GTM - Send cookie consent from parent frame to child frame - cookies

currently I have implemented the Cookie-Banner on the parent frame.
However, it is also necessary to pass on the cookie values to the implemented iframe (different domain name).
Each, the iframe and parent frame have a separate GTM-container.
Is there any way to access the parent frame - cookie values via the iframe-GTM-container?
I have already tried it with post.Message. However, this only works when sending data from the iframe to the parent frame. However, not vice versa.


Google Ad Manager - Custom client parameters in third-party tracking URLs

I would like to send a pixel for certain ad playback events - a setup similar to what is visible on this screenshot from some tutorial found on the web: example screenshot with custom third party URLs. So for example, a pixel should be sent when the ad starts playing, reaches first, second and third quartile, and when the ad finishes.
The pixel is sent to an audience measurement platform, which requires that a unique device identifier has to be send as a parameter in the tracking url. I am aware of tracking macros and ADVERTISING_IDENTIFIER_PLAIN, but we need to provide a unique id form other players as well (e.g. HTML5).
Is there a way to somehow communicate a custom value (in this case a unique device identifier) from the player, so that it can be passed to the third party tracking URL? If yes, how can it be achieved? IMA SDK for client-side ads is used in all our players.

Submit page item values to session in the on-Demand ajax process (PL/SQL)

Every time an ajax call is made. I need to get the current values of items to the session state.
I know I can do this from JS in the apex.server.process call by setting appropriate "pageItems" Parameter.
But is there a way to set the items current value to session in the plsql block of the ajax process instead of doing it on the client-side using pageItems parameter in apex.server process
In short : I need to know,in the server, the current client-side value of items in the page every time a call is sent to the server using ajax. And this should be done without any client-side code involved.

Block GUI when waiting for QTcpSocket data

I am writing a program to interact with a network-based API using Qt.
The interaction with the API is made with XML messages (both queries and results)
I implemented the communication and data processing in a class in a shared library project and I have a QMainWindow in which the user can enter the connection details. When clicking on the connect button, the following should happen:
1. An instance of the connecting class is created.
2. A connection message is sent to the API to get the session ID. The answer is parsed and a session ID is stored in the class instance.
3. A message is sent to the API the get some field information. The XML is then parsed to extract the required field information to get data from the API.
4. Another message is sent to get the data matching the fields. The XML answer is then parsed and stored in a data structure for processing.
5. The data is then processed and finally displayed to the user.
I made a simple console program to test the library and it is working fine - no message is sent before all the data from the previous message has been processed. However, when I implement the same process in a QMainWindow instance, no wait occurs and messages are sent one after another without waiting.
How can I block the GUI thread to wait for full processing before sending the next message?
Blocking the UI isn't achieved by blocking the event loop. It's done by disabling the widgets that you don't want to allow interaction with - either by literally calling disable() method on them, or by guarding the interaction based on some state variable, e.g.:
connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, button, [this]{
if (! hasAllData) return;
// react to a button press
All you need is to define a set of states your application can be in, and disable relevant widgets in appropriate states. I presume that once the session is established, it'd be fastest to issue all queries in parallel anyway, and asynchronously update the UI as the replies come back in real time.

How does a cookie match work if browser security restricts 1 domain from reading the cookie set by another domain?

How are cookies matched between DSPs like DoubleClick and DMPs like BlueKai for the purpose of ad serving if browser security prevents 1 party from reading the cookie of another party?
From what I've read, the DSP ad pixel would piggyback on the DMPs container tag so that each time the DMP's pixel is called the DSP's pixel is called. At this point, what information can be passed from the DMP to the DSP that allows the DSP to equate its ViewerId to the DMPs ViewerId?
Perhaps, I'm misunderstanding how piggybacking works. Any help is greatly appreciated
Usually u will place a DMP container tag on the page (well, there are other ways as well, I only list one of the standard approaches), where the first request sent is to hit the DMP and the response is DMP id plus a bunch of redirects from the partners (DSP's pixel link could be one of them. Actually if u are using Bluekai,these seats are biddable through their data marketplace). Then the browser will hit all these redirects with the DMP id. So DSP knows the DMP id to its own id mapping. The responses of these redirects return each unique id of these partners, so DMP can store the mappings as well. A simplified explanination could be found at
The param passed by http GET or POST is usually cookie ids, where the actual data syn is usually carried out through real time or more often batch download server to server communication.

SignalR and one browser window for a session at a time

I have a situation where a user can modify an Excel like grid schedule online. I would like to be able to show a message stating that the schedule is being modified in another window. However, how can I do this with a window open, and if the previous window was closed with SignalR. For other sessions I just want to state another user is modifying the schedule.
It might be easiest to use localStorage to communicate between multiple tabs/windows a single user has open:
You can listen for the storage event which is triggered on every window a user has open on your site when you call localStorage.setItem or localStorage.removeItem.
Of course, it would still make sense to use SignalR to notify other users.
If you cannot use the localStorage API for some reason, you can still use SignalR to send a message to every window the user has open by using Clients.User(userName).... inside your Hub. By default, userName should match your user's IPrincipal.Identity.Name, but you can register your own IUserIdProvider to customize this: