Seamlessly Transferring Heroku Domain to Another Domain - amazon-web-services

Use case: 100s of clients each on different Heroku boxes because of a previous need for unique env variables per client. The person or persons who set this up didn't expect these 100s of clients, only a few. Obviously this wasn't built to scale.
Current Challenge: Now we've got a big code push coming and it will enable us to move each of these clients to one box, or a few smaller boxes. Each of these clients has an IT team, and will need to point to our new box's DNS target. Heroku doesn't allow for a subdomain ( be on multiple boxes. Essentially for every single client, we'll need to coordinate downtime to take the old box down, add the domain to the new box, then have the client point to the latest CNAME.
Is there a clever way to do this without downtime?
I'm familiar with the AWS suite (and we do use some services) and wouldn't be opposed to moving to it, but Heroku has a lot of built in tools that our not-so-tech-saavvy team uses.


How do I coordinate database hardware (EC2) upgrades on a web site behind ELB?

Suppose I have a server setup w/ one load-balancer that routes traffic between two web servers who both connect to a database that is a RAM cloud. For whatever reason I want to upgrade my database, and this will require me to have it down temporarily. During this downtime I want to put an "upgrading" notice on the front page of the site. I have a specific web app that displays that message.
Should I:
(a) - spin up a new ec2 instance with the web app "upgrading" on it and point the LB at it
(b) - ssh into each web server and pull down the main web app, put up the "upgrading" app
(c) - I'm doing something wrong since I have to put a "upgrading" sign up in the first place
If you go the route of the "upgrading" (dummy/replacement) web app, I would be inclined to run that on a different machine so you can test and verify its behavior in isolation, point the ELB to it, and point the ELB back without touching the real application.
I would further suggest that you not "upgrade" your existing instances, but, instead, bring new instances online, copy as much as you can from the live site, and then take down the live site, finish synching whatever needs to be synched, and then cut the traffic over.
If I were doing this with a single MySQL server-backed site (which I mention only because that is my area of expertise), I would bring the new database server online with a snapshot backup of the existing database, then connect it to the live replication stream generated by the existing database server, beginning at the point-in-time where the snapshot backup was taken, then let it catch up to the present by executing the transactions that occurred since the snapshot. At this point, after the new server caught up to real time playing back the replication events, I would have my live data set in essentially real time, new database hardware. I could then stop the application, reconfigure the application server settings to use the new database server, verify that all of the replication events had propagated, disconnect from the replication stream, and restart the app server against the new database, for a total downtime so short that it would be unlikely to be noticed if done during off-peak time.
Of course, with a Galera cluster, these gyrations would be unnecessary since you can just do a rolling upgrade, one node at a time, without ever losing synchronization of the other two nodes with each other (assuming you had the required minimum of 3 running nodes to start with) and each upgraded node would resync its data from one of the other two when it came back online.
To whatever extent the platform you are using doesn't have comparable functionality to what I've described (specifically, the ability to do database snapshots and playback a stream of a transaction log against a database restored from a snapshot... or quorum-based cluster survivability), I suspect that's the nature of the limitation that makes it feel like you're doing it wrong.
A possible workaround to help you minimize the actual downtime if your architecture doesn't support these kinds of actions would be to enhance your application with the ability to operate in a "read only" mode, where the web site can be browsed but the data can't be modified (you can see the catalog, but not place orders; you read the blogs, but not edit or post comments; you don't bother saving "last login date" for a few minutes; certain privilege levels aren't available; etc.) -- like Stack Overflow has the capability of doing. This would allow you to stop the site just long enough to snapshot it, then restart it again on the existing hardware in read-only mode while you bring up the snapshots on new hardware. Then, when you have the site back to available status on the new hardware, cut the traffic over at the load balancer and you'd be back to normal.

Multiple distributions without assigning CNAME

From my understanding, the SSL option on CloudFront is a costly option (out of reach for me). Therefore, I am considering using the https://* option.
One of the perks of CF over S3 is the ability of assigning multiple custom domains to get the benefit concurrent parallel HTTP connections, ie.,, etc.
Since custom domain + SSL is not an option, does CF have a wildcard option of the https://*[0,1,2,3] variant to a single distribution?
The solution would be to only have multiple CF distributions in this case... one for images, another for static code (JS, CSS) etc. Typically if you are already keeping these images etc in S3 bucket, have separate bucket for each type (say one for image) and make these buckets origin servers in the CF distribution.
Having said that, the concurrent connections in a browsers have increased over time. It is not that small anyway. Typically a page needs to load only one JS (combined. minified), one CSS(combined. minified) and one Image for Icons (sprited). This is like only 1 + 3 connections - not too high. Other images (like large thumbnails etc) in the page anyway come from another CF distibution. So you dont have to "artifically" create sub-domains for performance.
This shows the state of connections now : (What's the maximum number of simultaneous connections a browser will make?)

Is it possible to use Django and Node.Js?

I have a django backend set up for user-logins and user-management, along with my entire set of templates which are used by visitors to the site to display html files. However, I am trying to add real-time functionality to my site and I found a perfect library within Node.Js that allows two users to type in a text box and have the text appear on both their screens. Is it possible to merge the two backends?
It's absolutely possible (and sometimes extremely useful) to run multiple back-ends for different purposes. However it opens up a few cans of worms, depending on what kind of rigour your system is expected to have, who's in your team, etc:
State. You'll want session state to be shared between different app servers. The easiest way to do this is to store external session state in a framework-agnostic way. I'd suggest JSON objects in a key/value store and you'll probably benefit from JSON schema.
Domains/routing. You'll need your login cookie to be available to both app servers, which means either a single domain routed by Apache/Nginx or separate subdomains routed via DNS. I'd suggest separate subdomains for the following reason
Websockets. I may be out of date, but to my knowledge neither Apache nor Nginx support proxying of websockets, which means if you want to use that you'll sacrifice the flexibility of using an http server as a app proxy and instead expose Node directly via a subdomain.
Non-specified requirements. Things like monitoring, logging, error notification, build systems, testing, continuous integration/deployment, documentation, etc. all need to be extended to support a new type of component
Skills. You'll have to pay in time or money for the skill-sets required to manage a more complex application architecture
So, my advice would be to think very carefully about whether you need this. There can be a lot of time and thought involved.
Update: There are actually companies springing around who specialise in adding real-time to existing sites. I'm not going to name any names, but if you look for 'real-time' on the add-on marketplace for hosting platforms (e.g. Heroku) then you'll find them.
Update 2: Nginx now has support for Websockets
You can't merge them. You can send messages from Django to Node.Js through some queue system like Reddis.
If you really want to use two backends, you could use a database that is supported by both backends.
Though I would not recommended it.

What configurations need to be set for a LAMP server for heavy traffic?

I was contracted to make a groupon-clone website for my client. It was done in PHP with MYSQL and I plan to host it on an Amazon EC2 server. My client warned me that he will be email blasting to about 10k customers so my site needs to be able to handle that surge of clicks from those emails. I have two questions:
1) Which Amazon server instance should I choose? Right now I am on a Small instance, I wonder if I should upgrade it to a Large instance for the week of the email blast?
2) What are the configurations that need to be set for a LAMP server. For example, does Amazon server, Apache, PHP, or MySQL have a maximum-connections limit that I should adjust?
Technically, putting the static pages, the PHP and the DB on the same instance isn't the best route to take if you want a highly scalable system. That said, if the budget is low and high availablity isn't a problem then you may get away with it in practise.
One option, as you say, is to re-launch the server on a larger instance size for the period you expect heavy traffic. Often this works well enough. You problem is that you don't know the exact model of the traffic that will come. You will get a certain percentage who are at their computers when it arrives and they go straight to the site. The rest will trickle in over time. Having your client send the email whilst the majority of the users are in bed, would help you somewhat, if that's possible, by avoiding the surge.
If we take the case of, say, 2,000 users hitting your site in 10 minutes, I doubt a site that hasn't been optimised would cope, there's very likely to be a silly bottleneck in there. The DB is often the problem, a good sized in-memory cache often helps.
This all said, there are a number of architectural design and features provided by the likes of Amazon and GAE, that enable you, with a correctly designed back-end, to have to worry very little about scalability, it is handled for you on the most part.
If you split the database away from the web server, you would be able to put the web server instances behind an elastic load balancer and have that scale instances by demand. There also exist standard patterns for scaling databases, though there isn't any particular feature to help you with that, apart from database instances.
You might want to try Amazon mechanical turk, which basically lots of people who'll perform often trivial tasks (like navigate to a web page click on this, etc) for a usually very small fee. It's not a bad way to simulate real traffic.
That said, you'd probably have to repeat this several times, so you're better off with a load testing tool. And remember, you can't load testing a time-slicing instance with another time-slicing instance...

Migrate hosted LAMP site to AWS

Is there an easy way to migrate a hosted LAMP site to Amazon Web Services? I have hobby sites and sites for family members where we're spending far too much per month compared to what we would be paying on AWS.
Typical el cheapo example of what I'd like to move over to AWS:
GoDaddy domain
site hosted at 1&1 or MochaHost
a handful of PHP files within a certain directory structure
a small MySQL database
.htaccess file for URL rewriting and the like
The tutorials I've found online necessitate PuTTY, Linux commands, etc. While these aren't the most cumbersome hurdles imaginable, it seems overly complicated. What's the easiest way to do this?
The ideal solution would be something like what you do to set up a web host: point GoDaddy to it, upload files, import database, done. (Bonus points for phpMyAdmin being already installed but certainly not necessary.)
It would seem the amazon AWS marketplace has now got a solution for your problem :
Or from their own site
A full LAMP stack including PHPMyAdmin with no setup required.
As for your site and database migration itself (which should require no more than file copies and a database backup/restore) the only way to make this less cumbersome is to have someone else do it for you...
As a Web Development company I've experienced an unreal number of hosting companies. I've also been very closely involved with investigating cloud hosting solutions for sites in the LAMP and Windows stacks.
You've quoted GoDaddy, 1And1 and Mochahost for micro-sized Linux sites so I'm guessing you're using a benchmark of $2 - $4 per month, per site. It sounds like you have a "few" sites (5ish?) and need at least one database.
I've yet to see any tool that will move more than the most basic (i.e. file only, no db) websites into Cloud hosting. As most people are suggesting, there isn't much you can do to avoid the initial environment setup. (You should factor your time in too. If you spend 10 hours doing this, you could bill clients 10 x $hourly-rate and have just bought the hosting for your friends and family.)
When you look at AWS (or anyone) remember these things:
Compute cycles is only where it starts. When you buy hosting from traditional ISPs they are selling you cycles, disk space AND database hosting. Their default levels for allowed cycles, database size and traffic is also typically much higher before you are stopped or charged for "overage", or over-usage.
Factor in the cost of your 1 database, and consider how likely it will be that you need more. The database hosting charges can increase Cloud costs very quickly.
While you are likely going to need few CCs (compute cycles) for your basic sites, the free tier hosting maximums are still pretty low. Anticipate breaking past the free hosting and being charged monthly.
Disk space it also billed. Factor in your costs of CCs, DB and HDD by using their pricing estimator:
If your friends and family want to have access to the system they won't get it unless you use a hosting company that allows "white labeling" and provides a way to split your main account into smaller mini-hosting accounts. They can even be setup to give self-admin and direct billing options if you went with a host like The problem is you don't sound like you want to bill anyone and their minimum account is likely way too big for your needs.
Remember that GoDaddy (and others) frequently give away a year of hosting with even simple domain registrations. Before I got my own servers I used to take HUGE advantage of these. I've probably been given like 40+ free hosting accounts, etc. in my lifetime as a client. (I still register a ton of domain through them. I also resell their hosting.)
If you aren't already, consider the use of CMS systems that support portaling (one instance, many websites under different domains). While I personally prefer DotNetNuke I'm sure that one of its LAMP stack competitors can do the same for you. This will keep you using only one database and simplify your needs further.
I hope this helps you make a well educated choice. I think it'll be a fine-line between benefits and costs. Only knowing the exact size of every site, every database and the typical traffic would allow this to be determined in advance. Database count and traffic will be your main "enemies". Optimize files to reduce disk-space needs AND your traffic levels in terms of data transferred.
Best of luck.
Actually it depends upon your server architecture, whether you want to migrate whole of your LAMP stack to Amazon EC2.
Or use different Amazon web services for different server components like Amazon S3 for storage and Amazon RDS for mysql database and so.
In case if you are going with LAMP on EC2: This tutorial will atleast give you a head up.
Anyways you still have to go with essential steps of setting up the AMI and installing LAMP through SSH.