When installing TestLink 1.9.20 I get an error message when trying to connect to the database - testlink

I downloaded the installation pack for TestLink from SourceForge, and I attempted to install it on the server.
When the installation is trying to connect to the database, I get this message:
TestLink setup will now attempt to setup the database:
Creating connection to Database Server:OK!
Connecting to database `testlink`:OK!
DB Access Error - debug_print_backtrace() OUTPUT START
ATTENTION: Enabling more debug info will produce path disclosure weakness (CWE-200)
Having this additional Information could be useful for reporting
issue to development TEAM.
#0 database->exec_query() called at [/home/galigeo/testlink/install/installUtils.php:100]
#1 getUserList() called at [/home/galigeo/testlink/install/installUtils.php:267]
#2 create_user_for_db() called at [/home/galigeo/testlink/install/installNewDB.php:420]
Does anybody know how I should proceed from here?
We also tried to download another pack for 1.9.20 from Github, however that one is also stalling.

I got the problem like you and fixed like this:
Access link like https://yourtestlink.com/install
Done anything in these step.


Sitecore publish not working

When I click on publish, it says initializing and the process goes on. It happens with both publish item or publish site (Smart publish).
Using Sitecore 8.2. The instance is in the local PC and the DB is the remote server. There is no issue when creating a new item.
I checked the logs. There are two files with the name "log". Is this normal.
The first log file has the below error:
ManagedPoolThread #16 14:12:45 ERROR Unable to connect to server
localhost:27017: No connection could be made because the target
machine actively refused it
The second one has this:
12488 14:13:18 ERROR Exception when executing agent
aggregation/automationRangeManager Exception:
System.NullReferenceException Message: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object. Source: Sitecore.Analytics.MongoDB at
Sitecore.Analytics.RangeScheduler.MongoDbRangeMap2.GetRightKey() at
at Sitecore.Analytics.Core.BackgroundService.Run()
I do not have MongoDB installed in the local PC or in the remote DB server, because, this is not needed for this project.
This worked for me:
Go to Website\App_Config\Include
Open Sitecore.Xdb.config
Set Xdb.Enabled to false and Xdb.Tracking.Enabled to false.

WSO2 GCM (Exception occurred while sending the GCM notification : null)

I am currently using WSO2 EMM 2.0.1, and platform configuration I use GCM,
I have follow the step in document, and already set the API key and Sender ID.
in the device I manage to get the GCM reg id too, but when I perform operation on EMM, at the console and log, I have receive this error (Exception occurred while sending the GCM notification : null).
I have try to find the solution through online, but I cant find any solution to solve this problem.
Here is a screenshot for the error:
Please advice and help, Thanks.
Since not much can be taken from the log, I looked into the code where the exception is occurring. Error in the log is possible generated from the line number 50 of the attached[1] code. In line number 48 it calls sendWakeupCall method[2]. As I can see in line number 75 and 76 of the sendWakeUpCall method, the returned status cannot be success. Can you ping the gcm server and see if it is reachable - ping gcm-http.googleapis.com
If so, you might have to debug here and see the issue your-self,
To debug, take a clone of carbon-device-mgt-plugins repository.
Switch to release-2.0.4 branch
Open the code using a preferred IDE.
Put some break points for sendWakeUpCall method
Edit your IDEs remote debug configurations to listen to a specific port and host(in IDE default 5005)
Start the server as - sh wso2server.sh -debug 5005
Now start debugging in the previously configured debug config.
You can find more details about debugging in the attached docs[3][4]
[1]. https://github.com/wso2/carbon-device-mgt-plugins/blob/release-2.0.4/components/device-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.mobile.impl/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/device/mgt/mobile/impl/android/gcm/GCMService.java
[2]. https://github.com/wso2/carbon-device-mgt-plugins/blob/release-2.0.4/components/device-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.mobile.impl/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/device/mgt/mobile/impl/android/gcm/GCMUtil.java
[3]. wso2.com/library/225/

Web Service Data Stage

I get the following error:Service Invocation Exeption i am working with Version 8.7 IBM InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer and using a server job and there, i have 1 sequential file, web service, sequential file.
Any idea what could be the reason of this error ?
Make sure you have chosen proper DataStage job type and your stage that operates on web service is configured properly.
You should also check the DataStage logs to get more information about root cause of the error.

NATS Error while developing echo service

I'm trying to develop a system service, so I use the echo service as a test.
I developed the service by following the directions on the CF doc.
Now the echo node can be running, but the echo gateway failed with the error "echo_gateway - pid=15040 tid=9321 fid=290e ERROR -- Exiting due to NATS error: Could not connect to server on nats://localhost:4222/"
I got into this issue and struck for almost a week finally someone helped me to resolve it. The underlying problemn is something else and since errors are not trapped properly it gives a wrong message. You need to goto github and get the latest code base. The fix for this issue is http://reviews.cloudfoundry.org/#/c/8891 . Once you fix this issue, you will most likely encounter a timeout field issue. the solution for that is to define the timeout field gateway.yml
A few additional properties became required in the echo_gateway.yml.erb file - specifically, the latest were default_plan and timeout, under the service group. The properties have been added to the appropriate file in the vcap-services-sample-release repo.
Looks like the fix for the misleading error has been merged into github. I haven't updated and verified this myself just yet but the gerrit comments indicate the solution is the same as what the node base has had for some time. I did previously run into that error handling and it was far more helpful.

Errors at Embedded Cassandra server startup

I am trying to use EmbeddedCassandraService to instantiate a Cassandra server in my unit tests. But I am getting this error. Any idea what can be causing this?
ERROR org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor - Fatal error:
null; Can't construct a java object for
tag:yaml.org,2002:org.apache.cassandra.config.Config; exception=No
single argument constructor found for class
org.apache.cassandra.config.Config Bad configuration; unable to start
I used a configuration which is working in a standalone installation.
This thread and bug report from the Cassandra users mailing list may help, as it reports the same error message - what version of Cassandra are you using? (The bug report is against 0.7 beta 2)