Power bi slicer not active, then no selection - powerbi

I do habe a slicer which filters a simple table. The slicer works perfectly fine, but obviously if the slicer is not active, all rows in the table are shown. Is there a option where the table is going to be empty when nothing is selected in the slicer? I know I can add another option to the slicer which empties the table, but I am looking more for a "default option".

You can create a measure which only returns a value if the slicer field is filtered:
Filtered MyMeasure =
IF (
ISFILTERED ( 'Dimension Table'[Sliced Field] ),
ALLSELECTED ( 'Dimension Table'[Sliced Field] )


DAX max date in dimension ignore filters on date

In my Power BI model I have a fact table (factSales) that links to a date dimension (dimDate) through a surrogate key DateId. Now I want to add a measure to obtain the max invoice date for each client. But it should be the maximum date ignoring the context (for the date filters). (So if I filter all sales in Q1 2020, then I still want the max invoice date in e.g. 2021).
This is how I got it working:
Add new column in factSales:
Invoice Date = RELATED(DimDate[Date])
Add new measure in factSales:
Last Contract =
CALCULATE( MAX(FactSales[Invoice Date]),
ALL( DimDate )
This works, but is there a better way to do this ? Without the extra calculated column. (And without using both-directional filtering).
Last Contract =
MAX ( Dates[Date] ),
CROSSFILTER ( Sales[Date], Dates[Date], BOTH )
You can create a measure to return max date using the following dax formula:
Measure = MAX(Sheet1[Date])
To always display the latest date without filter by slicer, you need to click on the slicer then goto Format >Edit Interaction >click none on the specific visual. In the following case, the max date is still 8 Nov 21 even though the slicer latest date is Sep 21
Try this:
Last Contract =
CALCULATE ( MAX ( DimDate[Date] ), ALL ( DimDate ), FactSales )
This removes filtering from a slicer on DimDate[Date] by still applies FactSales as a filter table.

Can you update a DAX function from an unrelated slicer?

In Power BI, is there a way to have a DAX function that uses the value currently selected in a slicer that has independent data?
For example, if I have a table where each row is a customer, and I have a separate table with a list of colors (which doesn't have any logical join with the customers - it's just a list of colors) - is there a way to set it up so that when the slicer selects "Red", the customer's name will be shown as "Bob Smith Red", if the slicer selects "Orange", the customer's name will be shown as "Bob Smith Orange", etc.
Yep. You can read the value of a slicer in with SELECTEDVALUE.
Color = SELECTEDVALUE ( SlicerTable[Color] )
Note that SELECTEDVALUE ( X ) is a shortcut for IF ( HASONEVALUE ( X ), VALUES ( X ) ).
Bear in mind that this will only work with measures, not calculated columns, since calculated columns are unaffected by any filtering (they are only computed once when the data loads).

DAX SUMMARIZE miss applied slicers

I have a slicer, called COUNTRY and applied to table MY_TABLE. When I calculate a measure, everything works as expected:
-- calculates distinct count only for COUNTRY = x
The problem is SUMMARIZE ignores slicer selection:
-- calculates distinct count accross all countries: x, y, z, etc.
Calculated Table =
How to make SUMMARIZE take into account slicers?
Only Measures are "responsive", calculated tables and columns get calculated and created once, when the data are loaded.
Note that if a calculated table is used inside a measure it will behave correctly, but as you may know, a measure must return a scalar value and not a table. (ie you can use summarize inside a measure, you can then filter the obtained table and return the sum of one column)
Of course, you can filter calculated table with a slicer. If you can, go for SUMMARIZECOLUMNS because this function is better optimized then SUMMARIZE, and has arguments for filtering.
If you want to stick to SUMMARIZE, you can filter your table by wrapping it with CALCULATETABLE.
Calculated Table =
= SELECTEDVALUE ( Slicer[SlicerValues] )
Should FILTER be used inside or outside of SUMMARIZE?

DAX TREATAS filtering by another table to get sales of all products on promotion

How to filter all products on promotion? Say we have two tables Sales and Budget without physical relationship. Here model is simplified and let's assume that it is the case, we cannot create physical relationship. We have to use virtual relationship.
We can see summary:
The two first columns are of the Sales table. The third column BudgetTreats is a measure:
BudgetTreatas =
SUM ( Budget[amount] ),
VALUES ( Sales[id] ),
Now I would like to resolve two things:
How to make a slicer to filter out only the products (id) which have BudgetTreatas?
How to create a measure for calculating sales but only for products which have a budget? So analogous measure as BudgetTreatas presented above.
And of course sample data: DAX TREATS.pbix
I posted an answer to my question but it is not to show an answer but rather to show working solutions, and give you idea on expected results. I would be grateful for any answer or comments.
The Logic behind the Magic of DAX Cross Table Filtering
Virtual Filters Using TREATAS
How To Use The TREATAS Function - Power BI & DAX
Creating Virtual Relationships Using TREATAS - Advanced Power BI Technique
Measure calculating Sales filtered by ids in Budget table.
Surprisingly this is not working:
//not working:
SalesFilteredByBudget1 =
TREATAS ( VALUES ( Budget[id] ), Sales[id] )
It seems we need an extra table. If we add to the model a Bridge table with all sales id and connect it to Sales table on id (without connecting it to Budget table!) we may resolve the issue.
SalesFilteredByBudget2 =
TREATAS ( VALUES ( Budget[id] ), Bridge[id] )
So it seems filters propagate further from tables used in TREATAS( VALUES on the tables connected by physical relations.
If we want to make a measure without Bridge table we can make extra table as a table variable.
// works:
SalesFilteredByBudget3 =
VAR Lineage =
TREATAS ( VALUES ( Budget[id] ), Sales[id] )
VAR tbl =
VAR result =
CALCULATE ( SUMX ( tbl, [amount] ) )

Running Total with Slicer from another table

I have a running total dax measure that works. Problem now is that the slicer on the page is coming from another data set which is linked to the source table of running total data set and when you select the slicer it doesn't filter anything.
Homes Connected =
SUM ( refv_FTTH_HomesConnected[ActualHomesConnected] ),
FILTER ( ALL ( refv_FTTH_HomesConnected ), refv_FTTH_HomesConnected[Month_sort2] <= MAX ( refv_FTTH_HomesConnected[Month_sort2] ) )
Is there a way to incorporate the columns from the other dataset to get the desired result?
The ALL in your FILTER removes any slicer selection filtering.
Try using ALLSELECTED instead.