LEETCODE 349 what's the significance mp[x]=1; - c++

I am looking at LeetCode problem 349. Intersection of Two Arrays:
Given two integer arrays nums1 and nums2, return an array of their intersection. Each element in the result must be unique and you may return the result in any order.
I solved it using a brute force algorithm, but then I found this solution:
class Solution {
vector<int> intersection(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
map<int,int> mp;
vector<int> ans;
for(int x : nums1)
for(int x: nums2)
for(auto x: mp)
return ans;
And now my question: What's the significance mp[x]=1; in that solution?

mp is a (hash)map, so it stores unique keys and associated values.
In this case the idea is to use the values in both input arrays as keys in such a map, and to associate the value 1 with a key when that key occurs in nums1 and to associate the value 2 with a key when that key occurs in nums1 and nums2. So that is a kind of "counter".
So mp[x] = 1 registers the value x (found in nums1) as key in that map and associates value 1 to it, to indicate that this key was found in nums1.
In the second loop, the map is used to verify whether a value x in nums2 is present as key in the map with an associated count of 1. If so, then the associated value is increased with mp[x]++ (so now it is 2).
The final loop iterates all the keys in the map and when it finds that the associated value is greater than 1 (i.e. it is 2), then that key value belongs in the result.


Most efficient algorithm for Two-sum problem (involving indices)

The problem statement is given an array and a given sum "T", find all the pairs of indices of the elements in the array which add up to T. Additional requirements/constraints:
Indexing starts from 0
The indices must be displayed with lower index first (Ex: 24, 30 instead of 30, 24)
The indices must be displayed in ascending order (Ex: if we find (1,3), (0,2) and (5,8) the output must be (0,2) (1,3) (5,8)
There can be duplicate elements in the array, which also have to be considered
Here's my code in C++, I used the hash-table approach using unordered_set:
void Twosum(vector <int> res, int T){
int temp; int ti = -1;
unordered_set<int> s;
vector <int> res2 = res; //Just a copy of the input vector
vector <tuple<int, int>> indices; //Result to be output
for (int i = 0; i < (int)res.size(); i++){
temp = T - res[i];
if (s.find(temp) != s.end()){
while(ti < (int)res.size()){ //While loop for finding all the instances of temp in the array,
//not part of the original hash-table algorithm, something I added
ti = find(res2.begin(), res2.end(), temp) - res2.begin();
//Here find() takes O(n) time which is an issue
res2[ti] = lim; //To remove that instance of temp so that new instances
//can be found in the while loop, here lim = 10^9
if(i <= ti) indices.push_back(make_tuple(i, ti));
else indices.push_back(make_tuple(ti, i));
if(ti == -1)
{cout<<"-1 -1"; //if no indices were found
sort(indices.begin(), indices.end()); //sorting since unordered_set stores elements randomly
for(int i=0; i<(int)indices.size(); i++)
cout<<get<0>(indices[i])<<" "<<get<1>(indices[i])<<endl;
This has multiple issues:
firstly that while loop doesn't work as intended, instead it shows SIGABRT error (free(): invalid pointer). The ti index is also somehow going beyond the vector bounds, even though I have that check in the while loop.
Secondly the find() function works in O(n) time, which increases the overall complexity to O(n^2), which is causing my program to timeout during execution. However that function is required since we have to output indices.
Lastly this unordered-set implementation doesn't seem to work when there are many duplicate elements in the array (since sets only take unique elements), which is one of the main constraints of the problem. This makes me think we need some sort of hash function or hashmap to deal with the duplicates? I'm not sure...
All the different algorithms I've found for this on the internet have dealt with just printing the elements and not the indices, hence I've had no luck with this problem.
If any of you know an optimal algorithm for this while also satisfying the constraints and running under O(n) time, your help would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Here is a pseudo-code answering your question, using hash tables (or maps) and set. I let you translate this to cpp using adapted data structures (in this case, classic hashmaps and sets will do the job well).
Notations: we will denote A the array, n its length, and T the "sum".
// first we build a map element -> {set of indices corresponding to this element}
Let M be an empty map; // or hash map, or hash table, or dictionary
for i from 0 to n-1 do {
Let e = A[i];
if e is not a key of M then {
M[e] = new_set()
// Now we iterate over the elements
for each key e of M do {
if T-e is a key of M then {
display_combinations(M[e], M[T-e]);
// The helper function display_combinations
function display_combinations(set1, set2) {
for each element e1 of set1 do {
for element e2 of set2 do {
if e1 < e2 then {
display "(e1, e2)";
} else if e1 > e2 then {
display "(e2, e1)";
As said in the comments, the complexity in the worst case of this algorithm is in O(n²). A way to see that we cannot go below this complexity is that the size of the output may be in O(n²), in the case where all elements of the array have the value T/2.
Edit: this pseudo code does not output the pairs in the order. Just store them in an array of pairs, and sort this array before displaying it. Same, I did not treat the case where a pair (i, i) may satisfy the requirement. You may have to consider it (just change e1 > e2 by e1 >= e2 in the last loop)

C++ map showing values as 0 for all keys

I am inserting number from a vector in map with key as the number and value as it's (index + 1).
But when I print the contents of the map, value being shown is 0 though I pass interger i.
// taking input of n integers in vector s;
vector<int> s;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int tmp;cin>>tmp;
//creating map int to int
map<int,int> m;
bool done = false;
for(int i=1;i<=s.size();i++){
//check if number already in map
if (m[s[i-1]]!=0){
if (i-m[s[i-1]]>1){
done = true;
// if number was not in map then insert the number and it's index + 1
for(auto it=m.begin();it!=m.end();it++){
cout<<endl<<it->first<<": "<<it->second<<endl;
For input
n = 3
and numbers as
1 2 1 in vector s, I expect the output to be
1: 1
2: 2
but output is
1: 0
2: 0
Why 0? What's wrong?
Your code block following the comment:
// check if number already in map
is logically faulty, because operator[] will actually insert an element, using value initialisation(a), if it does not currently exist.
If you were to instead use:
if (m.find(s[i-1]) != m.end())
that would get rid of this problem.
(a) I believe(b) that value initialisation for classes involve one of the constructors; for arrays, value initialisation for each item in the array; and, for other types (this scenario), zero initialisation. That would mean using your method creates an entry for your key, with a zero value, and returns that zero value
It would then move to the else block (because the value is zero) and try to do the insert. However, this snippet from the standard (C++20, [map.modifiers] discussing insert) means that nothing happens:
If the map already contains an element whose key is equivalent to k, there is no effect.
(b) Though, as my kids will point out frequently, and without much prompting, I've been wrong before :-)
std::map::operator[] will create a default element if it doesn't exist. Because you do m[s[i-1]] in the if condition, m.insert({s[i-1],i}); in else branch will always fail.
To check if key is already present in map use either find(), count() or contains() (if your compiler supports C++20)
//either will work instead of `if (m[s[i-1]]!=0)`
if (m.find(s[i-1]) != m.end())
if (m.count(s[i-1]) == 1)
if (m.contains(s[i-1])) //C++20

How can I insert multiple numbers to a particular element of a vector?

I am quite new to C++ and vector. I am calculating two things say 'i' and 'x' and I want to add 'x' that belongs to a particular vector element 'i'. I learned that if I have one 'x' value, I can simply do that by 'vec.at(i) = x'. But what if I want to add several 'x' values to a particular 'i' index of a vector?
Let's try to make it clear: Let's say I am searching for number '5' and '3' over a list of numbers from 1 to 10 (5 and 3 can occur multiple times in the list) and each time I am looking for number 5 or 3 that belong to index '2' of 'vec' I can do 'vec.at(2) = 5' or 'vec.at(2) = 3'. Then what if I have two '5' values and two '3' values so the sum of the index '2' of 'vec' will be '5+5+3+3' = 16?
P.S: using a counter and multiply concept will not solve my problem as the real problem is quite complicated. This query is just an example only. I want a solution within vector concept. I appreciate your help in advance.
If you know how many indices you want ahead of time, then try std::vector<std::vector<int>> (or instead of int use double or whatever).
For instance, if you want a collection of numbers corresponding to each number from 0 to 9, try
//This creates the vector of vectors,
//of length 10 (i.e. indices [0,9])
//with an empty vector for each element.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> vec(10, std::vector<int>());
To insert an element at a given index (assuming that there is something there, so in the above case there is only 'something there' for elements 0 through 9), try
And then to take the sum of the numbers in the vector at index 1:
int sum = 0;
for (int elem : vec.at(1)) { sum += elem; }
//sum should now be 8
If you want it to work for arbitrary indices, then it should be
std::map<int, std::vector<int>> map;
map[1].push_back(5); //creates an empty vector at index 1, then inserts
map[1].push_back(3); //uses the existing vector at index 1
int sum = 0;
for (int elem : map.at(1)) { sum += elem; }
Note that for std::vector and std::map, using [] do very different things. Most of the time you want at, which is about the same for both, but in this very specific case, [] for std::map is a good choice.
EDIT: To sum over every element in every vector in the map, you need an outer loop to go through the vectors in the map (paired with their index) and an inner loop like the one above. For example:
int sum = 0;
for (const std::pair<int, std::vector<int>>& index_vec : map) {
for (int elem : index_vec.second) { sum += elem; }

C++ Map get first element when second element is X

I have a C++ map called buttonValues as shown below.
map<int, int> buttonValues;
I put some data into my map as shown below.
buttonValues.insert(std::pair<int, int>(0, 1));
buttonValues.insert(std::pair<int, int>(1, 3));
buttonValues.insert(std::pair<int, int>(2, 0));
What I want to do is search for value 0 in the second column and if 0 is found in the second column, return the value in the first column. In this example, the value I would like to be returned is 2. So far I believe I can search for 0 in the second column with this:
However, how do I get the value corresponding in the first column?
buttonValues.find(0)->second will give you the value ("2nd column") corresponding to key 0. In your example, it will return 1. You need to iterate over the map and look for values = 0 and then return the key:
for (const auto& keyval : buttonValues) // Look at each key-value pair
if (keyval.second == 0) // If the value is 0...
return keyval.first; // ...return the first element in the pair
You can put this in a function. Note that a map has unique keys but not necessarily unique values. So you should probably handle the case where you have multiple keys for which the value is 0.
Something like this:
for ( auto X : map_name )
if ( X.second == 0 )
return X.first;
std::pair<> holds values of first and second columns in your map. You can just iterate through all pairs and check second values for what you want.
Actually from performance's perspective, it is not suggested to search key by value from a map, the time complexity would be linear time O(N). If you search value by key from a map, it would be 'O(logN)'. You can consider to build a reverse map or multimap, or even unordered_map / unordered_multimap depends on your use case.

How to make lower bound binary search if we have vector of pairs

I'm trying to implement lower_bound function in my c++ program, but the problem is next: it works fine with vector but it fails if we have to search over vector of pairs
I have one vector of pairs and i want to search first the first member of the pair and if we have multiple values with same value i want to return the smallest of the second value, for example:
Let's say we have the following vector of pairs
v = {(1,1),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(3,4),(5,6)};
Let's say we are searching for value K = 2, now I want to return the position 1 (if the array is 0-indexed) because the second value of the pair is 1 and 1 is smallest.
How can I implement this in easiest way, I tried implementing this but it fails in compiling, here is my code:
vector<pair<int,int> >a,b;
void solve() {
sort(b.begin(), b.end());
sort(a.begin(), a.end());
vector<int>::iterator it;
for(int i=0;i<a.size();i++) {
ll zero=0;
int to_search=max(zero, k-a[i].first);
it=lower_bound(b.begin(), b.end(), to_search);
int position=it-b.begin();
if(position==b.size()) continue;
answer=min(answer, a[i].second+b[position].second);
In other words I'm searching for the first value, but if there are more of that value return the one with smallest second element.
Thanks in advance.
less operator work on pair, so you may use directly
std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), std::make_pair(2, std::numeric_limits<int>::min()));