GCP BigQuery - Verify successful execution of stored procedure - google-cloud-platform

I have a BigQuery routine that inserts records into a BQ Table.
I am looking to have a Eventarc trigger that triggers Cloud Run, and performs some action on successful execution of the BigQuery Routine.
From Cloud Logging, I can see two events that would seem to confirm the successful execution of the BQ Routine.
However, this does not give me the Job ID.
So, I am looking at event -
Would it be correct to assume that, if protoPayload.serviceData.jobCompletedEvent.job.jobStatus.error is empty, then the stored procedure execution was successful?

Decided to go with protoPayload.methodName="jobservice.jobcompleted" in this case.
It gives the job id at protoPayload.requestMetadata.resourceName, status like protoPayload.serviceData.jobCompletedEvent.job.jobStatus.state and errors if any like protoPayload.serviceData.jobCompletedEvent.job.jobStatus.error


How to apply Path Patterns in GCP Eventarc for BigQuery service's jobCompleted method?

I am developing a solution where a cloud function calls BigQuery procedure and upon successful completion of this stored proc trigger another cloud function. For this I am using Audit Logs "jobservice.jobcompleted" method. Problem with this approach is it will trigger cloud function on every job that are completed in BigQuery irrespective of dataset and procedure.
Is there any way to add Path Pattern to the filter so that it triggers only for specific query completion and not for all?
My query starts something like: CALL storedProc() ...
Also, as I tried to create a 2nd Gen function from console, I tried Eventarc trigger. But to my surprise BigQuery Event provider doesn't have Event for jobCompleted
Now I'm wondering if it's possible to trigger based on job complete event.
Update:I changed my logic now to use google.cloud.bigquery.v2.TableService.InsertTable method to make sure after inserting a record to a table it will add AuditLog message so that I can trigger the next service. This insert statement is present as the last statement in BigQuery procedure.
After running the procedure, the insert statement is inserting the data but resource name is coming as projects/<project_name>/jobs
I was expecting something like projects/<project_name>/tables/<table_name> so that I can apply path pattern on resource name.
Do I need to use different protoPayload.method?
Try to create a Log Sink for job completed with unique principal-email sv account and use pubsub with the sink.
Get pubsub published event to run destination service.

How to quickly find which Activity in AWS Step Function State Machine fails with CLI?

I checked this guide AWS CLI For Step Functions, but it only describe about an State Machine's execution is passing or not, but no way to know which exact Activity fails and which exact Activity passes, is there a quick way to find that out?
The UI of Step Function has that visually showing which exact Activity fails, but not with the CLI.
You asked which exact Activity fails, but based on your question I think you are looking to find which state in your state machine fails.
In AWS console, Step Functions visually showing which exact State fails based on the data from Execution History.
To do it from CLI you can use get-execution-history command like this:
aws stepfunctions get-execution-history --execution-arn <execution-arn> --reverse-order --max-items 2
--reverse-order Lists events in descending order of their timeStamp, and is useful because the fail events are the last events in execution history.
--max-items Used because the last event is for ExecutionFailed event and the events before that is for state Fail event. You can increase it to see more events.

How to process files serially in cloud function?

I have written a cloud storage trigger based cloud function. I have 10-15 files landing at 5 secs interval in cloud bucket which loads data into a bigquery table(truncate and load).
While there are 10 files in the bucket I want cloud function to process them in sequential manner i.e 1 file at a time as all the files accesses the same table for operation.
Currently cloud function is getting triggered for multiple files at a time and it fails in BIgquery operation as multiple files trying to access the same table.
Is there any way to configure this in cloud function??
Thanks in Advance!
You can achieve this by using pubsub, and the max instance param on Cloud Function.
Firstly, use the notification capability of Google Cloud Storage and sink the event into a PubSub topic.
Now you will receive a message every time that a event occur on the bucket. If you want to filter on file creation only (object finalize) you can apply a filter on the subscription. I wrote an article on this
Then, create an HTTP functions (http function is required if you want to apply a filter) with the max instance set to 1. Like this, only 1 function can be executed in the same time. So, no concurrency!
Finally, create a PubSub subscription on the topic, with a filter or not, to call your function in HTTP.
Thanks to your code, I understood what happens. In fact, BigQuery is a declarative system. When you perform a request or a load job, a job is created and it works in background.
In python, you can explicitly wait the end on the job, but, with pandas, I didn't find how!!
I just found a Google Cloud page to explain how to migrate from pandas to BigQuery client library. As you can see, there is a line at the end
# Wait for the load job to complete.
than wait the end of the job.
You did it well in the _insert_into_bigquery_dwh function but it's not the case in the staging _insert_into_bigquery_staging one. This can lead to 2 issues:
The dwh function work on the old data because the staging isn't yet finish when you trigger this job
If the staging take, let's say, 10 seconds and run in "background" (you don't wait the end explicitly in your code) and the dwh take 1 seconds, the next file is processed at the end of the dwh function, even if the staging one continue to run in background. And that leads to your issue.
The architecture you describe isn't the same as the one from the documentation you linked. Note that in the flow diagram and the code samples the storage events triggers the cloud function which will stream the data directly to the destination table. Since BigQuery allow for multiple streaming insert jobs several functions could be executed at the same time without problems. In your use case the intermediate table used to load with write-truncate for data cleaning makes a big difference because each execution needs the previous one to finish thus requiring a sequential processing approach.
I would like to point out that PubSub doesn't allow to configure the rate at which messages are sent, if 10 messages arrive to the topic they all will be sent to the subscriber, even if processed one at a time. Limiting the function to one instance may lead to overhead for the above reason and could increase latency as well. That said, since the expected workload is 15-30 files a day the above maybe isn't a big concern.
If you'd like to have parallel executions you may try creating a new table for each message and set a short expiration deadline for it using table.expires(exp_datetime) setter method so that multiple executions don't conflict with each other. Here is the related library reference. Otherwise the great answer from Guillaume would completely get the job done.

Dataflow Pipeline - “Processing stuck in step <STEP_NAME> for at least <TIME> without outputting or completing in state finish…”

Since I'm not allowed to ask my question in the same thread where another person have the same problem (but not using a template) I'm creating this new thread.
The problem: Im creating a dataflow job from a template in gcp to ingest data from pub/sub into BQ. This works fine until the job executes. The job gets "stuck" and does not write anything to BQ.
I cant do so much because I cant choose the beam version in the template. This is the error:
Processing stuck in step WriteSuccessfulRecords/StreamingInserts/StreamingWriteTables/StreamingWrite for at least 01h00m00s without outputting or completing in state finish
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.awaitDone(FutureTask.java:429)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(FutureTask.java:191)
at org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigquery.BigQueryServicesImpl$DatasetServiceImpl.insertAll(BigQueryServicesImpl.java:803)
at org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigquery.BigQueryServicesImpl$DatasetServiceImpl.insertAll(BigQueryServicesImpl.java:867)
at org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigquery.StreamingWriteFn.flushRows(StreamingWriteFn.java:140)
at org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigquery.StreamingWriteFn.finishBundle(StreamingWriteFn.java:112)
at org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigquery.StreamingWriteFn$DoFnInvoker.invokeFinishBundle(Unknown Source)
Any ideas how to get this to work?
The issue is coming from the step WriteSuccessfulRecords/StreamingInserts/StreamingWriteTables/StreamingWrite which suggest a problem while writing the data.
Your error can be replicated by (using either Pub/Sub Subscription to BigQuery or Pub/Sub Topic to BigQuery):
Configuring a template with a table that doesn't exist.
Starting the
template with a correct table and delete it during the job execution.
In both cases the stuckness message happens because the data is being read from Pubsub but it is waiting for the table availability to insert the data. The error is being reported each 5 minutes and it gets resolved when the table is created.
To verify the table configured in your template, see the property outputTableSpec in the PipelineOptions in the Dataflow UI.
I had the same issue before. The problem was that I used NestedValueProviders to evaluate the Pub/Sub topic/subscription and this is not supported in case of templated pipelines.
I was getting the same error and reason was that I created an empty BigQuery table without specifying an schema. Make sure to create a BQ table with a schema before you can load data via Dataflow.

Is there an api to send notifications based on job outputs?

I know there are api to configure the notification when a job is failed or finished.
But what if, say, I run a hive query that count the number of rows in a table. If the returned result is zero I want to send out emails to the concerned parties. How can I do that?
You may want to look at Airflow and Qubole's operator for airflow. We use airflow to orchestrate all jobs being run using Qubole and in some cases non Qubole environments. We DataDog API to report success / failures of each task (Qubole / Non Qubole). DataDog in this case can be replaced by Airflow's email operator. Airflow also has some chat operator (like Slack)
There is no direct api for triggering notification based on results of a query.
However there is a way to do this using Qubole:
-Create a work flow in qubole with following steps:
1. Your query (any query) that writes output to a particular location on s3.
2. A shell script - This script reads result from your s3 and fails the job based on any criteria. For instance in your case, fail the job if result returns 0 rows.
-Schedule this work flow using "Scheduler" API to notify on failure.
You can also use "Sendmail" shell command to send mail based on results in step 2 above.