Testing Braintree 3DS 2.0 integration with vaulted sandbox card - braintree-sandbox

We are trying to test 3DS 2.0 integration with Braintree using their sandbox environment and their test cards defined here
The problem is that when vaulting a sandbox card with Braintree it seems that no matter what card details we actually enter, the resultant vaulted card is 401288******1881.
So when we try to enrich a nonce generated from this vaulted card with 3DS, it tries to verify against the vaulted card 401288******1881 rather than the test cards originally entered.
Does anyone know if we are simply integrating incorrectly? Or is there something wrong with the Braintree sandbox environment here?


"Does your app use an advertising ID?" for Expo

I can't seem to find a clear answer as to how to answer this in the Google Play console.
Browsing the net I've found some answers related to advertising IDs
"How Expo Is Fooling Everyone" has a comment from James Ide saying "If you are using the managed workflow, the standalone apps will contain the Google and Facebook SDKs."
and another stackoverflow post on the IDFA.
My app doesn't use any specific type of advertising. But I think because I'm using Expo, I need to say yes to using an advertising ID because of the bundled Facebook SDK?
The form looks like this...
Does anyone know exactly how to fill out this form for an Expo app that has no advertising functionality added by the dev?
The article How Expo Is Fooling Everyone states that "all Expo applications collect the Advertising ID from users" which is true for Expo SDKs up to version 45. This meant that in the past you had to select that an Advertising ID was used in both your Apple App Store and Google Play Store submissions.
However, as of SDK 46 both the Facebook and FacbookAds packages have been deprecated in favour of Expo's newer EAS build service and these packages now need to be included specifically by users if they want to include the functionality of Facebook's login or advertising platform.
The contentious issue with Expo has always been the inclusion of the Facebook package which is why, as the article referenced, all Expo apps prior to 46 needed the Advertising ID disclosure in app store submissions.
While I cannot find any conclusive confirmation from Expo's documentation, I no longer disclose any Advertising ID collection in my apps using Expo's SDK 46+. I recommend that most developers migrate to the newer SDKs (SDK 47 as at time of writing this) to benefit from the EAS Build, updated React Native framework, and importantly, the removal of the default Facebook package included in every app.

how to charge stripe payment in ionic 2

i'm developing hybrid app using ionic. i want to pay with stripe in my app but Stripe’s ionic native plugin doesn’t seem to have charging functionality (it’s only for creating a token and validating card info, and nothing else), and I can’t find any tutorial showing how to charge a card & stuff.
I’ve searched google and all I’ve seen are plugins & templates for full integration, all for sale.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I’m at a stand still at the moment.

Are there any plugins/npm's /methods that allows me to let user to use his master card or debit (bank) card in ionic?

I want to ask if there are any methods/ plugins/ npm's that allows me to let users use there payments card such as master card or debit cards in ionic !
I searched about this topic and I could find two useful links
First: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/paypal/
Second: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/stripe/
But still I didn't use/test them before asks to make sure are these plugin support master/debit cards or not ?
If not, how can I use payment service in java/typescript of ionic ?
For- https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/paypal/
Paypal plugin
are now Deprecated and only existing integrations are supported. For all new integrations, use Braintree Direct in supported countries. In other countries, use Express Checkout and choose the Braintree SDK integration option.
In ionic use braintree native - https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/braintree/
(Braintree is a division of PayPal)
and also you can use other third party service of braintree.

Google Glass - how to insert a static card to the timeline using GDK

I am using the Glass Development Kit Preview SDK Add on to API Level 19 targeting Glass XE16.2.
How can the app push a static card to the timeline on the right, without using the Mirror API?
This is currently not possible like it was in XE12 which was replaced by XE16 in April 2014.
From the XE16 release notes:
Changes to TimelineManager:
The TimelineManager class and support for static cards from the GDK have been removed.
I suspect this might get resolved in a future XE update so you might want to hang tight. If you have to resolve this now, since its possible to do a timeline insert from a server it would not be impossible to either do a timeline insert from your GDK app (but with poor security ramifications) or to send a command to a server you control with enough metadata (what user, what to put on card) so that server can do the timeline insert. This assumes that server has previously been authorized by the user to do such an insert.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

How to start Hangouts from Glassware

I want to start Hangouts from my Glassware so that the user can make video call to any of his contacts in the Glass. I tried the giving the package name of the hangout app in an intent , but it did not work. If anybody has tried this before ,please do share.
Starting a hangout from an intent isn't supported by the GDK. A feature request was filed in our issue tracker here; feel free to follow it so that you can be updated if anything changes!
I want to start Hangouts from my Glassware so that team can see what is out put is coming.
I did lots of RnD, then I come up with below solution
steps -
install myglass into mobile
install your apps in google glass
paired with glass with your mobile thr Bluetooth
start myglass apps and sync with glass
now start you application over the google glass, it will show at mobile in same way and behavior.
let me know if it work