UpdateContactFlowContent(): When I am trying to update the content, getting "InvalidRequestException" - amazon-web-services
When I am trying to update the content, I am getting InvalidRequestException though I have done ARN mapping correctly. Replaced SourceARN with TargetARN. But still getting the error.
I have formatted the JSON to make it more readable. Whereas in actual I am using the exact JSON as it is output from DescribeContactFlow() in another instance.
I am unable to understand why I am getting this error and if I can check logs to find out exact error position.
"Version":"2019-10-30","StartAction":"4084e7ed-6467-4748-bf0a-c93955f06726","Metadata":{"entryPointPosition":{"x":14.4,"y":14.4},"ActionMetadata":{"fffa1a93-4c23-4ed2-a075-d2ff8382d33b":{"position":{"x":396.8,"y":686.4000000000001}},"4084e7ed-6467-4748-bf0a-c93955f06726":{"position":{"x":54.400000000000006,"y":312.8},"dynamicMetadata":{}},"29445da8-c159-4ed3-a32f-17e61086158d":{"position":{"x":720.8000000000001,"y":544.8000000000001}},"0116f219-faa4-4f40-926b-ae1b9eafbe8a":{"position":{"x":390.40000000000003,"y":181.60000000000002},"parameters":{"Attributes":{"isHoliday":{"useDynamic":true}}},"dynamicParams":["isHoliday"]},"2f869572-de59-477d-aaff-527c9569b530":{"position":{"x":1302.4,"y":520.8000000000001}},"1c946c7b-83b6-48af-8173-6cd4864462bf":{"position":{"x":1673.6000000000001,"y":530.4}},"8b84a239-3ab2-43fd-89f1-1ec0c5e31ee3":{"position":{"x":714.4000000000001,"y":76},"conditionMetadata":[{"id":"19b6f9cf-89c4-43d5-a1e9-22c21065eae2","operator":{"name":"Equals","value":"Equals","shortDisplay":"="},"value":"true"}]},"c6d7c6ca-b260-451a-a5a3-82c73da1e3a3":{"position":{"x":1269.6000000000001,"y":58.400000000000006}},"2afe0399-5abb-46a2-a55c-1bf09c88f72d":{"position":{"x":988,"y":-140.8},"parameters":{"ContactFlowId":{"displayName":"Rolando Test 3"}},"ContactFlow":{"text":"Rolando Test 3"}}}},"Actions":[{"Parameters":{"Text":"Error"},"Identifier":"fffa1a93-4c23-4ed2-a075-d2ff8382d33b","Type":"MessageParticipant","Transitions":{"NextAction":"1c946c7b-83b6-48af-8173-6cd4864462bf"}},{"Parameters":{"LambdaFunctionARN":"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:180398087396:function:holidaySchedule","InvocationTimeLimitSeconds":"3"},"Identifier":"4084e7ed-6467-4748-bf0a-c93955f06726","Type":"InvokeLambdaFunction","Transitions":{"NextAction":"0116f219-faa4-4f40-926b-ae1b9eafbe8a","Errors":[{"NextAction":"fffa1a93-4c23-4ed2-a075-d2ff8382d33b","ErrorType":"NoMatchingError"}]}},{"Parameters":{"Text":"Error 2"},"Identifier":"29445da8-c159-4ed3-a32f-17e61086158d","Type":"MessageParticipant","Transitions":{"NextAction":"8b84a239-3ab2-43fd-89f1-1ec0c5e31ee3"}},{"Parameters":{"Attributes":{"isHoliday":"$.External.isHoliday"}},"Identifier":"0116f219-faa4-4f40-926b-ae1b9eafbe8a","Type":"UpdateContactAttributes","Transitions":{"NextAction":"8b84a239-3ab2-43fd-89f1-1ec0c5e31ee3","Errors":[{"NextAction":"29445da8-c159-4ed3-a32f-17e61086158d","ErrorType":"NoMatchingError"}]}},{"Parameters":{"Text":"Its not a holiday. Get to work!!"},"Identifier":"2f869572-de59-477d-aaff-527c9569b530","Type":"MessageParticipant","Transitions":{"NextAction":"1c946c7b-83b6-48af-8173-6cd4864462bf"}},{"Parameters":{},"Identifier":"1c946c7b-83b6-48af-8173-6cd4864462bf","Type":"DisconnectParticipant","Transitions":{}},{"Parameters":{"ComparisonValue":"$.Attributes.isHoliday"},"Identifier":"8b84a239-3ab2-43fd-89f1-1ec0c5e31ee3","Type":"Compare","Transitions":{"NextAction":"2f869572-de59-477d-aaff-527c9569b530","Conditions":[{"NextAction":"2afe0399-5abb-46a2-a55c-1bf09c88f72d","Condition":{"Operator":"Equals","Operands":["true"]}}],"Errors":[{"NextAction":"2f869572-de59-477d-aaff-527c9569b530","ErrorType":"NoMatchingCondition"}]}},{"Parameters":{"Text":"Its a Holiday!!!!!"},"Identifier":"c6d7c6ca-b260-451a-a5a3-82c73da1e3a3","Type":"MessageParticipant","Transitions":{"NextAction":"1c946c7b-83b6-48af-8173-6cd4864462bf"}},{"Parameters":{"ContactFlowId":"arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:180398087396:instance/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/contact-flow/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"},"Identifier":"2afe0399-5abb-46a2-a55c-1bf09c88f72d","Type":"TransferToFlow","Transitions":{"NextAction":"c6d7c6ca-b260-451a-a5a3-82c73da1e3a3","Errors":[{"NextAction":"c6d7c6ca-b260-451a-a5a3-82c73da1e3a3","ErrorType":"NoMatchingError"}]}}]
Getting error: "The content-type is not JSON compatible" after a period of time
I'm not really sure exactly how long it takes before I get this error, but after a period of time, I get "The content-type is not JSON compatible" error. I am able the query just fine from graphql playground but not in my app. I am using persisted queries, so not sure if that is the cause. The only fix is to restart my app. Here is the stacktrace
Based on the stacktrace you posted I can see that the server (in particular, probably the resolver for whatever query/mutation you are sending) is returning something unexpected i.e. not "JSON compatible". Based on what you provided, that's all I can say. Please add more details and I can provide additional help. Just including the stacktrace is not enough to determine the cause of this issue.
Getting gskey: request denied
Hey trying to insert and update a list items on one of my tabs but i'm getting the error msg "gskey: request denied error". I don't understand what this error means. Can someone please clarify what would be the cause for this error.
A call to the checkgskey function on the server side gives the "gskey: request denied" error if the X-GSREQ-KEY in the POST request is missing. X-GSREQ-KEY is automatically transmitted by a dedicated parameter in either ajxpgn or reload tab. The content of the gskey is output by the emitgskey function. emitgskey('unique_phrase'); checkgskey('unique_phrase'); As long as the two unique phrases match, the request is not blocked. The unique phrase acts as a seed to compute a protective challenge that's unique to the user, session and location. In a way, the purpose of a GSKey is similar to a nounce. Additional documentation here.
Turns out the gskey wasn't being passed in with the call. You get that error when there's a key expected but not given.
google-cloud-build PyPi 400 errors
I am currently receiving 400 errors when invoking the list_builds() method (seen here: https://googleapis.dev/python/cloudbuild/latest/gapic/v1/api.html?highlight=list_builds#google.cloud.devtools.cloudbuild_v1.CloudBuildClient.list_builds) The following command works using gcloud: gcloud builds list --filter="status=FAILURE" However, the following API call returns google.api_core.exceptions.InvalidArgument: 400 Error processing filter expression for element in client.list_builds("REDACTED", filter_="status=FAILURE"): # process element pass I'm guessing I'm missing something very obvious and simple here but I can't exactly figure out what I'm doing wrong
The correct way to pass in the filter string to the API call includes using double apostrophes around the actual text like so: filter_='status="FAILURE"' Unsure of whether or not this will be changed in the future, but this is the same behavior for passing it in via the REST API here: https://cloud.google.com/cloud-build/docs/api/reference/rest/v1/projects.builds/list e.g specifiying status=FAILURE will fail, but status="FAILURE" returns a 200 response.
welcome to Stack O! So I'm just spitballing here, but the docs say that the Filter string is "The raw filter text to constrain the results." When you filter a Cloud Build in the console, the "raw filter text" in the UI says Status : Failed - you could try: --filter="Status : Failed" --filter="Status: Failed" --filter="Status:Failed" Alternately, it might be the string in the URL, the formatting of which is too bananapants for Stack O's robots to handle, so I can't paste it here, but it starts with f and ends with Failed: The key here is that you have an equal sign in your string, as well as Failure instead of Failed - changing one or both of those might do the trick. Hope this helps!
Trouble Adding Publishing Action to append to an existing big query table?
I have a dataflow flow that appends to an existing bigquery table which has been working for the last few weeks. When i run it now it gives me the error "Cannot run job. Please reload the page and try again." and won't even start the job. After trying a lot of things, i made a copy of the flow and when the publishing action is creating a new csv file, it works but when i try to Add a publishing action to an existing big query table,it keeps giving me another bizarre error "SyntaxError: Unexpected token C in JSON at position 0". I have no idea what is happening since everything used to work perfectly and i made no changes whatsoever.
I am not adding anything new, but I want to give you an answer. It seems that one of your JSON inputs may be malformed. Try logging it to see what's the problem - and also try skipping malformed JSON strings.
As mentioned in past comments, I suggest to check your logs in StackDriver to find out why are you getting the: "Cannot run job. Please reload the page and try again." Also if you can retrieve more information about the error from those logs, It'd be useful to assist you further. Besides the above, maybe we can solve this issue easier by only just checking the json format, here I put an easy third party json validator and here you can check where you have the error in your json.
Google Timeline - b[bc] is not a function
I have a Google Timeline based graph. It was worked properly, perfectly earlier. I have perceived yesterday, that it gives only a blank page with this message: b[bc] is not a function. I use a generated (from SQL query) JSON file as source, I also checked this and error free, seems valid. I have not modified anything on this. What is your oppinion, what causes this problem?