Google Charts - Diff Chart with more than two datasets - google-visualization

Since computeDiff() only accepts two parameters I suppose that a Diff chart with more than two datasets is not supported officially by google charts, is there any workaround this?, a Diff chart is really useful for comparing different datasets, having a limitation of only comparing two at time seems really silly.


How to plot clustered bar chart from raw Qualtrics excel data?

My raw Qualtrics data looks something like this. Basically just 2 questions. Q1-where did you learn your tech skills from? and Q2-Do you agree with the following statement?
I want to plot clustered bar chart in Power BI that looks something like the link below. Basically, for Q1-where did you learn your tech skills from? Each cluster is a channel of learning, and within each cluster there is a standard response from not at all, to a small extent, to a moderate extent, to a great extent, entirely
I figured out I cannot plot straight from the raw Qualtrics data. However, if I unpivot just the columns for Q1, I can get the above clustered bar chart.
But here comes the problem. I have other questions with the same raw Qualtrics format. So I tried to unpivot columns for Q1 FIRST, and THEN unpivot the columns for Q2, and got the following, which does not make sense because Q1 has 4 sub-questions while Q2 has 5 sub-questions. This is like a m:m joins (if I make sense?)
So I thought maybe I could unpivot all the columns except for the Response ID column and I got this
Doing the above has several issues;
the number of rows gets large exponentially and imagine if I have many more questions and many more respondents, the data format just gets too large;
when I want to plot the clustered bar chart, I have no way to restrict the rows just to plot for Q1, or rows just to plot for Q2 etc.
I tried googling and was surprised there isn't a similar question before? given how Qualtrics is very well used for survey data.
Appreciate all your help in advance!
Your first step should be splitting the data from the different questions into separate tables, then "Unpivot Other Columns" but Response ID. You can later relate the tables in the report via this Response ID.
From here creating your column charts should be a no-brainer.
Starting with a list of question identifiers ("Q1", "Q2", ...) you can automate the splitting via a Custom Function
I doubt that with Qualtrics Excel imports you'll come anywhere close to Power BI's data limits. However, I am surprised that they are providing such an awkward interface.

How to add the same chart multiple times in one dashboard?

I'm struggling with reusing one chart multiple times in one dashboard in apache-superset.
Is it possible to somehow reuse one chart several times in one dashboard with different values of filters applied? This would be very useful for viewing same metrics in different segments / for different products / customer types / geographical areas etc.
I couldn't find a way how to do it. Although it is quite straightforward to set different filter value for, say, different tab of the dashboard, it is not possible to add the same chart once it has been added to the dashboard, so only way I came up with is to copy each single chart in the dashboard n times where n is the sum of different filters I need.
I'm trying to create a dashboard having 20+ identical charts for 10 products in 5 countries, similar situation in different departments here..
Letting the users select each filter value from the dashboard filter is unusable as no one will want to do it and and hence will not do it.
Any advice how to achieve this or something similar would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for any advice in advance.

How to build a matrix, similar to the table from Google analytics

In PowerBI I'd like to build Non-standard matrix very similar to the report in Google Analytics.
What do I have now:
I want to change my subtotal to measure, which is calculated as the difference in percentage of the two values
What I want to get:
In Power BI, there is no way to override the subtotals of a matrix with a calculation. Part of the challenge is that you know there are only two date ranges, but as far as Power BI is concerned, there could be any number of date ranges.
It's difficult to tell from your question exactly what input you have and what output you're looking for. Further, the numbers in your screenshots are obscured. However, one consideration would be to solve the problem using measures (i.e. a measure representing the first date range, a measure representing the 2nd date range, and then a measure calculating the difference between them). You may need to change the layout of your visual a little to make this work and the specific design would depend on how static your date ranges are.

Can Power BI add range selection to a Line Chart?

I'd like to build a report with power BI line chart. For there are too many values on the X-Axis, I was trying to add a range selection on the X-Axis like what amChart does.
So, I'm wondering if power BI can do this.
Also, I want to add hyperlink to each value on the X-Axis to link to related shared folder, is it doable?
For time range selection, take a look at and try the Advanced Time Slicer visual. It might already do what you're looking for.
For the x-axis urls, you have several approaches you can try. The easiest approach is to have a related table in your report that shows the links. Then when a user selects a datapoint in your line chart, the table would update to show the relevant links. Alternately you might try to extend the Power BI line chart with your own logic. This might be hard since Cartesian charts are more complex than other charts. You can find the line chart code here:
Alternately you can just write your own purpose built visual that does exactly what you want. This might actually be easier than extending the Power BI chart. You can learn how to build your own visual by looking at our wiki:
I was thinking about this more and wanted to mention one more solution. If you're looking to show the 'last n days' of data, instead of an arbitrary range, you can add a measure in DAX that returns the last days. I have an example here:

How to update OpenOffice Calc sheets with new formulas and formats?

I have created a spreadsheet in OpenOffice Calc that has multiple sheets for each month of the year. The sheet has some specific formulas and data laid out in several months.
Is there any easy way to go about modifying a formula and having it transfer across all the sheets?
Or if the format changes, is there a way to merge sheets through some type of macro or something?
If your data is laid out in a very regular way, you may be able to copy+paste the modified formula to each sheet and have it adjust the cell references correctly.
However, for this type of flexibility (being able to make a change in one location and have it reflected in how all existing data is displayed) a database is generally required. OpenOffice has a database component Base, and information from Base can easily be imported to Calc if you have specific spreadsheet requirements. The learning curve for Base is fairly long, but might be worthwhile if you handle this kind of data frequently.
A formula in the same place on several sheets need only be updated once provided the relevant sheets are grouped together first (click their tabs with Ctrl depressed - and don't forget to ungroup them when appropriate!). Fill applied to A1 of a group of sheets will colour A1 in each of those sheets.
The Consolidate feature (under Data) might be of interest.