Reason for using web3 signature request - blockchain

Many dapps such as opensea requests for sinature request as user's authentication.
Is this primarily for off-chain database access and gaining access token or cookie?
If my dapp does not use off-chain DB, can I skip it?
I just have a simple buy token flow and wondering if this is necessary because i've seen most of the dapps are utilising signature request.

It is not going to hurt you. You are just proving that you have access to the private keys. what happens is the server retrieves an account address from the signature and checks if the retrieved account is the same as the one sent to the server. The signature request adds trustability to the website.
In db example, if the user information is stored and retrieved by the account address, you can see the user information and have access to the private routes.
Or let's say a user uploads an unsafe image to the website and sends an arbitrary address to the server. Now website will ban this sent address not the user's address.


Using JWT claims vs. storing data about user in a plain text cookie

Our intranet system stores user data once the user logs in simply using a cookie (UserID, Name, Role..)
I was learning about JWT and tokens today and wondering is there any advantage to using that over the current way?
It seems like something might be insecure storing plain text in cookies but I also read that other web sites cannot see those cookies..
So is there any strong reason to use JWT tokens instead ?
A cookie can not be accesed by a different domain that the one which created it. This restriction is called "same-origin" policy and is a security measure to protect the local data of the site, but it does not mean that your cookie is conveniently secured
Since you are not validating the cookie content in server side, for example a user could change his UserId or Role to get access to unauthorized resources.
JWT can help you because thencontent is signed with a secret key. Any alteration to the content will break the digital signature and the server will reject the token.
An alternative is to use server session and store this data on server.
The drawback with respect to JWT is that it needs server storage.

Should resource_owner/User-id be included in the OAuth 2.0 Access Token response?

This is a problem we are confronted with today. I looked online as much as I can before deciding to ask the question here.
The question is, when a user makes a "Access Token Request" with a username/password, should the Access Token response contain "user-id" field?
The OAuth 2.0 spec says there can be an extra field (search for "example_parameter" in the spec) as part of the access token response. Can this extra field be user-id?
However, Many of the companies like facebook/google/twitter does not provide user-id as part of the access token response. User-id is provided as part of the validate token response.
What are the reasons for not providing user-id as part of the Access Token response? Why do we have to make another call (an extra round trip) if we need a user-id? What are the consequences of providing user-id as part of the Access Token response?
Most applications don't want to leak their user-ids to the UI layer. It is generally considered bad practice. If you send the userid to the UI layer, the UI will have the ability to request information about that UserId, and get information about it back...
This presents a security issue, as the client can generally modify these calls to get information about other UserIDs... If you are going to authenticate each call each time to validate that the token is bound to that user id, then it likely is a waste to have the client pass the userid itself, you are already doing the lookup, so you might as well keep the data internal to the service.
This also sets you up nicely to change your concept of a UserId in the future, maybe changing it to be group id, or an email address instead of the database userid...
Oauth2.0 is an authorisation framework and doesn't deal with user authentication.
The question is, when a user makes a "Access Token Request" with a
username/password, should the Access Token response contain "user-id"
field? In this context the resource
It's really a client requesting an access token and in many cases a client doesn't want to know about the id of the resource owner it just wants a token to allow it it call an endpoint on the resource server. The resource server can identity the user from the contents of the access token.
OpenID Connect can be used to extend OAuth2.0 to include an ID token. This gives basic user info in a standard format without the need to call a further endpoint.
An access token is a normally a bearer token that allows you to call an API. In OpenID Connect, you use the access token to call an api called the user_info endpoint, which returns a JSON object that contains information about the person, like first name, last name, etc. If you are looking for a free open source central authentication server that supports OAuth2, you should look at the Gluu Server

Verify OAuth2 login information without calling authorization server on every request

Front-end (fat client-side Javascript application) which has Facebook access token.
Back-end which 100% relies on OAuth2 authentication. All requests need to be authenticated via Facebook.
To mutate user data on the back-end, I require user to be logged in via Facebook. Ideally, with every request, I would know the Facebook's user ID (the one that provides).
Question 1
Is there a way to get whatever returns to be signed, so I don't have to call Facebook to verify it with every request, nor store state in my backend?
Situation 2
If the answer to Question 1 is "no", it means I have to invent my own. I am thinking of the following:
The user sends the access token to the backend.
Backend calls token debug API, signs the result with my key, and sends back to the client.
Every time client does a request, it includes the previously-included blob.
Upon every incoming request to the backend, it verifies the signature, which, if matches, means that the request wasn't tampered with and I can trust it is coming from the previously-verified token.
Question 2
If I employ this scheme (sign the answer from Facebook and send it upon every request), how can I safely implement this? Are there resources I could read up which would tell me:
Things to be cautious about with this scheme.
Which signature algorithm to use, how to safely verify the signatures.
How to avoid common types of attacks and stupid mistakes.
It's not really clear what exactly you want to do, but I think you should have a look at the docs at
Graph API calls can be made from clients or from your server on behalf of clients. Calls from a server can be better secured by adding a parameter called appsecret_proof.
Access tokens are portable. It's possible to take an access token generated on a client by Facebook's SDK, send it to a server and then make calls from that server on behalf of the person. An access token can also be stolen by malicious software on a person's computer or a man in the middle attack. Then that access token can be used from an entirely different system that's not the client and not your server, generating spam or stealing data.
You can prevent this by adding the appsecret_proof parameter to every API call from a server and enabling the setting to require proof on all calls. This prevents bad guys from making API calls with your access tokens from their servers. If you're using the official PHP SDK, the appsecret_proof parameter is automatically added.

Mirror API send timeline item to particular user

I need to send timeline item to particular subscribed user using Mirror API. I have the user's email id. How can I achive this?
I have GDK app, companion app(which runs on Android mobile device) and Mirror API app. Both GDK app and companion paired via Bluetooth. My use case is I have to send timeline item to uesr if he reached particular location. We are using ibeacon to check user's location. When user reached that particular area, companion app detect it(via bluetooth) and send request to mirror app then mirror app will add timeline item to user's glass. Here my question is how to add the timeline item to one particular user?(not to all subscribed users) And what parameter should I pass to mirror app from companion app?(I was thinking to send the user's email id)
The user will have needed to log into your service using OAuth2 and have granted specific permission for you to access their timeline using the role You should request "offline" access so you will receive both an auth token and a refresh token, which you can use to get a new auth token after an hour.
You will need this auth token when you send a card to the timeline, which also serves as an identifier in this case. Having their email id is not enough, and you don't need it.
See for some code samples and details.
So it sounds like you have the following overall work flow:
User creates an account on your website (which is where the Mirror API app is hosted). As part of this, they authorize access to their Glass and either give you their email address or authorize you to get it via Google's API.
You'll store this information (auth_token and refresh_token) in a data store somewhere, indexed against their email address.
They will also install your app on their phone, and it has access to the email address as well.
When the mobile app detects an ibeacon marker it is interested in, it connects to your web service and sends the email address and location.
Your web service looks up the email address, gets the access token to authenticate the connection to the Mirror service, and sends a message to Glass with the location information.
This is a generally reasonable workflow, but there are a couple of important points to make:
The Mirror API is well tuned to sending things to just one person at a time. You sound worried about sending bulk results, but as long as you use the auth token for just one user, it will send it to just that user.
You're using the email address as an index to the entire user account. While this is simple to implement, this is not the best solution, since it means that anyone who has a person's email address and the URL for the endpoint of your service can fake locations. You may consider this an acceptable risk given how you're using the location information (sending it back to the user), but you need to think about how the service could be misused.
You can mitigate the risk in a couple of potential ways:
Instead of an easily guessable email address, you can create and use some other userid which the user will need to enter when they first setup the companion app.
The first time (and only the first time) the app wants to connect to the service, it creates and sends a random secret string which it will use as a password and the web service could store this random string. Afterwards, the companion app would need to send this string along with the email address.
Depending on your needs, you could cut out the webapp completely and have the companion app use the Mirror API directly. This would leave the auth tokens on the phone and would greatly reduce the potential chance to have someone spoof your user. It does have a significant downside - although you can use it to send cards to Glass, it becomes more difficult to get responses from Glass back to the companion device.
As I understand your question and comments above, your user has already authenticated with your Mirror API based application, so you already have the required credentials (auth/refresh tokens). Your companion Android application detects a condition (user in a particular area) and sends a request to your remote endpoint in your Mirror API based application.
The companion app, when sending the request to the remote endpoint, needs to send a common piece of information that can be used to identify that user in your Mirror API app. In this case, you're saying you're sending the users email id.
To send a timeline card to only that particular user, I would take the email id that the companion application has sent, query your database to return the credentials that you saved when the user authenticated originally with your Mirror API based app and then use that to create an authenticated Mirror API request that inserts the timeline item for only that user. I don't know what your Mirror API app is written in, but a basic example in Python might take the following form:
# You sent along the email address
userid = notification['MyCompEmailId']
# set timeline card body
timelinecard_body = {
'notification': {'level': 'DEFAULT'},
'text': "You found a beacon!",
'menuItems': [{'action': 'DELETE'}]
# Look up the user in our database and
# get their credentials
# _credentials_for_user() basically does a "WHERE userid = 'something'" query
user_credentials = _credentials_for_user(userid).get()
# Create a Mirror API service with some credentials.
authed_mirror_service = build('mirror', 'v1', http=user_credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()))
# Send a timeline card

Do we need a security signature for the web service response?

I have created a web service API and it's architecture is such that the server requires a client to sign the request along with a secret key assigned to it (signature is always different between multiple requests).
Server matches the client's signature with its own computed signature. If they are a match then the server returns the response.
I am wondering if a client should check the response coming back from the server to see if it's from the same application to which the request was made.
Is any kind of attack possible between HTTP request and HTTP response?
Do we need a security signature for the web service response?
It depends. There are a few types of web service APIs out there. Some need strict security other might not. You could have a few types of APIs:
(1) completely opened API. Say you have a blog where you post about writing RESTful services and clients. You host a complete working REST service based on one of your posts so that people give it a spin. You don't care who calls your service, the service returns some dummy data etc. It's just a demo, a toy, no security here, no request signing, nada. It's just plain HTTP calls.
(2) service with an API key. Say you have a web service and you want to know who calls it. This kind of service needs a pre-registration and each client who wants to call your service needs to register and obtain a key first. Do note that the registration is not about authentication or authorization, you just want to know who's using your API (e.g. what business sector they operate in, how many clients they have, why are they using your API for etc) so that you later make some analysis of your own and take some (marketing maybe) decisions of some sort later on based on the data you get back.
There is nothing secret about this API key. It's just an UUID of some sort, the most basic way of differentiating between calls. This again involves only plain HTTP calls with the key as an additional request parameter.
(3) service with an API key and a secret key. This is similar to number (2) but you need to absolutely make sure that the calls are coming from the client that presents some API key. You need this because you probably want to bill the client for how much they have used your service. You want to make sure the calls actually come from that client and not someone ill intentioned that maybe wants to overcharge the client's bill.
So the client uses it's key for identification and a signature of the request with the secret key to actually vouch for it's identity. This again can be plain HTTP calls with the key and signature as additional request parameters.
(4) data "tampered-safe" web services. For numbers (1), (2) and (3) above I haven't considered any message security issues because most APIs don't need it. What's exchanged isn't confidential and not all that important to protect. But sometimes although the data isn't confidential you need to make sure it wasn't tampered with during transit.
Say you are the owner of a shop that builds some product and you want to advertise your product on some partner web sites. You expose a service with the product details and your partners just use this data to display your product details on their sites. Everybody knows what products you are building so you don't need to hide that, but you are paranoid about your competition trying to ruin you so you want to avoid them intercepting the
request and multiplying by 10 all your prices in the responses of your result just to scare potential buyers away.
Number (3) above, although uses the signing part as a way to prove the identity of the caller, also assures the request was not tampered with (server will reject the request if the signature does not match). So if you need to assure an original response you can also sign the response.
For this, the service can provide the client with an API key and two secret keys. One secret key is used by the client to sign their requests while the second secret key is used by the client to verify the signature of the response (using an unique secret key for the server isn't all that safe so the server emits a server secret key specific to each client).
But this has a weak point: you would need to trust your partners that they will indeed validate the response signature before displaying the information on the site and not just bluntly display it. Paranoid as you are you want to protect against this and for this you need HTTPS.
As #SilverlightFox mentioned this proves the validity of the response. The data was not tempered with because it's encrypted. The client does not need to have an extra step to verify the response signature because that verification is already done at a lower (transport) level.
(5) secure services. And now we reach the last type of service where the data is actually confidential. HTTPS is a must for these services. HTTPS ensures the data remains confidential, that it isn't tempered in transit, identifies the server and can also identity the client if client side certificates are used.
So, in conclusion, it depends on what type of service you have.
Make the request over HTTPS to ensure the validity of the response.
This will ensure your data is not vulnerable to a MITM attack. Rolling your own untested encryption/hashing methods is a sure way to open up your application to attack, so you should use TLS/SSL which means that you should connect to your web service API over HTTPS. TLS is the proven and secure way to ensure the response is coming from the application that the request was made to.