How to call a route from a password protected server? - postman

I have hosted a Flask API on a server with IP address - and route '/user/getAllUsers'.
The API is hosted on the server's localhost.
I need to call this API from a diffent machine, and for this I'm using Postman.
The route I'm calling in Postman is with GET.
But since the server is password protected, it is not able to call the API.
How do I make a connection to a password protected server?


Can I connect internal alb to private route 53 and proceed with SSL authentication?

Place the internet facing load balancer in the public area and it is sent to React. Then react calls the backend connected to the internal alb. In other words, internal alb can be called in frontend. And by applying the address of internal alb to private route 53, 'example.local' could be created. And I tried to connect this in react, but it was sent as an http request, and the react homepage was in https, causing a mixed content error.
Is there a way to solve this?
Backend and frontend are serviced by different clusters through ecs target.
If you are getting a mixed content error, then that means your requests to the backend are coming from the web browser, not a back-end server. Since you are using React, which is a front-end JavaScript framework, requests to your backend are coming from each user's laptop/desktop computer, not from your front-end web server. This means the backend API cannot be behind an internal load balancer, because then it wouldn't be accessible from the user's web browser.

How to redirect cookie and user ip address in server side network request in nextjs?

I am new to nextjs and SSR in general. I have previously worked through CSR in ReactJS. If a react application makes a request to the server API, then the server receives the cookie and the client's IP address.
But in the case of SSR, if NextJS makes a request on the server side, then the backend sees the IP address of the server where NextJS is located.
In this case, how can the backend server recognize the IP address of the client, and not the NextJS server? And how to send client cookies to the backend?
I need to know the client's IP to avoid cheating product ratings by guests.

Calling a HTTPS secure REST service using a REST Endpoint in BPM

I can make HTTP REST call inside a BPM Process. How do I do a secure HTTPS call. In Oracle I have to add the certificate to a wallet and then make the call. So how do you do that in WSO2 as it fails if I change the URL from HTTP to HTTPS ?
You have to import the certificates to client-truststore as in this documentation.

local tomcat website request website on aws

We have a back-end website deployed on AWS. I deploy a front-end website in local tomcat and send a request to back-end website in order to get some object data with homemade soap api. Dose it work?
Yes , literally you are trying to access a remote api from local environment. After the deployment in AWS do make sure the security groups allows the protocol and port number, to be communicated from remotely.
By default there ports are not allowed.
Looks like you are trying to connect to a SOAP Webservice hosted in AWS. There is no reason it shouldn't be working, Only thing is you have to properly configure your AWS security groups attached to your backend server, to allow connections from your frontend website. Use front-end server port as the source ip in your security group. You might also have to allow outgoing connections from the network where your frontend server is hosted if it is protected by a firewall.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk https setup for website

I have a website written in AngularJs which send api request to another server application. If I want user to connect website through https, do I have to make server https also? I have already requested a ssl certificate on AWS with my website address, and applied it on the load balancer of website instance (not server instance). Do I have to request another certificate for my api server?
It is recommended that the communication between the client and server happens over https, especially if private data is being transmitted, such as login data.
Regarding certificates, in order to https to work, the common name (CN) that is used in the certificate must match the fully qualified domain of your server's URL. So yes, you need a new certificate created specifically for your back-end server.