My experience with D3D11on12 and Direct2D hasn't been that good. Infrequently I get
D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12Device::RemoveDevice: Device removal has been triggered for the following reason (DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: The application attempted to use a resource it does not access to. This could be, for example, rendering to a texture while only having read access.). [ EXECUTION ERROR #232: DEVICE_REMOVAL_PROCESS_AT_FAULT]
when I render to the swap chain backbuffer. There are lag spikes as well. And on top of all
this, I think amortizing the "UI" will be needed when I try to push the frame rate.
Synchronization between the UI and the actual scene doesn't really matter, so I can happily just use whatever UI Direct2D has most recently finished rendering.
So I would like to use Direct2D to render the UI on a transparent D3D11on12 bitmap (i.e. one created by using CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface with the ID3D11Resource from ID3D11On12Device::CreateWrappedResource). And then render this overlay this to the swapchain backbuffer.
The problem is I don't really know anything about the 3D pipeline, as I do everything with compute shaders/DirectML + CopyTextureRegion or Direct2D. I suppose this is a pretty simple question about how to do alpha blending.
I suppose to do alpha blending you have to use the 3D pipeline. Luckily enough directXTK12 seems to do a tutorial that is reasonable trivial on this topic
I have used OpenGL pretty exclusively for all my rendering, to the point that I'm unaware of any other way to write pixels to a window unfortunately.
This is a problem because my current project is a work tool that emulates an LCD display (pixel perfect, 2D, very few pixels are touched each frame, all 'drawing' can be done with memcpy() to a pixel buffer) and I feel that OpenGL might be too heavy for this, but I could absolutely be wrong in that assumption.
My goal is to borrow as little CPU time as possible. What's the best way to draw pixels to a window, in this limited way, on a modern typical machine running windows 10 circa 2019? Is OpenGL suited for this type of rendering, or should I adopt another rendering method in this case? And if so, what would that method be?
I should also mention, OpenGL can be used right away for me. If rendering textured triangles with an optimal setup is the fastest method, then I can already do that. Anything that just acts as an API over OpenGL or DirectX will likely be worse in my case.
After some research, and thanks to the comments, I think I may just use OpenGL with Pixel Buffer Objects to optimize pixel uploads and keep rendering inexpensive.
I am planning to develop a XY Plotter for my application. To give some basic idea, how it should look like (of course the implementation would be different), please refer here and here.
During the simulation (let's assume, it takes 4 hours to complete the simulation), on a fixed X axis, the new Y values should be (over)written.
But, the problem with Direct2D is that, every time pRenderTarget->BeginDraw() is called, the existing Drawing(/Plot/BitMap/Image, etc) is deleted and a new image is being drawn. Therefore I would lose the old values.
Of course, I can always buffer the old Y values in a buffer/variable and use it in the next drawing. But, the simulation runs for 4 hours and unfortunately I can't afford to save all the Y values. That's why, I need to render/draw the new Y values on the existing target-image/plot/etc.
And, If don't call pRenderTarget->EndDraw() within a definite amount of time, my application would crash due to resource constraints.
How do I prevent this problem and achieve the requirement?
What you're asking is quite a complex requirement - it's more difficult than it appears! Direct2D is an Immediate-Mode drawing API. There is no state maintenance or persistence of what you have drawn to the screen in immediate mode graphics.
In most immediate-mode graphics APIs, there is the concept of clipping and dirty rects. In Direct2D you can use one of these three techniques to draw to a subset of the screen. Rendering offscreen to bitmap and double-buffering might be a good technique to try. e.g. your process becomes:
Draw to off-screen bitmap
Blit bitmap to screen
On new data, draw to a new bitmap / combine with existing bitmaps
This technique will only work if your plot is not scrolling or changing in scale as you append new data / draw.
You may know that trying to capture DirectX fullscreen applications the GDI way (using BitBlt()) gives a black screenshot.
My question is rather simple but I couldn't find any answer: why? I mean technically, why does it give a black screenshot?
I'm reading a DirectX tutorial here: It's written:
[...] the function BeginScene() [...] does something called locking, where the buffer in the video RAM is 'locked', granting you exclusive access to this memory.
Is this the reason? VRAM is locked so GDI can't access it and it gives a black screenshot?
Or is there another reason? Like DirectX directly "talks" to the graphic card and GDI doesn't get it?
Thank you.
The reason is simple: performance.
The idea is to render a scene as much as possible on the GPU out of lock-step with the CPU. You use the CPU to send the rendering buffers to the GPU (vertex, indices, shaders etc), which is overall really cheap because they're small, then you do whatever you want, physics, multiplayer sync etc. The GPU can just crunch the data and render it on its own.
If you require the scene to be drawn on the window, you have to interrupt the GPU, ask for the rendering buffer bytes (LockRect), ask for the graphics object for the window (more interference with the GPU), render it and free every lock. You just lost any sort of gain you had by rendering on the GPU out of sync with the CPU. Even worse when you think of all the different CPU cores just sitting idle because you're busy "rendering" (more like waiting on buffer transfers).
So what graphics drivers do is they paint the rendering area with a magic color and tell the GPU the position of the scene, and the GPU takes care of overlaying the scene over the displayed screen based on the magic color pixels (sort of a multi-pass pixel shader that takes from the 2nd texture when the 1st texture has a certain color for x,y, but not that slow). You get completely out of sync rendering, but when you ask the OS for its video memory, you get the magic color where the scene is because that's what it actually uses.
I believe it is actually due to double buffering. I'm not 100% sure but that was actually the case when I tested screenshots in OpenGL. I would notice that the DC on my window was not the same. It was using two different DC's for this one game.. For other games I wasn't sure what it was doing. The DC was the same but swapbuffers was called so many times that I don't think GDI was even fast enough to screenshot it.. Sometimes I would get half a screenshot and half black..
However, when I hooked into the client, I was able to just ask for the pixels like normal. No GDI or anything. I think there is a reason why we don't use GDI when drawing in games that use DirectX or OpenGL..
You can always look at ways to capture the screen here:
Anyway, I use the following for grabbing data from DirectX:
HRESULT DXI_Capture(IDirect3DDevice9* Device, const char* FilePath)
IDirect3DSurface9* RenderTarget = nullptr;
HRESULT result = Device->GetBackBuffer(0, 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &RenderTarget);
result = D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile(FilePath, D3DXIFF_PNG, RenderTarget, nullptr, nullptr);
return result;
Then in my hooked Endscene I call it like so:
HRESULT Direct3DDevice9Proxy::EndScene()
DXI_Capture(ptr_Direct3DDevice9, "C:/Ssers/School/Desktop/Screenshot.png");
return ptr_Direct3DDevice9->EndScene();
You can either use microsoft detours for hooking EndScene of some external application or you can use a wrapper .dll.
Is it possible yet to draw CUDA/OPENCL results directly to the screen with any existing API (opengl, directx, something else)? Skipping the typical drawing a textured quad method.
Even with registering resources and using modern CUDA interop methods, we still have to march through entire rendering pipelines just to render an array of colors. For applications like mine where every ms counts, this is a problem.
There's no way to draw directly on the screen with OpenCL or CUDA.
It is a solvable problem, but as far as I know, NVIDIA has not provided the needed APIs because they would be very complicated both to implement and to use, and the performance benefits would be limited at best.
The two main issues are:
1) the differing layouts of the buffers used for rendering (i.e. you'd have to use surface load/store functionality - a mapping into CUDA's address space is not suitable for graphics because the pitch-linear layout has poor performance in that context) and
2) the platform-specific details of incorporating your CUDA/OpenCL output into the presentation model (be it the desktop or a page-flipped full-screen experience, like a Direct3D game, or incorporating your app's output into the desktop). Bear in mind that most desktops these days are themselves page-flipped, so scribbling on the front buffer is frowned upon in any case.
I very much doubt that there is any performance lost in drawing pixels using a textured quad but you can draw pixels directly on the framebuffer with glDrawPixels.
I'm building an application that is drawing an anaglyph (stereoimage) on 200 Hz screen based on two provided pictures (NOT 3D model). So speed integity of redrawing is very important. I've achieved the best results with DirectDraw surfaces and their Flip() (switching current surface's image to secondary one):
(void) lpddsPrimary->Flip(nullptr, DDFLIP_WAIT);
But DirectDraw is very outdated and I look for a way to reimplement this functionality based on modern DirectX libraries. But I really don't want to create a quad, draw picture as it's texture, calculate 3D projection matrices just to output 2D images.
I would be really greatful for any snippet of how this can be possibly done with DirectX. Thanks in advance.
For your purposes you can use DXGI and avoid D3D completely. You don't say how you get the data into the backbuffer, but DXGI allows you to create a swapchain, flip it (Present), and access the surfaces (e.g. lock them - it's called Map now). For 3D you need the "1" versions e.g. DXGISwapChain1. See
Note that DXGISwapChain1 is a subclass of DXGISwapChain, and some vital methods such as GetBuffer are in the base interface.