How do applications determine if instruction set is available and use it in case it is? - c++

Just interesting how it works in games and other software.
More precisely, I'm asking for a solution in C++.
Something like:
if AMX available -> Use AMX version of the math library
else if AVX-512 available -> Use AVX-512 version of the math library
else if AVX-256 available -> Use AVX-256 version of the math library
The basic idea I have is to compile the library in different DLLs and swap them on runtime but it seems not to be the best solution for me.

For the detection part
See Are the xgetbv and CPUID checks sufficient to guarantee AVX2 support? which shows how to detect CPU and OS support for new extensions: cpuid and xgetbv, respectively.
ISA extensions that add new/wider registers that need to be saved/restored on context switch also need to be supported and enabled by the OS, not just the CPU. New instructions like AVX-512 will still fault on a CPU that supports them if the OS hasn't set a control-register bit. (Effectively promising that it knows about them and will save/restore them.) Intel designed things so the failure mode is faulting, not silent corruption of registers on CPU migration, or context switch between two programs using the extension.
Extensions that added new or wider registers are AVX, AVX-512F, and AMX. OSes need to know about them. (AMX is very new, and adds a large amount of state: 8 tile registers T0-T7 of 1KiB each. Apparently OSes need to know about AMX for power-management to work properly.)
OSes don't need to know about AVX2/FMA3 (still YMM0-15), or any of the various AVX-512 extensions which still use k0-k7 and ZMM0-31.
There's no OS-independent way to detect OS support of SSE, but fortunately it's old enough that these days you don't have to. It and SSE2 are baseline for x86-64. Everything up to SSE4.2 uses the same register state (XMM0-15) so OS support for SSE1 is sufficient for user-space to use SSE4.2. SSE1 was new in 1999, with Pentium 3.
Different compilers have different ways of doing CPUID and xgetbv detection. See does gcc's __builtin_cpu_supports check for OS support? - unfortunately no, only CPUID, at least when that was asked. I'd consider that a GCC bug, but IDK if it ever got reported or fixed.
For the optional-use part
Typically setting function pointers to selected versions of some important functions. Inlining through function pointers isn't generally possible, so make sure you choose the boundaries appropriately, like an AVX-512 version of a function that includes a loop, not just a single vector.
GCC's function multi-versioning can automate that for you, transparently compiling multiple versions and hooking some function-pointer setup.
There have been some previous Q&As about this with different compilers, search for "CPU dispatch avx" or something like that, along with other search terms.
See The Effect of Architecture When Using SSE / AVX Intrinisics to understand the difference between GCC/clang's model for intrinsics where you have to enable -march=skylake or whatever, or manually -mavx2, before you can use an intrinsic. vs. MSVC and classic ICC where you could use any intrinsic anywhere, even to emit instructions the compiler wouldn't be able to auto-vectorize with. (Those compilers can't or don't optimize intrinsics much at all, perhaps because that could lead to them getting hoisted out of if(cpu) statements.)

Windows provides IsProcessorFeaturePresent but AVX support is not on the list.
For more detailed detection you need to ask the CPU directly. On x86 this means the CPUID instruction. Visual C++ provides the __cpuidex intrinsic for this. In your case, function/leaf 1 and check bit 28 in ECX. Wikipedia has a decent article but you really should download the Intel instruction set manual to use as a reference.


How to specify target CPU/architecture Haswell for MSVC Visual Studio?

I have a program that makes heavy use of the intrinsic command _BitScanForward / _BitScanForward64 (aka count trailing zeros, TZCNT, CTZ).
I would like to not use the intrinsic but instead use the according CPU instruction (available on Haswell and later).
When using gcc or clang (where the intrinsic is called __builtin_ctz), I can achieve this by specifying either -march=haswell or -mbmi2 as compiler flags.
The documentation of _BitScanForward only specifies that the intrinsic is available on all architectures "x86, ARM, x64, ARM64" or "x64, ARM64", but I don't just want it to be available, I want to ensure it is compiled to use the CPU instruction instead of the intrinsic function. I also checked /Oi but that doesn't explain it either.
I also searched the web but there are curiously few matches for my question, most just explain how to use intrinsics, e.g. this question and this question.
Am I overthinking this and MSVC will create code that magically uses the CPU instruction if the CPU supports it? Are there any flags required? How can I ensure that the CPU instructions are used when available?
Here is what it looks like with Godbolt.
Please be nice, my assembly reading skills are pretty basic.
GCC uses tzcnt with haswell/bmi2, otherwise resorts to rep bsf.
MSVC uses bsf without rep.
I also found this useful answer, which states that:
"Using a redundant rep prefix for bsr was generally defined to be ignored [...]". I wonder whether the same is true for bsf?
It explains (as I knew) that bsf is not the same as tzcnt, however MSVC doesn't appear to check for input == 0
This adds the questions: Why does bsf work for MSVC?
Okay, this was easy, I actually call _BitScanForward for MSVC. Doh!
So I added a bit of unnecessary confusion here. Ideally I would like to use an intrinsic __tzcnt, but that doesn't exist in MSVC so I resorted to _BitScanForward plus an extra check to account for 0 input.
However, MSVC supports LZCNT, where I have a similar issue (but it is used less in my code).
Slightly updated question would be: How does MSVC deal with LZCNT (instead of TZCNT)?
Answer: see here. Specifically: "On Intel processors that don't support the lzcnt instruction, the instruction byte encoding is executed as bsr (bit scan reverse). If code portability is a concern, consider use of the _BitScanReverse intrinsic instead."
The article suggests to resort to bsr if older CPUs are a concern. To me, this implies that there is no compiler flag to control this, instead they suggest to manually identify the __cpu and then call either bsr or lzcnt.
In short, MSVC has no support for different CPU architectures (beyond x86/64/ARM).
As I posted above, MSVC doesn't appear to have support for different CPU architectures (beyond x86/64/ARM).
This article says: "On Intel processors that don't support the lzcnt instruction, the instruction byte encoding is executed as bsr (bit scan reverse). If code portability is a concern, consider use of the _BitScanReverse intrinsic instead."
The article suggests to resort to bsr if older CPUs are a concern. To me, this implies that there is no compiler flag to control this, instead they suggest to manually identify the __cpuid and then call either bsr or lzcnt depending on the result.
As #dewaffled pointed out, there are indeed _tzcnt_u32 / _tzcnt_u64 in the x64 intrinsics list.
I got mislead by looking at the Alphabetical listing of intrinsic functions on the left side of the pane. I wonder whether there is a distinction between "intrinsics" and "intrinsic functions", i.e. _tzcnt_u64 is an intrinsic but not an intrinsic function.

Backward compatibility of the code compiled optimized for new instruction set extensions

In order to narrow the scope of this question, let's consider projects in C / C++ only.
There is a whole array of new SIMD instruction set extensions for x86 architecture, though in order to benefit from them a developer should recompile the code with an appropriate optimization flag, and perhaps, modify it accordingly as well.
Since new instruction set extensions come out relatively frequently, it's unclear how the backward compatibility can be maintained while utilizing the benefits of available instruction set extensions.
Is a resulting application stays compatible with the older CPU models that don't support a new institution set extension? If yes, could you elaborate on how such support implemented?
New CPU instructions require new hardware to execute. If you try to run them on older CPUs that don't support those instructions, your program will crash with an Invalid Opcode fault. Occasionally OSes will handle this condition, but usually not.
To run with the new instructions, you either need to require that they are supported in hardware, or (if the benefit is great enough) check at runtime to see if the new instructions you need are supported. If they are, you run a section of code that uses them. If they are not, you run a different section of code that does not use them.
Generally "backwards compatible" refers to a new version of something running stuff that runs on the older, existing things, and not old things running with new stuff.
Historically, most x86 instruction sets have been (practically) strict supersets of previous sets. However, the AVX-512 extension comes in several mutually-incompatible variants, so particular care will need to be taken.
Fortunately, compilers are also getting smarter. GCC has __attribute__((simd)) and __attribute__((target_clones(...))) to automatically create multiple implementations of the given function, and choose the best one at load time based on what the actual CPU supports. (For older GCC versions, you had to use IFUNC manually ... and in ancient days, would load libraries from a completely separate directory depending on things like cmov).

Can I control what gets copied into CPU cache in C++?

I read about cache optimization in C++ and the mechanisms, modern CPUs use to predict what data is needed next, to copy that into cache. But is there a direct way in C++ for the programmers, who know what actually is needed next, to determine what data gets copied into CPU cache?
This varies with the processor and compiler you're using.
Assuming you're using an Intel x86/x64 or compatible (e.g., AMD) processor, the processor provides a number of prefetch instructions, and most compilers include intrinsics to invoke them. With VC++ you use _m_prefetch or _m_prefetchw. With gcc you use __builtin_prefetch.
Likewise, VC++ on an ARM provides a __prefetch intrinsic for the same purpose (no, I really don't know why they couldn't have used the same name as on x86; the signature and effect appear identical).
Most other reasonably modern, higher-end processors probably provide similar instructions, and
I'd guess most compilers provide intrinsics to make them available, but just as with these, the names of the intrinsics will vary. For that matter, even though the functions are intrinsic to the compiler, most require that you include some header to use them -- and the name of the header will also vary.
The prefetch intrinsics Jerry provided would do the trick. keep in mind that there are several flavors controlled by an argument to that function, determining which levels of the cache (if any) would be used to keep the line. A prefetch_NTA for e.g. would not pollute the caches, but rather provide the line only for immediate use (and is used in cases where you're going to use it soon and once only)
Also keep in mind that these instructions are basically hints to the CPU (which also does quite well by itself trying to guess which lines to prefetch). As such, they are not guaranteed to work, they might fail in many cases (if the memory subsystem is loaded, or the address got swapped out of memory).

C/C++ usage of special CPU features

I am curious, do new compilers use some extra features built into new CPUs such as MMX SSE,3DNow! and so?
I mean, in original 8086 there was even no FPU, so compiler that old cannot even use it, but new compilers can, since FPU is part of every new CPU. So, does new compilers use new features of CPU?
Or, it should be more right to ask, does new C/C++ standart library functions use new features?
Thanks for answer.
OK, so, if I get all of you right,even some standart operations, especially with float numbers can be done using SSE faster.
In order to use it, I must enable this feature in my compiler, if it supports it. If it does, I must be sure that targeted platform supports that features.
In case of some system libraries that require top performance, such as OpenGL, DirectX and so, this support may be supported in system.
By default, for compatibility reasons, compiler doesen´t support it, but you can add this support using special C functions delivered by, for example Intel. This should be the best way, since you can directly control wheather and when you use special features of desired platform, to write multi-CPU-support applications.
gcc will support newer instructions via command line arguments. See here for more info. To quote:
GCC can take advantage of the
additional instructions in the MMX,
SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and 3dnow extensions
of recent Intel and AMD processors.
The options -mmmx, -msse, -msse2,
-msse3 and -m3dnow enable the use of these extra instructions, allowing
multiple words of data to be processed
in parallel. The resulting executables
will only run on processors supporting
the appropriate extensions--on other
systems they will crash with an
Illegal instruction error (or similar)
These instructions are not part of any ISO C/C++ standards. They are available through compiler intrinsics, depending on the compiler used.
For MSVC, see
For GCC, you could look at
AFAIK, SSE intrinsics are the same between GCC and MSVC.
Compilers will aim for producing code for a minimal set of features in a processor. They also provide compilation switches that allow you to target specific processors. In this manner, they can sell more compilers (to those folks with old processors as well as the trendy folk with new ones).
You will need to study the documentation that came with your compiler.
Sometimes the runtime library will contain multiple implementations of a feature, and the library will dynamically choose between implementations when the program is run. The overhead might be the cost of a function pointer call instead of a direct function call, but the benefit could be much greater when using a CPU-specific optimised function.
JIT compilers (for VM languages such as Java and C#) take this one step further and compile the bytecode for the specific CPU that it's running on. This gives your own code the benefit of specific CPU optimisation. This is one reason why Java code can actually be faster than compiled C code, because the Java JIT compiler can delay its optimisation decisions until the program is run on the actual target machine. A C compiler must make those decisions without always knowing what the target CPU is. Furthermore, JIT compilers evolve and can make your program faster over time without you having to do anything.
If you use the Intel C compiler, and set sufficiently high optimisation options, you will find that some of your loops get 'vectorised', which means the compiler has rewritten them to use SSE-style instructions.
If you want to use SSE operations directly, you use the intrinsics defined in the 'xmmintrin.h' header file; say
#include <xmmintrin.h>
__m128 U, V, W;
float ww[4];
Varying compilers will use varying new features. Visual Studio will use SSE/2, and I believe the Intel compiler will support the very latest in CPU features. You should, of course, be wary about the market penetration of your favourite feature.
As for what your favourite standard library use, that depends on what it was compiled with. However, C++ standard library is typically compiled on-site, since it's very heavily templated, so if you enable SSE2, the C++ std libs should use it. As for the CRT, depends on what they were compiled with.
There are generally two ways a compiler can generate code that uses special features like these:
When the compiler itself is compiled, you configure it to generate code for a particular architecture, and it can take advantage of any features it knows that architecture will have. For example, if it gcc is configured for an Intel processor new enough (or is that "not old enough"?) to contain an integrated FPU, it will generate floating-point instructions.
When the compiler is invoked, flags or parameters can specify the type of features available to the processor that will run the program, and then the compiler will know it is safe to use these features. If the flags aren't present, it will generate equivalent code without using the special instructions provided by those features.
If you're talking about code written in C/C++, the new features are explited if you tell to your compiler to do so. By default, your compiler probably targets "plain x86" (naturally with FPU :) ), usually optimized for the most widespread processor generation at the moment, but still able to run on older processors.
If you want the compiler to generate code also considering the new instruction sets, you should tell it to do so with the appropriate command line switch/project setting, for example for Visual C++ the option to enable SSE/SSE2 instructions generation is /arch.
Notice that many features of new instruction sets cannot be exploited directly in "normal" code, so you are usually provided with compiler intrinsics to operate on the particular datatypes native of the new instruction sets.
Intel provides updated CPUID example code every time they release a new cpu so that you can check for the new features and has been as long as I remember. At least this is what I found the first time I thought about this same question myself.
Using CPUID to Detect the presence of SSE 4.1 and SSE 4.2 Instruction Sets
As new compilers are released they add the new features directly like VS2010 for example.
Visual C++ Code Generation in Visual Studio 2010

Taking advantage of SSE and other CPU extensions

Theres are couple of places in my code base where the same operation is repeated a very large number of times for a large data set. In some cases it's taking a considerable time to process these.
I believe that using SSE to implement these loops should improve their performance significantly, especially where many operations are carried out on the same set of data, so once the data is read into the cache initially, there shouldn't be any cache misses to stall it. However I'm not sure about going about this.
Is there a compiler and OS independent way writing the code to take advantage of SSE instructions? I like the VC++ intrinsics, which include SSE operations, but I haven't found any cross compiler solutions.
I still need to support some CPU's that either have no or limited SSE support (eg Intel Celeron). Is there some way to avoid having to make different versions of the program, like having some kind of "run time linker" that links in either the basic or SSE optimised code based on the CPU running it when the process is started?
What about other CPU extensions, looking at the instruction sets of various Intel and AMD CPU's shows there are a few of them?
For your second point there are several solutions as long as you can separate out the differences into different functions:
plain old C function pointers
dynamic linking (which generally relies on C function pointers)
if you're using C++, having different classes that represent the support for different architectures and using virtual functions can help immensely with this.
Note that because you'd be relying on indirect function calls, the functions that abstract the different operations generally need to represent somewhat higher level functionality or you may lose whatever gains you get from the optimized instruction in the call overhead (in other words don't abstract the individual SSE operations - abstract the work you're doing).
Here's an example using function pointers:
typedef int (*scale_func_ptr)( int scalar, int* pData, int count);
int non_sse_scale( int scalar, int* pData, int count)
// do whatever work needs done, without SSE so it'll work on older CPUs
return 0;
int sse_scale( int scalar, in pData, int count)
// equivalent code, but uses SSE
return 0;
// at initialization
scale_func_ptr scale_func = non_sse_scale;
if (useSSE) {
scale_func = sse_scale;
// now, when you want to do the work:
scale_func( 12, theData_ptr, 512); // this will call the routine that tailored to SSE
// if the CPU supports it, otherwise calls the non-SSE
// version of the function
Good reading on the subject: Stop the instruction set war
Short overview: Sorry, it is not possible to solve your problem in simple and most compatible (Intel vs. AMD) way.
The SSE intrinsics work with visual c++, GCC and the intel compiler. There is no problem to use them these days.
Note that you should always keep a version of your code that does not use SSE and constantly check it against your SSE implementation.
This helps not only for debugging, it is also usefull if you want to support CPUs or architectures that don't support your required SSE versions.
In answer to your comment:
So effectively, as long as I don't try to actually execute code containing unsupported instructions I'm fine, and I could get away with an "if(see2Supported){...}else{...}" type switch?
Depends. It's fine for SSE instructions to exist in the binary as long as they're not executed. The CPU has no problem with that.
However, if you enable SSE support in the compiler, it will most likely swap a number of "normal" instructions for their SSE equivalents (scalar floating-point ops, for example), so even chunks of your regular non-SSE code will blow up on a CPU that doesn't support it.
So what you'll have to do is most likely compile on or two files separately, with SSE enabled, and let them contain all your SSE routines. Then link that with the rest of the app, which is compiled without SSE support.
Rather than hand-coding an alternative SSE implementation to your scalar code, I strongly suggest you have a look at OpenCL. It is a vendor-neutral portable, cross-platform system for computationally intensive applications (and is highly buzzword-compliant!). You can write your algorithm in a subset of C99 designed for vectorised operations, which is much easier than hand-coding SSE. And best of all, OpenCL will generate the best implementation at runtime, to execute either on the GPU or on the CPU. So basically you get the SSE code written for you.
Theres are couple of places in my code base where the same operation is repeated a very large number of times for a large data set. In some cases it's taking a considerable time to process these.
Your application sounds like just the kind of problem that OpenCL is designed to address. Writing alternative functions in SSE would certainly improve the execution speed, but it is a great deal of work to write and debug.
Is there a compiler and OS independent way writing the code to take advantage of SSE instructions? I like the VC++ intrinsics, which include SSE operations, but I haven't found any cross compiler solutions.
Yes. The SSE intrinsics have been essentially standardised by Intel, so the same functions work the same between Windows, Linux and Mac (specifically with Visual C++ and GNU g++).
I still need to support some CPU's that either have no or limited SSE support (eg Intel Celeron). Is there some way to avoid having to make different versions of the program, like having some kind of "run time linker" that links in either the basic or SSE optimised code based on the CPU running it when the process is started?
You could do that (eg. using dlopen()) but it is a very complex solution. Much simpler would be (in C) to define a function interface and call the appropriate version of the optimised function via function pointer, or in C++ to use different implementation classes, depending on the CPU detected.
With OpenCL it is not necessary to do this, as the code is generated at runtime for the given architecture.
What about other CPU extensions, looking at the instruction sets of various Intel and AMD CPU's shows there are a few of them?
Within the SSE instruction set, there are many flavours. It can be quite difficult to code the same algorithm in different subsets of SSE when certain instructions are not present. I suggest (at least to begin with) that you choose a minimum supported level, such as SSE2, and fall back to the scalar implementation on older machines.
This is also an ideal situation for unit/regression testing, which is very important to ensure your different implementations produce the same results. Have a test suite of input data and known good output data, and run the same data through both versions of the processing function. You may need to have a precision test for passing (ie. the difference epsilon between the result and the correct answer is below 1e6, for example). This will greatly aid in debugging, and if you build in high-resolution timing to your testing framework, you can compare the performance improvements at the same time.