Can't find compiled executable in Linux terminal - c++

I've created a hello world program in c++ and tried to compile it in c++ like this.
[aleksf#ic-ifi-rh8-026 cpp]$ g++ testing.cpp -o testing
I know that the testing file was created because
[aleksf#ic-ifi-rh8-026 cpp]$ ls -A
testing testing.cpp
But when I try to execute the file it can't find it.
[aleksf#ic-ifi-rh8-026 cpp]$ .\testing
bash: .testing: command not found...
I don't understand whats gone wrong as this is what I've been told works.

Linux does not use \ it uses / for directory paths. Try ./testing.

Like Russel have pointed out, you need to use forward slash: ./testing
The file you're trying to run also needs to have the executable mode bit set. You can fix that by running: chmod +x testing


How to run C++ program from terminal VS Code

I want to run a C++ program in VS Code. All I get from Google is that click on run and debug (the play button) on top right in VS Code and my program will be up and running. I don't want to do from that. I want to do it from terminal.
Example, to run:
A Python file I do: python3
A Flutter program: flutter run
A Java file: javac
A Go file: go run fileName.go
Is there any command similar like this in C++?
Apologies, I know my question is a little naïve.
i guess the short answer would be :
$ g++ -o < name-you-want-to-give> source.cpp
In place of replace it by any name like myprogram, etc.
This mean you had to install gcc compiler beforehand.
I need to be in my project directory and then i need to run
g++ 01inputFromUser.cpp -o 01inputFromUser && "/home/aman/Desktop/arjun/cpp/"01inputFromUser
so this was what I was looking for
g++ fileName.cpp -o fileName && "/path/to/project/"fileName

Script for Notepad++ NppExec for C++ in ubuntu

I just switched to ubuntu and I wanted to setup notepad++ for CPP.
So I used the NppExec plugin to compile within notepad++,
My script was :
Here the "obj" I used is to just save the file with an "obj" keyword nothing else.
The last line ./"$(NAME_PART)obj" is to run the program.
But it looks not working in ubuntu, it produces this error:
NPP_SAVE: Z:\home\username\cpp\test.cpp
g++ "Z:\home\username\cpp\test.cpp" -o "Z:\home\username\cpp\testobj"
; about to start a child process: "g++ "Z:\home\username\cpp\test.cpp" -o "Z:\home\username\cpp\testobj"
CreatProcess() failed with error code 2:
File not found.
; about to start a child process: "./"testobj""
CreatProcess() failed with error code 2:
File not found.
I have investigated some of what I think is the problem, so I think is the usage of / and \ in changing the directory.
I don't know how to fix that, so I can not be sure.
Any ideas? :) I am using vim btw in the same machine and it is working perfectly.
In theory it might be possible (see below), in practice it is rather convoluted and works only for simple compiles (like single file hello world type).
I would suggest you try a linux program, e.g.
an editor like
scite (same editing engine as notepad++) or
or a real IDE like
kdeveloper or
The problems with Notepad++ inside wine and g++ outside wine (from the linux install ) are this:
notepad++ inside wine under linux is still a windows program
NppExec can only do, what a cmd inside wine can do.
starting g++ directly inside cmd is an error due to g++ being a linux binary and not a windows binary
that is your CreatProcess() failed with error code 2, it means: you are trying to execute a linux program inside wine.
That does not work! (At least not so easy.)
Though you can start linux program inside cmd inside wine using start /unix ...
started this way, g++ wants linux paths and NppExec through its variables will provide only windows paths (whatever wine has set up as drives like Z:\home\username\src\hello.cpp)
though you can convert wine paths to linux paths via the winepath -u command.
g++ started through 'start /unix ... ' inside a cmd inside wine has no proper terminal to report errors to you
though you can start an xterm for g++ and have g++ reports its messages to the xterm
the downside is that g++ will report errors using the linux paths in the xterm, so you cannot double click on an error message an get to the corresponding filename and line.
You get the idea: its complicated not comfortable.
What worked for me for a helloword.cpp was this NppExec script:
npp_run cmd /c start /unix /usr/bin/xterm -e "/usr/bin/winepath -u '$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)' | xargs g++ -o /tmp/a.out && /tmp/a.out ; echo 'Press return'; read"
The second line
uses an xterm,
let winepath convert the Z:\home\... path to /home/... and
have that send to g++ for compilation using /tmp/a.out as binary
if compile is successfull, /tmp/a.out is executed
the echo and read are for keeping the xterm open so that you can read the output.
If you really want to use Notepad++ inside wine, one option might be using Gnu Make outside of wine and have NppExec run make all or make run similar to the g++ in my script example. That would work for more complicated compiles.

Trying to color code g++

My g++ compiler for some reason shows all errors and warnings to be white, making spotting them very tough. I'm open to anything that is easy to implement. I have come across two solutions, none of which I can implement successfully, and hence I'm here:
Option 1:
I've read that the best choice is colorgcc:
I have gone through basically all the posts on how to set it up, but am still having trouble. Here's what I have done so far.
I'm new to programming, so I couldn't understand a lot of it. But this is what I've done so far. I've tried to follow what other people have posted to the best of my knowledge but to no avail.
~$ vim .colorgcc (copy pasted the colorgcc perl script in here)
~$ chmod +X .colorgcc
/usr/bin$ g++ -> colorgcc
-bash: colorgcc: Permission denied
Option 2:
I've also read this post: Is there an easy way to COLOR-CODE the compiler outputs?
but not sure I understand where to copy paste the code that is shown in the best answer.
I think the reason why I can't set this up is because there is a lot that I don't understand, so if you could provide a more beginner like answer, it would be much appreciated.
I have a gcc version of 5.0. And I'm using a Mac OS X 10.10.
Thanks in advance!
I got colorgcc working just fine with the following:
~$ wget
~$ chmod +x
~$ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/colorgcc
~$ cd /usr/local/bin
~$ sudo ln -s colorgcc g++
If you are using gcc > 4.9 the compiler should be able to output color error messages. The option to configure this is -fdiagnostics-color[=WHEN]. This should work just fine in the terminal application in OSX.
For previous versions of gcc, there are external tools (filters) like colorgcc that will be able to colorize the output for you. You can take a look at wavemode answer for how to set up colorgcc.

How to run/compile a C++ program in

I am just starting to use Nitrous.IO and I can't seem to find any information on the web on how to run C++ programs you make in it. Any help on how to run a C++ app made in Nitrous would be a huge help.
All commands are to be run within the console
Step 1:
Get inside the appropriate directory using the following command:
cd ./folder/subfolder/etc.
Step 2:
Type in the following command to run a fileName.cpp program:
// This will make a separate file named 'fileName'
// within the directory you are working in.
// This can now be run in the console.
g++ -o fileName fileName.cpp
Step 3:
Type in the following command to run your program:
//The output will display in the console. Enjoy!
ps: answer was there

How do you run a command line program after compiling with GCC on OSX?

Some of Facebooks programmer puzzles look fun, so I'm trying to get set up to code in C++ on my mac. I decided to try compiling some of my old CS homework with GCC to get started.
My code compiles fine, but when I try to run the executable (called "encrypt") I get this:
-bash: encrypt: command not found
I checked the permissions on the file and it seems to have execute permission. What am I missing here?
The current directory isn't in your $PATH, so you have to tell the shell to execute encrypt in the current directory.
You need to execute it as ./encrypt
Try ./encrypt rather than encrypt. Bash won't look for executables with relative paths outside the path.