heroku - I'd like to keep using iCloud Private Relay in Safari: how to login to CLI? - icloud

I'd like to keep using iCloud Private Relay in Safari, my default web browser. It's an important Security Feature.
Any good suggestions how, then, to login to Heroku's CLI via OSX Terminal?


How to authorize via Google API from WebApp with an unknown URL?

I'm trying to build a plugin for a WordPress App, that uploads file to the users Google Drive space. I don't want the end user to create the Cloud Console Project. but rather just have him give consent so the plugin can access the needed data from his Google Drive account.
When I create OAuth 2.0 Client IDs in the Google Cloud Console (Web Application), Google asks for Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs. Since the plugin will be portable and can be installed on different websites I can't define this.
How can this be solved that an OAuth2 Authentication by the user can be done, without knowing the URL where the app is running?
You cant. Redirect uri must be configured properly, to point webserver the code authorization is running on.
You will need to instruct your users in how to create their own client.
Also as this is a WordPress application, you would need to share your client id and secret with the users. This is also against googles TOS.
possible workaround.
If you put up an authorization server on your own server. The users of your app could then login though that. A refresh token will be returned to their website running your app and stored locally. Your code could then run using the refresh token to access their data.
However you are then going to be responsible for verifying an app with google drive scopes.

Magento 2 deployed on Google cloud platform admin password not working

I have just deployed a Magento 2 site on Google Cloud Platform using their own tool (not bitnami). Everything seems fine but I just cant login with the admin password that was created by the installer. What can be wrong?
I have changed the ip adress to static. Also I wonder how I can point that site to my own domain.
In the end it was done quite easily just by setting up email and domain for google authentication settings in Google Cloud RuntimeConfig API

Options for private access to a staging website

What options do I have to put a website on a staging server and to allow the access only to specific people plus several external services, like PayPal IPN, Facebook Connect, Twitter OAuth2, Google OAuth2, etc.
Let's say, I have full control of the server with Debian Linux and can install any software necessary or add any configuration.
The website is running on Django.
I would like to let specific people test the website as both - anonymous users and logged in users.

RStudio like authentication for Jupyterhub

I am trying to configure Jupyterhub using these instructions.
However, instead of Github authentication I would like to use either
1) Rstudio server like authentication where credentials are the same as linux user ones, or
2) I would like to integrate it with my Django app where the users can login through the Django app login credentials. Something like Coursera has done here: https://hub.coursera-notebooks.org/hub/login (maybe with a different framework)
How can i do it?
Rstudio server like authentication where credentials are the same as linux user ones
This is the default behavior of JupyterHub, which uses the PAMAuthenticator to login with existing system usernames and passwords.
I would like to integrate it with my Django app where the users can login through the Django app login credentials.
This would mean writing an Authenticator. If your django app is an OAuth provider, you can use the oauthenticator package, which implements logging in with OAuth2. You can write your own subclass of the base OAuthenticator that talks to your application, using the various implementations in that repo as an example.
If your application is not an OAuthenticator, you may need to start from the base Authenticator class and define .authenticate() method.
If you proxy JupyterHub behind your django app, the simplest way to authenticate is to check a header that the proxy sets for authenticated users (and make sure that only authenticated requests arrive at the Hub). The RemoteUserAuthenticator is one such example that relies on the REMOTE_USER header set by Apache during login.

Umbraco Accelerator successfully deployed but wont connect

I have download the umbraco accelerator to try get an azure based CMS up and running, I have managed to change the configuration file and the command prompt log upon running the .bat files does not generate any errors.
I have created the storage and azure database and hosted service but when I look at the hosted service there is no way for me to connect into this as the connect button has been disabled. Has anyone else went through the setup and if so have you encoutnered this issue? The URL displayed in azure http://appname.cloudapp.net/umbraco/default.aspx does not work
Which Umbraco version are you deploying? AFAIK the accelerator is deprecated, but I could be wrong if you're doing something in particular, or something I haven't heard of (could be lots!) with web/hosted services.
I've deployed Umbraco 4-6 CMS through WebMatrix 2-3 to azure as a website with relative ease. I didn't need it to be a hosted service/cloudapp.
Is that url not a generic placeholder, do you have a Domain registered to point at it?
Y'know, the more I type, the more I realise I have only a shaky grasp of what you're talking about. Are you sure you need a cloudapp, will an azure website not do?