How to warp/wrap the cursor when it leaves the window to the opposite side ImGui GLFW - glfw

I have some ImGui DragFloats that are close to the right edge of the window, so if you try to drag the float to the right you hit the edge of your screen soon. Is there a way to replicate something similar like in Unity (when you are dragging something the cursor warps to the opposite side of the screen if it gets too close to the edge) ? I'm using ImGui and GLFW at the moment and I was not able to find out how to make this, I tried searching it up but found examples that use DX11 or completely different language and scenario.

I believe you could do this with some mouse monitoring, then setting the position if it goes over the edge of the window:
void checkMousePos() {
double mxpos, mypos; // Get mouse position, relative to window
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &xpos, &ypos);
int width, height; // Get dimensions of window
glfwGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height);
if( mxpos > width ) {
glfwSetCursorPos( window, 0, mypos );
} else if( mxpos < 0 ) {
glfwSetCursorPos( window, width, mypos );
if( mypos > height ) {
glfwSetCursorPos( window, mxpos, 0 );
} else if( mypos < 0 ) {
glfwSetCursorPos( window, mxpos, height );
Note that I have not been able to test this, so I cannot guarantee it works.


Positioning a sprite at (0, 0) places the sprite off screen by a few pixels

When I position a sprite at 0, 0 (top left corner of the screen) it doesn't show. It's off screen by a few pixels. Here is a sample of my code.
Sprite s;
Texture t;
s.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, 16, 16));
s.setPosition(0, 0);
If I add
to my RenderWindow, then the sprite is positioned properly at the top left of the screen.
Is there a way to position sprites ignoring the windows title bar? Or another way to fix this issue? The only way I can seem to get the sprite positioned correctly is if I guess how many pixels off it is and manually add an offset to the sprites position, but this is a very bad way of doing it and I can't get it positioned perfectly. If I set the position to (11, 64), the sprite is at about the top left of the screen.
Edit: Here is a full example piece of code I used to recreate the issue:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
using namespace sf;
const int WIDTH = 1000;
const int HEIGHT = 1000;
int main()
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT), "Window", Style::Titlebar | Style::Close);
RectangleShape square(Vector2f(100.f, 100.f));
square.setPosition(0, 0);
while (window.isOpen())
Event windowEvent;
while (window.pollEvent(windowEvent))
if (windowEvent.type == Event::Closed)
return 0;
When I run it, this is the result I get.
Since posting this issue, I've realized that the problem is that when the title bar is enabled, it takes up space on my window, (0, 0) is behind the title bar. I still don't know how to fix it, though.

Wrong SDL origin axis in 1080x1920 resolution

I am facing an issue with the SDL library and different resolution than 1920x1080.
I want to copy display an image of dimension 1080x608 at the center of a screen of resolution 1080x1920 (portrait).
I have only one plugged monitor screen.
I used the following command to switch screen from 1920x1080 to 1080x1920 :
xrandr --output DP-1 --mode 1920x1080 --rotate left --primary
I am using the following code to initialize the SDL renderer :
* initialize everything so we are ready to display
int SdlHandler::initialize(
unsigned int positionX,
unsigned int positionY,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
bool showWindow,
std::string name) {
// Initialize SDL
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
std::cerr << "SDL could not initialize! SDL_Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
return -1;
// Size if the window
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
this->positionX = positionX;
this->positionY = positionY;
// Create the SDL window
// 0 and 0 are the position in X and Y
if (showWindow) {
} else {
this->window = SDL_CreateWindow(name.c_str(), this->positionX, this->positionY, this->width, this->height, flags);
// If there had been a problem, leave
if (!this->window) {
return -1;
// Create a new renderer
this->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(this->window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC);
// If there is an error creating it, just leave
if (!this->renderer) {
return -1;
// Setup the best for the SDL render quality
return 0;
Then, i call the SDL_RenderCopy function to display the image. I pass it the created renderer created with theSDL_CreateRenderer on the above code :
// Create a window at 0,0 of dimension 1080x1920
this->initialize(0, 0, 1080, 1920, true, SDL_BASE_DISPLAY_WINDOW);
// Create the SDL Rectangle that will contain the image, at the center of the window
SDL_Rect *howToDraw = new SDL_Rect();
howToDraw->x = this->positionX + floor((this->width - this->imageWidth) / 2);
howToDraw->y = this->positionY + floor((this->height - this->imageHeight) / 2);
howToDraw->w = this->imageWidth;
howToDraw->h = this->imageHeight;
SDL_RenderCopy(this->renderer, this->texture, NULL, howToDraw);
But the axis seems to be at the wrong position, igot the following result :
This was a bug related to Compton, the window manager, everything is working good without Compton ...
Since you are rotating your display using xrandr, we can consider this is a post processing step that will rotate everything after each framebuffer is rendered.
Because this post processing step takes a 1920x1080 image resolution as input, you should use the SDL at this resolution.
What if you change your code for:
// Create a window at 0,0 of dimension 1920x1080
this->initialize(0, 0, 1920, 1080, true, SDL_BASE_DISPLAY_WINDOW);
EDIT: I also understand that you want your image to start at the center of the window, but your are placing the middle of the image at the center of the window.
You should also try the following:
howToDraw->x = this->positionX + this->imageWidth / 2;

Switching Between windowed and full screen in OpenGL/GLFW 3.2

I am in the process of learning OpenGL on Linux but I can't get mode switching working (windowed to full screen and back).
The window appears to be going into full screen but but not looking correct. To switch modes a new window is being created and old one destroyed.
void OpenGLWindow::FullScreen(bool fullScreen, int width, int height)
GLFWwindow *oldHandle = m_window;
m_fullscreen = fullScreen;
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
m_window = glfwCreateWindow(width, height, m_caption.c_str(),
fullScreen ? m_monitor : NULL, m_window);
if (m_window == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to recreate window.");
// Use entire window for rendering.
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
if (m_keyboardHandler) SetKeyboardHandler(m_keyboardHandler);
Initial Window
Full Screen (incorrect)
Return to Windowed
Updates to Question
I have updated the code to use your code and getting the same issue. On your suggestion I am now updating the camera, but again no avail :(
void OpenGLCamera::Invalidate()
RecalculateProjection(m_perspProjInfo->Width(), m_perspProjInfo->Height());
m_recalculateViewMatrix = true;
m_recalculatePerspectiveMatrix = true;
m_recalculateProjectionMatrix = true;
void OpenGLCamera::RecalculateProjection(int width, int height)
float aspectRatio = float(width) / height;
float frustumYScale = cotangent(degreesToRadians(
m_perspProjInfo->FieldOfView() / 2));
float frustumXScale = frustumYScale;
if (width > height)
// Shrink the x scale in eye-coordinate space, so that when geometry is
// projected to ndc-space, it is widened out to become square.
m_projectionMatrix[0][0] = frustumXScale / aspectRatio;
m_projectionMatrix[1][1] = frustumYScale;
else {
// Shrink the y scale in eye-coordinate space, so that when geometry is
// projected to ndc-space, it is widened out to become square.
m_projectionMatrix[0][0] = frustumXScale;
m_projectionMatrix[1][1] = frustumYScale * aspectRatio;
Rabbid : When I resize:
Rabbid : When I go to full screen:
In the following, I'll describe a small but handy class, which deals with resizing a GLFW window and handles switch fullscreen window on and off.
All the used GLFW functions are well documented in the GLFW documentation.
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <array>
#include <stdexcept>
class OpenGLWindow
std::array< int, 2 > _wndPos {0, 0};
std::array< int, 2 > _wndSize {0, 0};
std::array< int, 2 > _vpSize {0, 0};
bool _updateViewport = true;
GLFWwindow * _wnd = nullptr;
GLFWmonitor * _monitor = nullptr;
void Resize( int cx, int cy );
void Init( int width, int height );
static void CallbackResize(GLFWwindow* window, int cx, int cy);
void MainLoop ( void );
bool IsFullscreen( void );
void SetFullScreen( bool fullscreen );
When creating the window, then the user function pointer (glfwSetWindowUserPointer) is set to the window management class. And the resize callback is set by glfwSetWindowSizeCallback. After the window is created its current size and position can be get by glfwGetWindowPos and glfwGetWindowSize.
void OpenGLWindow::Init( int width, int height )
_wnd = glfwCreateWindow( width, height, "OGL window", nullptr, nullptr );
if ( _wnd == nullptr )
throw std::runtime_error( "error initializing window" );
glfwMakeContextCurrent( _wnd );
glfwSetWindowUserPointer( _wnd, this );
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback( _wnd, OpenGLWindow::CallbackResize );
_monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor();
glfwGetWindowSize( _wnd, &_wndSize[0], &_wndSize[1] );
glfwGetWindowPos( _wnd, &_wndPos[0], &_wndPos[1] );
_updateViewport = true;
When the resize notification occurs, then the pointer to the window management class can be get by glfwGetWindowUserPointer:
static void OpenGLWindow::CallbackResize(GLFWwindow* window, int cx, int cy)
void *ptr = glfwGetWindowUserPointer( window );
if ( OpenGLWindow *wndPtr = static_cast<OpenGLWindow*>( ptr ) )
wndPtr->Resize( cx, cy );
Any change of the window size is notified and the new window size is stored (glfwGetWindowSize):
void OpenGLWindow::Resize( int cx, int cy )
_updateViewport = true;
When the window size has changed, then the viewport has to be suited to the window size (glViewport). This can be done in the main loop of the application:
void OpenGLWindow::MainLoop ( void )
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(_wnd))
if ( _updateViewport )
glfwGetFramebufferSize( _wnd, &_vpSize[0], &_vpSize[1] );
glViewport( 0, 0, _vpSize[0], _vpSize[1] );
_updateViewport = false;
// ..... render the scene
If the current window is in full screen mode, can be achieved by asking for the monitor that the window uses for full screen mode (glfwGetWindowMonitor):
bool OpenGLWindow::IsFullscreen( void )
return glfwGetWindowMonitor( _wnd ) != nullptr;
To switch the full screen mode on and off, glfwSetWindowMonitor has to be called, either with the monitor for the full screen mode, or with nullptr:
void OpenGLWindow::SetFullScreen( bool fullscreen )
if ( IsFullscreen() == fullscreen )
if ( fullscreen )
// backup window position and window size
glfwGetWindowPos( _wnd, &_wndPos[0], &_wndPos[1] );
glfwGetWindowSize( _wnd, &_wndSize[0], &_wndSize[1] );
// get resolution of monitor
const GLFWvidmode * mode = glfwGetVideoMode(_monitor);
// switch to full screen
glfwSetWindowMonitor( _wnd, _monitor, 0, 0, mode->width, mode->height, 0 );
// restore last window size and position
glfwSetWindowMonitor( _wnd, nullptr, _wndPos[0], _wndPos[1], _wndSize[0], _wndSize[1], 0 );
_updateViewport = true;
I recommend you to not create a new Window with glfwCreateWindow when you just want to switch between windowed and fullscreen. Use glfwSetWindowMonitor instead.
When you create a window with fullscreen enabled, you have to pass arguments which are compatible with a video mode on the monitor. You can get the standard video mode on the primary monitor like this:
GLFWmonitor *monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor();
const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
and to switch to fullscreen:
glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, monitor, 0, 0, mode->width, mode->height, mode->refreshRate);
Just pass a nullptr-mode and your own values of course:
glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, nullptr, 0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight, windowRefreshRate);
And don't forget to resize the viewport and update the camera.
Are you resizing the viewport and updating the camera when the user resizes the window?
There are a couple of issues with your code:
Assuming that glfwCreateWindow will set the resolution to width * height in fullscreen mode is not correct. The GLFW documentation states (emphasis mine):
For full screen windows, the specified size becomes the resolution of the window's desired video mode. As long as a full screen window is not iconified, the supported video mode most closely matching the desired video mode is set for the specified monitor.
Assuming that the window size is specified in "pixels" is not correct either.Quoting the relevant part of the documentation again:
While the size of a window is measured in screen coordinates, OpenGL works with pixels. The size you pass into glViewport, for example, should be in pixels. On some machines screen coordinates and pixels are the same, but on others they will not be. There is a second set of functions to retrieve the size, in pixels, of the framebuffer of a window.
Issues 1 and 2 can be solved by simply calling glfwGetFramebufferSize after the window was created. This leaves us with issue 3:
You call glViewport without having a current GL context -
resulting in undefined behavior, and especially in not setting the viewport at all. Now that is actually an interesting one, because the initial viewport for the new context will be the full new window, so that your mistakes 1 and 2 have no direct effect. They still might have some effect later if your code relies on m_width and m_height containing useful values, though.

Animation issue on X11 window

I'm struggling to get X11 redrawing events right in a cross platform C++ application.
Everything works great on Windows (I just issue some InvalidateRect calls when I need the window to redraw), but on Linux I keep having redrawing stuttering (probably when I send too many redraw events as follows)
event.type = Expose;
event.xexpose.window = window;
XSendEvent(display, window, False, ExposureMask, &event);
the same happens when I resize the window.
This is the code I'm using
void Window::redraw() { // Called by any control which needs redrawing
XEvent event;
memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
event.type = Expose;
event.xexpose.display = display;
XSendEvent(display, window, False, ExposureMask, &event);
void Window::resize(int width, int height) {
this->Width = width;
this->Height = height;
bool Window::wndProc(XEvent *evt) {
switch (evt->type) {
case Expose: {
if (evt->xexpose.count == 0) { // handle last one only
if (Width != Bitmap.width() || Height != Bitmap.height())
Bitmap.resize(Width, Height);
return true;
} break;
case ConfigureNotify: {
this->resize(evt->xconfigure.width, evt->xconfigure.height);
return true;
} break;
void Window::paint() {
XImage image;
sk_bzero(&image, sizeof(image));
// .. boilerplate to initialize XImage...
XPutImage(display, window, fGc, &image,
0, 0,
0, 0,
Width, Height);
I tried several approaches to solve this issue including:
Having a 200 ms delay between every redraw event sending (stuttering still happening.. resize still issues a LOT of events)
Having a secondary thread issuing a redraw call every 50ms (this saturates X11's buffer immediately and crashes the whole thing)
Unfortunately I have animated controls which call redraw() anytime they need another redrawing of part of the window (I handle painting regions of the window separately).
How can I solve stuttering during resizing and too many redrawing events while ensuring my animated controls remain smooth?

GLFW camera and mouse control

So basically am learning OpenGL and the GLFW libraries from the tutorial on page:
My problems is with this less lesson showing the control of camera movement with mouse.
Basicaly it makes the application to get "FPS" like camera, with disabled cursor being moved on center of screen with each frame. But the camera gets crazy when we lose focus on the window and then it regains. For example if we click on the window to regain focus away from the middle of view, the camera will be moved by big amount. I tried to fix this issue with adding window focus callback:
void window_focus_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int focused){
if (focused)
//center mouse on screen
int width, height;
glfwGetWindowSize(window, &width, &height);
glfwSetCursorPos(window, 1024 / 2, 768 / 2);
windowFocused = true;
windowFocused = false;
And in the main application loop:
if(windowFocused) computeMatricesFromInputs();
But for some reason this solution doesnt work.
Is there any way to fix this issue using glfw?
Question is a bit old, but I recently suffered a similar issue. So just sharing, more solutions exist.
I use GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED. In this mode the mouse position is not (yet) updated when you receive the 'on' focus event, so call to GetCursorPos delivers the previous value. The new cursor position arrives in the MouseMove callback AFTER the 'on' focus event.
I solved it by keeping track of the regain of focus and use this int he OnMouseMove callback to either dispatch a MouseInit (to snap the cursor) or a regular MouseMove.
This way I can ALT+TAB out of my window and return with the cursor somewhere else without nasty jumps/rotations of the camera.
void InputManagerGLFW::Callback_OnMouseMove(
GLFWwindow* window,
double xpos, //
double ypos) //
if (!mFocusRegained)
mMouseBuffer.Move(xpos, ypos);
mFocusRegained = false;
mMouseBuffer.Init(xpos, ypos);
void InputManagerGLFW::Callback_OnFocus(
GLFWwindow* window,
int focused)
if (focused)
// The window gained input focus
// Note: the mouse position is not yet updated
// the new position is provided by the mousemove callback AFTER this callback
// use flag to indicate the OnMouseMove that we just regained focus,
// so the first mouse move must be handled differently
mFocusRegained = true;
// this will NOT work!!!
// double x,y;
// glfwGetCursorPos(window,&x,&y);
// mMouseBuffer.Init(x,y);
// The window lost input focus
Log::Info("focus lost");