How to use Windows C++ AttatchConsole with Cygwin terminals - c++

I have a c++ windows application that runs via a GUI. I made a CLI for it to automate some things and this works fine if I use
or even
as long as it is attaching to a windows CMD terminal.
I want to attach to a Cygwin terminal so I can use Expect to automate some things, but attach console always fails here and results in errors when trying to write to it.
Does anyone know how to make a windows application attach to a Cygwin terminal like this?

Not all cygwin terminals use the windows console. If you are not using a windows console then AttachConsole simply will not help you.
In particular a mintty.exe terminal will not work with AttachConsole because it is not a windows console.


Using windows terminal for executing program in vs code

I use vscode for writing and executing my C++ programs, I use the integrated terminal in vscode for compiling & running the programs(using coderunner) but I want to run my programs in the Windows terminal by default each time I run the program in vscode. Can anyone please help me out with this ?
If you want to use Windows Terminal more easily, you can open Windows Terminal in quake mode. The keybind is win+` by default. This could avoid using the integrated terminal at all, if you prefer.
You could also use the integrated terminal to pass your command to Windows Terminal. Replace ping with the command you want to execute. You can then send build and run commands to Windows Terminal with wt.exe:
wt ping
Alternatively, you can configure debugging behavior for when you press F5. First, configure launch.json to launch your configured external terminal:
"console": "externalTerminal",
Then configure VS Code settings to set the external terminal for your OS in settings.json:
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "wt.exe",

How to run console with a c++ application

I need to run a console when the app starts (for debug, log, etc) without a .bat file.
I use the LCC compiler on Windows 7 x86.
Look at the console APIs in Windows, start with AllocConsole.

Managing programs that run in multiple console windows?

I have a script that starts 7 or 8 different c++ server modules that all open in console windows on a windows machine. I've been looking for a way to run all of these in a single, tabbed window. I've tried a few programs out there, but they are mostly cmd.exe replacements and aren't really designed for running programs like this. Has anyone else run into this and found a good solution?
Try out Console2:

AIR NativeProcess API

I use nativeprocess api in AIR to launch a c++ console app. The console app runs correctly but does not appear, but I want it to be visible and user be able to interact with it. How can I achieve that?
Instead of launching your executable directly, you'll need to launch your platform's terminal application (on Windows, that's CMD.exe, on OS-X it's, and on unix/linux it's xterm).
By default, the terminal application will run an interactive shell prompt, but you can use command-line arguments to tell it to execute any other program instead. In this case, you'll want to tell it to execute your C++ console application.
On Windows, this might look something like this:
CMD.exe /K C:\path\to\your\app.exe
on OS-X, it's a little more complicated. Here's a related S.O. post ( Running a command in a new Mac OS X Terminal window)

Terminal Widget for MFC/Win32 applications?

I need a terminal Widget which is able to emulate a windows console and a simple VT100 terminal on Windows. Something like VTE for GTK or QConsole for QT.
Is it even possible to run a Windows Console like cmd.exe inside a child window?
Usually a "console" or Terminal hooks up at a rs-232 interface. cmd.exe is AFAIK a native application only acting like a command line interpreter. Therefor you will not be able to use it in an child window.
Do you need a terminal emulator that communicates with a VT100? If so, there are tons of out there. If you want to write your own Interface take a look at the
Windows PowerShell API.
Another great Open Source Project for achieving something you want is PuTTY for Windows under MIT License. You could communicate with the VT100 using Telnet. The Windows Telnet client should be accessible using PowerShell.
Just call AllocConsole to create your own console window. You can use the normal console mode CRT functions to read and write from/to it. A more GUI friendly approach would be to just create a window with a multi-line readonly Edit control with a fixed-pitch font.