Is there any way to get the DNS address of an instance of an aws ubuntu server if I do not have the login to the aws account, but the SSH key for it - django

I got a task to deploy a static website on an AWS Ubuntu Server, I was given the username and the SSH key for it. Using PuTTy I got access to the server, setup django, postgres nginx and gunicorn. However now I need to check the progress and whichever tutorial I looked up, I found them checking their deployment progress with a dns address, but since I have connected to the server remotely, I do not have that. So please help me check my deployment status. I am attaching some screenshots of the PuTTy terminal below
Image of the final Gunicorn command to finish the deployment


Unable to install anything on AWS ubuntu

I thought of migrating my php application from shared hosting to AWS. however i'm facing some difficult while installing packages, whenever i try to install a package it saying connecting to some xyz server and halts, the installation does not proceed. I followed below steps
1.) I created amazon AWS free tier account
2.) I created a security group policy
3.) I generated a elastic IP from the pool
4.) I created an AWS ec2 instance using Ubuntu x64 v16 (Did all the setup and was fine)
5.) Generated the .pem key and downloaded it, also connected via SSH using the key, i'm able to connect
6.) I then associated the Elastic IP to the instance and restarted the instance
whenever i try to connect to the public IP address it says server took too long to respond or is not accessible. I thought might be i need to install Apache
I'm trying to install Apache, also not only Apache even if i run sudo update && upgrade it just shows a message connecting to server and hangs up!
What my be the problem? Where did i go wrong?

Docker - springboot on AWS EC2

Just spun an EC2 ubunto on AWS. Installed Docker. Pulled my test springboot image and run it on the host. Can't access the app via browser. When I curl on the host, it does respond with valid http response. Is there a network or firewall that I should be looking at?
ubuntu#ip-172-31-4-157:~$ sudo docker ps
ea9879c1b38c parikshit123/docker-spring-boot:firsttry "java -jar docker-sp…" 20 minutes ago Up 20 minutes>8085/tcp frosty_sammet
ubuntu#ip-172-31-4-157:~$ curl localhost:8085/test/hello
Hello from Mitalubuntu#ip-172-31-4-157:~$
Just figured out.
By default, AWS Ec2 instances have ALL TCP tranffic (inbound and outbound) blocked. I learned that it has to be g opened. I added security group and it worked. Now I can access the endpoint via browser. Bingo!

GCP VM instance hosted Website showing connectino refused error message

I am trying to fix a website that is hosted on Google Cloud Platform using VM instance. The website is giving me a connection refused error message. I have checked that the firewall rules are set up and are provided to the VM instance.
The VM external IP is static and the same IP is present on both cloud DNS and GoDaddy.
I'm also unable to SSH into the instance.
The SSH screen is stuck here and is not loading any further
I have given the necessary permissions to the instance and the user (Compute Admin, Compute Instance Admin (v1)), but still no luck.
As the instance is created from a custom image, so later, I tried creating another instance with the same config and I was able to SSH from it. So, please find some screenshots attached below if those could be of any help
netstat -a
route -n
df -h
I am new to this so any help to fix the issue and get the website up and running would be highly appreciated.
If it worked at the second attempt (2nd Instance I mean), I suspect that the SSH service hasn't started properly. I would recommend you to check the Serial Port Output, and Accessing into the Instance through the serial port in order to be able to troubleshoot it.
Note that you'll need a user to access through the serial port. If you don't have any user created, you will be able to do so using an startup-script.
Hope this helps!

Amazon aws ec2 login via putty

I had successfully used putty to login into Debian-8.1 on AWS by using key file. Once I upgraded debian using the command apt-get upgrade and tried to login through putty, it shows the error which i mentioned below:
putty fatal error: network connection refused
How can i resolve this?
I think Kernal Upgrade , Reboots the system in Linux and if you have not allocated Elastic Ip to the instance , the Ip would have have changed.
Did you Check the Instance IP ? Are you able to Login via Web based Interface from EC2- Console ?

How to run pencilblue on aws?

I have installed PencilBlue on AWS EC2 instance. i have started PB by using the command pbctrl start
Now, how can I access the PencilBlue login page?
Just like you run any other web server on EC2, you start the service, open the port in the Security Group, and then open the website in your browser.