WSO2 IS ldap binary field returns null when made binary - wso2-identity-server

We have 2 fields ObjectGuid, and SecondObjectGuid both are binary and in this scenario have the same value but for some reason wso2 is unable to convert the second one to a guid, and just returns null when the ldap attribute is set to binary (this picture is from the Home>Update Profile page):
If I remove the ldap_binary_attribute from the deployment.toml then I can see that both fields have the same value:
I am unsure what is causing one of the fields to be null when made binary if both fields are binary octet strings and have exactly the same value.
Edit: after more reasearch it seems binary attribute only works for ObjectGUID, is there something that the binary fields need to have for this setting to work?


Django setup model with multi value integer field

How can we setup a field in a model to accept more than on value?
We simply can make relation fields using foreign key or many to many but in case of simple int or float or any simple variable type , how can we achieve multi value field?
If it is only about the database field, you could simply serialize your values into a string, e.g. values 1, 2, 3 become "1,2,3" in the field. Simply overwrite the getter and setter for that field (using #property), to serialize and unserialize the values each time the field is accessed.
Another approach is to use a JSONField (doc). This has wider support (for example searchability via querysets, at least using PostGreSQL. Also several 3rd party JSON form fields. You'd need to validate that the JSON supplied was a list of integers).

Migrating Django TextChoices to IntegerChoices

In Django (3.2.8), I have a set of TextChoices, which I would like to change to IntegerChoices. I will keep the keys the same, just the values in the database stored will just differ. I do this for consistency and I'm fixing some legacy code.
Naturally, I changed the TextChoices to IntegerChoices, and the corresponding field to an IntegerField. As expected however, upon migrating, I get a django.db.utils.DataError: invalid input syntax for type integer: "option1". I feel like there should be a way that I can define a mapping for this migration to happen, but wasn't able to find any documentation on this.

Updating ElasticSearch mappings field type with existing data

I'm storing a few fields and for the sake of simplicity lets call the field in question 'age'. Initially ES created the index for me and it ended up choosing the wrong field type for 'age'. It's a string type right now instead of a numeric type. I'm aware that, I should have defined the mappings myself to begin with and force the data values been sent to be consistently all strings or numeric values.
What I've right now is an index with a ton of data that uses a 'string' type for age with following values: 1, 10, 'na', etc..
Now my question is: if I were to change the mapping from string to integer, would indexing have any issues with the existing data values such as 'na' when being updated ??
I just wanted to ask first before I start creating a playground environment to test with a sample data set.
What you can update according to the doc:
new properties can be added to Object datatype fields.
new multi-fields can be added to existing fields.
doc_values can be disabled, but not enabled.
the ignore_above parameter can be updated.
Otherwise I am afraid you will have to create a new mapping and reindex your data, see this post for example

Encrypting Django User Model Fields

Is there any way Django provides us to Encrypt all / atleast fields like first_name, last_name, email_id of auth.User model just like how it does encrypts PASSWORD field before storing it into Database ?
My Workaround:
I have gone through documentation & few questions on StackOverflow, according to which it would be possible to inherit default BaseUser model & define our own myUser model the way we want, by defining the Custom Character Field which encrypts & decrypts characters.
Problem with this is in my application, I have provided SEARCH option for easy access of fields which are characters. If I encrypt all such Char Fields, it's difficult for me to query for search option.
For example: If ABCD, ABCDE, ABC are strings in database & user wishes to know all such entries which have BC, none of results pop out. Reason is each of ABCD, ABCDE, ABC encrypts to different / unique strings ( I am using AES encryption provided by PyCrypto ). Also BC gets encrypted to some unique string which has no similarity between that of ABCD, ABCDE, ABC ( for obvious reason that I am using AES algorithm with key length as 32 ). And the query I have written like
would not return any result. ( Yes I want search to be not case sensitive ).
[Note: I have added all required methods like "to_python" , "get_db_prep_value" in Custom Field, also tried lookup method. But yeah actual problem is each string gets encrypted to unique characters in AES of same length]
Since I am new to Django, my question may not be that like a Django developer. I would like to know answer for either of above two questions. Unless I get answer I am deadlocked. Thanks in advance, but please be kind to me & answer.
I tried a lot, found no useful answers for querying partial matches if fields are encrypted. So I had to do this in Python (Found no other way to do it).
This work around works fine only if database we are working with is small, otherwise it comes with cost of performance.
Query all tuples from database, use python to do partial matches.
result = []
temp_result = MyModel.objects.all()
for temp in temp_result:
if query.lower() in temp.first_name.lower():
or something like above. I know this is rude way of Querying, but for the given conditions this was only available solution.

Django query on decimal field

I have an object with a DecimalField value of 5.60. I'm making a query:
This will return the correct result. But this will not:
Is there a way to automatically reconcile this inconsistency? The filter value is user provided, so I want to be sure that a user typing 5.6 can find the object.
iexact does an case-insensitive equality check, which is normally used for strings. For decimals with two decimal places, the Django database backend will probably store "5.60" as string for a DecimalField, so iexact-comparison with that will work because the strings are equal. But as you want to compare numbers, not strings, you should just use the normal equality operator.
from decimal import Decimal
Don't use strings, instead use the Python-builtin Decimal type. When retrieving model instances with Django, you will get instances of that type anyway, so you should also assign this type in order to be consistent.