.bmWidthBytes;
for (int x = 0; x < bm.bmWidthBytes; x++)
*pbits = *ptemp;
// Copy the formatted bits to the surface
if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(icon)) SDL_LockSurface(icon);
memcpy(icon->pixels, bits, bm.bmWidthBytes*bm.bmHeight);
if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(icon)) SDL_UnlockSurface(icon);
// Set the window icon to the loaded surface
SDL_SetWindowIcon(mainWindow, icon);
// Cleanup
delete[] bits;
delete[] temp;
Thank you to everyone who helped. I appreciate it. (If I'm missing anything in error testing or cleanup, please feel free to point it out and I'll update.)
bm.bmBits in your code, obtained from HICON, is most likely NULL. Use CopyImage with LR_CREATEDIBSECTION to access bmBits
HBITMAP hbitmap = (HBITMAP)CopyImage(ii.hbmColor, IMAGE_BITMAP,
bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION);
GetObject(hbitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm2);
Check bm2.bmBitsPixel to make sure it's 32-bit. Check bm2.bmBits to make sure it is not NULL.
void LoadIconFrom(std::string assembly, int rcId, const char* rcName)
GetIconInfo(hicon, &ii);
GetObject(ii.hbmColor, sizeof(bm), &bm);
HBITMAP hbitmap = (HBITMAP)CopyImage(ii.hbmColor, IMAGE_BITMAP,
bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION);
GetObject(hbitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm);
if (bm.bmBitsPixel != 32) {error(); ...}
if (bm.bmBits == NULL) {error(); ...}
icon = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight,
bm.bmBitsPixel, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
//copy bits upside down
if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(icon)) SDL_LockSurface(icon);
int wb = bm.bmWidthBytes;
BYTE* bits = icon->pixels;
BYTE* src = (BYTE*)bm.bmBits;
for(int j = 0; j < bm.bmHeight; j++)
memcpy(bits + j * wb, src + (bm.bmHeight - j - 1) * wb, wb);
if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(icon)) SDL_UnlockSurface(icon);
SDL_SetWindowIcon(mainWindow, icon);
// Cleanup

Capture screen of any Windows app?

I'm trying to write a Windows C++ program that will try to pick out a color of interest from whatever is currently being displayed on the screen.
I've tried following examples for GDI, Direct3D9, and Direct3D11 DXGI, and they all seem to work only for capturing the Windows desktop and/or my own application's own output. When I launch a full-screen Direct3D game, I seem to to end up with some flavor of blank pixel data.
It must be possible to accomplish this, or else OBS Studio, FRAPS, etc. would not work as transparently as they do.
I know I could try to reverse engineer OBS Studio, but does anybody have a more succinct C++ solution for capturing an arbitrary Windows application's video output as some kind of pixel buffer?
Edit: I should also mention that capture of regular desktop windows seems to work. It's fullscreen games that are giving me trouble.
Edit: A commenter requested my GDI code. Here is my GDI and D3D9 code. As you can see, I tried a few variations based on conflicting examples that I found:
std::wstring GetScreenColor(COLORREF& colorRef)
std::wstring retVal;
//const int desktopWidth(GetDeviceCaps(desktopHdc, HORZRES));
//const int desktopHeight(GetDeviceCaps(desktopHdc, VERTRES));
// const int desktopWidth(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN));
// const int desktopHeight(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN));
const int desktopWidth(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN));
const int desktopHeight(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN));
HWND desktopHwnd(GetDesktopWindow());
// HDC desktopHdc(GetDC(NULL));
HDC desktopHdc(GetDC(desktopHwnd));
HDC myHdc(CreateCompatibleDC(desktopHdc));
const HBITMAP desktopBitmap(CreateCompatibleBitmap(desktopHdc, desktopWidth, desktopHeight));
SelectObject(myHdc, desktopBitmap);
// BitBlt(myHdc, 0, 0, desktopWidth, desktopHeight, desktopHdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
BitBlt(myHdc, 0, 0, desktopWidth, desktopHeight, desktopHdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT);
//SelectObject(myHdc, hOld);
ReleaseDC(NULL, desktopHdc);
BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo = { 0 };
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bitmapInfo.bmiHeader);
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = desktopWidth;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -desktopHeight;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
// TODO: use a persistent buffer?
const unsigned long numPixels(desktopHeight * desktopWidth);
ColorBGRS* rawPixels(new ColorBGRS[numPixels]);
if (!GetDIBits(myHdc, desktopBitmap, 0, desktopHeight, rawPixels, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS))
delete[] rawPixels;
ReleaseDC(desktopHwnd, desktopHdc);
return L"GetDIBits() failed";
unsigned long redSum(0);
unsigned long greenSum(0);
unsigned long blueSum(0);
for (unsigned long index(0); index < numPixels; ++index)
blueSum += rawPixels[index].blue;
greenSum += rawPixels[index].green;
redSum += rawPixels[index].red;
const unsigned long redAverage(redSum / numPixels);
const unsigned long blueAverage(blueSum / numPixels);
const unsigned long greenAverage(greenSum / numPixels);
colorRef = RGB(redAverage, greenAverage, blueAverage);
delete[] rawPixels;
ReleaseDC(desktopHwnd, desktopHdc);
return std::wstring();
std::wstring GetScreenColor2(COLORREF& colorRef)
IDirect3D9* d3d9(Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION));
if (!d3d9)
return L"Direct3DCreate9() failed";
D3DDISPLAYMODE d3dDisplayMode;
if (FAILED(d3d9->GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3dDisplayMode)))
return L"GetAdapterDisplayMode() failed";
ZeroMemory(&d3dPresentParams, sizeof(D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS));
d3dPresentParams.Windowed = TRUE;
d3dPresentParams.BackBufferFormat = d3dDisplayMode.Format;
d3dPresentParams.BackBufferCount = 1;
d3dPresentParams.BackBufferHeight = d3dDisplayMode.Height;
d3dPresentParams.BackBufferWidth = d3dDisplayMode.Width;
d3dPresentParams.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
d3dPresentParams.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
//d3dPresentParams.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY;
d3dPresentParams.hDeviceWindow = NULL; //hWnd;
d3dPresentParams.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT;
d3dPresentParams.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = D3DPRESENT_RATE_DEFAULT;
IDirect3DDevice9* d3d9Device(0);
if (FAILED(d3d9->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, d3dPresentParams.hDeviceWindow, D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &d3dPresentParams, &d3d9Device)))
return L"CreateDevice() failed";
IDirect3DSurface9* d3d9Surface(0);
// if (FAILED(d3d9Device->GetBackBuffer(0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &d3d9Surface))) return L"GetBackBuffer() failed";
if (FAILED(d3d9Device->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(d3dDisplayMode.Width, d3dDisplayMode.Height, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SCRATCH, &d3d9Surface, NULL)))
// if (FAILED(d3d9Device->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(d3dDisplayMode.Width, d3dDisplayMode.Height, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &d3d9Surface, NULL)))
return L"CreateOffscreenPlainSurface() failed";
if (FAILED(d3d9Device->GetFrontBufferData(0, d3d9Surface)))
return L"GetFrontBufferData() failed";
D3DLOCKED_RECT d3dLockedRect;
if (FAILED(d3d9Surface->LockRect(&d3dLockedRect, 0, D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE |
return L"LockRect() failed";
const unsigned long numPixels(d3dDisplayMode.Height * d3dDisplayMode.Width);
BYTE* rawPixels((BYTE*)(d3dLockedRect.pBits));
colorRef = RGB(*(rawPixels + 2), *(rawPixels + 1), *(rawPixels));
return std::wstring();
There is the Desktop Duplication API since Windows 8 that is able to record fullscreen applications like games. I have recently made this library for one of my projects that you maybe can use for reference. Only in your case you need to get the raw pixel data from the textures instead of writing them to video or images.
edit: added a small example of reinitialization on lost access.
CComPtr<ID3D11Device> pDevice;
CComPtr<IDXGIOutputDuplication> pDeskDupl;
//(...)create devices and duplication interface etc here..
InitializeDesktopDupl(pDevice, &pDeskDupl, &OutputDuplDesc);
while(true) //capture loop gist.
IDXGIResource *pDesktopResource = nullptr;
RtlZeroMemory(&FrameInfo, sizeof(FrameInfo));
// Get new frame
HRESULT hr = pDeskDupl->AcquireNextFrame(
99,//timeout in ms
hr = InitializeDesktopDupl(pDevice, &pDeskDupl, &OutputDuplDesc);
//Check if everything is OK before continuing
HRESULT InitializeDesktopDupl(ID3D11Device *pDevice, IDXGIOutputDuplication **ppDesktopDupl, DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC *pOutputDuplDesc)
*ppDesktopDupl = NULL;
// Get DXGI device
CComPtr<IDXGIDevice> pDxgiDevice;
CComPtr<IDXGIOutputDuplication> pDeskDupl = NULL;
HRESULT hr = pDevice->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pDxgiDevice));
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Get DXGI adapter
CComPtr<IDXGIAdapter> pDxgiAdapter;
hr = pDxgiDevice->GetParent(
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Get output
CComPtr<IDXGIOutput> pDxgiOutput;
hr = pDxgiAdapter->EnumOutputs(
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
CComPtr<IDXGIOutput1> pDxgiOutput1;
hr = pDxgiOutput->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pDxgiOutput1));
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Create desktop duplication
hr = pDxgiOutput1->DuplicateOutput(
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Create GUI drawing texture
*ppDesktopDupl = pDeskDupl;
*pOutputDuplDesc = OutputDuplDesc;
return hr;

DirectX Partial Screen Capture

I am trying to create a program that will capture a full screen directx application, look for a specific set of pixels on the screen and if it finds it then draw an image on the screen.
I have been able to set up the application to capture the screen the directx libraries using the code the answer for this question Capture screen using DirectX
In this example the code saves to the harddrive using the IWIC libraries. I would rather manipulate the pixels instead of saving it.
After I have captured the screen and have a LPBYTE of the entire screen pixels I am unsure how to crop it to the region I want and then being able to manipulate the pixel array. Is it just a multi dimensional byte array?
The way I think I should do it is
Capture screen to IWIC bitmap (done).
Convert IWIC bitmap to ID2D1 bitmap using ID2D1RenderTarget::CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap
Create new ID2D1::Bitmap to store partial image.
Copy region of the ID2D1 bitmap to a new bitmap using ID2D1::CopyFromBitmap.
Render back onto screen using ID2D1 .
Any help on any of this would be so much appreciated.
Here is a modified version of the original code that only captures a portion of the screen into a buffer, and also gives back the stride. Then it browses all the pixels, dumps their colors as a sample usage of the returned buffer.
In this sample, the buffer is allocated by the function, so you must free it once you've used it:
// sample usage
int main()
LONG left = 10;
LONG top = 10;
LONG width = 100;
LONG height = 100;
LPBYTE buffer;
UINT stride;
RECT rc = { left, top, left + width, top + height };
Direct3D9TakeScreenshot(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &buffer, &stride, &rc);
// In 32bppPBGRA format, each pixel is represented by 4 bytes
// with one byte each for blue, green, red, and the alpha channel, in that order.
// But don't forget this is all modulo endianness ...
// So, on Intel architecture, if we read a pixel from memory
// as a DWORD, it's reversed (ARGB). The macros below handle that.
// browse every pixel by line
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
LPDWORD pixels = (LPDWORD)(buffer + h * stride);
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
DWORD pixel = pixels[w];
wprintf(L"#%02X#%02X#%02X#%02X\n", GetBGRAPixelAlpha(pixel), GetBGRAPixelRed(pixel), GetBGRAPixelGreen(pixel), GetBGRAPixelBlue(pixel));
// get pixel at 50, 50 in the buffer, as #ARGB
DWORD pixel = GetBGRAPixel(buffer, stride, 50, 50);
wprintf(L"#%02X#%02X#%02X#%02X\n", GetBGRAPixelAlpha(pixel), GetBGRAPixelRed(pixel), GetBGRAPixelGreen(pixel), GetBGRAPixelBlue(pixel));
SavePixelsToFile32bppPBGRA(width, height, stride, buffer, L"test.png", GUID_ContainerFormatPng);
return 0;;
#define GetBGRAPixelBlue(p) (LOBYTE(p))
#define GetBGRAPixelGreen(p) (HIBYTE(p))
#define GetBGRAPixelRed(p) (LOBYTE(HIWORD(p)))
#define GetBGRAPixelAlpha(p) (HIBYTE(HIWORD(p)))
#define GetBGRAPixel(b,s,x,y) (((LPDWORD)(((LPBYTE)b) + y * s))[x])
int main()
HRESULT Direct3D9TakeScreenshot(UINT adapter, LPBYTE *pBuffer, UINT *pStride, const RECT *pInputRc = nullptr)
if (!pBuffer || !pStride) return E_INVALIDARG;
IDirect3D9 *d3d = nullptr;
IDirect3DDevice9 *device = nullptr;
IDirect3DSurface9 *surface = nullptr;
D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS parameters = { 0 };
*pBuffer = NULL;
*pStride = 0;
// init D3D and get screen size
d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
HRCHECK(d3d->GetAdapterDisplayMode(adapter, &mode));
LONG width = pInputRc ? (pInputRc->right - pInputRc->left) : mode.Width;
LONG height = pInputRc ? (pInputRc->bottom - pInputRc->top) : mode.Height;
parameters.Windowed = TRUE;
parameters.BackBufferCount = 1;
parameters.BackBufferHeight = height;
parameters.BackBufferWidth = width;
parameters.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
parameters.hDeviceWindow = NULL;
// create device & capture surface (note it needs desktop size, not our capture size)
HRCHECK(d3d->CreateDevice(adapter, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, NULL, D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &parameters, &device));
HRCHECK(device->CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(mode.Width, mode.Height, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &surface, nullptr));
// get pitch/stride to compute the required buffer size
HRCHECK(surface->LockRect(&rc, pInputRc, 0));
*pStride = rc.Pitch;
// allocate buffer
*pBuffer = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(0, *pStride * height);
if (!*pBuffer)
goto cleanup;
// get the data
HRCHECK(device->GetFrontBufferData(0, surface));
// copy it into our buffer
HRCHECK(surface->LockRect(&rc, pInputRc, 0));
CopyMemory(*pBuffer, rc.pBits, rc.Pitch * height);
if (FAILED(hr))
if (*pBuffer)
*pBuffer = NULL;
*pStride = 0;
return hr;

How to unlock a locked bitmap

I want to unlock a locked ID2D1Bitmap I have tried m_pBitmap1->Release(); but it doesn't seem to work
hr=m_pBitmap1->CopyFromRenderTarget(nullptr, m_pRenderTarget2, nullptr); gives an access violation error:
"Unhandled exception at 0x00fb2a46 in dent_detection_sys.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000024."
WICRect rcLock = { 0, 0, sc_bitmapWidth , sc_bitmapHeight };
IWICBitmapLock *pILock=NULL;
hr =pWICBitmap->Lock(&rcLock, WICBitmapLockWrite, &pILock);
static_cast<void *>(pILock),
hr=m_pBitmap1->CopyFromRenderTarget(nullptr, m_pRenderTarget2, nullptr);
To unlock the WIC bitmap, release the IWICBitmapLock:
You should only release m_pBitmap1 when you don't want to use it anymore.
hr=m_pBitmap1->CopyFromRenderTarget(nullptr, m_pRenderTarget2, nullptr);
According to the MSDN to use a shared WIC bitmap the render target type must be D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_SOFTWARE when the render target is created.
cdemo is a structure object with basic d2d, wic, dwrite interface pointers.
example: cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateSomething(), cdemo->wic.factory->CreateSomething(), cdemo->dwrite.factory->CreateSomething, cdemo->xaudio.factory->CreateSomething, etc.
cbmp is a pointer to a structure that has interfaces and properties related to a WIC bitmap
The following example does not work as is without some tweaks and typo fixes, but it can be used to demonstrate how to use wic for editing a bitmap and directly accessing pixels
This code assumes that the cdemo->d2d.factory and cdemo->wic.factory are already created.
#define DEBUG_FAILED_GOTO(a,b) MessageBox(m_hwnd, a, L"FAILED", MB_OK); goto b
#define DEBUG_DISPLAY(a) MessageBox(m_hwnd, a, L"DEBUG", MB_OK)
struct COMMON_WIC_BGRA { BYTE b, g, r, a };
//// Miscelaneous variables
bool ready;
bool using_d2d_bmp;
bool using_shared_bmp;
bool using_render_tgt;
bool ready_d2d_bmp;
bool ready_shared_bmp;
bool ready_render_tgt;
UINT BPPPP; // Bit-Per-Pixel-Per-Plane
UINT stride; // cbStride = row size;
UINT buff_size; // (org_size.y * stride);
POINT org_size, clip_TpLt, padding;
POINT cur_size, clip_BtRt;
D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES props_bmp; // = D2D1::BitmapProperties();
D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES props_tgt; // = D2D1::RenderTargetProperties();
WICPixelFormatGUID formatGUID; // = GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA;
WICRect rc_lock; // the lock region, usually the entire
//// Interfaces
IWICBitmap* ifc_bmp; // WIC bitmap: lock and unlock bmp data;
IWICBitmapLock* ifc_lock; // Used to access the pixels to read/write
ID2D1RenderTarget* ifc_render_tgt; // Creates a d2d render target
ID2D1Bitmap* ifc_d2d_bmp; // creates an d2d bitmap for display
ID2D1Bitmap* ifc_shared_bmp; // creates a shared bitmap for display
ID2D1SolidColorBrush* ifc_render_brush; // This is needed for the render target
//// Data pointers
BYTE* byte; // Points to a pixel's byte; 8 bits
COMMON_WIC_BGRA* wpixel; // Points to a pixel; 32 bits
BOOL Lock_Release (COMON_WIC_BMP *cbmp);
void Create_BMP_n_Stuff (
int org_xsize,
int org_ysize)
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 0-1 Open: started xxx process");
if (cbmp == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
if (cdemo == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 0-2 Open: passed the sanity test");
ZeroMemory(cbmp, sizeof(COMMON_WIC_BMP));
// Create a Direct2D render target.
if (cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt == NULL)
RECT rc;
GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc);
D2D1_SIZE_U size = D2D1::SizeU((rc.right - rc.left), (rc.bottom -;
cdemo->d2d.props_tgt = D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(m_hwnd, size);
cdemo->d2d.props_tgt_type = D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_SOFTWARE;
cdemo->d2d.props_bmp = D2D1::BitmapProperties();
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 1 Open: hwnd_tgt created");
cbmp->ready = false; // type is: bool
// this option is compatible to D2D bitmap without conversion
cbmp->formatGUID = GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA; // type is: WICPixelFormatGUID
cbmp->buff_size = 0; // type is: UINT32
cbmp->stride = 0; // type is: UINT32
cbmp->clip_TpLt.x = 0; // type is: POINT or POINTS
cbmp->clip_TpLt.y = 0;
cbmp->clip_BtRt.x = cbmp->org_size.x = org_xsize; // type is: POINT or POINTS
cbmp->clip_BtRt.y = cbmp->org_size.y = org_ysize;
cbmp->byte = NULL; // type is: pointer to BYTE, BYTE*
cbmp->pixel = NULL; // type is: pointer to COMMON_WIC_BGRA, COMMON_WIC_BGRA*
cbmp->ifc_bmp = NULL; // type is: IWICBitmap*
cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp = NULL; // type is: ID2D1Bitmap*
cbmp->ifc_lock = NULL; // type is: IWICBitmapLock*
cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp = NULL; // type is: ID2D1Bitmap*
cbmp->ifc_render_tgt = NULL; // type is: ID2D1RenderTarget*
cbmp->ifc_render_brush = NULL; // type is: ID2D1SolidColorBrush*
//D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES props_bmp; = D2D1::BitmapProperties();
//D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES props_tgt; = D2D1::RenderTargetProperties();
//bool ready;
//bool using_d2d_bmp;
//bool using_shared_bmp;
//bool using_render_tgt;
//bool ready_d2d_bmp;
//bool ready_shared_bmp;
//bool ready_render_tgt;
//UINT BPPPP; // Bit-Per-Pixel-Per-Plane
if (cdemo->wic.factory == NULL)
{ // (re)create the WIC factory
hr = CoCreateInstance(
reinterpret_cast<void **>(&cdemo->wic.factory));
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
hr = cdemo->wic.factory->CreateBitmap(
// Experimental debug
//if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_FAILED_GOTO(L"FAILED creating wic bitmap", CleanUp); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 2 Open: created the WIC bitmap");
// type is: WICRect;
cbmp->rc_lock = { 0, 0, (UINT)cbmp->org_size.x, (UINT)cbmp->org_size.y };
hr = cbmp->ifc_bmp->Lock(&cbmp->rc_lock, WICBitmapLockWrite, &cbmp->ifc_lock);
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetStride(&cbmp->stride); //row size = (xsize*BPPP) + xpadding
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetDataPointer(&cbmp->buff_size, &cbmp->byte);
cbmp->wpixel = (COMMON_WIC_BRGA *)cbmp->byte;
// clear the bitmap
ZeroMemory(cbmp->byte, cbmp->buff_size);
cbmp->props_bmp = D2D1:BitmapProperties();
hr = demo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->CreateSharedBitmap(
if (SUCCEDED(hr))
cbmp->using_shared_bmp = true;
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 4-1 Open: created shared wic bitmap");
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(
if (SUCCEDED(hr))
cbmp->using_d2d_bmp = true;
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 4-2 Open: created d2d bitmap ");
cbmp->props_tgt = D2D1::RenderTargetProperties();
cbmp->props_tgt.type = D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_SOFTWARE;
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget(
if (SUCCEDED(hr))
hr = cbmp->ifc_render_tgt->CreateSolidColorBrush(
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, // Solid white
cbmp->using_shared_bmp = true;
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 4-3 Open: created wic render target and brush");
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
cbmp->ready = true;
// Rules of engagement if using all possible combinations above
// 1) After SafeRelease(&cbmp->ifc_lock) you cannot use cbmp->byte or cbmp->wpixel
// 2) To use cbmp->ifc_render_tgt you must first SafeRelease(cbmp->ifc_lock) and
// SafeRelease(&cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp). Later reinitialize them as needed.
// 3) To display the wic bitmap (cbmp->ifc_bmp) onto cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt:
// you cannot copy the wic bitmap (cbmp->ifc_bmp) directly to an hwnd render target
// option 1: This is whole point of creating the shared bmp
// cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP( [ &dst_rc, ] cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp);
// option 2: Copy the pixels to the d2d bitmap, copy the d2d bitmap to the target
// cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp->CopyFromMemory(cbmp->byte, &dst_rc, cbmp->stride);
// cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP( [ &dst_rc, ] cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp);
// option 3: Copy from the render target to the d2d bitmap
// cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp->CopyFromRenderTarget(&pt_dst, cbmp->ifc_render_tgt, &src_rc);
// cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP( [ &dst_rc, ] cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp);
// 4) When drawing directly to the wic bitmap either use cbmp->ifc_render_tgt or
// cbmp->ifc_lock + cbmp->byte + your own algorithms to draw shapes
// 5) for simplicty: it can get confusing when trying to use all methods
option 1: use the ifc_lock with the ifc_shared_bmp + your own algorithms
option 2: use the ifc_render_tgt with the ifc_d2d_bmp
// Example: Draw a filled 12x15 rectangle example:
int x = 20, byte_col = 0, wpixel_col = 0, sizey = 12;
int y = 35, byte_row = 0, wpixel_row = 0, sizex = 15;
D2D1_COLOR_F d2d_colr = { 0.50f, 0.10f, 0.80f, 1.00f }; //some random color
COMMON_WIC_BGRA wic_colr = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
D2D1_POINT_2U d2d_pt_dst_f = { 0, 0 };
D2D_RECT_F d2d_outputrect = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
D2D1_RECT_F d2d_dst_rcf =
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, (FLOAT)cbmp->org_size.x, (FLOAT)cbmp->org_size.y };
D2D1_RECT_U d2d_src_rcu =
{ 0, 0, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.x, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.y };
WIC_RECT_U wic_dst_rcu =
{ 0, 0, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.x, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.y };
WIC_RECT_U wic_src_rcu = wic_dst_rcu
// must release the lock and shared bitmap before using the render target
// This should look familiar
d2d_outputrect = { (FLOAT)x, (FLOAT)y, (FLOAT)(x+sizex-1), (FLOAT)(y+sizey-1) };
cbmp->ifc_render_tgt->FillRectangle(&d2d_outputrect, cbmp->ifc_render_brush);
hr = cbmp->ifc_render_tgt->EndDraw();
// display the wic bitmap on the hwnd render target
hr = cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp->CopyFromRenderTarget(
hr = cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP(&d2d_dst_rc, cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp);
// Alternative: using the ifc_lock with the ifc_shared_bmp + home grown algorithms
if (!Lock_Start(cdemo, cbmp, WICBitmapLockWrite)) { goto CleanUp; }
// convert D2D1_COLOR_F { b, g, r, a} to BYTE { b, g, r, a }
wic_colr.b = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.b * 255);
wic_colr.g = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.g * 255);
wic_colr.r = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.r * 255);
wic_colr.a = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.a * 255);
for (int run_y = 0; run_y < sizey; ++run_y)
// clipping for the y values
if (((run_y + y) < cbmp->clip_TpLt.y) || ((run_y + y) >= clip_BtRt.y))
{ continue; }
// convert the y to a byte position
byte_row = ((run_y + y) * cbmp->stride);
wpixel_row = ((run_y + y) * cbmp->org_size.x) + cbmp->padding.x; //optional
for (int run_x = 0; run_x < sizex; ++run_x)
// clipping for the x values
if (((run_x + x) < cbmp->clip_TpLt.x) || ((run_x + x) >= clip_BtRt.x))
{ continue; }
// convert the x to an offset position
byte_col = ((run_x + x) * 4); // must multiply by 4 bytes (b, g, r, a)
wpixel_col = (run_x + x); // cbmp->wpixel points to every 4 bytes
// access the pixels by means of pointer[(y_position + x_offset)]
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 0)] = wic_colr.b;
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 1)] = wic_colr.g;
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 2)] = wic_colr.r;
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 3)] = wic_colr.a;
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)] = wic_colr; // Alternative
// Another method
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].b = wic_colr.b; // Alternatives
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].g = wic_colr.g; // Alternatives
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].r = wic_colr.r; // Alternatives
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].a = wic_colr.a; // Alternatives
// display the wic bitmap on the hwnd render target
cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP(&dst_rc, cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp);
// Optionally release the lock after every use
// Lock_Release(cbmp);
return; // commnent out if cleanup is required
// SafeRelease everything that needs to be released
BOOL Lock_Start (
DWORD flags)
if (cdemo == NULL) { return FALSE; }
//if (!cdemo->ready) { CreateResouces(cdemo); }
if (cbmp == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (cbmp->ifc_lock != NULL) { return TRUE; }
hr = cbmp->ifc_bmp->Lock(&cbmp->rc_lock, flags, &cbmp->ifc_lock);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetStride(&cbmp->stride);
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetDataPointer(&cbmp->buff_size, &cbmp->byte);
cbmp->wpixel = (COMMON_WIC_BGRA *)cbmp->byte;
// recreate the shared bitmap
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateSharedBitmap(
return TRUE;
BOOL Lock_Release (COMON_WIC_BMP *cbmp)
if (cbmp == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (cbmp->ifc_lock == NULL) { return TRUE; }
cbmp->byte = NULL;
cbmp->wpixel = NULL;
if (cbmp->using_render_tgt) { cbmp->ready_render_tgt = true; }
return TRUE;