Why does left join in redshift not working? - amazon-web-services

We are facing a weird issue with Redshift and I am looking for help to debug it please. Details of the issue are following:
I have 2 tables and I am trying to perform left join as follows:
select count(*)
from abc.orders ot
left outer join abc.events e on **ot.context_id = e.context_id**
where ot.order_id = '222:102'
Above query returns ~7000 records. Looks like it is performing default join as we have only 1 record in [Orders] table with Order ID = ‘222:102’
select count(*)
from abc.orders ot
left outer join abc.events e on **ot.event_id = e.event_id**
where ot.order_id = '222:102'
Above query returns 1 record correctly. If you notice, I have just changed column for joining 2 tables. Event_ID in [Events] table is identity column but I thought I should get similar records even if I use any other column like Context_ID.
Further, I tried following query under the impression it should return all the ~7000 records as I am using default join but surprisingly it returned only 1 record.
select count(*)
from abc.orders ot
**join** abc.events e on ot.event_id = e.event_id
where ot.order_id = '222:102'
Following are the Redshift database details:
Cutdown version of table metadata:
CREATE TABLE abc.orders (
order_id character varying(30) NOT NULL ENCODE raw,
context_id integer ENCODE raw,
event_id character varying(21) NOT NULL ENCODE zstd,
FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events_20191014(event_id)
SORTKEY ( context_id, order_id );
CREATE TABLE abc.events (
event_id character varying(21) NOT NULL ENCODE raw,
context_id integer ENCODE raw,
PRIMARY KEY (event_id)
SORTKEY ( context_id, event_id );
Database: Amazon Redshift cluster
I think, I am missing something essential while joining the tables. Could you please guide me in right direction?
Thank you


Athena query return empty result because of timing issues

I'm trying to create and query the Athena table based on data located in S3, and it seems that there are some timing issues.
How can I know when all the partitions have been loaded to the table?
The following code returns an empty result -
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
athena_client.start_query_execution(QueryString="MSCK REPAIR TABLE `{athena_db}`.`{athena_db_partition}`"
.format(athena_db=athena_db, athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition),
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
result = query.format(athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition, delta=delta, dt=dt)
But when I add some delay, it works greate -
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
athena_client.start_query_execution(QueryString="MSCK REPAIR TABLE `{athena_db}`.`{athena_db_partition}`"
.format(athena_db=athena_db, athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition),
ResultConfiguration={'OutputLocation': output_location})
result = query.format(athena_db_partition=athena_db_partition, delta=delta, dt=dt)
The following is the query for creating the table -
query_create_table = '''
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `{athena_db}`.`{athena_db_partition}` (
`time` string,
`user_advertiser_id` string,
`predictions` float
dt string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'
'serialization.format' = ',',
'field.delim' = ','
) LOCATION 's3://{bucket}/path/'
app_query_create_table = query_create_table.format(bucket=bucket,
I would love to get some help.
The start_query_execution call only starts the query, it does not wait for it to complete. You must run get_query_execution periodically until the status of the execution is successful (or failed).
Not related to your problem per se, but if you create a table with CREATE TABLE … AS there is no need to add partitions with MSCK REPAIR TABLE … afterwards, there will be no new partitions after the table has just been created that way – because it will be created with all the partitions produced by the query.
Also, in general, avoid using MSCK REPAIR TABLE, it is slow and inefficient. There are many better ways to add partitions to a table, see https://athena.guide/articles/five-ways-to-add-partitions/

how to insert/update data in sql database using azure databricks notebook jdbc

I got lots of example to append/overwrite table in sql from AZ Databricks Notebook. But no single way to directly update, insert data using query or otherway.
ex. I want to update all row where (identity column)ID = 1143, so steps which I need to taken care are
val srMaster = "(SELECT ID, userid,statusid,bloburl,changedby FROM SRMaster WHERE ID = 1143) srMaster"
val srMasterTable = spark.read.jdbc(url=jdbcUrl, table=srMaster,
val srMasterTableUpdated = spark.sql("SELECT userid,statusid,bloburl,140 AS changedby FROM srMasterTable")
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "[dbo].[SRMaster]", connectionProperties)
Is there any other sufficient way to achieve the same.
Note : Above code is also not working as SQLServerException: Could not drop object 'dbo.SRMaster' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. , so it look like it drop table and recreate...not at all the solution.
You can use insert using a FROM statement.
Example: update values from another table in this table where a column matches.
FROM srMasterTable SELECT userid,statusid,bloburl,140 WHERE ID = 1143;
insert new values to rows where one of the existing column value matches
UPDATE srMaster SET userid = 1, statusid = 2, bloburl = 'https://url', changedby ='user' WHERE ID = '1143'
or just insert multiple values
(1, 10, 'https://url1','user1'),
(2, 11, 'https://url2','user2');
In SQL Server, you cannot drop a table if it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. You have to either drop the child tables before removing the parent table, or remove foreign key constraints.
For a parent table, you can use the below query to get foreign key constraint names and the referencing table names:
SELECT name AS 'Foreign Key Constraint Name',
OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(parent_object_id) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS 'Child Table'
FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(referenced_object_id) = 'dbo' AND
OBJECT_NAME(referenced_object_id) = 'PARENT_TABLE'
Then you can alter the child table and drop the constraint by its name using the below statement:

Athena/Presto data discovery query to recommend JSON schema?

I have an Athena table (raw) with just one column (json).
I have the following query which outputs the frequencies of json keys:
SELECT key, count(*)
SELECT map_keys(cast(json_parse(json) AS map(varchar, json))) AS keys
FROM raw
CROSS JOIN UNNEST (keys) AS t (key)
How can I extend this query so that it'll tell me whether a particular key has values with any non-numeric characters?
[failed attempts deleted after I found answer]
This works:
SELECT k, count(*) as isPresent, sum(isNumber) as isNumber,
count(*)-sum(isNumber) as notIsNumber from (
with dataset as (SELECT
cast(json_parse(json) AS map(varchar, varchar)) as kv FROM raw)
SELECT t.k, t.v,
IF(TRY(cast(t.v as double)) is null, 0, 1) as isNumber
from dataset cross join unnest(kv) as t(k, v)
) group by k

How to add a partition boundary only when not exists in SQL Data Warehouse?

I am using Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen 1, and I create a partition table like this
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StatsPerBin1](
[Bin1] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[TimeWindow] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Count] [int] NOT NULL,
[Timestamp] [datetime] NOT NULL)
How should I split a partition only when there is no such boundary?
First I think if I can get partition boundaries by table name, then I can write a if statement to determine add partition boundary or not.
But I cannot find a way to associate a table with its corresponding partition values, the partition values of all partitions can be retrieved by
SELECT * FROM sys.partition_range_values
But it only contains function_id as identifier which I don't know how to join other tables so that I can get partition boundaries by table name.
Have you tried joining sys.partition_range_values with sys.partition_functions view?
Granted we cannot create partition functions in SQL DW, but the view seems to be still supported.
I know this is an out of date question, but I was having the same problem. Here is a query I ended up with that can get you started. It is modified slightly from a query for SQL Server documentation:
SELECT s.[name] AS [schema_name]
, t.[name] AS [table_name]
, p.[partition_number] AS [partition_number]
, rv.[value] AS [partition_boundary_value]
, p.[data_compression_desc] AS [partition_compression_desc]
FROM sys.schemas s
JOIN sys.tables t ON t.[schema_id] = s.[schema_id]
JOIN sys.partitions p ON p.[object_id] = t.[object_id]
JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.[object_id] = p.[object_id]
AND i.[index_id] = p.[index_id]
JOIN sys.data_spaces ds ON ds.[data_space_id] = i.[data_space_id]
LEFT JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps ON ps.[data_space_id] = ds.[data_space_id]
LEFT JOIN sys.partition_functions pf ON pf.[function_id] = ps.[function_id]
LEFT JOIN sys.partition_range_values rv ON rv.[function_id] = pf.[function_id]
AND rv.[boundary_id] = p.[partition_number]

Doctrine join query to get all record satisfies count greater than 1

I tried with normal sql query
SELECT activity_shares.id FROM `activity_shares`
INNER JOIN (SELECT `activity_id` FROM `activity_shares`
GROUP BY `activity_id`
HAVING COUNT(`activity_id`) > 1 ) dup ON activity_shares.activity_id = dup.activity_id
Which gives me record id say 10 and 11
But same query I tried to do in Doctrine query builder,
->add('from','MyBundleDataBundle:ActivityShare c')
->innerJoin('c.activity', 'ca')
// ->andWhere('ca.id = c.activity')
Generated SQL is:
SELECT a0_.id AS id0 FROM activity_shares a0_
INNER JOIN activities a1_ ON a0_.activity_id = a1_.id
GROUP BY a1_.id HAVING count(a1_.id) > 1
Gives only 1 record that is 10.I want to get both.I'm not getting idea where I went wrong.Any idea?
My tables structure is:
| Id |activity |Share| etc...
| 1 | 1 |1 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 |
Activity is foreign key to Activity table.
I want to get Id's 1 and 2
Simplified SQL
first of all let me simplify that query so it gives the same result :
SELECT id FROM `activity_shares`
HAVING COUNT(`activity_id`) > 1
Docrtrine QueryBuilder
If you store the id of the activty in the table like you sql suggests:
You can use the simplified SQL to build a query:
$results =$this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder('c')
->add('from','MyBundleDataBundle:ActivityShare c')
If you are using association tables ( Doctrine logic)
here you will have to use join but the count may be tricky
Solution 1
use the associative table like an entitiy ( as i see it you only need the id)
Let's say the table name is activityshare_activity
it will have two fields activity_id and activityshare_id, if you find a way to add a new column id to that table and make it Autoincrement + Primary the rest is easy :
the new entity being called ActivityShareActivity
$results =$this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder('c')
->add('from','MyBundleDataBundle:ActivityShareActivity c')
the steps to add the new identification column to make it compatible with doctrine (you need to do this once):
add the column (INT , NOT NULL) don' t put the autoincrement yet
Populate the column using a php loop like for
Modify the column to be autoincrement
The correction to your query
->from('MyBundleDataBundle:ActivityShare', 'c')
->innerJoin('c.activity', 'ca')
->groupBy('c.id') //note: it's c.id not ca.id
I posted this one last because i am not 100% sure of the output of having+ count but it should word just fine :)
Thanks for your answers.I finally managed to get answer
My Doctrine query is:
->add('from','MyBundleDataBundle:ActivityShare as')
->innerJoin('as.activity', 'a')
->add('from','ChowzterDataBundle:ActivityShare c')
->innerJoin('c.activity', 'ca');
$query->andWhere($query->expr()->in('ca.id', $subquery->getDql()))
$result = $query->getQuery();
And SQL looks like:
SELECT a0_.id AS id0 FROM activity_shares a0_ INNER JOIN activities a1_ ON a0_.activity_id = a1_.id WHERE a1_.id IN (SELECT a2_.id FROM activity_shares a3_ INNER JOIN activities a2_ ON a3_.activity_id = a2_.id GROUP BY a2_.id HAVING count(a2_.id) > 1