cannot build libpqxx with latest c++ language standard - c++

I needed to work with postgreSQL and C++ so the most common library out there for this is libpqxx. I cloned the repo and switched to latest branch available right now (branch 7.6) and then used CMake to build the visual studio solution file.
But I cannot build this with latest preview features language standard OR even C++20 language standard. After searching for a bit I discovered that the error related to the header file ciso646 has something to do with C++20 removing != operator. This is very annoying as now I cannot make my project's language standard as C++20 either because of this. Here is a screenshot of the build errors:
So I reduced the language standard to C++17 and then tried to build and it still gave me a LOT of warnings before getting built successfully. The warnings were something of the sort:
warning C5051: attribute 'likely' requires at least '/std:c++20'; ignored
Even though now it is built and I got my include and lib files I am not sure if these warnings can cause any problems for me in the future.
Anyhow my question is can something be done to be able to build this library using c++20 or am I stuck working with c++17 because of this?


Xcode (Version 9.2 (9C40b)): C++ Semantic and linker issues when trying to include boost

I am currently working on a masters project and I am desperately trying to compile some C++ code on my mac (macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 using Xcode) so I can develop the program at home. The Program is a set of files used for performing integrals on a bunch of different data... it uses headers from the boost library and also alglib. This all works fine on Windows machines running visual studios.
The issue I have is that when I include boost (which was installed via homebrew to usr/local/) into the search paths in the project build settings I get all sorts of semantic and linker issues.
I have searched this for a while and tried to implement a few potential fixes. I have tried:
Compiling with different C++ dialects and and standard libraries (libc++ and libstdc++).
Uninstalling/reinstalling boost.
Removing suggested header files and libraries from 'usr/local' suggested by brew doctor.
and implementing all sorts of other random permutations of settings that I felt could be issued.
The number of errors and warnings may change using different build settings however semantic issues persist and I am running out of ideas for how to proceed. It is really important I get this working and any insight would be appreciated.
From my reading about and attempting to troubleshoot I get the idea that it is some kind of linking issue between the boost library and the standard c++ libraries, but I have little experience with semantic issues as in the past I have been lucky enough that things just worked! Perhaps my MacBook may just have too much going on and needs some housecleaning to stop confusing the compiler, but regardless if anyone can help me fix this issue I would be eternally grateful!
I understand I haven't provided much detail here but if any information would be useful I'm happy to send screenshots.
link to errors image
In C++03 ifstream did not have a constructor that accepts std::string.
Such a constructor was added in C++11. The same holds for std::stod: it exists since C++11.
So you have to compile with -std=c++11 option.

C++ Modules TS & CMake

I am curious about the C++ Modules TS. I have played a little around with Clang's implementation. Only one or two files or so at a time.
Now I would like to try something bigger than that. And I would like to use CMake.
Does someone know if there is some good way to use the Clang modules implementation with CMake or are there already some CMake modules which help me with this?
I would really like to know. Otherwise I have to consider using a different build system.
I would suggest you try build2:
It supports modules for Visual Studio, gcc and clang. And for gcc there is a package that contains the standard library:
Note that Microsoft implementation, as of Visual Studio 2017 update 4, is using the old syntax in the .ixx files (module xyz; instead of export module xyz; where the latter is what the last Modules TS draft mandates)
It shouldn't be any harder than configuring the proper command-line arguments. Since this feature has yet to be standardized and is different between the two known implementations (clang and MSVC -- gcc 7.2 documentation doesn't mention modules that I could find), I don't expect there are any CMake functions to handle anything.
AFAIK, the clang way of treating headers as special if they are in the module map file is lagging the current working draft for modules. IMO, it would be more useful to experiment with MSVC which is more closely tracking the WD for modules at this time. I don't know why g++ and clang are lagging here, they are usually early adopters. Perhaps it is because the specification is still in working draft stage and not yet a TS, I don't know.

Can C++Builders clang32 compiler consume VS libraries

I'm trying out the clang32 compiler coming with C++ builder 10.2. Builder don't yet have any good support for CMake, so a great number of 3rd party libraries are (very) hard to compile using it.
Anyone knowing if there is any binary compatibility between clang32 and Visual Studio compiler?
There are essentially three different levels of compatibility you need to worry about:
File formats for object code and debug data, which allow you to use clang to build part of your project and Visual C++ cl.exe to build a library and then link them together and debug both.
Ability to write code and structure data that conforms to a portable binary interface, so it can be called across a mix of compilers.
Binary compatibility of the C++ standard library, so that standard library objects can be shared across a mix of compilers.
I can definitely say that (2) is supported and (3) absolutely is not; you can't even share standard library objects between different patchlevels of the same compiler. For (1) I don't know. A common way to bypass the issues with (1) is to build a DLL using each compiler, so they dynamically interface but no static linking nor merging of debug data is necessary.
If your concern is about cmake though, I think your problem is not the compiler (clang is available for Linux and cmake supports it well -- you should find the make scripts are capable of configuring all the compiler options). Whether it can generate project files for C++Builder is a different story, but perhaps you should consider using a different IDE. There are many with clang support, even Microsoft's Visual Studio has some ability to use clang for the compile step, and it's getting better with each release.

C++ Using features of a newer compiler to generate code for use by an older compiler

I've been looking into some of the features of the "newer" C++ standards (C++11 and C++14), and that got me thinking about something. I'm currently using the VC++2008 compiler for my projects (for various reasons), which means that the newest standard I have access to is C++03, plus TR1. TR1 has some nice things in it, but there are features in C++11 and C++14 that would be nice to have.
My question is this: Would there be any way that I could build some code using a newer compiler (say MSVC2012 or 2013) to build libraries or DLLs using the newer C++11 and C++14 functionality and then link that into my project that's running the '08 compiler?
The only thing that I could think of that wouldn't work would be anywhere I had to have a C++11 or C++14 feature in a header included by my '08 compiler project. However as long as everything "new" were hidden behind my interface, shouldn't this work?
Yes but its going to get ugly.. since the ABI is not compatible you'll have to go down to the "extern "C" {}" ABIness.
That means you can't pass C++ objects at all.. like I said, painful. It also means it must be a DLL since you won't be able to link in a static lib with another ABI.
Its up to you if its worth wrapping up a DLL in a C API just to use a couple of new features or not, I would recommend just upgraded the whole project though.
I almost forgot, you probably can't link the import lib either, so you'll have to have some code that uses LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress and FreeLibrary (did I mention this is ugly/painful?).
Unfortunately, what you're trying to do is not possible with MSVC. They intentionally break binary compatibility with every major release as stated in MSDN documentation:
To enable new optimizations and debugging checks, the Visual Studio implementation of the C++ Standard Library intentionally breaks binary compatibility from one version to the next. Therefore, when the C++ Standard Library is used, object files and static libraries that are compiled by using different versions can't be mixed in one binary (EXE or DLL), and C++ Standard Library objects can't be passed between binaries that are compiled by using different versions. Such mixing emits linker errors about _MSC_VER mismatches. (_MSC_VER is the macro that contains the compiler's major version—for example, 1800 for Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2013.) This check cannot detect DLL mixing, and cannot detect mixing that involves Visual C++ 2008 or earlier.
Your options are to then only pass around POD types, or implement COM interfaces to interop between the DLLs compiled using different version of the VC compiler, neither of which is particularly palatable.
My advice would be, if you must stick with VS2008 for certain legacy applications, suck it up and deal with the feature set it supports (at least you have TR1). For newer projects, try and talk your team into using newer versions of VC.

Port GNU C++ programs to Visual C++

How do you port C++ programs with makefile made from GNU C++ in Linux to Visual C++?
One thing I can suggest is to use CMake. If you implement your build system with CMake to auto-generate the makefiles for GCC on Linux, it takes only minor modifications to auto-generate projects and solutions for VC++.
Of course, this means learning a whole new build tool, so it may not be for you. It's only a suggestion.
I don't know about an easy way to simply convert from one to another, but..
Assuming you use only ANSI C/C++ features, usually you don't need to convert the makefile, just look which .c/.cpp files are in it and add them to the VS project; you'll also have to check about compiler options and defined macros, to put them inside the VS project. I've done this to compile libs like expat, freetype, agg and others, without problems.
Porting the build system: You could use a Windows port of GNU make, and change the makefile to invoke the Visual C++ command line tools (cl.exe, link.exe, lib.exe, etc.) when building on Windows and the GNU compiler tools when building on Linux. The difficulty of this approach depends on the complexity of the makefiles.
Porting the code: This depends on what APIs and libraries you are using, and what compiler warnings/errors/quirks you will encounter. For a more specific answer, ask a more specific question.
CMake was mentioned. I have used CMake and successfully compiled the resulting Visual Studio project. I found the CMake documentation very unhelpful -- I had to ask an existing user -- and the official manual (which costs money) was out of print at the time. Further, the Visual Studio project it produced was very rigidly formatted according the template preferred by whoever wrote the converter. I was unable to figure out how to customize project options or group source files.
I regularly cross-compile on Visual Studio and G++. For the most part, you just need to add all of the source files and header files into a Visual Studio project ('Add Existing Files', and add your entire source tree) and then compile it. Usually you'll get errors, so you start fixing bugs from there. If you used platform-specific libraries, you may be stuck porting to an alternative or removing features.
One further word of caution: Visual Studio and G++ have different compiler quirks. For the most part, they both conform excellently to the C++ standard, but slightly off-standard code which works in one may not work in the other. I have found this to be particularly true when dealing with templates, with Visual Studio being bizarrely permissive of syntax errors in many cases.
CMake has the nicety of generating visual studio project.
If you do not need that, I suggest Meson build system. Much nicer, similar proposal. Requires python3 and ninja, but noone is perfect. :)