VSCode debugger break point doesn't for django project - django

I recently shifted to mac M1 from ubuntu and I have installed VS code and tried to debug the project but it didn't stop at any breakpoint.

You must start the sever before the debugger will go to the break-point. Once you press run wait until it is finished


Appcelerator Studio Debugger ignores breakpoints

Summary: debugger ignores breakpoints on Appceleration Titanium Studio IDE.
I'm using Appcelerator Studio, build:, fresh install on macOS 10.14.1 (Mojave). My iOS project compiles and runs on the simulator just fine, everything behaves properly normally.
When I try and debug, however, execution ignores any breakpoints and just barrels on. I've checked all obvious settings, tried setting breakpoints every way possible, no luck.
If I launch the app under debug in the simulator and just let it sit there, eventually a dialog box will pop up saying "'iOS debugger on simulator...' has encountered a problem. Debugger failed to connect".
Anyone out there know what to do from here? I've been using Studio for years and the debugger part has always 'just worked'. I'm not sure where to look for port and connection settings.

CLion run program in separate system terminal

I have an ncurses program that I'd like to interactively debug using CLion. The problem is that when I run the program in CLion to debug it, the inbuilt console where the program is run doesn't display the output of the ncurses program properly.
I'd like to have the program run in my systems terminal so I can see the output properly whilst debugging the program with CLions debugger.
Is there any way to do this?
The best way to accomplish this is to use GDB now it can be really frustrating to get started so Ill show you how I accomplished it in linux
open a terminal and go to your project debug file and type gdbserver localhost:1234 ./myFile
open clion to myFile project and in the upper right corner you should see a build all (or your projects name) click it and go to "edit configurations"
in the upper left corner you should see a plus sign, click it and press "GDB remote debug"
then in "target remote" type tcp:
Next in "path mappings" press the plus and type /location/to/file/myFile (same file as in 1.) in both Remote and Location
Press OK and in the upper right corner select the name of the configuration that you just made and press debug
you might need to try to restart the gdbserver one more time for this to work but if you did all the steps above you should see a debug prompt come up and on the terminal you should see your project running.
There are some limitations with this for example you always have to run gdbserver localhost:1234 ./myFile command on your terminal for it to work.
Some Video/documentation that helped me:
Debugging with GDB at 33:35 (Video by JetBrain)
GDB documentation on Jetbrain
I hope this helped :)
In other debuggers, you would do this by running the ncurses application in a terminal, and attaching the debugger to the process using ncurses.
Doing that avoids interference between ncurses (which changes the terminal I/O modes) and the debugger's command-line.
The attach feature is a recently released feature of the CLions debugger:
Further reading:
More power to debug: Attach to local process (January 20, 2016)
CLion 1.2 roadmap (August 31, 2015)
Debugging in CLion (May 8, 2015 )
CLion answers frequently asked questions (September 16, 2014)
Debugging ncurses application with gdb
Using GNU's GDB Debugger:
Debugging Ncurses Programs

Unable to run SDL program in Eclipse but able to do so in Windows Explorer

I have installed and set up SDL and managed to get a tutorial example to build (the tutorial code is from http://zamma.co.uk/setup-sdl2-eclipse-windows/) as a C++ Project in Eclipse.
The problem is that when I try to run the application from Eclipse, the window doesn't appear, or perhaps it gets closed soon after appearing. Eclipse doesn't appear to show any errors.
When I open the folder containing the executable in Windows Explorer and double-click on the application, it works; a window appears with "Hello World" as the title and closes after two seconds.
How can I get the window to appear when I run from Eclipse? Any breakpoints I set are ignored by the debugger.
IDE: Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 OS: Windows 7 64-bit
The program now runs in Eclipse, so the solution may have been to refresh Eclipse and double check Build settings and Run configurations, as well as checking for any OS modifications that may affect the software running on it (thanks to all who replied for the help).

Eclipse will not stop at breakpoint and puts thread state into Running: User Request

Recently, Eclipse SDK decided to kill my brain cells.
Out of the blue, it just stopped pausing at breakpoints. I do see it hit the breakpoint, but right then window loses focus and in the thread/callstack window it shows
MyApp [C/C++ Application]
MyApp [18556][cores:1]
Thread [2] (Running : Container)
Thread [1] (Running : User Request)
I see when i hits my breakpoint and it takes a blink of an eye before it goes into above state. My app stops responding and working and i have to kill it.
My app is a non GUI application which runs in linux as a background task, it reads and writes files, performs communication through COM and TCP/UDP. No user input is ever requested or anything like that.
There are tons of people who have problems with eclipse having problems with breakpoints, however they all are about java projects and or windows version of eclipse and none of the provided solutions work for me.
So far i have:
Rebuilt index.
Cleaned and rebuild project.
Deleted all debug files, makefile, binary and built again.
Cleared all breakpoints.
Made sure it was not set to ignore breakpoints.
and probably more which i already forgot.
Eclipse version is 4.2.1
Linux: Arch linux which was not updated for like 2 years now.
Project is C++.
What other information do i need to provide?
How can i solve this problem. I can't debug my application :(
I resolved this problem in this way: "Run" -> "Debug Configuration" -> select you configuration -> Debugger.
Then check the checkbox which shows "Use external console for inferior (open a new console window for input/output)".

Breakpoints are deleted in Eclipse CDT and MinGW using Windows

In a simple Hello World Project in Eclipse CDT (version: Kepler) on Windows 7, I tried to set breakpoints to debug the program.
However, when the program is launched, the debugger stops at the first line of main(), and when the Resume button is pressed, all the breakpoints are skipped and the program terminates with: expect signal SIGINT when the program is resumed.
A strange thing happened too: the same installation on a second computer in which the username does not include spaces works fine.
The console for gdb traces does not report anything strange. The breakpoints are set and the execution does not report other errors (but I don't assure this is the problem).
The same settings are used on MacOS X too, but here it works fine.
Any hints? Thank you.