Camunda7.17 Tables not created on startup - camunda

Im getting error when starting my springboottest
Caused by:org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "ACT_GE_PROPERTY" not found;
Using SpringProcessEngineConfiguration with H2 database. Tried schemaupdate "true" and "create-drop". Nothing works.

Have you tried create insteadof true?
If automatic schema update should be applied, use one of [true, false,
create, create-drop, drop-create]


delete operation not successful in Axapta 2009

I have written a simple one record delete operation job in production as requested by user, in an AX instance while the other instance was stuck and open. However the record was not deleted.
select fotupdate tableBuffer where tableBuffer.recid == 5457735:
catch (exception::error)
info("Delete operation cancelled.");
tableBuffer's delete()function was overridden with code after super() to store the deleted record in another table.
I have done the same operation earlier successfully but no where with a scenario like one today(executed in one instance while the other instance was stuck).
Please suggest the possible reason as I find the record still persist both in sql server and AX.
Thank you.
If you're trying to prevent this from happening you can use pessimistic locking, where you obtain an update lock.
select pessimisticLock custTable
where custTable.AccountNum > '1000'
See these links for more info:

Getting error when trying to delete record from hasMany collection

I am getting the following error "Cannot set property 'jqXHR' of undefined" when attempting to delete a record. The item has already been deleted via model.deleteRecord, I am now trying to persist it to the server. I have tried this with both and item.destroyRecord() any ideas of what this message means? The request never actually reaches the server.
This is caused by a bug in v0.1.0 of the ember-data-has-many-query addon, which was fixed in v0.1.1. Updating to the latest version should fix it.

Failed to execute "SHOW CREATE TABLE" query in Qt

Suppose I have a table called 'logs' in mysql and I want to get the create query of this table in Qt(5.2 mingw).
Here is what I have done so far:
QSqlQuery query(connection);
query.prepare("SHOW CREATE TABLE logs");
After executing the code, the query.exec() returns true but the returns false.
This query executes successfully in the mysql client(navicat) so I'm pretty sure about the query.
Note that QSqlQuery::lastError() gives -1 means no error!
I'll appreciate for any guidance or help. is only appropriate when executing a SELECT statement. It has no meaning for any other SQL statement.

How to set "IN" values with mysql cpp connector

How does one to set the "IN" value for the following SQL statement :
UPDATE `test` SET `test`.`status` = 'foo' WHERE `test`.`id` IN (?);
Is that possible ? I looked in the headers and couldn't find anything related nor did I find anything in google nor stackoverflow.
Should I use the setBlob method ?
There is nothing in MySQL Connector API to handle such case.
But it shouldn't be mind blowing to work it around with a very simple for loop.
either you loop for each id and update atomically.
for each (id in your collection){
UPDATE `test` SET `test`.`status` = 'foo' WHERE `test`.`id` = (?);
or you call a direct statement that you custom-build (also with a for loop)...

SQLite database update in C++

I have an application where I show data from a database. In fact we can say it's a database editor.
Now I want to perform update/delete command on this opened database. Using the following commands, the database opens successfully.
int nRet = sqlite3_open(szFile, &mpDB);
From C# (.net api) I am able to update data from database
dbCmd5 = New SQLiteCommand(
"update Tbl_Tmp_Cal_Res Load_Time=5 WHERE Part_Index= 5", g_dbFlow);
But from C++ I am getting error 5 (database is locked)
C++ code
int nRet = sqlite3_open(szFile, &mpDB);//database opened successfully.
sqlite3_exec(mpDB, "UPDATE query", 0, 0, &szError);//Error for this statement
Multithreading is not used in application.
Is the database used from another location in the code? Since something else clearly seems to have the database locked, I would guess that you're using the database from another location in the code and have forgotten to call sqlite3_finalize on a select statement or something similar.
maybe you have forgotten authentication step (username/password & etc)