Opencart 3 Change search results to date added - opencart

I have a module so-searchpro
I need change search result to show me products from date added
how do I to make this?


Multi row dependent dropdown

I'm currently working on adding a dependent drop down to a spreadsheet I'm working on. I've used this formula to create a working dependent drop down on one row...
....but I wish for this to be replicated in each row down to J65. I've played around with my formula to no avail and have also made use of an array/transpose formula which I found via a google search but this only creates an error message asking me to add 700 more columns
you will need arrayformula like this:
TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Operators!B2:B, Operators!B2:B<>"")), IF(J9:J65="Operator",
TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Operators!C2:C, Operators!C2:C<>"")), ))))
which will generate the items for dropdown and then you need to create a dropdown per each cell in L column
spreadsheet demo for first 3 dropdowns in L column

Totals not changing with repeater filtering

We're migrating from NAV 2009 R2 to NAV 2016 and I'm having an issue with a page.
I have a repeater with several columns the user can filter. There a $ totals in the group below the repeater that should change based on what is presented within the repeater grid after filtering.
Thanks for any insight anyone can give me.
Try adding a "totaling" procedure (that will add the values from the current record to global variables which are displayed at the bottom of the page) and call it from the OnAfterGetRecord() trigger.
You can try to make a FlowField in the table that your page is based on. The FlowField should Sum the columns you need and then just add the newly made field to the group in your page. Ofcourse you would have to keep the filters in mind.
The other option is that you make a global variable (for example Total) on the page and a function that calculates the total sum of a given column or columns and stores it in the variable. Add the variable as a field within the page group and also make sure the value updates after any change.

How to hide items that the end date has passed on document library?

I have searched throughout the net but still cannot figured out. I have a SharePoint document library where i have start date and end date. I would like to know how to tell SharePoint to hide the items once the end date has passed?
Thank you in advance.
Create a view on the list or change default view and filter for startdate >= today and enddate < today. That should do what you want or do you have special requirements?

Opencart Substract Stock doesn't work

All quantity of my product in the store are set to 10. And then my I tried to checkout . It seem the quantity of product still the same (Not Substract Stock).
Please help!!!
Go to edit a product in the admin panel and in the Data tab you will see a field called Subtract Stock. Make sure it's set to Yes.

Show link on specific time and date?

I want to show a link at a specific time and date.
Is it possible to get a value from a table and show that link like this
#MonthAsString(month)# #year#
on a specific time and date?
From the table I'm getting the record from a form I submit and there it create 1 record (which will
be enter once a month) I use this table to output the winners which I want to show in the link above
but I only want to show that link at a specific time and date. Not sure if the best way to do this
is in the form I submit. I have a column which the user submit the time and date they want the link to show
and that goes into the table. Maybe I don't need to insert it into the table , Is there a better way to do this?
Putting it into a table is a good solution then you just need to use a cfif. Note that now() would need to represent the exact time and if you're going to match between certain times you would need to update your if as well.
<cfif now() GT qryName.myDate>
#MonthAsString(month)# #year#