Django freezes when reading data from request.body - django

Let's say we have a simple Django view:
def my_view(request):
content = request.body
# some actions with content varible
response = HttpResponse('<h1>It work!</h1>')
And a simple api client, let's say based on the requests library, sending malformed Django view data:
headers = dict()
headers['Accept'] = '*/*'
headers['Content-Length'] = '13409'
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-compressed'
headers['Expect'] = '100-continue'
headers['Host'] = ''
headers['User-Agent'] = 'Api client'
headers['content-encoding'] = 'gzip'
url = ''
request_body = ''
r =
As you can see, request_body contains an empty string, but the Content-Length header stores the value 13409. When such a request arrives, Django hangs on the line reading request.body. No exceptions occur. How to solve this problem? I cannot influence the client, so the only thing I can do is rewrite the Django view. Django version 3.2.15 is used.


Data in request.body can't be found by - Django Rest Framework

I'm writing a django application. I am trying to call my django rest framework from outside, and expecting an answer.
I use requests to send some data to a function in the DRF like this:
j=[i.json() for i in AttachmentType.objects.annotate(text_len=Length('terms')).filter(text_len__gt=1)]
j = json.dumps(j)
url = settings.WEBSERVICE_URL + '/api/v1/inference'
headers = {
'Content-Disposition': f'attachment; filename={file_name}',
'callback': 'http://localhost',
'x-api-key': settings.WEBSERVICE_API_KEY
data = {
files = {
response =
In the DRF, i use the request object to get the data.
class InferenceView(APIView):
From a pdf file, extract infos and return it
permission_classes = [HasAPIKey]
def post(self, request):
print("REQUEST FILE",request.FILES)
callback = request.headers.get('callback', None)
# check correctness of callback
msg, ok = check_callback(callback)
if not ok: # if not ok return bad request
return build_json_response(msg, 400)
# get zip file
zip_file = request.FILES.get('file', None)
parsed = json.loads('type', None).replace("'","\""))
The problem is that the data in the DRF are not received correctly. Whatever I send from the is not received.
I am sending a file and a JSON together. The file somehow is received, but other data are not.
If I try to do something like{"type":j})
in the DRF, the JSON is correctly added to the data, so it is not a problem with the JSON I'm trying to send itself.
Another thing, request.body shows that the JSON is somehow present in the body, but can't find it.
I don't want to use request.body directly because I can't understand why it is present in the body but not visible with
In this line
response =
replace json=data with data=data
like this:
response =

How to make API call in Flask?

I am trying to make request to Clash of Clan Api and after requesting the right data it returns 200 ok & if i search wrong data it returns 404 not found. How to flash message after the data is not found according to the HTTP response from the API?
my views in flask
#app.route('/player', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def player():
headers = header
url = ('{}')
query = request.form.get('search')
player_id = urllib.parse.quote(query)
stats = requests.get(url.format(player_id), headers=headers).json()
return render_template('player.html', stats=stats, data=stats['achievements'])
stats = requests.get(url.format(player_id), headers=headers).json()
Here, you just take the JSON from the body and discard a bunch of useful data. Instead,
response = requests.get(url.format(player_id), headers=headers)
stats = response.json()
status_code = response.status_code
success = response.ok
# ...
You can see all the things you can get from the Response object in API documentation.

Append a new Http header using django request.META

i am using django-rest framework and i am able to get and set the custom headers using the below META information,
class log_middleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
# One-time configuration and initialization.
def __call__(self,request):
# set thread local values
# This will execute before every request
correlation_id = request.META['HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID'] if 'HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID' in request.META else str(uuid.uuid4())
request.META['HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID'] = correlation_id
#logger.debug("Entered service")
response = self.get_response(request)
response['HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID'] = correlation_id
#logger.debug("Processed response")
return response
Now in my i am able to get this header as request.META['HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID']. and it is available in the response header
But when I try to log the http header values in uwsgi using the below config,it has '-' empty value field. Because uwsgi has only actual request headers in %var.XXX variable and response headers goes to %headers and it shows only count and the actual values.
So Is there any way in django to append the data in actual request header instead of response header?
master = 1
memory-report = true
module = my_service.wsgi
http =
max-requests = 50
processes = 16
log-format = { "ctime": "%(ctime)", "addr": "%(addr)", "method": "%(method)", "uri": "%(uri)", "correlation_id": "%(var.HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID)" }
But the same thing works if i set the header HTTP_X_REQUEST while sending the request itself from the rest client utils.
If you need middleware, you can use this:
def add_header_middleware(get_response):
def middleware(request):
request.META['hello'] = 'world'
response = get_response(request)
response['world'] = 'hello'
return response
return middleware
def sample_view(request):
return Response(request.META['hello'])
# ...

Why i am getting 400 Bad Request error when sending json data in Flask?

I am trying to write a small restful api application, i am using Chrome Postman extension for sending requests to the app .
I believe that my code does not have mistakes but every time i am sending post request a 400 Bad Request error raising , here is my code:
#api_route.route('/api', methods=['GET'])
def api():
return jsonify({'message':'Api v1.0'})
#api_route.route('/api', methods=['POST'])
def create_user():
data = request.get_json()
if data:
hashed_password = generate_password_hash(data['password'], method='sha256')
api = Api(email=data['email'], password=hashed_password)
return jsonify({'message', 'New User Created!'})
The json data that i am sending looks like this:
{"email" : "Test", "password" : "123123123"}
Why i am getting the 400 error ??
Screenshots for the requests using Postman:
GET Request
POST Request
Here i am initiating api route inside api controller :
from flask import Blueprint
api_route = Blueprint(
from . import views
then i am registering it inside def create_app() function :
from .api import api_route
Here are the extensions that i am using in my application:
toolbar = DebugToolbarExtension()
assets_env = Environment()
cache = Cache()
moment = Moment()
htmlminify = HTMLMIN()
csrf = CSRFProtect()
jac = JAC()
googlemap = GoogleMaps()
session = Session()
principal = Principal()
I solved the problem, i've initiated CSRFProtect with app so i need to include X-CSRFToken in all my requests, so i have two choices:
1 - To include the csrf_token in request.headers for all the requests
2 - Using #csrf.exempt decorator that coming with flask_wtf.csrf
For now i am using #csrf.exempt, so it become like this:
#api_route.route('/api', methods=['GET','POST'])
def create_user():
if request.method == 'GET':
return jsonify({'message' : 'API v1.0'})
elif request.method == 'POST':
data = request.get_json()
hashed_password = generate_password_hash(data['password'], method='sha256')
new_user_api = Api(email=data['email'], password=hashed_password)
return jsonify({'message' : 'New user created!'})
return return jsonify({'message' : 'No user has been added!'})
Thanks for #MrPyCharm for his interests , salute :) .
A good approach would be to structure your views as follows:
Instead of creating view with same route for different request methods, you can handle the request methods in the same view:
#api_route.route('/api', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def api():
if request.method == 'GET':
return jsonify({'message':'Api v1.0'})
data = request.get_json(force=True)
if data:
hashed_password = generate_password_hash(data['password'], method='sha256')
api = Api(email=data['email'], password=hashed_password)
return jsonify({'message': 'New User Created!'})
# Just in case the if condition didn't satisfy
return None
A note for anyone else experiencing this with PostMan and Flask - you will also hit a HTTP 404 if your URL in PostMan is HTTPS but your Flask app only handles HTTP.

Django backend receives one less param than sent by frontend

I have a small web app with AngularJS front-end and Django ReST in the back. There's a strange hitch going on when I make POST request to the web service: the browser console clearly shows 3 parameters being sent, but the backend logging reports only 2 params received. The result is that the server throws a code 500 error due to a bad database lookup.
Here's the code:
var b = newQuesForm.username.value;
$'/myapp/questions/new', {username:b,title:q.title,description:q.description}).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.questions = data;
q = null;
}).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
Both my manual logging and the dev console show a string like:
{"username":"admin","description":"What's your name?","title":"question 1"}
class CreateQuestionSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
author = UserSerializer(required=False)
title = serializers.CharField(max_length=150)
description = serializers.CharField(max_length=350)
def create(self, data):
q= Question()
d = data
q.title = d.get('title')
q.description = d.get("description") = User.objects.get(username=d.get('username'))
return q
Server-side logging shows the username parameter never succeeds in making the trip, and thus I end up with code 500 and error message:
User matching query does not exist. (No user with id=none)
What's causing some of the data to get lost?
So it turns out the problem was really with the serialization of fields, as #nikhiln began to point out. I followed his lead to refactor the code, moving the create() method to, rather than, and stopped relying altogether on the client-side data for the user's identity, something that was a bit silly in the first place (passing User to a hidden input in the view, and then harvesting the username from there and passing it back to the server in the AJAX params). Here's the new code, that works perfectly:
class QuestionCreate(generics.CreateAPIView):
model = Question
serializer_class = CreateQuestionSerializer
def create(self, request,*args,**kwargs):
q= Question()
d =
q.title = d.get('title')
q.description = d.get("description") = request.user
return Response({'id','author'}, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
return Response({'error':'record not created'}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
So here, I do it the right way: pull the User from the request param directly in the backend.