AWS Cost Categories: Failed to create/update Cost Category [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed 4 months ago.
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Someone encountered this error while updating or creating a new cost category? This is my first time encountering this and I can't find any documentation or solution in the internet.
Validation error
Failed to create Cost Category: Effective start can only be first day of a month at 00:00:00 UTC

I think it's a bug in AWS Console. because I checked from json and found that it sends incorrect "EffectiveStart" data.


What does ch!=?.? mean in c++ [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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This is used here do {....} while(ch!=?.?); what does ch!=?.? mean here can anybody please help with it.
It's a syntax error with both clang and gcc.
#JonathanLeffler is usually right and I think he nailed the root cause. I used to see this when text was being copied from Microsoft Word to the web (lack of transcode from a Windows code page to ascii/utf8?).

MySQL Incorrect datetime value: '12/31/2016 23:59:59' for function str_to_date [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Here's the portion of the overall Prepared Statement that I'm having issues with: STR_TO_DATE(?, '%d/%m/%Y %k:%i:%S')
I'm writing in C++ and using a string I'm getting from a data file.
It's inserting 01/01/2017 18:00:10 just fine, but it gets to 12/31/2016 23:59:59 and breaks. I've tried some different combinations but I'm just not getting it.
It is a parsing error, you need to switch days and months you are passing to the function:
STR_TO_DATE(?, '%d/%m/%Y %k:%i:%S')
from 12/31/2016 23:59:59 to 31/12/2016 23:59:59

do_trucate in jinja2, correct usage needed [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I think I saw something on using this to truncate test as a filter, but I've seen to no idea how to use it. Using as xx|do_trucate(20) gives the following:
TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'do_truncate'
What is the correct usage?
Doh, from the spec I saw
But in reality, its just truncate

Why does django object.get raise DoesNotExist when it does? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have got this strange exception : the object exists in my database, get doesn't work but filter does...
(Pdb) p ProjectPhase.objects.get(slug='done-complete')
*** DoesNotExist: DoesNotExist('ProjectPhase matching query does not exist.',)
(Pdb) p ProjectPhase.objects.all().filter(slug='done-completed')
[<ProjectPhase: 8 - Done - Completed>]
Any hint ?
Both texts are different. First one is: done-complete and second one done-completed.
Should work

How to know when a Gdk.Pixbuf is finished loading [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am loading a Gdk.Pixbuf from bytes:
_pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(bytes);
Then, I'd like to read the _pixbuf data. But, it appears that the data is actually loading in the background because the data doesn't exist for a while. If I wait, all is fine.
How can I either know when it is finished, or force the update?
It turns out that this code was fine... I was executing it in the graphics thread, and returning before it was done. Once I executed it so that it blocked until it was complete, then all was fine.