Are there data usage limitations with Google Cloud Compute - google-cloud-platform

I've got a E2 Micro instance running on Google Compute Engine at the moment.
Although it won't be using bandwidth quickly (expecting a maximum of 600Mbps), it will probably be using a lot of bandwidth in total (expecting around 10TB a month)
Are there any limitations to how much bandwidth my VM can use in total per month, or am I only going to be limited by speed?

You will be limited by your credit limit. Review network pricing. Internet egress bandwidth is apx $0.12 to $0.23 per GB. 10,000 GB is $1,200 to $2,300 per month.
Search for "Internet egress rates" at this link:
Google Cloud networking pricing
Note: for new accounts, IIRC your payment method will be charged at $100.00. Double-check how your account is setup.
For example, if your Cloud Billing threshold is $100.00, and you have not yet incurred any costs for the month, you might see a message that says Your entire $100.00 payment threshold is available.
"You'll be charged when your balance reaches $1000.00 or 30 days after
your last automatic payment, whichever comes first."
Find out your Cloud Billing account type and charging cycle


What would be the cost of bandwidth on google cloud platforms if i make a video calling app?

Zoom provides video streaming services, and I made one of my own and considering deploying it on google compute, it says the bandwidth will cost $110 for 1TB if I use it in a month. The cost is pretty much high if we charge a fee like zoom.
If I want to deploy such service it would cost very high considering only bandwidth. What will be an estimate if i had 100 meetings rooms open and in each meeting room 50 participants are there , What would be the estimated cost if they are active for 8 hours per day?
What will be approximate bandwidth they would use considering variable quality of stream, may be 240p, 360p or 720p, considering on the user side they are able to receive the full quality of stream?
Is google calculates egress on the basis of computed data or the amount of data sent to the user regardless of computation of data or a direct download of file?
Person having a good knowledge of google compute please answer.
Thanks in advance.
Google simply calculates the egress or the data sent from the VM considering what goes out of the VM whether it is processed or not.
The price of egress is roughly $0.12/GB, for latest rates visit gcloud pricing calculator.
The egress totally depends upon the number of users downloading or accessing the data on the VM.
So suppose at 240p 40kbps of data is needed on the client side, so
considering 100 rooms with 50 persons each comes to be 5000 clients connected to the VM at an instance.
So, conducting a meeting which lasts 8 hours a day, the egress from the VM would be
5000*(40kbps)*(8*3600 seconds)
= 5*40*8*3600 MB
= 5760000 MB
= 5760 GB
And the cost of such egress would be
5760 GB * $0.12/GB
= $691.2
So, if you have such high bandwidth usage and you want a cheaper option try using digital ocean, their bandwidth is cheaper than gcloud and AWS
There are to many variables to be able to calculate a price, or even egress, however there is a tool available for platform pricing that you can use based on estimates. Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator Hopefully this will be able to give you the information you are seeking

Signed up for Google Compute Engine without knowing

Hello Community Support
I signed up for the Google Compute Engine and did not realise that I would be charged $1000. The payment did not go through as there is not enough money on my credit card and I cannot pay the balance.
I didnt want to phone Google Support as they may hassle me for payment
Can you make any suggestions for a way to resolve this?
Google provides free support for Google Cloud billing questions - contact them.
Google Cloud Billing Support
I signed up for the Google Compute Engine and did not realise that I
would be charged $1000.
Google Cloud will automatically charge your card when you reach thresholds. The default for new accounts is $100.00 USD. Were you charged $100.00?
Additionally Google implements quotas for Compute resources. What type of resouce did you create that incurred $1,000.00 in charges? This would have exceeded your new account quota limit, so I wonder how you accomplished this ...
There is something odd about your first credit card charge being $1,000 USD as you should have received a number of charges for $100.00 each. After a credit card payment fails, you will receive billing payment notices. None of this would have happened mysteriously unless you do not read your email or SPAM filters blocked the notices.
Always take the time to learn what cloud resources cost. Understand that pricing, billing, resources and usage are important items not to be overlooked. Google, like most companies, is in the business to provide services and products that customers want and to make a profit while doing so.

How can I calculate the cost of enhanced monitoring on a particular RDS Instance.

I want to setup enhanced monitoring on one of our RDS instances. But I am not able to calculate the cost it will incur every month.
I checked the aws doc at and it says it depends on the several factors, one of them being logs which are free for upto 5gb per month under free tier(the free tier is only for the initial one year and these 5gb will not be applicable for the older aws accounts if am right). Rest 3 somehow seems to again related to writing logs.
Please help me on how I can calculate the cost incurred only due to enabling of enhanced monitoring on an AWS RDS instance.
RDS's enhanced monitoring cost is just CloudWatch cost
One of the biggest part of CW cost is the total amount of logs you write in Bytes which is about $0.50/GB ( varies in different regions )
Back on to the question, you can approximate the cost incur by just enabling detailed monitoring, I suggest start with one minute granularity. After a few hour, you will have some logs appear in your CW logs. You can get the total amount of data ingestion and estimate from there
Personally, logging at 1 minute interval for a single RDS DB cost me close to $0.00

What are hidden costs or "NOT obvious" costs on AWS

AWS says that everything is "pay as you use". But are there any hidden costs or "NOT obvious" costs on AWS ?
Costs which generally are ignored by people and can give shock:
It is recommended that we deploy our application in Multi AZ for High availability. We assume that data transfer between these servers will be free as this is like intranet; but that is not true. There are charges ( around 10% of internet bandwidth charges ) for data transfer across AZ in same region.
Data transfer within AWS and across AWS regions is also charged.
On AWS Aurora; by default provisioned IOPS are enabled which leads to a huge bill.
If Versioning is enabled on S3; then u need to pay for all versions of every object.
These are not hidden charges but can give you a shock:
Even on other RDS; if u use provisioned IOPS it leads to a huge bill depending on usage.
I think one of the most confusing parts of AWS is the 'EC2-Other' cost category. Most of these costs are based on utilization and can get out of control quickly. I did a write up on how to break down EC2-Other here: EC2-Other Cost Breakdown

Does the AWS Billing Management Dashboard take into account Free Tier usage

About a month ago I opened an AWS account to try out Amazon's own tutorial for EC2 services, only to give up after encountering an error.
Today I accessed my account once again, only to find out three tasks have been running in the background the whole month. My Billing Management Dashboard shows a hefty total in the upper right, but in the "free usage" tier the only exceeded entry is S3 Puts, of about 10%.
I can't seem to find a soruce anywhere in the documentation explaining whether the total billing in the upper right takes into account the Free Tier or not. At the end of this month, will I be billed entirely or only the % difference? I'm more or less okay with the latter, but I can't really afford the former.
I've obviously opened a support ticket right away, but since I'm on the basic plan I'm afraid they might answer me after the current bill becomes active.
Thank you for any answers.
You will be billed only for the % difference.
All services that offer a free tier have limits on what you can use without being charged. Many services have multiple types of limits. For example, Amazon EC2 has limits on both the type of instance you can use, and how many hours you can use in one month. Amazon S3 has a limit on how much memory you can use, and also on how often you can call certain operations each month. For example, the free tier covers the first 20,000 times you retrieve a file from Amazon S3, but you are charged for additional file retrievals. Each service has limits that are unique to that service.