Using Sympys' MatrixSymbol to solve two sided equation - sympy

I am trying to solve the following equation using MatrixSymbol. I notice I can get around this by using X = Matrix(2, 1, symbols("x0:2")). Is there a way to use the regular MatrixSymbol or other class to keep things closer to the original equation where X is one variable?
Note: using symbol(..., commutative=False) also did not work.
C = Matrix([[-2],[10]])
A = Matrix([[-6, 7], [1, -2]])
B = Matrix([[12],[-15]])
X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 1)
lhs = A*X # Note: A#X does not work.
rhs = (B+C)
solve(Eq(lhs, rhs))


Sympy expression simplification

I'm solving an eigenvalue problem when the matrix and the eigenvectors are time dependent. The matrix has dimension 8x8 and is hermitian. The time dependent matrix has the form:
import sympy as sp
t, lbd = sp.symbols(r't,\lambda', real=True)
Had = ...
Matrix([[2*t,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0],
[ 0,-2*t, 2*t*(1 - t), 0, 0, 0,0,0],
[0, 2*t*(1 - t),0,0, 2 - 2*t, 0,0,0],
[0,0,0,0, 0, 2 - 2*t, 0,0],
[0,0,2 - 2*t,0,0,0,0,0],
[0,0,0, 2 - 2*t,0,0, 2*t*(1 - t),0],
[0,0,0,0,0, 2*t*(1 - t),-2*t,0],
Now the characteristic polynomial has the following for:
P = p.simplify(sp.collect(sp.factor(Had.charpoly(lbd).as_expr()),lbd))
and get
Then I choose the second term and find the solution for lambda:
P_list = sp.factor_list(P)
a,b = P_list[1]
eq,exp = sp.simplify(b)
sol = sp.solve(eq)
With that I get the roots in a list:
r_list = []
for i in range(len(sol)):
a = list(sol[i].values())
Solving the problem using sp.eigenvecs:
val_mult_vec = Had.eigenvects()
e_vals = []
mults = []
e_vecs = []
for i in range(len(val_mult_vec)):
val, mult, [vec_i, vec_j] = val_mult_vec[i]
Solving the eigenvectors I get complicated expressions like this:
But I know that this complicated expression can be expressed in terms of the solution of the second term in the characteristic polynomial something like this:
Where r1 are one of the roots of that equation. With the solution to the characteristic polynomial how can I rewrite the eigenvectors in a simplified way like the last image using sympy? rewrite e_vec[i] in terms of r_list[j]
Seems like you want to obtain a compact version of the eigenvectors.
We can create as many symbols as the number of eigenvalues. Each symbol represents an eigenvalue.
Loop over the eigenvectors and for each of its elements substitute the long eigenvalue expression with the respective symbol.
r_symbols = symbols("r0:%s" % len(e_vals))
final_evecs = []
for vec, val, s in zip(e_vecs, e_vals, r_symbols):
vec.applyfunc(lambda t: t.subs(val, s))
final_evecs is a list containing eigenvectors in a compact notation.
Let's test one output:

Solving 1 equation based on input variable

For example, Volume of a rectangular box can be calculated as V = L * W * H
Suppose we know V, L, W, then we can solve for H.
Suppose we know V, H, W, then we can solve for V.
Suppose we know L, W, H, then we can solve for V.
And e.t.c
Is there a way to solve in python (I am trying Sympy currently) to solve it based on the input given?
Sure I can use cases of ifs, but I will need to write 4 equations to solve and that is for a short equation.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Kind regards,
This answer to a similar question may help you. Basically you can define the general equation, get values for all but one variable, substitution them into the general equation then pass that expression to solve (or else just pass all equations to solve, which I show below):
from sympy import Eq, solve, Tuple, S
from import v,l,w,h
eq = Eq(v, l*w*h)
variables = eq.free_symbols
got = []
vs = ', '.join(([str(i) for i in variables]))
print('enter 3 known values of {%s} as equality, e.g. h=2' % vs)
for i in range(3):
if 0: # change to 1 to get real input
e = input()
e = ['v=20','w=5','h=1'][i]
got.append(Eq(*[S(j) for j in e.split('=')]))
x = ({v,l,w,h} - Tuple(*got).free_symbols).pop()
ans = solve([eq]+got)
print('consistent values: %s' % ans)
print('%s = %s' % (, ans[0][x])
enter 3 known values of {v, h, w, l} as equality, e.g. h=2
consistent values: [{v: 20, h: 1, w: 5, l: 4}]
l = 4

Solving a matrix equation containing MatrixSymbols of symbolic size in Sympy?

As an introduction i want to point out that if one has a matrix A consisting of 4 submatrices in a 2x2 pattern, where the diagonal matrices are square, then if we denote its inverse as X, the submatrix X22 = (A22-A21(A11^-1)A12)^-1, which is quite easy to show by hand.
I was trying to do the same for a matrix of 4x4 submatrices, but its quite tedious by hand. So I thought Sympy would be of some help. But I cannot figure out how (I have started by just trying to reproduce the 2x2 result).
I've tried:
import sympy as s
def blockmatrix(name, sizes, names=None):
if names is None:
names = sizes
ll = []
for i, (s1, n1) in enumerate(zip(sizes, names)):
l = []
for j, (s2, n2) in enumerate(zip(sizes, names)):
l.append(s.MatrixSymbol(name+str(n1)+str(n2), s1, s2))
return ll
def eyes(*sizes):
ll = []
for i, s1 in enumerate(sizes):
l = []
for j, s2 in enumerate(sizes):
if i==j:
l.append(s.ZeroMatrix(s1, s2))
return ll
n1, n2 = s.symbols("n1, n2", integer=True, positive=True, nonzero=True)
M = s.Matrix(blockmatrix("m", (n1, n2)))
X = s.Matrix(blockmatrix("x", (n1, n2)))
I = s.Matrix(eyes(n1, n2))
s.solve(M*X[:, 1:]-I[:, 1:], X[:, 1:])
but it just returns an empty list instead of the result.
I have also tried:
Using M*X==I but that just returns False (boolean, not an Expression)
Entering a list of equations
Using 'ordinary' symbols with commutative=False instead of MatrixSymbols -- this gives an exception with GeneratorsError: non-commutative generators: (x12, x22)
but all without luck.
Can you show how to derive a result with Sympy similar to the one I gave as an example for X22?
The most similar other questions on solving with MatrixSymbols seem to have been solved by working around doing exactly that, by using an array of the inner symbols or some such instead. But since I am dealing with symbolically sized MatrixSymbols, that is not an option for me.
Is this what you mean by a matrix of 2x2 matrices?
>>> a = [MatrixSymbol(i,2,2) for i in symbols('a1:5')]
>>> A = Matrix(2,2,a)
>>> X = A.inv()
>>> print(X[1,1]) # [1,1] instead of [2,2] because indexing starts at 0
a1*(a1*a3 - a3*a1)**(-1)
[You indicated not and pointed out that the above is not correct -- that appears to be an issue that should be resolved.]
I am not sure why this isn't implemented, but we can do the solving manually as follows:
>>> n = 2
>>> v = symbols('b:%s'%n**2,commutative=False)
>>> A = Matrix(n,n,symbols('a:%s'%n**2,commutative=False))
>>> B = Matrix(n,n,v)
>>> eqs = list(A*B - eye(n))
>>> for i in range(n**2):
... s = solve(eqs[i],v[i])[0]
... eqs[i+1:] = [e.subs(v[i],s) for e in eqs[i+1:]]
>>> s # solution for v[3] which is B22
(-a2*a0**(-1)*a1 + a3)**(-1)
You can change n to 3 and see a modestly complicated expression. Change it to 4 and check the result by hand to give a new definition to the word "tedious" ;-)
The special structure of the equations to be solved can allow for a faster solution, too: the variable of interest is the last factor in each term containing it:
>>> for i in range(n**2):
... c,d = eqs[i].expand().as_independent(v[i])
... assert all(j.args[-1]==v[i] for j in Add.make_args(d))
... s = 1/d.subs(v[i], 1)*-c
... eqs[i+1:] = [e.subs(v[i], s) for e in eqs[i+1:]]

Getting sympy to simplify infinite sums containing piecewise functions

I am running the following in my jupyter-notebook.
from sympy import *
B = IndexedBase('B')
x, L = symbols('x L', real=True)
n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
n = Idx(n, (0, oo))
Bn = Indexed('B', n)
m = Symbol('m', integer=True)
Sum(Piecewise((0, Ne(m, n)), (L, True))*B[n], (n, 0, oo)).doit()
The last expression should evaluate to $L B_n$. I have tried using simplify, doit, limit and evalf methods on it to without success. I also found more similar issues in github but couldn't taylor this to my specific problem.
I also tried fiddling around with the underlying assumptions for integer m but couldn't find anything suitable.
Is there any direct or indirect way to get sympy to simplify infinite sums containing piecewise functions?
Just as an aside this code below works:
p = Piecewise((1, n<5), (0, True))
Sum(p, (n, 1, oo)).evalf()

Tensor contraction with Kronecker deltas in sympy

I'm trying to use sympy to do some index gymnastics for me. I'm trying to calculate the derivatives of a cost function that looks like
cost = sumi (Mii)2
where M is given by a rotation
Mij = U*ki M0kl Ulj
I've written up a parametrization for the rotation matrix, from which I get the derivatives as products of Kronecker deltas. What I've got so far is
def Uder(p,q,r,s):
return KroneckerDelta(p,r)*KroneckerDelta(q,s) - KroneckerDelta(p,s)*KroneckerDelta(q,r)
from sympy import *
# Matrix size
n = symbols('n')
p = symbols('p');
i = Dummy('i')
k = Dummy('k')
l = Dummy('l')
# Matrix elements
M0 = IndexedBase('M')
U = IndexedBase('U')
# Indices
r, s = map(tensor.Idx, ['r', 's'])
# Derivative
cost_x = Sum(Sum(Sum(M0[i,i]*(Uder(k,i,r,s)*M0[k,l]*U[l,i] + U[k,i]*M0[k,l]*Uder(l,i,r,s)),(k,1,n)),(l,1,n)),(i,1,n))
print cost_x
but sympy is not evaluating the contractions for me, which should reduce to simple sums in terms of r and s, which are the rotation indices. Instead, what I get is
Sum(((-KroneckerDelta(_i, r)*KroneckerDelta(_k, s) + KroneckerDelta(_i, s)*KroneckerDelta(_k, r))*M[_k, _l]*U[_l, _i] + (-KroneckerDelta(_i, r)*KroneckerDelta(_l, s) + KroneckerDelta(_i, s)*KroneckerDelta(_l, r))*M[_k, _l]*U[_k, _i])*M[_i, _i], (_k, 1, n), (_l, 1, n), (_i, 1, n))
I'm using the latest git snapshot 4633fd5713c434c3286e3412a2399bd40fbd9569 of sympy.