Feature Selection and PCA in Machine Learning - pca

I have a dataset with around 15 numeric columns and two categorical columns which are a "State" column and an "Income" column with six buckets representing each different income range. Do I need to encode the "Income" column if it contains integers 1-6 representing each income range? In addition, what type of encoder should I use for the "state" column and does anyone have any good resources on this?
In addition, does one typically perform feature selection (wrapper and filter methods such as Pearson's and Recursive Feature Elimination) before PCA? What is the typical correlation threshold when using a method like Pearson's? And what is the ideal number of dimensions or explained variance ratio one should use when running PCA. I'm confused if you use one of them or both. Thank you.


How does CfsSubsetEva (Correlation-based Feature Selection) works in Weka

I have a dataset which is categorical dataset. I am using WEKA software for feature selection. I have used CfsSubsetEval as attribute evaluator with Greedystepwise method. I came to know this link that CFS uses Pearson correlation to find the strong correlation between the dataset. I also found out how to calculate Pearson correlation coefficient using this link. As per the link the data values need to be numerical for evaluation. Then how can WEKA did the evaluation on my categorical dataset?
The strange result is that Among 70 attributes CFS selects only 10 attributes. Is it because of the categorical dataset? Additionally my dataset is a highly imbalanced dataset where imbalanced ration 1:9(yes:no).
A Quick question
If you go through the link you can found the statement the correlation coefficient to measure the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two numerical variables X and Y. Now I can understand the strength of the correlation coefficient which is varied in between +1 to -1 but what about the direction? How can I get that? I mean the variable is not a vector so it should not have a direction.
The method correlate in the CfsSubsetEval class is used to compute the correlation between two attributes. It calls other methods, depending on the attribute types, which I've linked here:
two numeric attributes: num_num
numeric/nominal attributes: num_nom2
two nominal attributes: nom_nom

Weighted Average Calculations across various combinations using Cube.js

We have a question on designing schema and handling analytics requirement for our product and would appreciate your advise on this. We are just getting started with Cube.js. Here is our req: We have data (for simplicity...i will use an example) where say we have multiple columns (attributes) and say 1 "value" and 1 "weight" column. We need to calculate weighted averages across all combinations of the columns (attributes) and the value / weight columns.
e.g. Group by Column 1 and weighted average (value/Weight column)
or Group by Column 1, 2 and weighted average etc. etc...
it can be many types of combinations and we have atleast 8 to 12 columns like that
Wondering how best to model?
Probably for you will be convenient to create one cube with several predefined segments or also you can create several cubes per each attribute.
It depends on your data.

How to manage custom number formatting in power BI?

How can I do custom number formatting in a Power Bi visual?
I don't want to show all value as million. I want to put thousand for 1-day value, and million for 1-week value and year for 1-year value.
Power BI charts follow the principles of good data visualisation. That includes a scale that is relevant to the data with labels that relate to the scale.
In the visualisation, the differences for the values less than 1M are not discernible. The label with the 0M supports that approach, although it doesn't look great. But that happens when you have a chart with very large AND very small values. Power BI only supports one display unit and you selected Millions.
You may want to consider using a different visual for the data. Not all visuals to be shown as charts. If you want to show the exact numbers, then a simple table might be a better approach. In a sorted list of numbers, the digits in a number act very much like a horizontal bar.
Or split the chart in two and show one chart for values above 1M and another for values below 1M.
Or use Thousands as display units instead of Millions.

Principal component analysis on proportional data

Is it valid to run a PCA on data that is comprised of proportions? For example, I have data on the proportion of various food items in the diet of different species. Can I run a PCA on this type of data or should I transform the data or do something else beforehand?
I had a similar question. You should search for "compositional data analysis". There are transformation to apply to proportions in order to analyze them with multivariate tecniques such as PCA. You can find also "robust" PCA algorithms to run your analysis in R. Let us know if you find an appropriate solution to your specific problem.
I don't think so.
PCA will give you "impossible" answers. You might get principal components with values that proportions can't have, like negative values or values greater than 1. How would you interpret this component?
In technical terms, the support of your data is a subset of the support of PCA. Say you have $k$ classes. Then:
the support for PCA vectors is $\R^k$
the support for your proportion vectors is the $k$- dimensional simplex. By simplex I mean the set of $p$ vectors of length $k$ such that:
$0 \le p_i \le 1$ where $i = 1, ..., k$
$\sum_{i=1}^k{p_i} = 1$
One way around this is if there's a one to one mapping between the $k$-simplex to all of $\R^k$. If so, you could map from your proportions to $\R^k$, do PCA there, then map the PCA vectors to the simplex.
But I'm not sure the simplex is a self-contained linear space. If you add two elements of the simplex, you don't get an element of the simplex :/
A better approach, I think, is clustering, eg with Gaussian mixtures, or spectral clustering. This is related to PCA. But a nice property of clustering is you can express any element of your data as a "convex combination" of the clusters. If you analyze your proportion data and find clusters, they (unlike PCA vectors) will be within the simplex space, and any mixture of them will be, too.
I also recommend looking into nonnegative matrix factorization. This is like PCA but, as the name suggests, avoids negative components and also negative eigenvectors. It's very useful for inferring structure in strictly positive data, like proportions. But nmf does not give you a basis for simplex space.

Clustering a list of dates

I have a list of dates I'd like to cluster into 3 clusters. Now, I can see hints that I should be looking at k-means, but all the examples I've found so far are related to coordinates, in other words, pairs of list items.
I want to take this list of dates and append them to three separate lists indicating whether they were before, during or after a certain event. I don't have the time for this event, but that's why I'm guessing it by breaking the date/times into three groups.
Can anyone please help with a simple example on how to use something like numpy or scipy to do this?
k-means is exclusively for coordinates. And more precisely: for continuous and linear values.
The reason is the mean functions. Many people overlook the role of the mean for k-means (despite it being in the name...)
On non-numerical data, how do you compute the mean?
There exist some variants for binary or categorial data. IIRC there is k-modes, for example, and there is k-medoids (PAM, partitioning around medoids).
It's unclear to me what you want to achieve overall... your data seems to be 1-dimensional, so you may want to look at the many questions here about 1-dimensional data (as the data can be sorted, it can be processed much more efficiently than multidimensional data).
In general, even if you projected your data into unix time (seconds since 1.1.1970), k-means will likely only return mediocre results for you. The reason is that it will try to make the three intervals have the same length.
Do you have any reason to suspect that "before", "during" and "after" have the same duration? If not, don't use k-means.
You may however want to have a look at KDE; and plot the estimated density. Once you have understood the role of density for your task, you can start looking at appropriate algorithms (e.g. take the derivative of your density estimation, and look for the largest increase / decrease, or estimate an "average" level, and look for the longest above-average interval).
Here are some workaround methods that may not be the best answer but should help.
You can plot the dates as converted durations from a starting date (such as one week)
and convert the dates to number representations for time in minutes or hours from the starting point.
These would all graph along an x-axis but Kmeans should still be possible and clustering still visible on a graph.
Here are more examples of numpy:Python k-means algorithm