AWS `amplify push` creates DynamoDB table names which contain suffixes - amazon-web-services

I recently amplify init and amplify push to migrate Amplify application from one account to another. I am on the receiving end of the migration. amplify push seems successful. However, the DynamoDB table names are a bit weird. They carry some suffixes in this format: <TableName>-<26-char random string>-staging. The -<26-char random string>-staging is the same for all tables. Does this mean the application export part goes wrong or is there something that I need to prune / tune before amplify push?


AWS AppSync searchItems type return data while table is empty

I deleted all the items in the DataTemplate table but when I query them again with the searchDataTemplates endpoint on the app or in AppSync it returns the old data, but when I use the listDataTemplates it returns nothing which is correct. Needed to repopulate the data in the table.
data template table
search endpoint
list endpoint
when I updated items individually it worked just fine but when i deleted all the items from the console (around 700 items) the search endpoint stopped working. Just the search
I repopulated the data hoping it'd reset but now the listDataTemplates shows the new data and the search still shows the old data, is there some cache that needs to be reset?
I removed the table and the appsync functions are gone however when i recreated the table (with no data) the testing out the function still returns the old data. I'm guessing the opensearch stuff hasn't been updated?
If you are using AppSync with Amplify CLI, #searchable will automatically create the followings:
An OpenSearch Domain
A Lambda Function that will be attached to the DynamoDB Streams and push the changes (create/update/delete) over to your OpenSearch Domain.
And the problem that you're facing is most likely due to the Lambda Function created failed to push the changes from DynamoDB Streams to OpenSearch. A quick suggestion is to check on the created Lambda Function first.
Reference: #searchable
This issue can only happen if caching is enabled in your application.
I am not sure what's the infrastructure you are using, so i would go ahead with some educated guess. Please feel free to correct me if i overstepped.
From your description of question, you have an AppSync as API layer and DynamoDb as primary database.
If these are the only two resources you have, please check the AppSync cache configuration.
Open AppSync console
from left panel select APIs -> your api -> caching
Validate Caching behavior is set to None
In case if you have AWS OpenSearch enabled for search query (i could be wrong, however picking up from previous comment). Then validate the cluster configuration.
Open AWS Open Search Service console
From left panel select Domains and click on the openserch domain that you are using
scroll to the bottom right and look for Advanced cluster settings and ensure the attribute Fielddata cache allocation is set to 0
If Fielddata cache allocation is not 0, update the cluster configuration and modify the advanced cluster setting to set the Fielddata cache allocation field to 0.
Wait for a few minutes (I would suggest 5 minutes) and then retry your use-case.
I hope this would help resolve your issue.

Access current environment name for a NextJS app running on amplify

I have added a few tables on DynamoDB using the amplify add storage command.
But the table has a suffix that is the environment name (dev, prod, etc).
How can I access the environment name on my NextJS backend so I can suffix the DynamoDB table name on my code ?
Or there is another way to achieve what I want ?
Amplify automatically creates DynamoDB tables (and also AppSync queries, etc) to match your current Amplify environment. When you create a new environment (eg, 'dev'), the Amplify will automatically create duplicate 'prod' tables, that will perform the same as you 'dev' tables. I'm guessing in your case, you won't need to access environment variables.
If you are using AppSync/GraphQL to make calls, then you can use Amplify's built in dynamic env features here:
For example, you could set up a custom Lambda function to update your DynamoDB. You could then set up an AppSync call to that Lambda in your schema.graphql file.
There are some cases where you may need to access your environment variables. You can either set them up manually in .env.local, or possibly easier to run a query in your NextJS javascript to determine the current domain:
const origin =
typeof window !== "undefined" && window.location.origin
? window.location.origin
: "";
console.log(origin); // "https://dev.<>"
An better solution would be to follow this Amplify documentation, except I've tried it and it doesn't work.
I get this in the left nav panel. I've explored each one and no sign of the described Environment Variables section:
It describes accessing/updating env vars here, but apparently you can only find/use this feature if you've connected your Amplify app to Github first. (It would have been nice if the docs had clarified this!)

How to reset Production Amplify DB

I am still currently in development stage of a site and I would like to clean the current live DB completely as well as flush the previous schemas. As I am making so many changes to the schemas that I am not longer able to amplify push
Is this possible with AWS amplify?
Attempting to edit the global secondary index byDivision on the DivisionTable table in the Division stack.
An error occurred during the push operation: Attempting to edit the global secondary index
byDivision on the DivisionTable table in the Division stack.
You can simply run:
amplify api remove
amplify api push
so it will remove the API (including DDB). Make sure you firstly check out on the correct environment.
After that you need to add API once again using:
amplify api add
However if you want to do create a clean environment from scratch, then simply:
amplify env remove <env_name>
amplify init
It will firstly remove the environment and then recreate it. It takes a while but works fine!

Export DynamoDB table to S3 automatically

The scenario is the following: I have a lambda function that does an http request to get the data of today and the last 365 days and stores them in DynamoDB. The function is triggered every day at 8am, so the most recent data is always saved in the DynamoDB table.
Now my goal is to export the DynamoDB table to a S3 file automatically on an everyday basis as well, so I'm able to use services like QuickSight, Athena, Forecast on the data.
If possible and easily implementable, I'd like to only have one S3 file that gets added with the most recent data of the day, because an extra file everyday seems kinda pricey. If that's not possible, an extra file everyday would also be fine.
What's the best way to go about doing so without using CLI (because I'm not allowed to install programs to my laptop) and without using Lambda (because I wouldn't know how to write a function for that without any tutorials)?
Take a look at DataPipeline. This is a use case and most of the configuration is simple.
It will also not require any knowledge of Lambda and can be automated.
More info:
DynamoDB recently released a new, native feature to export your table's data to an S3 bucket. It supports exporting into DynamoDB JSON and Amazon Ion - see the documentation on how to use it at:
This will enable you to run whatever analytics tools you'd like (Athena, etc.) on the data exported in S3.

Importing data from Excel sheet to DynamoDB table

I am having a problem importing data from Excel sheet to a Amazon DynamoDB table. I have the Excel sheet in an Amazon S3 bucket and I want to import data from this sheet to a table in DynamoDB.
Currently I am following Import and Export DynamoDB Data Using AWS Data Pipeline but my pipeline is not working normally.
It gives me WAITING_FOR_RUNNER status and after sometime the status changed to CANCELED. Please suggest what I am doing wrong or is there any other way to import data from an Excel sheet to a DynamoDB table?
The potential reasons are as follows:-
Reason 1:
If your pipeline is in the SCHEDULED state and one or more tasks
appear stuck in the WAITING_FOR_RUNNER state, ensure that you set a
valid value for either the runsOn or workerGroup fields for those
tasks. If both values are empty or missing, the task cannot start
because there is no association between the task and a worker to
perform the tasks. In this situation, you've defined work but haven't
defined what computer will do that work. If applicable, verify that
the workerGroup value assigned to the pipeline component is exactly
the same name and case as the workerGroup value that you configured
for Task Runner.
Reason 2:-
Another potential cause of this problem is that the endpoint and
access key provided to Task Runner is not the same as the AWS Data
Pipeline console or the computer where the AWS Data Pipeline CLI tools
are installed. You might have created new pipelines with no visible
errors, but Task Runner polls the wrong location due to the difference
in credentials, or polls the correct location with insufficient
permissions to identify and run the work specified by the pipeline