Server-side PageView events not counting as Landing page views in ads - facebook-graph-api

We have bunch of FB campaigns running and none of them are showing any landing page views. Other metrics such as purchases, add to cart, content views, etc are being shown correctly.
Example of tracked data:
Hover info on results showing all tracked actions
Example of Landing page views being empty, yet showing content views + website purchases:
Landing page views not tracked
I can see all the events (including the PageView) in the events manager are being received successfully. I can also confirm that both fbp and fbc parameters are there.
The catch:
We are running purely server side integration to track everything through the Conversion API . We do it through our custom server-side GTM module. We do not have browser Meta Pixel installed at all. We generate our own fbp value and use fbc value from the fbclid GET param whenever they land on our site after clicking the FB ad.
All in all - it has been working great and tracking everything. The events manager does show all events with all the required data. The fbp and fbc parameters are being passed on correctly.
To make this even more weirder - the landing page views statistics were working and being tracked correctly up until July 28th where it suddenly stopped and since then there is no data for it. We have not had any changes to any areas in our setup (webshop / facebook / tracking setup in general) around this time, so my assumption is that Facebook changed something on their end.
Has anyone encountered any similar issues or run a similar tracking setup (pure server side via Conversions API) and have the Landing page views column showing correct data in the Ads Manager - Campaigns?
Any ideas/help is appreciated.


Oracle-Apex: Dynamically redirecting from login button

The scenario
I have implemented social authentication similarly to described by Dimitri Gielisin hist post "Facebook, Google and Custom Authentication in the same Oracle APEX 18.1 app" (
The pertinent point is that there is a button which has the request 'APEX_AUTHENICATION=FACEBOOK' which logs the user in and also hard codes the page that the user is taken to.
It works great. (However if I have a login menu item which directs back to the same page - the user name isn't updated on the page.)
The Issue
Default behaviour is for apex to redirect users to the login page when they attempt to access a page which is not publicly available.  After logging in the user is taken to the page hard coded page in the button (except for modal dialogues which just produce an invalid session error). 
I'd love it if they could sign in and then continue to the page they need to go to. Is there some not extremely cumbersome ways of doing that? I thought of trying to saving the page number I want the user to go to into an application item and then having the button redirecting based on the application item- but while I was saving the page number the dynamic redirect in the button is not working...and I feel like I'm fighting the apex framework...
Is there a better way? If not can a button reference an item for the page number? I was trying &APP_ITEM. but that didn't seem to work...
(I"m using Apex 20.1)

What could cause a Django based Facebook Page Tab to take 2 minutes to load?

I have a very simple web page that uses the Facebook Javascript API and is installed as a tab on a Facebook page. When the page is loaded, the only thing it does after calling the usual Facebook init code is to listen to auth.authResponseChange and then show/hide various elements depending on whether the user is logged in or not.
If I load this page, via http or https in an ordinary browser session, everything is fine. The page loads reasonably fast.
But if I load the page tab in Facebook, it hangs for about two minutes. Chrome tells me that this wait is due to 'waiting' for my page. But if I watch the access log, I don't see an access request logged until just before the page displays. So it seems like Facebook is masking what is really going on behind the scenes.
I opened a ticket with Facebook, and they replied that this issue was due to my code and reproducible with any POST that contained a signed_response.
After much head scratching and experimentation, I found that adding the following two lines to the view that handles this page fixed it:
if 'signed_request' in request.POST:
So clearly Django 1.3.1 is holding the HTTP session open until you actually read some POST values. Ouch.

Is it necessary to create pages with the recent changes to the Facebook like button?

I was reading over the changes to the Facebook Like button that are scheduled to take place in November 2012, and I'm a bit confused (and hoping someone has an answer).
I understand that the REST endpoints are being removed in favour of regular pages, but here's where I'm confused.
Previously, if I did the following...
Create a page
Add the correct OpenGraph metatags to the page
'Like' the page
... Then an OpenGraph object would be created automatically (and could be verified by visiting If I published to that OpenGraph object, people would receive updates.
However, with the changes, if I understand them correctly, the OpenGraph object is no longer created? Or it is created, but I still need to create a Facebook page to administer and send messages?
Any help would be appreciated.
However, with the changes, if I understand them correctly, the OpenGraph object is no longer created?
That phrasing is a little besides the point.
You create the Open Graph object, by setting up a page with appropriate OG meta tags.
And Facebook will count likes for this URL, like for every other URL.
Or it is created, but I still need to create a Facebook page to administer and send messages?
No admin pages will be created automatically any more; although you can convert existing ones to normal public Facebook pages. But then you have to point the like button to the URL of that new Facebook page instead of your OG URL to be able to publish updates to your fans. (So this will behave basically like a normal Facebook page that was set up to be one in the first place; only this step allows you to “migrate” your existing likers for your OG URL to that page, so you don’t need to have a “fresh start” with your Facebook page.)
The document further describes, what to do if you still need the ability to publish updates to the users liking your OG URL – by providing fb:app_id and fb:admins meta tags:
“This will ensure that the Like Button admin link still appears on the given Open Graph page. The admin page for a given Like Button is also accessible to administrators from”
But publishing updates this way will only work until the Like Button admin page is fully deprecated. From then on, you will have to use a Facebook page, if you want to be able to publish updates to the users who liked your page.

Actions do not appear on timeline

I'm developing an app which publishes actions to the timeline.
On the app settings, I've created the action "post" and use the built in object type "article".
Although my graph actions have not been approved by facebook, that should not be a problem, because I am logged in as the developer of the app.
My article URLs pass facebook's linter with warnings, but no errors.
When my app notifies facebook of the the post action, it appears to succeed. Facebook returns an ID representing the action.
When I use facebook's graph explorer to view that ID, the data appears to be correct, showing the correct action type and object data. (If there's a URL to browse the action on facebook, instead of the graph explorer, I do not know what it is).
Still, with all the above apparently working without errors, I never see the action on my timeline. Whether I browse my own timeline, or when logged in as a friend and another developer of the app, I never see any indication on that the action was performed.
What am I missing to make my custom action appear on my timeline page?
I had a similar problem. I was using OG and I could post everything successfully, but the posts didn't appear in timeline, but only in the activity log in Facebook.
I just went to the settings of the action and set "Explicitly Shared: This action can specify the user explicitly shared an action." to ON.
Then in my piece of code I put "true" to the key "fb:explicitly_shared" while creating the OG object.
If no error is being returned it sounds as if there is an issue in your public page that is preventing Facebook from knowing what to post.
Have you double checked your OG: meta tags through Facebook's validation tool [ ]. While you need all of the values to be filled in, the type bit is the most overlooked and must be setup properly to link to your particular application and corresponding action.
If your OG: data is correct and validating you should also check the detail settings for your action and aggregations. If the phrase / tense bits are not filled in Facebook may be uncertain how to make your post appear back to on the timeline.
Discoverd the problem....
My article page include an article:author tag. The URL in that tag was not visible to anonymous users. So, I'm guessing, facebook visited that author URL and received a HTTP 403.
When I removed the article:author tag, the items started appearing on my timeline.
So be careful with all tags and put all urls through facebook's debug tool.
Hmmm Interesting
Was having the same issue...
Using the XFBML, fb:like with all required og meta tags validating on the linter.
Last month when I liked a 'product' on my website, the post was published on my fb timeline wall no worries. Nice, perfect!
Today after clicking Like, I noticed it wasn't publishing to my timeline wall at all... but was logged in the Activity Feed.
It did however post to my wall if I commented on the Like Button flyout comment section.
Then I found this
"Pages of type article do not have publishing rights, and will not show up on user's profiles because they are not real world objects."
I've been getting the same issue with a feed dialog post. The posts can be navigated to directly, but doesn't show on timeline. More details here:
Actions not appearing on timeline
I had a similar problem, but everything was actually working correctly. If you get a returned ID and your article appears in your RECENT ACTIVITY, then all should be good.
The perceived issue, your post not appearing in your timeline, is actually the correct behavior. Your post doesn't appear in your timeline because it should appear in your friends' timeline as an activity that you completed. Once they comment or like it, then it should reappear on your timeline.
For me the issue was the posts doesn't show on timeline for all users except me also it was public !, i fixed it by make turn on application as online to be available to all users

In Webtrends, what is the difference between a HIT, a VISIT and a PAGE VIEW

I cannot seem to find any straight and clear documentation explaining the differences between these value types. Hits used to be any call to the server regardless of the file type, but Webtrends only tracks page views, so how is a page view different for a hit? As for visits, I assume that 1 visit can produce multiple page views.
I am seeking enlightenment.
This is a screen cap of the results im trying to understand.
Hit - any and every request (image, html, css, js etc...)
PageView - every request to a page (html, aspx, asp, php etc...)
Visit - a session, the duration of someone coming to your website, regardless of the number of page views they have generated
These are fairly generic terms and this usage is accepted in most web tracking lingo.
I don't know about Webtrends, but the lingo normally goes something like this:
Hit: a request to the web server. While this could be a page, it could also be an image, CSS file, etc.
Page view: a request to the web server that is a page.
Visit: a unique page view. (unique as in, from the same IP address or same client). Visits depend on what the time frame for unique is; i.e., visits/month is not the same as adding up all of your visits/day.
Ultimately, Hits in this case are equal to page views.
Hope this helps anyone encountering the same issue with Webtrends.