Django export to xlsx with lock columns - django
I have this code for exporting data to CSV.
How can I lock some columns in this file?
For example: lock 'id' and 'Subsidiary' that the the user won't be able to edit
def combinationExport(request):
combination = Combination.objects.all()
response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv")
response["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="Combination.csv"'
writer = csv.writer(response)
"Sub Budget",
"Budget Owner",
"Sub Budget Owner",
combo = combination.values_list(
for q in combo:
# print(q)
return response
I found a solution.
class YearScenarioExportView(
Budgetlevel3Mixin, BudgetMixin, LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView
model = YearScenario
def get(self, request, pk: int):
self.object: YearScenario = self.get_object()
qs =
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
# print(df)
output = io.BytesIO()
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(output, {"in_memory": True})
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Tablib Dataset")
unlocked = workbook.add_format({"locked": False})
worksheet.set_column("A:A", 40)
bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True})
# Write the title for every column in bold
worksheet.write("A1", "code", bold)
worksheet.write("B1", "scenario", bold)
worksheet.write("C1", "year", bold)
worksheet.write("D1", "version", bold)
worksheet.write("E1", "subsidiary", bold)
worksheet.write("F1", "department", bold)
worksheet.write("G1", "account", bold)
worksheet.write("H1", "sub_budget", bold)
worksheet.write("I1", "budget_owner", bold)
worksheet.write("J1", "sub_budget_owner", bold)
worksheet.write("K1", "is_active", bold)
worksheet.write("L1", "q1", bold)
worksheet.write("M1", "q2", bold)
worksheet.write("N1", "q3", bold)
worksheet.write("O1", "q4", bold)
worksheet.write("P1", "q1_comment", bold)
worksheet.write("Q1", "q2_comment", bold)
worksheet.write("R1", "q3_comment", bold)
worksheet.write("S1", "q4_comment", bold)
# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row.
for linea in df.index:
worksheet.write(f"A{linea+2}", df["code"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"B{linea+2}", df["scenario"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"C{linea+2}", df["year"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"D{linea+2}", df["version"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"E{linea+2}", df["subsidiary"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"F{linea+2}", df["department"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"G{linea+2}", df["account"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"H{linea+2}", df["sub_budget"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"I{linea+2}", df["budget_owner"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"J{linea+2}", df["sub_budget_owner"][linea])
worksheet.write(f"K{linea+2}", df["is_active"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"L{linea+2}", df["budget_q1"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"M{linea+2}", df["budget_q2"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"N{linea+2}", df["budget_q3"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"O{linea+2}", df["budget_q4"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"P{linea+2}", df["q1_comment"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"Q{linea+2}", df["q2_comment"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"R{linea+2}", df["q3_comment"][linea], unlocked)
worksheet.write(f"S{linea+2}", df["q4_comment"][linea], unlocked)
response = HttpResponse(,
file_name = f"{self.object.get_export_file_name_base()}"
response["Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename={file_name}.xlsx"
return response
I converted my Query to Dataframe and export it via response
Retrieving Stripe metadata and process it
I am sending cart data from the cookies to Stripe and retrieving it, but I am unable to find a solution to process it correctly. Please help! I am learning Django and wanted to save the cart items of non-logged users into the cookies and send it to Stripe, as Metadata. From there retrieve it and if the checkout is completed to process the order, but I am unsuccessful to process the data that is retrieved to be able to save the order. Stripe Checkout Session: #csrf_exempt def create_checkout_session(request): stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY domain_url = 'http://localhost:8000/checkout/' if request.user.is_authenticated: customer = request.user.customer else: data = json.loads(request.body) total = data['form']['total'].replace('.', '') email = data['form']['email'] first_name = data['form']['first_name'] last_name = data['form']['last_name'] customer, created = Customer.objects.get_or_create( email=email ) customer.first_name = first_name customer.last_name = last_name cart_info = cart_details(request) cart_items = cart_info['cart_items'] order = cart_info['order'] items = cart_info['items'] print(items) if request.method == 'GET': checkout_session = stripe.checkout.Session.create( shipping_address_collection={ "allowed_countries": ["US", "CA", "NL", "GB"] },,, success_url=domain_url + 'success?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}', cancel_url=domain_url + 'cancelled/', payment_method_types=['card'], mode='payment', line_items=[ { 'name': 'Kenpachi Katana Store', 'quantity': 1, 'currency': 'usd', 'amount': int(order.get_cart_total*100), } ] ) return JsonResponse({'sessionId': checkout_session['id']}) else: checkout_session = stripe.checkout.Session.create( shipping_address_collection={ "allowed_countries": ["US", "CA", "NL"] }, **metadata=[items]**,, customer_email=email, success_url=domain_url + 'success?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}', cancel_url=domain_url + 'cancelled/', payment_method_types=['card'], mode='payment', line_items=[ { 'name': 'Kenpachi Katana Store', 'quantity': 1, 'currency': 'usd', 'amount': total, } ] ) return JsonResponse({'sessionId': checkout_session['id']}) Terminal Output with the Cookie Cart variable: print(type(items)) <class 'list'> And: [{'product': `{'id': 1, 'name': 'Sasuke Katana', 'price': Decimal('270.00'), 'imageURL': '/media/1_ccbb983f-a35d-40f8-8efb-dc55db02ad8f_700x.webp'}, 'quantity': 1, 'get_total': Decimal('270.00')}, ` {'product': {'id': 3, 'name': 'Zoro Katana', 'price': Decimal('260.00'), 'imageURL': '/media/1_466b0afb-d483-4a32-b0bb-89388aeccaa4_700x.webp'}, 'quantity': 1, 'get_total': Decimal('260.00') }] And it easy to loop through it for item in items: print(item) Output: enter image description here After the the order is completed, I retrieve the Stripe Session to fulfill the order #csrf_exempt def stripe_webhook(request): stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY endpoint_secret = settings.STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET payload = request.body sig_header = request.META['HTTP_STRIPE_SIGNATURE'] event = None try: event = stripe.Webhook.construct_event( payload, sig_header, endpoint_secret ) except ValueError as e: return HttpResponse(status=400) except stripe.error.SignatureVerificationError as e: return HttpResponse(status=400) if event['type'] == 'checkout.session.completed': session = event['data']['object'] session = stripe.checkout.Session.retrieve( event['data']['object']['id'], expand=['line_items'], ) stripe_metadata = session['metadata'].setdefault('0') print(stripe_metadata) print(type(stripe_metadata)) # Fulfill the purchase... # TODO: drill down on the metadata from stripe transaction_id = total = session['amount_total'] customer_id = session['client_reference_id'] customer = Customer.objects.get(pk=customer_id) order, created = Order.objects.get_or_create( customer=customer, complete=False ) order.transaction_id = transaction_id if (total / 100) == int(order.get_cart_total): order.complete = True ShippingAddress.objects.create( customer=customer, order=order, address=session['shipping']['address']['line1'], city=session['shipping']['address']['city'], state=session['shipping']['address']['state'], zipcode=session['shipping']['address']['postal_code'], country=session['shipping']['address']['country'], ) print('Order was added to the database') return HttpResponse(status=200) Terminal Output: enter image description here What would be the best option to retrieve it in the same format, to be able to iterate through the products of the cart. Any help would be deeply appreciated. GitHub repo with the cookie cart function: Thank you!
Maybe you can try stripe_metadata = json.loads(str(stripe_metadata)) to convert string to JSON format
IntegrityError in djnago
Can't find a solution to this error please help or show me how to fix this. The error is showing as follows: (1048, "Column 'targetDefn_id' cannot be null") this error is showing when I post data. This is my in Post method I m getting this error: def setTarget(request): if request.method == 'POST': data=JSONParser().parse(request) print(data) serial=TargetSerializers(data=data) print(serial) if serial.is_valid(): print("done") return JsonResponse(,status=status.HTTP_200_OK,safe=False) return JsonResponse(serial.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) This is my as follows: class TargetSerializers(serializers.ModelSerializer): targetDefn=serializers.SerializerMethodField() roleId=serializers.SerializerMethodField() empId=serializers.SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = Target fields = ( 'id', 'targetDefn', 'roleId', 'empId', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'value' ) def get_targetDefn(self,obj): trgt = TargetDefination.objects.get(id=obj.targetDefn_id) serial = TargetDefinationSerializers(trgt) return def get_empId(self,obj): emp= Employee.objects.get(id=obj.empId_id) serial= OnlyEmployeeSerializers(emp) return def get_roleId(self,obj): role=Role.objects.get(id=obj.roleId_id) serial=RoleSerializers(role) return This is as follows: class Target(models.Model): targetDefn=models.ForeignKey(TargetDefination,on_delete=models.CASCADE) roleId=models.ForeignKey(Role,on_delete=models.CASCADE) empId=models.ForeignKey(Employee,on_delete=models.CASCADE) startDate= models.DateField( endDate= models.DateField(null=True,blank=True) value=models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) def __str__(self): return str(self.empId) + ' ' +str(self.targetDefn) Updated: My Post query: { "targetDefn": { "id": 1, "targetName": "MIN SALES", "displayName": "MIN SALES" }, "roleId": { "id": 3, "roleName": "CIO", "description": "chief information officer", "roleReportsTo": 5, "roleReportsToName": "SeniorVP(M)" }, "empId": { "id": 2, "empName": "Emp02", "startDate": "2021-04-01", "termDate": null }, "startDate": "2021-05-11", "endDate": "2021-05-20", "value": "123" }
Know that the SerializerMethodField is READ-ONLY. It means that the data of those fields will not be written in the database. They will be computed and sent to your user, but never written in the DB. So, when you're saving your serializer, those fields are ignored. I've noticed that you've created SerializerMethodField for all your foreign keys, only for their get_[field] method to return literally the serialized object. So why not simply use their nested-serializer right away? class TargetSerializers(serializers.ModelSerializer): targetDefn=TargetDefinationSerializers() roleId=OnlyEmployeeSerializers() empId=serializers.SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = Target fields = ( 'id', 'targetDefn', 'roleId', 'empId', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'value' ) If you cannot get it to work or wish to keep your SerializerMethodField structure, then we must add the data of those 3 fields before saving. You can either pass the data as parameter in the serializer, like so:, roleId=variable_2, empId=variable_3) Or you can override the create and update serializer methods to do it there, example: def create(self, validated_data): targetDefn = validated_data["targetDefn"] roleId = validated_data["roleId"] emp_id = validated_data["emp_id"] # preprocess those data if needed # Then create your model Target.objects.create(targetDefn=targetDefn, ...)
Django - needs to have a value for field "id" before this many-to-many relationship can be used
I have two serializers class CheckItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = CheckItem fields = ( 'item_name', 'amount', ) class PaymentActionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): items = CheckItemSerializer(many=True, required=False) class Meta: model = PaymentAction fields = [ 'booking_number', 'date', 'guest_name', 'isRefund', 'lcode', 'payment_type', 'positions', 'total', 'items', 'id' ] def create(self, validated_data): action = PaymentAction.objects.create(**validated_data) if validated_data.get('items', None) is not None: items = validated_data.pop('items') if items is not None: for item in items: item_name = item['item_name'] amount = item['amount'] new_item = CheckItem.objects.create( item_name=item_name, amount=amount ) action.items.add(new_item) return action and json {"lcode": 123, "total": 1, "isRefund": false, "booking_number": "333", "guest_name": "me", "positions": "1 night", "date": "2019-07-22 00:00", "payment_type": "nal", "items": [ { "item_name": "glazka", "amount": "100" }, { "item_name": "glazka2", "amount": "150" } ] } and I get error "<PaymentAction: PaymentAction object>" needs to have a value for field "id" before this many-to-many relationship can be used. What am I doing wrong ?
You passed the items parameter to your PaymentAction object as well, but since at that point, your PaymentAction has not (yet) a primary key, it can not add these items to a many-to-many field. You thus should pop that from the validated_data first: def create(self, validated_data): items = validated_data.pop('items', None) action = PaymentAction.objects.create(**validated_data) if items is not None: items = [CheckItem.objects.create(**item) for item in items] action.items.add(*items) return action
How to get the field value that is excluded in order to change the row background
I want to display a table in which some fields are excluded, because I do not want to display them in a table. At the same time, I want to change the color in the row based on the values that are excluded. Is it possible to do this with django-table2 ? import django_tables2 as tables from web_logic.models import Stations from django_tables2.utils import A class StationTable(tables.Table): """ """ station_id = tables.LinkColumn() rack_sum = tables.LinkColumn("racks_page", args=[A('pk')], verbose_name='Кол-во стоек') status = tables.BooleanColumn() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StationTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def render_station_id(self, value): print(value) return "%s " % value class Meta: model = Stations exclude = ( "id", "onboot_time", 'certificat_key', 'private_key', "status", "ipadress", 'latitude', 'longitude', ) template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap.html' attrs = { "class": "table", "td": {"class": "table-hover",}, "thead": {"class": "table-dark"}, } For example, the status field describes a state for the entire row. It can be True or False. I do not want to display the column with this field, but I want to highlight (change the color of the line) based on the value for this field. How can i do this ?
Yes, you can do this using row_attrs: class StationTable(tables.Table): station_id = tables.LinkColumn() rack_sum = tables.LinkColumn("racks_page", args=[A('pk')], verbose_name='Кол-во стоек') def render_station_id(self, value): return "%s " % value class Meta: model = Stations exclude = ( "id", "onboot_time", 'certificat_key', 'private_key', "status", "ipadress", 'latitude', 'longitude', ) template_name = 'django_tables2/bootstrap.html' attrs = { "class": "table", "td": {"class": "table-hover",}, "thead": {"class": "table-dark"}, } row_attrs = { "class": lambda record: "info" if record.status else "" } This will add attribute class="info" to the <tr>-tag of rows with status = True.
Invoice number and taxes amounts creating invoices from custom Odoo module
I'm migrating invoices from OpenERP 7 database to Odoo8. I'm retrieving OERP7 data with psycopg2 and then using envs and model.create() to insert invoices into Odoo8 database. In general, the code works fine, but Odoo8 is not generating the invoice number (associated to account_move table) and amount_tax. My codes are the following: Import Account Invoice class ImportAccountInvoice(Command): """Import account invoices from source DB""" def process_account_invoice(self, model, data): if not data: return # Model structure model.create({ 'account_id': data['account_id'], 'amount_tax': data['amount_tax'], 'amount_total': data['amount_total'], 'amount_untaxed': data['amount_untaxed'], 'check_total': data['check_total'], 'company_id': data['company_id'], 'currency_id': data['currency_id'], 'date_due': data['date_due'], 'date_invoice': data['date_invoice'], 'fiscal_position': data['fiscal_position'], 'internal_number': data['internal_number'], 'move_name': data['move_name'], 'name': data['name'], 'origin': data['origin'], 'partner_id': data['partner_id'], 'period_id': data['period_id'], 'reconciled': data['reconciled'], 'reference': data['reference'], 'residual': data['residual'], 'state': data['state'], 'type': data['type'], 'ship_addr_city': data['ship_addr_city'], 'ship_addr_name': data['ship_addr_name'], 'client_notes': data['client_notes'], 'ship_addr_state': data['ship_addr_state'], 'ship_addr_street': data['ship_addr_street'], 'ship_addr_phone': data['ship_addr_phone'], 'ship_addr_zip': data['ship_addr_zip'], 'drupal_order_name': data['drupal_order_name'], 'payment_method': data['payment_method'], 'drupal_total': data['drupal_total'] }) def run(self, cmdargs): print "Importing account invoices" execute_old_database_query(""" SELECT, i.account_id, i.amount_tax, i.amount_total, i.amount_untaxed, i.check_total, i.company_id, i.currency_id, i.date_due, i.date_invoice, i.fiscal_position, i.internal_number, i.journal_id, i.move_name,, i.origin, i.partner_id, i.period_id, i.reconciled, i.reference, i.residual, i.sent, i.state, i.type, i.x_dir_city, i.x_dir_name, i.x_dir_observations, i.x_dir_state, i.x_dir_street, i.x_dir_telephone, i.x_dir_zip, i.x_drupal_order, i.x_pago, i.x_total,,,, rp.type, rp.vat, rp.street,,,, aa.code,,, ap.code,, ap.date_start, ap.date_stop, aj.type, aj.code, FROM account_invoice i LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON = i.partner_id LEFT JOIN res_currency rc ON = i.currency_id LEFT JOIN account_account aa ON = i.account_id LEFT JOIN account_period ap ON = i.partner_id LEFT JOIN account_journal aj ON = i.journal_id LEFT JOIN account_fiscal_position fp ON = i.fiscal_position ORDER BY; """) dbname =['db_name'] r = modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(dbname) cr = r.cursor() with api.Environment.manage(): env = api.Environment(cr, 1, {}) # Define target model account_invoice = env['account.invoice'] id_ptr = None c_data = {} while True: r = src_cr.fetchone() if not r: self.process_account_invoice(account_invoice, c_data) break print r account = env['account.account'].search([('code','=',r[43]),('name','=',r[44]),]) currency = env['res.currency'].search([('name','=',r[41]),]) period = match_account_period(env,code=r[46],name=r[47],date_start=r[48],date_stop=r[49]) journal = match_account_journal(env,type=r[50],code=r[51]) fiscal_position = match_account_fiscal_position(env,name=r[52]) company_id = 1 if r[38] is not None and r[39] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[35]),('name','=',r[36]),('type','=',r[37]),('vat','=',r[38]),('street','=',r[39])]) elif r[38] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[35]),('name','=',r[36]),('type','=',r[37]),('vat','=',r[38])]) elif r[39] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[35]),('name','=',r[36]),('type','=',r[37]),('street','=',r[39])]) else: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[35]),('name','=',r[36]),('type','=',r[37])]) # Take one when partners are duplicated partner_id = if len(list(partner)) <= 1 else partner[0].id fiscal_position_id = if fiscal_position else None if id_ptr != r[0]: self.process_account_invoice(account_invoice, c_data) id_ptr = r[0] c_data = { 'id': r[0], 'account_id':, 'amount_tax': r[2], 'amount_total': r[3], 'amount_untaxed': r[4], 'check_total': r[5], 'company_id': company_id, 'currency_id':, 'date_due': r[8], 'date_invoice': r[9], 'fiscal_position': fiscal_position_id, 'internal_number': r[11], 'journal_id':, 'move_name': r[13], 'name': r[14], 'origin': r[15], 'partner_id': partner_id, 'partner_invoice_id': partner_id, 'partner_shipping_id': partner_id, 'period_id':, 'reconciled': r[18], 'reference': r[19], 'residual': r[20], 'sent': r[21], 'state': r[22], 'type': r[23], 'ship_addr_city': r[24], 'ship_addr_name': r[25], 'client_notes': r[26], 'ship_addr_state': r[27], 'ship_addr_country': '', 'ship_addr_street': r[28], 'ship_addr_phone': r[29], 'ship_addr_zip': r[30], 'drupal_order_name': r[31], 'payment_method': r[32], 'drupal_total': r[33] } cr.commit() cr.close() Import Account Invoice Lines class ImportAccountInvoiceLine(Command): """Import account invoice lines from source DB""" def process_account_invoice_line(self, model, data): if not data: return # Model structure m = { 'account_id': data['account_id'], 'create_date': data['create_date'], 'company_id': data['company_id'], 'discount': data['discount'], 'invoice_id': data['invoice_id'], 'name': data['name'], 'partner_id': data['partner_id'], 'product_id': data['product_id'], 'quantity': data['quantity'], 'price_unit': data['price_unit'], 'price_subtotal': data['price_subtotal'], 'supplier_name': data['supplier_name'], 'supplier_ref': data['supplier_ref'], 'item_lot_number': data['item_lot_number'], 'item_expiration': data['item_expiration'], 'item_delivery_note': data['item_delivery_note'], } if not data['invoice_line_tax_id'] is None: m['invoice_line_tax_id'] = [(4,data['invoice_line_tax_id'])] # print model.create(m) def recalculate_tax_amount(self,cr): with api.Environment.manage(): env = api.Environment(cr, 1, {}) invoices = env['account.invoice'].search([]) account_invoice_tax = env[''] print "Recalculating invoice taxes" for invoice in invoices: print invoice print invoice.action_move_create() # print invoice.button_reset_taxes() if <= 32600: break def run(self, cmdargs): print "Importing account invoice lines" execute_old_database_query(""" SELECT, il.account_id, il.create_date, il.company_id,, il.invoice_id,, il.partner_id, il.price_unit, il.price_subtotal, il.product_id, il.quantity, il.x_prov, il.x_ref_prov, il.x_lote, il.x_caducidad, il.x_albaran, i.internal_number,, i.origin, i.reference, i.type, i.x_drupal_order, i.date_invoice,,, rp.type, rp.vat, rp.street, pp.default_code, pp.name_template, pp.x_subcategoria, pp.x_marca, at.type_tax_use, FROM account_invoice_line il LEFT JOIN account_invoice i ON = il.invoice_id LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON = il.partner_id LEFT JOIN product_product pp ON = il.product_id LEFT JOIN account_invoice_line_tax ailt ON ailt.invoice_line_id = LEFT JOIN account_tax at ON = ailt.tax_id WHERE > 28700 ORDER BY DESC; """) dbname =['db_name'] r = modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(dbname) cr = r.cursor() with api.Environment.manage(): env = api.Environment(cr, 1, {}) # Define target model account_invoice_line = env['account.invoice.line'] id_ptr = None c_data = {} company_id = 1 while True: r = src_cr.fetchone() if not r: self.process_account_invoice_line(account_invoice_line, c_data) break print r print r[17],r[18],r[19],r[20],r[21] if not (r[17] is None and r[18] is None and r[19] is None and r[20] is None): account_invoice = env['account.invoice'].search([('internal_number','=',r[17]),('name','=',r[18]),('origin','=',r[19]),('reference','=',r[20]),('type','=',r[21]),('drupal_order_name','=',r[22]),('date_invoice','=',r[23])]) print "normal" else: print "parner" if r[27] is not None and r[28] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26]),('vat','=',r[27]),('street','=',r[28])]) elif r[27] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26]),('vat','=',r[27])]) elif r[28] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26]),('street','=',r[28])]) else: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26])]) # Take one when partners are duplicated partner_id = if len(list(partner)) <= 1 else partner[0].id account_invoice = env['account.invoice'].search([('internal_number','=',r[17]),('name','=',r[18]),('origin','=',r[19]),('reference','=',r[20]),('type','=',r[21]),('drupal_order_name','=',r[22]),('date_invoice','=',r[23]),('partner_id','=',partner_id)]) if not account_invoice: # If there is not an account_invoice for this partner, continue with the next row print "^ NO INVOICE FOR THIS LINE ^" continue product = env['product.product'].search([('default_code','=',r[29]),('name_template','=',r[30]),('subcategory_txt','=',r[31]),('brand','=',r[32])]) # Take one when invoices are duplicated invoice = account_invoice if len(list(account_invoice)) <= 1 else account_invoice[0] # Take one when products are duplicated product_id = if len(list(product)) <= 1 else product[0].id print r[33],r[34] if r[33] is None and r[34] is None: tax_id = None else: tax = match_account_tax(env, r[33], r[34]) tax_id = if id_ptr != r[0]: self.process_account_invoice_line(account_invoice_line, c_data) id_ptr = r[0] c_data = { 'id': r[0], 'account_id':, 'create_date': r[2], 'company_id': r[3], 'discount': r[4], 'invoice_id':, 'name': r[6], 'partner_id':, 'price_unit': r[8], 'price_subtotal': r[9], 'product_id': product_id, 'quantity': r[11], 'supplier_name': r[12], 'supplier_ref': r[13], 'item_lot_number': r[14], 'item_expiration': r[15], 'item_delivery_note': r[16], 'invoice_line_tax_id': tax_id } cr.commit() self.recalculate_tax_amount(cr) cr.close() I have associated Journals, Periods... but I can't get Odoo creates the account.move and compute all taxes. What should I do? IMPORTANT: I need to assign the same number each invoice already have in old database.
The solution was to create a function to update invoice taxes and move, at the end of invoice lines insertion and before commit. The function: def refresh_invoices_and_recompute_taxes(self, model, invoice_ids): for i in invoice_ids: print "Updating invoice", i invoice = model.browse(i) print "- Computing taxes" invoice.button_compute(set_total=True) invoice.action_date_assign() print "- Creating account move" invoice.action_move_create() print "- Assigning number" invoice.action_number() My class: class ImportAccountInvoiceLine(Command): """Import account invoice lines from source DB""" def process_account_invoice_line(self, model, data): if not data: return m = { 'account_id': data['account_id'], 'create_date': data['create_date'], 'company_id': data['company_id'], 'discount': data['discount'], 'invoice_id': data['invoice_id'], 'name': data['name'], 'partner_id': data['partner_id'], 'product_id': data['product_id'], 'quantity': data['quantity'], 'price_unit': data['price_unit'], 'price_subtotal': data['price_subtotal'], 'supplier_name': data['supplier_name'], 'supplier_ref': data['supplier_ref'], 'item_lot_number': data['item_lot_number'], 'item_expiration': data['item_expiration'], 'item_delivery_note': data['item_delivery_note'], } if not data['invoice_line_tax_id'] is None: m['invoice_line_tax_id'] = [(4,data['invoice_line_tax_id'])] # # Model structure model.create(m) def refresh_invoices_and_recompute_taxes(self, model,invoice_ids): for i in invoice_ids: print "Updating invoice", i invoice = model.browse(i) print "- Computing taxes" invoice.button_compute(set_total=True) invoice.action_date_assign() print "- Creating account move" invoice.action_move_create() print "- Assigning number" invoice.action_number() def run(self, cmdargs): print "Importing account invoice lines" execute_old_database_query(""" SELECT, il.account_id, il.create_date, il.company_id,, il.invoice_id,, il.partner_id, il.price_unit, il.price_subtotal, il.product_id, il.quantity, il.x_prov, il.x_ref_prov, il.x_lote, il.x_caducidad, il.x_albaran, i.internal_number,, i.origin, i.reference, i.type, i.x_drupal_order, i.date_invoice,,, rp.type, rp.vat, rp.street, pp.default_code, pp.name_template, pp.x_subcategoria, pp.x_marca, at.type_tax_use, FROM account_invoice_line il LEFT JOIN account_invoice i ON = il.invoice_id LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON = il.partner_id LEFT JOIN product_product pp ON = il.product_id LEFT JOIN account_invoice_line_tax ailt ON ailt.invoice_line_id = LEFT JOIN account_tax at ON = ailt.tax_id ORDER BY il.invoice_id ASC, ASC LIMIT 10000; """) dbname =['db_name'] r = modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(dbname) cr = r.cursor() invoice_ids = [] inv_id = 0 with api.Environment.manage(): env = api.Environment(cr, 1, {}) # Define target model account_invoice_line = env['account.invoice.line'] id_ptr = None c_data = {} company_id = 1 while True: r = src_cr.fetchone() if not r: self.process_account_invoice_line(account_invoice_line, c_data) break if not (r[17] is None and r[18] is None and r[19] is None and r[20] is None): account_invoice = env['account.invoice'].search([('internal_number','=',r[17]),('name','=',r[18]),('origin','=',r[19]),('reference','=',r[20]),('type','=',r[21]),('drupal_order_name','=',r[22]),('date_invoice','=',r[23])]) else: if r[27] is not None and r[28] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26]),('vat','=',r[27]),('street','=',r[28])]) elif r[27] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26]),('vat','=',r[27])]) elif r[28] is not None: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26]),('street','=',r[28])]) else: partner = env['res.partner'].search([('email','=',r[24]),('name','=',r[25]),('type','=',r[26])]) # Take one when partners are duplicated partner_id = if len(list(partner)) <= 1 else partner[0].id account_invoice = env['account.invoice'].search([('internal_number','=',r[17]),('name','=',r[18]),('origin','=',r[19]),('reference','=',r[20]),('type','=',r[21]),('drupal_order_name','=',r[22]),('date_invoice','=',r[23]),('partner_id','=',partner_id)]) if not account_invoice: # If there is not an account_invoice for this partner, continue with the next row print "^ NO INVOICE FOR THIS LINE ^" continue product = env['product.product'].search([('default_code','=',r[29]),('name_template','=',r[30]),('subcategory_txt','=',r[31]),('brand','=',r[32])]) # Take one when invoices are duplicated invoice = account_invoice if len(list(account_invoice)) <= 1 else account_invoice[0] # Take one when products are duplicated product_id = if len(list(product)) <= 1 else product[0].id if not invoice: continue else: if inv_id != inv_id = invoice_ids.append(inv_id) tax = match_account_tax(env, r[33], r[34]) tax_id = if tax is not None and tax else None if id_ptr != r[0]: id_ptr = r[0] c_data = { 'id': r[0], 'account_id':, 'create_date': r[2], 'company_id': r[3], 'discount': r[4], 'invoice_id':, 'name': r[6], 'partner_id':, 'price_unit': r[8], 'price_subtotal': r[9], 'product_id': product_id, 'quantity': r[11], 'supplier_name': r[12], 'supplier_ref': r[13], 'item_lot_number': r[14], 'item_expiration': r[15], 'item_delivery_note': r[16], 'invoice_line_tax_id': tax_id } self.process_account_invoice_line(account_invoice_line, c_data) self.refresh_invoices_and_recompute_taxes(env['account.invoice'], invoice_ids) cr.commit() cr.close()