Install python3 virtual environment on a redhat linux with python2.7.1 - python-2.7

I have redhat linux machine (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5 (Maipo)
) where python 2.7.5 is installed by default. Due to some reasons I can't uninstall/upgrade it. So I created virtual environment where I can install python3. But unfortunately virtual env created with python2.7.5.
Can I create virtual environment with python3?
Note: "virtualenv -p python3 envname" is not working.


upgrade to pip-22.1.2 version in python2.7

I am using a linux Ubuntu server. Can I install the new pip-22.1.2 version in a python 2.7 environment?
I can only get the older version with pip3 --version.
Should I use virtualenv?
(the outcome is just for learning purpose)

How to create a virtual environment in Ubuntu 20.04 of python 2.7?

I was able to make the virtual environment of python3 but not able to make of python2.
which python2
python2 -V
Python 2.7.18
virtualenv --python=$(which python2) $path_of_new_venv_directory

How to install gcc make perl package in virtual box with rhel 7.5 os

I couldn't install guest addition on virtual box version 5.2.12 error caused-
This system is currently not set up to build kernel modules.
Please install the gcc make perl packages from your distribution.
You can use the below command to install the packages in RHEL 7.
yum install gcc perl make
Virtual box is base for the RHEL, all packes should be installed in RHEL OS only.
Hope you set the repository and your VM have access to internet

Howto package a python2.7 project for installation on Centos 6

How do I package a python2.7 project for installation on CentOS 6.7?
I plan on deploying a python2.7 package onto CentOS 6.7 systems that have had python2.7 installed from SCL along side the python2.6 needed for the system (as per this question).
So far, I've tried
using distutils on a CentOS 6.7 machine to make an rpm (bdist_rpm) -- but that's tyring to use python 2.6.
using distutils to make an rpm on a different machine with python2.7 only installed -- the resulting rpm cannot be installed since rpm on the CentOS machine assumes python2.6

installing python3.3.3 on virtual environment

I was using ubuntu 13.04. So python 2.7 is already installed in my system.I need to install python 3.3.3 on my system for a new project.There existed virtual environment in my system.the versions of virtual envs are
which is installed on my /usr/local/bin path.So now I need to install python 3.3.3 on my existing environment created with these virtual envs using distribute.Is it possible to install python 3.3.3 with these versions of virtual env or whether I need to upgrade the environments? Please help me.I need the whole steps in installation procedure.
Is this code satisfied virtualenv --python=python3.3 test --distribute python 3.3
Also tell me the best version of django to be used with python 3.3 version
Tested it on my local machine - it does work.
Since Python3 support was added with django 1.5 I recommend it and everything above.
...Django 1.5 is also the first release with Python 3 support!...