Running eXist-db XQuery in Saxon - xslt

What is the recommended way in Saxon to load in an XML document from eXist-db via XQuery GET/POST within an XSL stylesheet? I want to run an XQL query in eXist-db, which should be simple enough to do as a GET with <xsl:variable name="test" select="doc('xmldb:exist:///db/test.xql')"/> or <xsl:variable name="test" select="doc('http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/test.xql')"/>. But the former doesn't exectute the query and tries to return the XQL source as XML, and the latter doesn't have the basic authentication to execute. Also, I really want to send an XML fragment using POST, and have the XQL use that posted XML fragment.
I can't find anything in the Saxon documentation about this. I did find an old EXPath article at, but the downloads there are 7 years old, and may not work with modern Saxon. So looking for the best known method to do this.

The first thing that comes to mind is the EXPath HTTP Client module. There's no way to persuade the doc() or document() functions to do POST instead of GET, AFAIK.


XSLT Reports and Internet Explorer

with IE at its EOL and allowing file access from files in Chrome is not a viable option for us, what is the future of XSLT reports?
I am fairly new to this, and have just been "thrown" into finding a solution. Everything I'm finding online is years old, it's strange that no one is talking about this since "death" of IE.
our data is in XML format, using XSL templates to display formatted reports to browser via ScriptX ( (with page breaks, headers, etc). The user then "prints to PDF"
I am hoping to see what other organizations are doing to ensure existing XSLT reports continue to work. Converting to something else? Making them work with other, currently supported, browsers?
thank you, all and any tips, links and comments much appreciated.
You could try executing your XSLT transformations using a local script.
Take note that these solutions only support XSLT 1.0.
successor of msxsl.exe?
Applying XSL to XML with PowerShell : Exception calling "Transform"
If you want to use XSLT 2.0+
You can use Saxon and call the jar file from a batch file.

Where do I get test-stylesheets to be able to use xsltproc?

I'm little lost here. I'm using googltest framework and just want to transform the xml report to an html. I found that xsltproc does the job:
xsltproc style.xsl report.xml -o report.hmtl
but first I need to get a stylesheet. Just a basic-generic stylesheet so the result can be visualized on a browser, where can I find it?
Firstly, you've tagged this XSLT 2.0, but xsltproc only supports XSLT 1.0.
Secondly, without knowing what flavour of XML is in report.xml, there isn't really very much one can do by way of a useful generic transformation to HTML. There are attempts like this one:
Generic XSLT to tabluate XML
but whether it produces results that work for you depend entirely on your input and desired output, which you haven't told us anything about.

XSLT Regex Replace Function

We've been pulling our hair out just trying to just trying to get a basic example of the XSLT replace function to work.
I'm leaving this text in tact for context, but you may want to skip to the update
We're using Mirth to pull in HL7 messages. We're unsure whether this supports XSLT version 2, but we believe it uses SAXON -, which purportedly does support XSLT2 and hence the replace function.
In any case, we tried using XSLTCake to try and get even a demo replacement to work, to no avail. We've seen this either referenced as replace or fn:replace as well as a couple other suggestions using other libraries.
If XSLT2 isn't supported by Mirth, we would need a workaround for XSLT1. We found one here: XSLT string replace - but have been unable to get this to work either.
This is a tough to get down to a single question as I'm asking alot, but here goes... Can anyone provide a working example of performing a regex replacement in an XSLT? Preferably one that will run in an online parser for reference.
Here's a sample - which apparently should work.1
Thanks to Michael Kay for providing code below to determine XSLT version.
<!--Transformed using 1.0 provided by Apache Software Foundation (Xalan XSLTC)-->
So It turns out we were all wrong about Mirth using SAXON and hence supporting XSLT2. I'll update with our attempt at implementing the version 1 workaround.
First find out which XSLT processor you are using. This is straightforward: insert this
<xsl:comment>Transformed using <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:version')"/> provided by <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor')"/></xsl:comment>
into your stylesheet to output a comment in your result document.
Once you know what programming language you are using, you can start thinking about writing code.

Is there a tool to check if an XSLT stylesheet follows coding standards?

How can we check whether an XSLT stylesheet is following all the coding standards? Is there a tool where we can specify our own rules and find out if the stylesheet conforms?
First of all, there is nothing like
"all coding standards"
This said, take a look at the XSLT Lint, developed by Mukul Ghandi, and published Dec. 2008:
There is also one published recently by Andriy Gerasika:
In case you are interested in functional programming with XSLT, take a look at FXSL.
Finally, if by "all coding standards" you mean "style", you may look at my answers in the xslt tag of SO, to learn a little bit more about "push style" and programming without explicit logical instructions.
Well, if the stylesheet works, it should be valid, right?
Other than that, i think all the big XML IDEs like Altova's XMLSpy provide some sort of schema validation, if that's what you're looking for.
XSL stylesheets is a XML language. So, validation tools available for XML still applies here. So, DTD or XML namespaces can be used to define the rules to check. Link to the location where the DTD/ns reside in the XSL sheet. Then tools like Xerces can be used for validating the document.
If you are using ANT, xmlvalidate task will do this automatically by invoking Xerces SAXParser.
<target name="validate" if="perform-validation-dtd">
<xmlvalidate file="${input-xml}"
xmllint program validates an XML file against its DTD (Document Type Definition) and reports on any differences. Read more here
Well, an XSLT stylesheet is XML itself of course; you could easily write an XSLT that looks for patterns.
For example:
<xsl:template match="xsl:for-each">
<xsl:text>Inappropriate use of xsl:for-each; should be using templates instead</xsl:text>
if your policy includes not using xsl:for-each.
Or, you could write a schema that expands on the xslt one.

How do you use Exslt.dyn (especially the 'evaluate' method) in Umbraco?

I am trying to execute the string contained in an XSL variable.
Umbraco has hooks for several Exslt pieces, but it seems the Exslt.dyn (Exslt.dynamic) is not one of them.
How do you add it in? Acceptable methods (in order of preference:
Writing your own XSLT extension (possibly using existing Umbraco code for Exslt Dynamic).
Uploading the XSL from into Umbraco.
Modifying the Umbraco source to add it (possibly using existing Umbraco code for Exslt Dynamic).
The reason I mention Exslt Dyanmic is because some Umbraco XSLT sources show a reference that I am assuming existing in some versions of Umbraco. I cannot find it in the source code, however. (Example: the XSL sources pasted in here:,-feedback,-feature-requests%29/8085-Changing-the-first-day-to-fx-monday)
Very few XSLT processors implement dyn:evaluate() and Umbraco obviously doesn't use one of these.
There isn't anything you can do in this case.
Ask the Umbraco developers to incorporate an XSLT 2.0 processor in the future -- XSLT 2.0 has a native <xsl:function> instruction for defining functions that can be referenced in any XPath expression.
Not sure if this will work, but if Exslt.ExsltDynamic is supported out of the box in the .Net implementation of XSLT, this should work. In your stylesheet add the namespace xmlns:Exslt.ExsltDynamic="urn:Exslt.ExsltDynamic" (as in the example you linked) and in the exclude-result-prefixes property add Exslt.ExsltDynamic to make it accessible in your xslt file.
Then you can just do something like in your template.