How to use squid regex acl to exclude a specific subdomain? - regex

I want to block a domain but except a specific subdomain.
For example, I use as my production environment and deny all access from squid.
But I want allow squid user to access which is a testing environment.
my squid.conf:
acl denylist dstdom_regex ^(?!.*(demo)).*domain\.com$
http_access deny denylist
http_access allow all
I know what's wrong with my regex. Squid regex use GNU regex (see serverfault question) and GNU regex can not understand (?!.*(demo)).
So how to exclude a specific subdomain in GNU regex?

First, you should use negative lookbehind (?<!) instead of negative lookahead (?!). Second, I don't think it can work with ^ as it matches from the beginning of the domain. Third, with .* it will match
the whole domain anyway, so you should use \ instead.
The correct regex that doesn't match demo anywhere before would be
Here, the domain must end with and must not contain demo anywhere beforehand in order to match.

There's no need for regex in your case!
You said you need to allow only one specific subdomain. So add this subdomain in a ACL and allow access to it.
acl allowed_subdomain dstdomain
acl blocked_domain dstdomain
http_access allow allowed_subdomain
http_access deny blocked_domain
http_access deny all
Squid will read the config file looking for a match and the first one it encounters it ends it's job.


Regex to find URL including those that simply start with // (Protocol-relative URLs)

This Regex finds URLs that begin with http and https
I am trying to figure out how to modify this to including those URLs which omit the http or https part. I understand that these are called 'Protocol-relative URLs'
example: // and not
Simply make the protocol part optional:
By the way I assume you really wanted and not // (since no one writes a URL that way).

Amazon S3 Redirect rule for objects with trailing slash

Static Website Hosting is activated.
Is it possible to redirect Amazon S3 objects which consists of trailing forward slashes using redirection rules?
From my understanding when a trailing forward slash object is accessed in the browser (basically a "directory"), S3 defaults to index.html within the directory. However, many of the directories do not consist of an index.html. The "directory" without the trailing slash redirects like expected to the Error Document explicitly set. Accessing the object with the trailing slash will download an empty object, which I am trying to avoid. Preferably I would like to redirect the trailing slash object to the error document.
Sadly this is an S3 issue.
You might be able to workaround the issue using a Lambda#Edge script, but this will increase costs.
If you use Cloudflare or something similar, you can add some redirection rules. Add / before ? and add more rules about parameter you need. Which helped to me.
I just add in Cloudflare URL Query string => contain => utm string params
My recommendation would be to make sure all your marketing campaigns include the trailing slash. This will make your site load faster as well, because it removes one round trip.

symfony2 security firewall pattern on windows

I noticed a strange behaviour in firewall pattern configuration in Symfony 2.3 in windows7.
Simply put, if I use this configuration:
pattern: /support/*
My route is recognized and security token put under the right firewall.
If I use a regexp configuration:
pattern: /support/.*
My route isn't recognized any more and security token does not exists.
How is this possible? .* shouldn't be the correct regexp?
That is not a valid pattern with a start delimiter. Try something like this:

What regular expression will match a domain name without a 3rd level?

What is the most efficient regex that will match these domains, without having to specify any rules to ignore?
Example matches:
Example Ignore:
Any top level domain is possible. Essentially I am trying to make sure the domain doesnt already have a 3rd level.
To match a domain with any TLD use this:

A regular expression to find domains that will be cached by Varnish

I ask this question here because I think this is more a regex question than an actual varnish question.
What I basically want to do, is to define a list of domains that varnish will cache. There is already an answer given to this, but I want to use a different approach.
Varnish: cache only specific domain
Now the code that is used in this answer is the following:
sub vcl_recv {
# dont cache or - optional www
if ( ~ "(www)?\.(foo|bar)\.com") {
# cache - optional www
if ( ~ "(www)?\.foobar\.com" ) {
Now what I want is a little different. I have names with different TLD, but I only want to have the non-www version of the domain cached.
So only, or, or
Any other subdomain can be passed to the backend.
If I'm reading your question correctly you have a list with multiple versions of the same website, so both AND/OR and you want to match ONLY
If so, you need to back reference with (?<!www). So a search that would only match domains without the preceding www would be (?<!www\.)((?:[^.\s]+)\.(?:com|net|nl))
Hope that helps
(?<!www\.)((?:[^.\s]+)\.(?:\w{2,3})) if domains are unknown