AWS CDK: Use Previous Build for Deployment - amazon-web-services

Is there a way to deploy a previous build of an AWS app through the CLI?
Does the CDK have this kind of version control? (I am using the CDK)

Going by this doc in cdk best practices
With the CDK, every commit in your application's main version control branch can represent a complete, consistent, deployable version of your application. Your application can then be deployed automatically whenever a change is made.
and a workshop by aws
The CDK App is also code, so it must be versioned like application code. To do that, we'll store the CDK code in a code repository like Git or CodeCommit. And based on this, you can assume this repository as Single Source of Truth as you do in GitOps , manage the code and deploy automatically.
It is clear that cdk does not have inbuilt version control system, however in order to have version control, it should have version control with application code or separate repository.
Once you have version control initialised for cdk { cdk code + git } you can always revert to previous changes and deploy again.
But there is no inbuilt version tracking system for builds in my view


Automate Apigee API Proxy Deployment in CI/CD Pipeline

Is there any recommended method to create and deploy the Apigee API Proxy Bundle via a CI/CD pipeline (I'm using Azure DevOps)?
I want to avoid excessive API Proxy Bundles from being created and deployed when there are no changes to be made. I've already tested, and I see that identical bundles still create a new revision.
So far, my own solution is to write a PowerShell script to use apigeecli to download the current bundle and compare it against the apiproxy that I have locally in my repo. If it differs, I create and deploy a new API Proxy Bundle.
Has anyone seen anything better?
I have mainly automated with Gitlab but will share my ideas probably may help with your specific case.
So we use version control to manage our apigee repos. I have setup a gitlab pipeline that checks for the diff anytime we push to our repository and only if there are any changes do we redeploy the proxy to Apigee. Normally when the pipeline is triggered, we check if there are any changes to target servers, proxies and shared flows, and if changes are detected, we check the deployed revision and environments.
Through my deployment script, i am able to get a list of these changes and pass them to the pipeline as CHANGES variable. This means that only these modified proxies will be deployed.
On my pipeline I could do something like this git diff --name-only $CI_COMMIT_SHA..$CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA > /changes.txt and pass the content of the changes file to the CHANGES to be deployed.

How to manage automatic deployment to ECS using Terraform Cloud and CircleCI?

I have an ECS task which has 2 containers using 2 different images, both hosted in ECR. There are 2 GitHub repos for the two images (app and api), and a third repo for my IaC code (infra). I am managing my AWS infrastructure using Terraform Cloud. The ECS task definition is defined there using Cloudposse's ecs-alb-service-task, with the containers defined using ecs-container-definition. Presently I'm using latest as the image tag in the task definition defined in Terraform.
I am using CircleCI to build the Docker containers when I push changes to GitHub. I am tagging each image with latest and the variable ${CIRCLE_SHA1}. Both repos also update the task definition using the aws-ecs orb's deploy-service-update job, setting the tag used by each container image to the SHA1 (not latest). Example:
container-image-name-updates: "container=api,tag=${CIRCLE_SHA1}"
When I push code to the repo for e.g. api, a new version of the task definition is created, the service's version is updated, and the existing task is restarted using the new version. So far so good.
The problem is that when I update the infrastructure with Terraform, the service isn't behaving as I would expect. The ecs-alb-service-task has a boolean called ignore_changes_task_definition, which is true by default.
When I leave it as true, Terraform Cloud successfully creates a new version whenever I Apply changes to the task definition. (A recent example was to update environment variables.) BUT it doesn't update the version used by the service, so the service carries on using the old version. Even if I stop a task, it will respawn using the old version. I have to manually go in and use the Update flow, or push changes to one of the code repos. Then CircleCI will create yet aother version of the task definition and update the service.
If I instead set this to false, Terraform Cloud will undo the changes to the service performed by CircleCI. It will reset the task definition version to the last version it created itself!
So I have three questions:
How can I get Terraform to play nice with the task definitions created by CircleCI, while also updating the service itself if I ever change it via Terraform?
Is it a problem to be making changes to the task definition from THREE different places?
Is it a problem that the image tag is latest in Terraform (because I don't know what the SHA1 is)?
I'd really appreciate some guidance on how to properly set up this CI flow. I have found next to nothing online about how to use Terraform Cloud with CI products.
I have learned a bit more about this problem. It seems like the right solution is to use a CircleCI workflow to manage Terraform Cloud, instead of having the two services effectively competing with each other. By default Terraform Cloud will expect you to link a repo with it and it will auto-plan every time you push. But you can turn that off and use the terraform orb instead to run plan/apply via CircleCI.
You would still leave ignore_changes_task_definition set to true. Instead, you'd add another step to the workflow after the terraform/apply step has made the change. This would be aws-ecs/run-task, which should relaunch the service using the most recent task definition, which was (possibly) just created by the previous step. (See the task-definition parameter.)
I have decided that this isn't worth the effort for me, at least not at this time. The conflict between Terraform Cloud and CircleCI is annoying, but isn't that acute.

An AWS CI/CD Pipeline that allows manual deploy by commit

I want to create the following CI/CD flow in AWS and Github, for a react app using Amplify:
A single main branch, with short-lived feature branches and PRs into main.
Each PR triggers its own test environment in Amplify, with its own temporary subdomain, which gets torn down when the PR is merged, as described here.
Merging into main does not automatically trigger a deploy to production.
Instead, there is a separate mechanism (a web page, or amplify command, or even triggers based on git tags) for manually selecting a commit from main to deploy to production.
It's not clear to me if...
Support for this flow is already built into Amplify (based on the docs I've read, I think the answer is "no", but I'm not sure).
Support for this flow is already built into AWS CodePipeline, or if it can be configured there.
There is another AWS tool that solves this.
I'm looking for answers to those questions, or specific references in the docs which address them.
The answers for Amplify are Yes, Yes, Yes, Partially.
(1) A single main branch, with short-lived feature branches and PRs into main.
Yes. Feature branch deploys. Can define which branch patterns, such as feature*/, you wish to auto-deploy.
(2) Each PR triggers its own test environment in Amplify, with its own temporary subdomain,
Yes. Web Previews for PRs. "A web preview deploys every pull request made to your GitHub repository to a unique preview URL which is completely different from the URL your main site uses."
(3) Merging into main does not automatically trigger a deploy to production.
Yes. Disable automatic builds on main.
(4) Instead, there is a separate mechanism ... for manually selecting a commit from main to deploy to production.
Partially (HEAD only?). Call the StartJob API to manually trigger a build from, say, Lambda. The job type RELEASE starts a new job with the latest change from the specified branch. I am not sure if jobType: MANUAL with a commitId starts a job from an arbitrary commit hash.
Another workaround for 3+4 is to skip the build for an arbitrary commit. Amplify will skip building if [skip-cd] appears at the end of a commit message.
In my experience, I don't think there is any easy way to meet your requirement.
If you are using Gitlab, you can try Gitlab Review Apps to achieve that (I tried before with some scripts)
Support for this flow is already built into Amplify (based on the docs I've read, I think the answer is "no", but I'm not sure).
Check below links, if this help:
Support for this flow is already built into AWS CodePipeline, or if it can be configured there.
For this, you need to create a full your own pipeline. Yes, you can configure your pipeline.
There is another AWS tool that solves this.
If you are okay with Jenkins, then Jenkins will help you to achieve this.
You can deploy Jenkins docker in AWS EC2 and create your pipeline. You can also use the parameterised option for selecting your environment and git branch.

Azure DevOps Pipeline: AWS CLI Task, How to reference predefined variables

I am using the AWS CLI task to deploy a Lambda layer. The build pipeline upstream looks like this:
It zips up the code, publishes the artifact and then downloads that artifact.
Now in the release pipeline I'm deploying that artifact via an AWS CLI command. The release pipeline looks like this:
I'm trying to figure out a way to dynamically get the current working directory so I don't need to hardcode it. In the options and parameters section you can see I'm trying to use $(Pipeline.Workspace) but it doesn't resolve correctly.
Is this possible?
Correct me if I am wrong, but I looks like you are running this in Azure Release? Not Pipelines?
If that is the case I think the variable you are looking for is $(Release.PrimaryArtifactSourceAlias) .
See the section of the document that talks about release specific variables:
Yes. This is completely achievable.
From your screenshot, you are using the Release Pipeline to deploy the Artifacts.
In your situation, the $(Pipeline.Workspace) can only be used in Build Pipeline.
Refer to this doc: Classic release and artifacts variables
You can use the variable: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
The directory to which artifacts are downloaded during deployment of a release. The directory is cleared before every deployment if it requires artifacts to be downloaded to the agent. Same as Agent.ReleaseDirectory and System.DefaultWorkingDirectory.

CD AWS Amplify without Git Flow?

The AWS Amplify service allows for multiple branches to be configured within a single Amplify application and this is how CD is performed. Each stage is assigned to a particular branch and auto-builds when branch changes are pushed. From my understanding this is the Git Flow like approach, having different branches for each stage.
We have split up our Amplify app now however such that stages are separate Amplify applications; this was done as we are using the CDK and wish to have CD/CI deployment for Amplify infrastructure and components. The infrastructure is now CD using Code Pipelines and self-mutates. This all works using the "master" branch and so any pushes to this branch will push changes to the Code Pipeline, first deploying to our test stage and then to our production stage.
The trouble here is that we now have infrastructure being CD from "master" whereas the actual app that Amplify runs uses separate branches ("master" and "prod"). What I would like to happen is that whenever we push say the infrastructure change to production then it will also update the Amplify app with the "master" branch logic too.
I have looked into this and found a couple of solutions but neither of them are ideal:
Webhooks - The production App could be set to not be auto-built and a webhook triggered after infrastructure deployment to perform the update. This could work but does mean that the App will use the HEAD state of the master branch which may in theory be ahead of the infrastructure change should multiple commits be pushed at once. Given that our staged pipeline has a manual deploy step then the chance of this happening is high and not ideal.
Custom lambda to run aws amplify start-job commit-id=xyz; after a deployment we run this command with the commit-id of the CodePipeline execution. This will allow us to get the exact change but is extra overhead and infrastructure to maintain. We will also need to do this cross-account.
Is there a solution I am overlooking? Is there a way to align our infrastructure as code and our app code to deploy at the same time at the same commit entry without the need for separate branches?