IIS 7.5 : URL Rewrite extension is Installed, but not shown (even after reboot) - web-services

In IIS version 7.5.7600.16385, I'm trying to redirect requests for example.com/* to www.example.com/*.
For example, if requests comes in like these:
I want IIS to redirect to these URLs:
So, as you can see, my goal is not to redirect all requests to the same static URL path. Instead, I'm trying to simply change the domain to the www subdomain while keeping the URL path intact for each redirect.
I've read articles that advise using an IIS extension called URL Rewrite.
However, when I try to install this extension the installer claims it is already installed, and even after a reboot, the URL Rewrite feature is not shown anywhere in IIS 7.5.7600.16385.
The only thing I can think of, that may be causing me not to see the URL Rewrite extension (in IIS), is that I do recall installing PHPManagerForIIS_V1.5.0.msi onto this same server several years ago. Maybe PHPManagerForIIS_V1.5.0 somehow overrides the URL Rewrite extension if you have it installed. I don't know.
Please advise if you know of a way I can accomplish my goal of dynamically redirecting all requests to their respective www canonical address, while keeping the URL path intact.


How Can i redirect url to another url with the .htaccess in cpanel

I want to redirect mysite.com/index.php to mysite.com/clientarea.php using .htaccess does not work for me help out.
with simple code.
I have tried several time and finally the site is not available
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
Based on that error, it appears you're redirecting to a different hostname than mysite.com - I assume unintentionally.
If you can post your .htaccess code, the solution may be easy to provide.

How to rewrite subdirectory name in iis

My website is located at:
I want to make it so this url works without redirecting to original:
Also, when hitting the first url, I want it to be redirected to the 2nd.
I have url rewrite module Tried modifying several inbound rules, but cannot make it to work.
You can use HTTP Redirect and reference link follows

Microsoft Azure appending extra query string to urls with query strings

In deploying a version of the Django website I'm working on to Microsoft's Azure service, I added a page which takes a query string like
However, I was getting 404 responses to this URL. So I turned on Django's Debug flag and the page I get returned said:
Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://<my_site_name>.azurewebsites.net/security/user/?username=<some_username>&password=<some_password>?username=<some_username>&password=<some_password>
Using the `URLconf` defined in `<my_project_name>.urls`, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
^security/ ^user/$
The current URL, `security/user/?username=<some_username>&password=<some_password>`, didn't match any of these.
So it seems to be appending the query string onto the end of the url that already has the same query string. I have the site running on my local machine and on an iis server on my internal network which I'm using for staging before pushing to Azure. Neither of these site deployments do this, so this seems to be something specific to Azure.
Is there something I need to set in the Azure website management interface to prevent it from modifying URLs with query strings? Is there something I'm doing wrong with regards to using query strings with Azure?
In speaking to the providers of wfastcgi.py they told me it may be an issue with wfastcgi.py that is causing this problem. While they look into it they gave me a work around that fixes the issue.
Download the latest copy of wfastcgi.py from http://pytools.codeplex.com/releases
In that file find this part of the code:
if 'HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL' in record.params:
# We've been re-written for shared FastCGI hosting, send the original URL as the PATH_INFO.
record.params['PATH_INFO'] = record.params['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL']
And add right below it (still part of the if block):
# PATH_INFO is not supposed to include the query parameters, so remove them
record.params['PATH_INFO'] = record.params['PATH_INFO'].split('?')[0]
Then, upload/deploy this modified file to the Azure site (either use the ftp to put it somewhere or add it to your site deployment. I'm deploying it so that if I need to modify it further its versioned and backed up.
In the Azure management page for the site, go to the site's configure page and change the handler mapping to point to the modified wfastcgi.py file and save the configuration.
i.e. my handler used to be the default D:\python27\scripts\wfastcgi.py. Since I deployed my modified file, the handler path is now: D:\home\site\wwwroot\wfastcgi.py
I also restarted the site, but you may not have to.
This modified script should now strip the query string from PATH_INFO, and urls with query strings should work. I'll be using this until I hear from the wfastcgi.py devs that the default wfastcgi.py file in the Python27 install has been fixed/replaced.

"URL with WWW and URL without WWW" -Is there any difference between them?

i have noticed one things , when some website are opened in any browser then in URL bar some are like
where some are like
here www is missing. Same things is happening with my blog url
if i write in URL bar as
then it automatic converted in
i am not getting why this happening ? is there any difference url with www and url without www ?
one more thing i have notice is that url with www take longer time to open website then url without www takes..!
It does not matter if you have www in the URL or not, as long as you use the same URL always. This must be happening probably because your server is set-up to redirect the http://www.shareprogrammingtips.com/ to http://shareprogrammingtips.com/.
This will make sure that all the pages will always come to http://shareprogrammingtips.com/ and also search engines would index your site as http://shareprogrammingtips.com/. If your site is accessible from both http://www.shareprogrammingtips.com/ and http://shareprogrammingtips.com/ then the search engines would index both versions of your site, but the page rank of your site will be divided between these 2 versions as for search engines both these sites are different sites.
In the past, every URL required the www. prefix (i.e. www.hello.com). Nowadays we have naked domains which don't require this prefix (i.e. hello.com). We still have many domains with the www. prefix for legacy reasons.
When a company wants to buy a domain name, they can buy it either with or without the prefix, or get both (for example, buy the naked domain and set-up the same domain with the www. prefix as sub-domain) and configure both to load the same website. There are technical reasons to chosing a domain with a www. prefix (allows for certain cookie blocking polices) or a naked domain (shorter url).
Usually, one of the two will be the canonical (real) domain, while the other will only redirect to the real domain. This redirect causes a delay but it's there for a reason.
If you code this redirect the right way, search engines will understand that both are the same website. Otherwise if you skip the redirect and point both domains to your files directly, search engines will think they are separate websites which will hurt your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Running the django admin over https using apache2

I have a django web application that's running on apache 2.2.14 and I want to run the admin application over https.
Having read considerable discussions on using a proxy, writing middleware, running alternative wsgi scripts, the chaps in #httpd came to my rescue. The solution is so simple, I was surprised I didn't find it online, so I'm curious to see if I've made some glaring assumptions or errors.
One complication was that I also wanted to run one of my django apps in the site over https, that is everything on /checkout.
Essentially, if a user requests a URI starting with /admin or /checkout on http, they are to be redirected to that URI but on https. Conversely, if a user requests a URI that does not start with /admin or /checkout on https, they are to be redirected to that URI but on http.
The key to solving this problem was to use Redirect and RedirectMatch directives in my VirtualHost configuration.
<VirtualHost *:80>
... host config stuff ...
Redirect /admin https://www.mywebsite.com/admin
Redirect /checkout https://www.mywebsite.com/checkout
<VirtualHost *:443>
... ssl host config stuff ...
RedirectMatch ^(/(?!admin|checkout).*) http://www.mywebsite.com$1
Another approach is to use #secure_required decorator. This will automatically rewrite the requested url and redirect to https://... version of the URL. Then you don't have to have Redirect in *:80 configuration. *:443 configuration may still be required for performance purpose if you want other traffic to go through normal http traffic.
I tried your solution, but ran into several problems. First, the formatting on the admin site disappeared, as if it could not find the admin static files. Second, if I tried to reach the non-admin site through https, the browser would not find it and redirect me to Yahoo search. Oddly, if I edited the yahoo search URL to eliminate all text except my correct URL (minus the http://), it would continue to search through yahoo for my site. However, typing the exact same URL afresh sent me to my site.
I solved all of these issues by simply removing the
RedirectMatch ^(/(?!admin|checkout).*) http://www.mywebsite.com$1
I should mention that I don't have a /checkout section on my site and am only trying to secure /admin. ... and yes, I did substitute my URL for "mywebsite.com"
What you described should work, but there may be a problem in the future if you need to make changes to which paths are/are not HTTPS. Because this method requires the ability to correctly modify the Apache config file it means you do not want novices in the loop. Screw up the config file and your site can go 500-error in the blink of an eye.
We chose to have a simple text file that had a list of the must-be-HTTPS paths. Anyone on the project can edit it and it is checked for correctness when it is loaded. We handle any needed redirects to/from HTTPS in middleware and it seems to work just fine. This method will also work if you are running anything other than Apache.