I have a string which consist of data along with spaces i want to sort this string into particular variables
" Company Name : ABC Department : TESTING";
i want to split this string and get the company name and department name to add to their particular variable
You will have a pain in the neck for achieving that taks because the data is ill formatted,
your goal is to obtain from the string something like:
Company Name = ABC
Department = TESTING
even using the method split, you need a token that you dont have...
the suggestion i can provide is to redefine those strings in something well formatted and parsable... json is a good candidate for this task
imagine this example using json objects:
QString str3 = "{\"Company Name\" : \"ABC\", \"Department\" : \"TESTING\", \"Number\" : 123, \"Updated\" : false}";
then you need to "parse" the string into a json object, then get those "values" for the "keys"
QJsonDocument doc1 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(str3.toUtf8());
QJsonValue company = doc1["Company Name"];
QJsonValue dept = doc1["Department"];
QJsonValue number = doc1["Number"];
QJsonValue updated = doc1["Updated"];
qDebug()<< "Company: " << company.toString();
qDebug()<< "Department: " << dept.toString();
qDebug()<< "Number: " << number.toInt();
qDebug()<< "Updated: " << updated.toBool();
your output will look like:
Company: "ABC"
Department: "TESTING"
Number: 123
Updated: false
I have the following grammar:
'Department:' name = ID
'Company:' companyName = STRING
'Persons:' persons += Person+
firstName = STRING
surname = STRING
address = STRING
And I would like to have formatting like this:
Department: Department1
Company: "Company1"
"Person1FirstName" : "Person1LastName" : "Person1Address"
"Person2FirstName" : "Person2LastName" : "Person2Address"
But when I implement the formatter code I cannot seem to be able to use indent twice since the white space formatting gets merged instead of getting concatinated.
class TestsFormatter extends AbstractFormatter2
def dispatch void format(Department department, extension IFormattableDocument document)
for (Person person : department.persons)
def dispatch void format(Person person, extension IFormattableDocument document)
I found out that there is an example with "increaseIndentation/decreaseIndentation" in the documentation of AbstractFormatter2. But when I try to use them, it cannot resolve them.
you can achive this by using a custom replacer similar as described in How to define different indentation levels in the same document with Xtext formatter
Is it possible to obtain the string equivalent of protobuf enums in C++?
The following is the message description:
package MyPackage;
message MyMessage
enum RequestType
Login = 0;
Logout = 1;
optional RequestType requestType = 1;
In my code I wish to do something like this:
MyMessage::RequestType requestType = MyMessage::RequestType::Login;
// requestTypeString will be "Login"
std::string requestTypeString = ProtobufEnumToString(requestType);
The EnumDescriptor and EnumValueDescriptor classes can be used for this kind of manipulation, and the
the generated .pb.h and .pb.cc names are easy enough to read, so you can look through them to get details on the functions they offer.
In this particular case, the following should work (untested):
std::string requestTypeString = MyMessage_RequestType_Name(requestType);
See the answer of Josh Kelley, use the EnumDescriptor and EnumValueDescriptor.
The EnumDescriptor documentation says:
To get a EnumDescriptor
To get the EnumDescriptor for a generated enum type, call
TypeName_descriptor(). Use DescriptorPool to construct your own
To get the string value, use FindValueByNumber(int number)
const EnumValueDescriptor * EnumDescriptor::FindValueByNumber(int number) const
Looks up a value by number.
Returns NULL if no such value exists. If multiple values have this >number,the first one defined is returned.
Example, get the protobuf enum:
enum UserStatus {
AWAY = 0;
The code to read the string name from a value and the value from a string name:
const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor *descriptor = UserStatus_descriptor();
std::string name = descriptor->FindValueByNumber(UserStatus::ONLINE)->name();
int number = descriptor->FindValueByName("ONLINE")->number();
std::cout << "Enum name: " << name << std::endl;
std::cout << "Enum number: " << number << std::endl;
I have been writing a wrapper for the Cassandra cppdriver for CQL3.0 and I have come across some odd behavior, and I am not sure if it is typical or a bug.
For reference, I am working with with the cppdriver code release on 4 September (from the repository), libuv0.10 and off of the songs / playlist example posted on the datastax website (http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cql/3.1/cql/ddl/ddl_music_service_c.html)
The problem that I am having is with executing query strings. There seems to be some threshold of characters after which the query string being sent to Cassandra becomes garbage. The code that I am using to construct and send the string to the cppdriver library (and parse the results) is provided below. I added a function (cass_session_print_query) to the cassandra.h and session.cpp files to print out generated statement.
map<string, vector<string> > retresults;
int i = 0, ccount;
stringstream ss;
vector<string> keys = get.GetList();
vector<string>::iterator kit = keys.begin();
map<int, pair<string, string> > primkeys = get.GetMap();
map<int, pair<string, string> >::iterator mit = primkeys.begin();
if (!keys.empty())
ss << "SELECT " << (*kit);
for ( ; kit != keys.end(); ++kit)
ss << "," << (*kit);
ss << " FROM " << tablename;
if (!primkeys.empty())
ss << " WHERE ";
ss << mit->second.first << " = ?";
for ( ; mit != primkeys.end(); ++mit)
ss << " and " << mit->second.first << " = ?";
mit = primkeys.begin();
ss << ";";
cass_bool_t has_more_pages = cass_false;
const CassResult* result = NULL;
CassString query = cass_string_init(ss.str().c_str());
CassStatement* statement = cass_statement_new(query, primkeys.size());
for ( ; mit != primkeys.end(); ++mit)
cass_statement_bind_string(statement, i++, cass_string_init(mit->second.second.c_str()));
cass_statement_set_paging_size(statement, 100);
CassIterator* iterator;
CassFuture* future = cass_session_execute(session_, statement);
if (cass_future_error_code(future) != 0)
CassString message = cass_future_error_message(future);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %.*s\n", (int)message.length, message.data);
result = cass_future_get_result(future);
ccount = cass_result_column_count(result);
vector<string> cnames;
for (i = 0; i < ccount; i++)
cnames.push_back(cass_result_column_name(result, i).data);
iterator = cass_iterator_from_result(result);
ListVector::iterator vit;
while (cass_iterator_next(iterator))
const CassRow* row = cass_iterator_get_row(iterator);
for (vit = cnames.begin(); vit != cnames.end(); ++vit)
CassString value;
char value_buffer[256];
cass_value_get_string(cass_row_get_column_by_name(row, (*vit).c_str()), &value);
if (value.length == 0 || value.data == NULL)
memcpy(value_buffer, value.data, value.length);
value_buffer[value.length] = '\0';
has_more_pages = cass_result_has_more_pages(result);
if (has_more_pages)
cass_statement_set_paging_state(statement, result);
} while (has_more_pages);
return retresults;
With this, an initial query string of SELECT id,album,title,artist,data FROM songs; results in a Cassandra query string of SELECT id,album,title,artist,data FROM songs;. However, if I add one more column to the SELECT portion SELECT id,album,title,artist,data,tags FROM songs; the query string in the Cassandra cppdriver library becomes something like: ,ar����,dat�� jOM songX. This results in the following error from Cassandra / library: Error: line 1:49 no viable alternative at character '�'.
I have also tried fewer columns, but with a WHERE clause, and that results in the same problem.
Is this a bug? Or am I building and sending strings to the cppdriver library incorrectly?
You should cass_future_wait() on the execute future before testing the error code.
Unrelated: there are also a couple of things that should be freed (future, statement), but I'm assuming that was omitted to keep this concise.
So, it looks like (for whatever reason) I HAVE to parse out the row key from the results. I checked the example, and I was able to not parse out the row key information and everything still worked. I am not yet entirely sure what is forcing me to do this (compared to the provided paging example), but for others, you need to include the following within the while (cass_iterator_nex(iterator)) block to "magically" fix my code above.
CassUuid key;
char key_buffer[CASS_UUID_STRING_LENGTH];
const CassRow* row = cass_iterator_get_row(iterator);
cass_value_get_uuid(cass_row_get_column(row, 0), key);
cass_uuid_string(key, key_buffer);
This is really a long shot, but since you mentioned the Music Service example, did you possibly download and use cql_collections.zip query strings? If so, the strings (now fixed) had minor syntax errors:
-use music
-CREATE TABLE music.songs ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, album text, artist text, data blob, reviews list, tags set, title text, venue map
+use music;
+CREATE TABLE music.songs ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, album text, artist text, data blob, reviews list, tags set, title text, venue map);
AeroBuffalo's code worked for me except that I had to put '&' in front of the second parameter of cass_value_get_uuid() function. It required reference type.
cass_value_get_uuid(cass_row_get_column(row, 0), &key);
Imagine you have a table in a CSV file with this kind of layout:
name,property1 [unit1],property2 [unit2]
I need to convert each row to this kind of JSON structure (ie, for row 1):
"name1": [
"properties": [
"property_1": "_value_",
"unit": "unit1"
"property_2": "_value_",
"unit": "unit2"
On top of it all, I have to explain that I am using Qt 4.7 and can't update; also, I can't install Qxt so I'm relying on qt-json for the JSON parsing/encoding. More, the CSV file is not created/maintained by me, so I can't really change it either.
So with all of this, I realised I need a few things, so this is a kind of multiple question:
how should I write the RegEx to read the unit in each column's header? Please note that the unit is enclosed in rect-parenthesis.
imagine I extract both the header row and the other rows into a QList<QString>, separating each column as a string. How can I manage to sync all the bits of data in order to create the JSON structure I need on a QString? (I think I need it in a QString so I can dump each row in a different file, but I'm open to other options as well)
Just one final note - I also need to this to be somewhat scalable. The CSV files on which this will be apllied are very heterogenous in column count: some have 8 columns, others have 20.
I know it is not a good practice to post "multiquestions", but the thing is I'm feeling too overwhelmed with all of this, and because I have virtually no experience with Qt, I can't even define a plan to attack this. Hope someone can share some pointers. Thanks!
So, I've been thinking a little more about this and I don't actually know if this is a good idea/feasible but here is what I thought of:
when going through the header row, I would check if each column string had a hit for the RegEx. If so, I would store the column index and the unit string in a list;
then, when going through the other rows, in order to parse them into JSON, I would check in each column if it matched the index in the previous list, and if so, I would then add the unit to the map (as qt-json docs explains)
Does this make any sense? Can anyone mock up a skeleton I can work on for this?
I've managed to get a few things working so far, but still not working as it should. Right now I have managed to read properly from the CSV file, but the output isn't coming out right. Can anyone share some insight?
NOTE: the processLineFromCSV function returns a QStringList obtained like so: QStringList cells = line.split(separator_char);
NOTE2: the RegEx was obtained from this answer.
NOTE3: Check below for the type of output I'm getting. Right now I think the problem relates more to the usage of the qt-json lib than actually the rest of the code, but any help is welcome! :)
The code so far:
QFile file(csvfile);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
bool first = true;
QVariantMap map;
QVariantMap propertyMap;
QList<QVariant> generalList, propertiesList;
while (!file.atEnd())
QString line = file.readLine();
if(first == true){
headerList = processLineFromCSV(line, separator_char);
first = false;
QStringList cellList = processLineFromCSV(line, separator_char);
int i=0;
for(i; i<cellList.size(); i++)
// check the header cell for "[unit]" string
// returns -1 if does not have the string
// if it has the string, it's stored in capturedUnits[1]
int test = exp.indexIn(headerList.at(i));
// store the captured units in a QStringList
QStringList capturedUnits = exp.capturedTexts();
if(test==-1){ // if header does not have a captured unit - general column
QString name = headerList.at(i);
QString sanitizeName= name.remove(exp.capturedTexts().at(0), Qt::CaseSensitive);
map[sanitizeName] = cellList.at(i);
else{ // if header string has a captured unit - property column
QString propertyName = headerList.at(i); // extract string in header
QString sanitizedPropertyName = propertyName.remove(exp); //remove the unit regex from the string
sanitizedPropertyName.remove(QChar('\n'), Qt::CaseSensitive); // clear newlines
if(sanitizedPropertyName.startsWith('"') && sanitizedPropertyName.endsWith('"'))
QString value =cellList.at(i); // extract string in value
QString sanitizedValue = value.remove(QChar('\n'), Qt::CaseSensitive); // clear newlines
if(sanitizedValue.startsWith('"') && sanitizedValue.endsWith('"'))
propertyMap[sanitizedPropertyName]= sanitizedValue; // map the property: value pair
propertyMap["unit"] = capturedUnits.at(1); // map the unit: [unit] value pair
QByteArray general = QtJson::serialize(map); // serialize the pair for general column
QByteArray properties = QtJson::serialize(propertyMap); // serialize the pair for property column
QVariant genVar(general);
QVariant propVar(properties);
QByteArray finalGeneral = QtJson::serialize(generalList);
QByteArray finalProperties = QtJson::serialize(propertiesList);
qDebug() << finalGeneral;
qDebug() << finalProperties;
The ouput:
"{ \"name\" : \"name1\" }",
"{ \"name\" : \"name1\" }",
"{ \"name\" : \"name2\" }",
"{ \"name\" : \"name2\" }",
"{ \"name\" : \"name3\" }",
"{ \"name\" : \"name3\" }"
"{ \"property1 \" : \"4.5\", \"unit\" : \"unit1\" }",
"{ \"property1 \" : \"4.5\", \"property2 \" : \"2.3\", \"unit\" : \"unit2\" }",
"{ \"property1 \" : \"3.2\", \"property2 \" : \"2.3\", \"unit\" : \"unit1\" }",
"{ \"property1 \" : \"3.2\", \"property2 \" : \"7.4\", \"unit\" : \"unit2\" }",
"{ \"property1 \" : \"5.5\", \"property2 \" : \"7.4\", \"unit\" : \"unit1\" }",
"{ \"property1 \" : \"5.5\", \"property2 \" : \"6.1\", \"unit\" : \"unit2\" }"
This should be a good start for you:
QString csv = "name,property1 [unit1],property2 [unit2],property3 [unit3]\n"
QStringList csvRows = csv.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QStringList csvHeader = csvRows.takeFirst().split(',');
foreach(QString row, csvRows) {
QStringList values = row.split(',');
QString rowName = values.takeFirst();
QVariantList properties;
for(int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
QString value = values[i];
QStringList propParts = csvHeader[i].split(' ');
QString propName = propParts[0];
QString propType = propParts[1].mid(1, propParts[1].size() - 2);
QVariantMap property;
property[propName] = value;
property["unit"] = propType;
QVariantMap propertyObj;
propertyObj["properties"] = properties;
QVariantList propList;
QVariantMap root;
root[rowName] = propList;
QByteArray json = QtJson::serialize(root);
qDebug() << json;
// Now you can save json to a file
Just seen your response to my comment. I don't have much experience with QT either, but a quick outline....
Extract the data one line at a time, and 'split' it into an array. If you are using CSV you need to be sure that there are no data points that have a comma in them, or the split will result in a real mess. Check with whoever extracted the data if they can use another 'less common' separator (eg a '|' is good). if you data is all numeric that is great, but be wary of locations that use the comma as a decimal separator :(
I hope that you have 1 'table' per file, if not you need to be able to 'identify' when a new table starts somehow, this could be interesting / fun - depends on your outlook ;).
At the end you will have a collection of 'string arrays' (a table of some sort) hopefully the first is your header info. If you have mutliple tables, you will deal with them one at a time
You should now be able to 'output' each table in good JSON format.
Getting your 'units' from the header rows: If you know in advance where they are located (ie the index in the array) you can plan for extracting the info (using a regex if you wish) in the correct index locations.
Last point.
If your csv file is very long (hundreds of lines), just grab the first few into a new test file for quicker debuging, then once you are happy, enlarge it a bit and check the output format... then again once you are happy that there are no other bugs... for the whole file
Likewise if you have multiple tables in your file, start with the first one only, then add the first part of a second... test.... add a third.... test etc etc etc until you are happy
A possibly better solution, after reading your comment about wanting some form of 'synchronisation'.
NOTE: this may seem a little more complex, but I think it would be a more flexible solution in the end. Also does this data not exist in a DB somewhere (who gave it to you?), can they give you direct read access to the underlying DB and tables? if so, you can jump straight to the 'output each table to JSON' step.
using an embeded DB (ie SQLite).
Extract the first 'header' row, and create a table in your DB that follows the info there (you should be able to add info regarding units to the 'metadata' ie a description). If all your files are the same you could even import all the data into the same single table, or auto create a new table (assuming the same format) for each new file using the same create table statement.
I'm sure there is a 'csvimport' in SQLite (I haven't checked the docs yet, and haven't done this in a while) or someone has written a library that will do this.
Output each table to JSON format, again I'm sure someone has written a library for this.
Using the answer by ExplodingRat this is the final code: (without file creation at the end)
QString csvfile = ui->lineEditCSVfile->text();
QString separator_char = ui->lineEditSeparator->text();
QRegExp exp("\\[([^\\]]+)\\]");
QFile file(csvfile);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
QString csv = file.readAll();
QStringList csvRows = csv.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QStringList csvHeader = csvRows.takeFirst().split(separator_char);
foreach(QString row, csvRows) {
QStringList values = row.split(separator_char);
QString rowName = values.takeFirst();
QVariantList general;
QVariantList properties;
for(int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
QString value = values[i];
int test = exp.indexIn(csvHeader[i]);
//qDebug() << test;
//qDebug() << csvHeader;
QStringList capturedUnits = exp.capturedTexts();
QString propName = csvHeader[i];
//QString propName = csvHeader[i].remove(exp);
//qDebug() <<"property name" << propName;
QVariantMap property;
property[propName] = value;
//QStringList propParts = csvHeader[i].split(' ');
//QString propName = csvHeader[i].remove(exp);
QString propType = capturedUnits[1];
QVariantMap property;
property[propName] = value;
property["unit"] = propType;
QVariantMap propertyObj;
propertyObj["properties"] = properties;
QVariantList propList;
QVariantMap generalObj;
generalObj["general"] = general;
QVariantList generalList;
QVariantList fullList;
QVariantMap root;
root[rowName] = fullList;
QByteArray json = QtJson::serialize(root);
qDebug() << json;
// Now you can save json to a file
I use mysql++ library to connect to my database. I've created a Connection and Query:
Connection conn(false);
conn.connect("database", "localhost", "user", "pass");
Query query = conn.query();
Then I can send a query to the database like:
query << "select name from my_table1, my_table2 where age=20"
But I'd like to send a number variable instead of 20. I tried to do that in that way:
std::stringstream ss; //create a stringstream
ss << my_number //add number to the stream
std::string number = ss.str();
query << "select name from my_table1, my_table2 where age="+number;
Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
My second problem is analogous. I create an QPixmap object (here QPixmap doesn't matter anyway) and i've to give the constructor a path to my image:
std:string name;
std::string path = "/home/root/img/"+name+".png"; //name is a variable string
QPixmap *tmp = new QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(path.c_str())); //conversion from string to QString
query << "select name from my_table1, my_table2 where age="+number;
should be:
query << "select name from my_table1, my_table2 where age=" << number;
since + is not a valid C++ streams concatenation operator.
What's the problem with the QPixmap? Maybe that should be a separate question?
For your second issue I'd recommend changing it from this:
std:string name;
std::string path = "/home/root/img/"+name+".png"; //name is a variable string
To this:
const QString name;
const QString path = QString("/home/root/img/%1.png").arg(name);
QPixmap tmp(path);