Yolov7 purpose of the traced_model.pt file - computer-vision

What is the purpose of the traced_model.pt file generated once yolov7 runs?


_io.BytesIO' object has no attribute 'name' for small size file

I'm uploading file with python/Django and getting two different object. When file is small in size, getting InMemoryUploadedFile object, while file is quite large, i got in temporaryFileWrapper. I m checking file mime type with magic library.
when File is large, getting correctmime type with this code
file_name = self.cleaned_data.get('file')
file_mime= magic.from_file(file_name.file.name, mime=True)
supported_format= ['video/x-flv','video/mp4','video/3gpp','video/x-ms-wmv']
if file_mime in supported_format:
But when file is small in size i m getting error
_io.BytesIO' object has no attribute 'name
For large file
For small file
As per Django's this doc, Django have two upload file handler MemoryFileUploadHandler and TemporaryFileUploadHandler.
MemoryFileUploadHandler stream to memory , and TemporaryFileUploadHandler stream to disk.
I have set deafult TemporaryFileUploadHandler im my setting.py
FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS= ["django.core.files.uploadhandler.TemporaryFileUploadHandler"]
We can also write own custom FileUploadHandler in django

Fstream won't create file after remove() function - C++

I've an fstream file and after I've used remove("file.txt") - which is path of the file created using file.open() - I wanted to create this file again with other content, but the file won't create. What's causing the problem?

JUnit test case to check if file was created

I have created a simple program that wil create the dat file through buffered writer and will write some data into that file , now please advise what junit test cases I can have through which I can check whether the file is created or not in c: drive , I am using junit 3 , please advise.
File file = new File("c:/pathOfTheCreatedFile");
// TODO: read the file. Check that it contains what it's supposed to contain

How to write some command on a batch file through C++ program?

I need some help regarding my C++ program. A batch file named abc.bat is located somewhere in my hardisk. I know that in C++ I can use this line of code to execute that abc.bat file:
system ("file path here\\abc.bat");
I want to send some commands to that batch file so that after executing that abc.bat file my C++ program should write commands to its console and execute them. How can I do that?
You can do this by opening a pipe. In brief:
FILE *bat = popen("path\\abc.bat", "w");
fprintf(bat, "first command\n");
fprintf(bat, "second command\n");
The text you write to bat will end up on the standard input of the batch file.

Get frame rate of swf file using c++ builder

I need an example of parsing swf file header in C++ builder.
The framerate is stored in the header. Just index to the correct position in the binary file and read the value.