librdkafka 1.6.0 , C++ API producer, producing immediately after topic creation SOMETIMES result in errors (in RdKafka::Producer::produce call) - librdkafka

librdkafka version => 1.6.0
Topic auto creation NOT used (in our use case different topics need to have different partition counts).
OS = Red-hat Linux 7.9
Message is sent(RdKafka::Producer::produce) immediately after successfully creating the topic (rd_kafka_CreateTopics => rd_kafka_queue_poll => if NOT timed out, check errors with rd_kafka_event_error and rd_kafka_event_error+rd_kafka_CreateTopics_result_topics+rd_kafka_topic_result_error => RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR is taken as success)
Same RdKafka::Producer used to create topics and Produce. Both calls made in in same thread.
But the produce call/delivery fails some times with below errors(other times it is successful),
Produce call fail : ERR__UNKNOWN_TOPIC, ERR__FATAL
Delivery fail (Callback) : ERR__DESTROY, ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION
What is the recommended solution here ?
Add a sleep after each topic creation ?
any other ?


MismatchingMessageCorrelationException : Cannot correlate message ‘onEventReceiver’: No process definition or execution matches the parameters

We are facing an MismatchingMessageCorrelationException for the receive task in some cases (less than 5%)
The call back to notify receive task is done by :
protected void respondToCallWorker(
#NonNull final String correlationId,
final CallWorkerResultKeys result,
#Nullable final Map<String, Object> variables
) {
try {
.setVariable("callStatus", result.toString())
} catch(Exception e) {
When i check the logs : i found that the query executed is this one :
select distinct RES.* from ACT_RU_EXECUTION RES
WHERE RES.PROC_INST_ID_ = 'b2362197-3bea-11eb-a150-9e4bf0efd6d0' and RES.SUSPENSION_STATE_ = '1'
and exists (select ID_ from ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR EVT
where EVT.EXECUTION_ID_ = RES.ID_ and EVT.EVENT_TYPE_ = 'message'
and EVT.EVENT_NAME_ = 'callWorkerConsumer' )
Some times, When i look for the instance of the process in the database i found it waiting in the receive task
WHERE id_ = 'b2362197-3bea-11eb-a150-9e4bf0efd6d0'
However, when i check the subscription event, it's not yet created in the database
where EVT.EXECUTION_ID_ = 'b2362197-3bea-11eb-a150-9e4bf0efd6d0'
and EVT.EVENT_TYPE_ = 'message'
and EVT.EVENT_NAME_ = 'callWorkerConsumer'
I think that the solution is to save the "receive task" before getting the response for respondToCallWorker, but sadly i can't figure it out.
I tried "asynch before" callWorker and "Message consumer" but it did not work,
I also tried camunda.bpm.database.jdbc-batch-processing=false and got the same results,
I tried also parallel branches but i get OptimisticLocak exception and MismatchingMessageCorrelationException
Maybe i am doing it wrong
Thanks for your help
This is an interesting problem. As you already found out, the error happens, when you try to correlate the result from the "worker" before the main process ended its transaction, thus there is no message subscription registered at the time you correlate.
This problem in process orchestration is described and analyzed in this blog post, which is definitely worth reading.
Taken from that post, here is a design that should solve the issue:
You make message send and receive parallel and put an async before the send task.
By doing so, the async continuation job for the send event and the message subscription are written in the same transaction, so when the async message send executes, you already have the subscription waiting.
Although this should work and solve the issue on BPMN model level, it might be worth to consider options that do not require remodeling the process.
First, instead of calling the worker directly from your delegate, you could (assuming you are on spring boot) publish a "CallWorkerCommand" (simple pojo) and use a TransactionalEventLister on a spring bean to execute the actual call. By doing so, you first will finish the BPMN process by subscribing to the message and afterwards, spring will execute your worker call.
Second: you could use a retry mechanism like resilience4j around your correlate message call, so in the rare cases where the result comes to quickly, you fail and retry a second later.
Another solution I could think of, since you seem to be using an "external worker" pattern here, is to use an external-task-service task directly, so the send/receive synchronization gets solved by the Camunda external worker API.
So many options to choose from. I would possibly prefer the external task, followed by the transactionalEventListener, but that is a matter of personal preference.

kafka-python: Closing the kafka producer with 0 vs inf secs timeout

I am trying to produce the messages to a Kafka topic using kafka-python 2.0.1 using python 2.7 (can't use Python 3 due to some workplace-related limitations)
I created a class as below in a separate and compiled the package and installed in virtual environment:
import json
from kafka import KafkaProducer
class KafkaSender(object):
def __init__(self):
self.producer = self.get_kafka_producer()
def get_kafka_producer(self):
return KafkaProducer(
value_serializer=lambda x: json.dumps(x),
def send(self, data):
self.producer.send("topicname", value=data)
My driver code is something like this:
from mypackage import KafkaSender
# driver code
data = {"a":"b"}
kafka_sender = KafkaSender()
Scenario 1:
I run this code, it runs just fine, no errors, but the message is not pushed to the topic. I have confirmed this as offset or lag is not increased in the topic. Also, nothing is getting logged at the consumer end.
Scenario 2:
Commented/removed the initialization of Kafka producer from __init__ method.
I changed the sending line from
self.producer.send("topicname", value=data) to self.get_kafka_producer().send("topicname", value=data) i.e. creating kafka producer not in advance (during class initialization) but right before sending the message to topic. And when I ran the code, it worked perfectly. The message got published to the topic.
My intention using scenario 1 is to create a Kafka producer once and use it multiple times and not to create Kafka producer every time I want to send the messages. This way I might end up creating millions of Kafka producer objects if I need to send millions of messages.
Can you please help me understand why is Kafka producer behaving this way.
NOTE: If I write the Kafka Code and Driver code in same file it works fine. It's not working only when I write the Kafka code in separate package, compile it and import it in my another project.
Update 1: 9th May 2020, 17:20:
Removed INFO logs from the question description. I enabled the DEBUG level and here is the difference between the debug logs between first scenario and the second scenario
Update 2: 9th May 2020, 21:28:
Upon further debugging and looking at python-kafka source code, I was able to deduce that in scenario 1, kafka sender was forced closed while in scenario 2, kafka sender was being closed gracefully.
def initiate_close(self):
"""Start closing the sender (won't complete until all data is sent)."""
self._running = False
def force_close(self):
"""Closes the sender without sending out any pending messages."""
self._force_close = True
And this depends on whether kafka producer's close() method is called with timeout 0 (forced close of sender) or without timeout (in this case timeout takes value float('inf') and graceful close of sender is called.)
Kafka producer's close() method is called from __del__ method which is called at the time of garbage collection. close(0) method is being called from method which is registered with atexit which is called when interpreter terminates.
Question is why in scenario 1 interpreter is terminating?

Processing AWS Lambda messages in Batches

I am wondering something, and I really can't find information about it. Maybe it is not the way to go but, I would just like to know.
It is about Lambda working in batches. I know I can set up Lambda to consume batch messages. In my Lambda function I iterate each message, and if one fails, Lambda exits. And the cycle starts again.
I am wondering about slightly different approach
Let's assume I have three messages: A, B and C. I also take them in batches. Now if the message B fails (e.g. API call failed), I return message B to SQS and keep processing the message C.
Is it possible? If it is, is it a good approach? Because I see that I need to implement some extra complexity in Lambda and what not.
There's an excellent article here. The relevant parts for you are...
Using a batchSize of 1, so that messages succeed or fail on their own.
Making sure your processing is idempotent, so reprocessing a message isn't harmful, outside of the extra processing cost.
Handle errors within your function code, perhaps by catching them and sending the message to a dead letter queue for further processing.
Calling the DeleteMessage API manually within your function after successfully processing a message.
The last bullet point is how I've managed to deal with the same problem. Instead of returning errors immediately, store them or note that an error has occurred, but then continue to handle the rest of the messages in the batch. At the end of processing, return or raise an error so that the SQS -> lambda trigger knows not to delete the failed messages. All successful messages will have already been deleted by your lambda handler.
sqs = boto3.client('sqs')
def handler(event, context):
failed = False
for msg in event['Records']:
# Do something with the message.
except Exception:
# Ok it failed, but allow the loop to finish.
logger.exception('Failed to handle message')
failed = True
# The message was handled successfully. We can delete it now.
# It doesn't matter what the error is. You just want to raise here
# to ensure the trigger doesn't delete any of the failed messages.
if failed:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to process one or more messages')
def handle_msg(msg):
For Node.js, check out
const middy = require('#middy/core')
const sqsBatch = require('#middy/sqs-partial-batch-failure')
const originalHandler = (event, context, cb) => {
const recordPromises = (record, index) => { /* Custom message processing logic */ })
return Promise.allSettled(recordPromises)
const handler = middy(originalHandler)
Check out for more details.
As of Nov 2019, AWS has introduced the concept of Bisect On Function Error, along with Maximum retries. If your function is idempotent this can be used.
In this approach you should throw an error from the function even if one item in the batch is failing. AWS with split the batch into two and retry. Now one half of the batch should pass successfully. For the other half the process is continued till the bad record is isolated.
Like all architecture decisions, it depends on your goal and what you are willing to trade for more complexity. Using SQS will allow you to process messages out of order so that retries don't block other messages. Whether or not that is worth the complexity depends on why you are worried about messages getting blocked.
I suggest reading about Lambda retry behavior and Dead Letter Queues.
If you want to retry only the failed messages out of a batch of messages it is totally doable, but does add slight complexity.
A possible approach to achieve this is iterating through a list of your events (ex [eventA, eventB, eventC]), and for each execution, append to a list of failed events if the event failed. Then, have an end case that checks to see if the list of failed events has anything in it, and if it does, manually send the messages back to SQS (using SQS sendMessageBatch).
However, you should note that this puts the events to the end of the queue, since you are manually inserting them back.
Anything can be a "good approach" if it solves a problem you are having without much complexity, and in this case, the issue of having to re-execute successful events is definitely a problem that you can solve in this manner.
SQS/Lambda supports reporting batch failures. How it works is within each batch iteration, you catch all exceptions, and if that iteration fails add that messageId to an SQSBatchResponse. At the end when all SQS messages have been processed, you return the batch response.
Here is the relevant docs section:
To use this feature, your function must gracefully handle errors. Have your function logic catch all exceptions and report the messages that result in failure in batchItemFailures in your function response. If your function throws an exception, the entire batch is considered a complete failure.
To add to the answer by David:
SQS/Lambda supports reporting batch failures. How it works is within each batch iteration, you catch all exceptions, and if that iteration fails add that messageId to an SQSBatchResponse. At the end when all SQS messages have been processed, you return the batch response.
Here is the relevant docs section:
I implemented this, but a batch of A, B and C, with B failing, would still mark all three as complete. It turns out you need to explicitly define the lambda event source mapping to expect a batch failure to be returned. It can be done by adding the key of FunctionResponseTypes with the value of a list containing ReportBatchItemFailures. Here is the relevant docs:
My sam template looks like this after adding this:
Type: SQS
Queue: my-queue-arn
BatchSize: 10
Enabled: true
- ReportBatchItemFailures

Reading all available messages from mpsc UnboundedReceiver without blocking unnecessarily

I have an futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded channel. I can send messages to the UnboundedSender<T> but have problems receiving them from the UnboundedReciever<T>.
I use the channel to send messages to the UI thread, and I have a function that gets called every frame, and I'd like to read all the available messages from the channel on each frame, without blocking the thread when there are no available messages.
From what I've read the Future::poll method is kind of what I need, I just poll, and if I get Async::Ready, I do something with the message, and if not, I just return from the function.
The problem is the poll panics when there is no task context (I'm not sure what that means or what to do about it).
What I tried:
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // somewhere in the code, doesn't matter
// ...
let fut = match receiver.by_ref().collect().poll() {
Async::Ready(items_vec) => // do something on UI with items,
_ => return None
this panics because I don't have a task context.
Also tried:
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // somewhere in the code, doesn't matter
// ...
let fut = receiver.by_ref().collect(); // how do I run the future?
tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(fut); // this blocks the thread when there are no items in the receiver
I would like help with reading the UnboundedReceiver<T> without blocking the thread when there are no items in the stream (just do nothing then).
You are using futures incorrectly -- you need a Runtime and a bit more boilerplate to get this to work:
extern crate tokio;
extern crate futures;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use futures::future::{lazy, ok};
use futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
fn main() {
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded::<i64>();
let receiver = receiver.for_each(|result| {
println!("Got: {}", result);
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let lazy_future = lazy(move || {
ok::<(), ()>(())
Further reading, from Tokio's runtime model:
[...]in order to use Tokio and successfully execute tasks, an application must start an executor and the necessary drivers for the resources that the application’s tasks depend on. This requires significant boilerplate. To manage the boilerplate, Tokio offers a couple of runtime options. A runtime is an executor bundled with all necessary drivers to power Tokio’s resources. Instead of managing all the various Tokio components individually, a runtime is created and started in a single call.
Tokio offers a concurrent runtime and a single-threaded runtime. The concurrent runtime is backed by a multi-threaded, work-stealing executor. The single-threaded runtime executes all tasks and drivers on thee current thread. The user may pick the runtime with characteristics best suited for the application.

OpenDDS and notification of publisher presence

Problem: How can I get liveliness notifications of booth publisher connect and disconnect?
I'm working with a OpenDDS implementation where I have a publisher and a subscriber of a data type (dt), using the same topic, located on separate computers.
The reader on the subscriber side has overridden implementations of on_data_available(...)and on_liveliness_changed(...). My subscriber is started first, resulting in a callback to on_liveliness_changed(...) which says that there are no writers available. When the publisher is started I get a new callback to telling me there is a writer available, and when the publisher publishes, on_data_available(...) is called. So far everything is working as expected.
The writer on the publisher has a overridden implementation of on_publication_matched(...). When starting the publisher, on_publication_matched(...) gets called since we already have a subscriber started.
The problem is that when the publisher disconnects, I get no callback to on_liveliness_changed(...) on the reader side, nor do I get a new callback when the publisher is started again.
I have tried to change the readerQos by setting the readerQos.liveliness.lease_duration.
But the result is that the on_data_available(...) never gets called, and the only callback to on_liveliness_changed(...) is at startup, telling me that there are no publishers.
DDS::DataReaderQos readerQos;
m_subscriber->get_default_datareader_qos( readerQos );
DDS::Duration_t t = { 3, 0 };
readerQos.liveliness.lease_duration = t;
m_binary_Reader = static_cast<binary::binary_tdatareader( m_subscriber->create_datareader(m_Sender_Topic,readerQos,this, mask, 0, false) );
Ok, guess there aren't many DDS users here.
After some research I found that a reader/writer match occurs only if this compatibility criterion is satisfied: offered lease_duration <= requested lease_duration
The solution was to set the writer QoS to offer the same liveliness. There is probably a way of checking if the requested reader QoS could be supplied by the corresponding writer, and if not, use a "lower" QoS, all thou I haven't tried it yet.
In the on_liveliness_changed callback method I simply evaluated the alive_count in the from the LivelinessChangedStatus.