Logstash Docker image - dockerfile

I'm new the here. I have a question I would like to build custom logstash docker image. My docker image should do push logs to kibana dashboard. Do you have suggestions? or does anyone have example dockerfile?
Thank you

To push logs into Kibana it could be done if you write a pipeline which takes and input and then directs the output to elasticsearch.
Logstash pipeline
From the elastic search Kibana could pull the data. Logstash magically cannot push the data using a docker file afaik. So I feel this is the thing which you must do.
Deploy Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana.
Write a Logstash.conf file which picks input using tcp and output will be sent to where Elasticsearch is hosted
Pull the data using Kibana(configure Kibana.yml) and display the data.
You can use the official dockerfile provided by Elastic for Logstash
Dockerfile of Logstash


Using AWS ELK stack for capturing logs

I am new to AWS and was experimenting with some of its services. I managed to create a python application running inside an EC2 instance. The application creates a log file with the analysis data.
I want to connect this log file with AWS's Elasticsearch and Kibana service to begin running analytics on it.
Can someone point me to the best way of streaming my EC2 app's logs to AWS elasticsearch service.
You have multiple options to deal with this problem. in case of AWS
Install aws cloud watch log agent
Start log-agent with log file
Stream cloud watch log to lambda
Lamda will push logs to ELK
But I will go with the below approach as it will not need Lambda and log-group and the logs will send to ELK directly.
Logagent (node based pacakge)
Filebeat is part of the Elastic Stack, meaning it works seamlessly with Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. Whether you want to
transform or enrich your logs and files with Logstash, fiddle with
some analytics in Elasticsearch, or build and share dashboards in
Kibana, Filebeat makes it easy to ship your data to where it matters
All you need to sepcify application log files.
- /app/log/*.log
- /app/log/*/*.log
Logagent is a modern, open-source, light-weight log shipper. It is like Filebeat and Logstash in one, without the JVM memory > footprint. It comes with out of the box and extensible log parsing, > on-disk buffering, secure transport, and bulk indexing to > Elasticsearch, Sematext Logs, and other destinations. Its low memory > footprint and low CPU overhead make it suitable for deploying on edge > nodes and devices, while its ability to parse and structure logs makes > it a great Logstash alternative.
sudo npm i -g #sematext/logagent

Is there a Logstash in AWS Elasticseach service? I do not know how to access and set it

I am Newbie who is studying ELK stack this time.
Recently, I succeeded in loading logs onto an Elasticsearch through a logback on a spring boot project. But this is like sending a log from logback to Elasticsearch _bulk uri, which exists in Elasticsearch service.
But there is still something you don't know.
How do I approach and configure logstash in aws elaticearch serivce.
I don't know where logstash is located in AWS Elasticsearch Service. Is it true that logstash exists?
So I asked a question to my friend or developer group, but I didn't get the results I wanted.
My friend's developer has already commented that logstash exists in the AWS Elasticsearch service, "Why are you trying to create in the wrong place, such as a separate EC2?"
Before asking questions and questions, Elasticsearch experts advised people to visit the official website to watch the video clips.
Some might call me stupid, but I tried various things to find out and find out.
I learned all the starting videos about ELK Stack on the official website of Elastic Search.
I looked for any Logstash information in the AWS Elasticsearch service reference, but all I found was the logstash-output-amazon-es plug-in in the topics below.
I try to figure it out, and I'm just panicking, having little sleep a few week.
And finally, I'm going to ask you, I'm thinking in two ways.
If Logstash does not exist in AWS Elasticsearch service,
First, deploy the spring boot application to my EC2 instance
Second, I will need to install Logstash on this EC2 instance to configure the pipeline through logstash.conf to load logs into elasticsearch in my AWS Elasticsearch service.
If Logstash exists in the AWS Elasticsearch service, I wonder how it approaches logstash.conf. Because I want to set the input, filter,output as I want.
please help me.
You would need to run Logstash on your own infrastructure. The question here is more: Do you really need Logstash? Change your Logback appender to write out JSON logs and then use Filebeat to store the data directly in Elasticsearch; no Logstash needed.

Need to integrate my own custom logs(in html or txt format) with prometheus or Kibana( using fluentd)

I have configured a script that fetch the GCP, Audit log and ssh logs from my cluster environment.
The data is stored as html/txt file format.
Now I want to fetch these logs files by Prometheus or by Kibana UI (using EFK Stack) and need to display the same in Kibana or Prometheus UI.
Please let me know whether this is possible.

How to get docker app logs to S3 bucket

Is there any way to stream/push docker app logs to S3 bucket?
I know following 2 ways
Configure cloud watch logs/stream - All logs (both info & Error logs) are getting merged in this approach
Configure graylogs2 to push every log message and collect and then push to S3 bucket - Need to maintain graylogs2 app.
I am looking for any easy way to push docker app/error logs S3 Bucket
A possible solution, though it's hard to tell for your case, is to run logstash in a separate container, and have your app direct logs to logstash. Since Logstash’s logging framework is based on Log4j 2 framework, it will likely be familiar to you. A plugin already exists for logstash to push to S3 on your behalf.
You can configure your existing log4j2 to emit to a port that logstash is running on.
If even this is considered too much maintenance for you, your best solution is probably just setting up a cron to run rsync.

AWS ECS container logs design pattern

I have a classic scala app, it produces three different logs in the location
I containerized the app and working fine, I can get those logs by docker volume mount.
Now the app/container will be deployed in AWS ECS with auto scaling group. in this case multiple container may run on one single ecs host.
I would like to use cloud watch to monitor my application logs.
One solution could be put aws log agent inside my application container.
Is there any better way to get those application logs from container to cloudwatch log.
help is very much appreciated.
When using docker, the recommended approach is to not log to files, but to send logs to stdout and stderr. Doing so prevents the logs from being written to the container's filesystem, and (depending on the logging driver in use), allows you to view the logs using the docker logs / docker container logs subcommand.
Many applications have a configuration option to log to stdout/stderr, but if that's not an option, you can create a symlink to redirect output; for example, the official NGINX image on Docker Hub uses this approach.
Docker supports logging drivers, which allow you to send logging to (among others) AWS cloud watch. After you modified your image to make it log to stdout/stderr, your can configure the AWS logging driver.
More information about logging in Docker can be found in the "logging" section in the documentation
You don't need log agent if you can change the code.
You can directly publish Custom Metric Data into ColudWatch like this page said: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/v1/developer-guide/examples-cloudwatch-publish-custom-metrics.html