Can Camunda be integrated with Apache Pulsar? - camunda

I am looking into Camunda for using as an orchestration framework and was wondering if it can be integrated with our Pulsar topics ? I saw the support for Kafka and couldnt find anything on apache pulsar.

You can contact Camunda via a ticket in Github.
I don't see direct Apache Pulsar support.
If you run KoP (Kafka on Pulsar) module on Apache Pulsar it should work fine as most things work that way.


What will be "session_memcached_host:" when I use Memcache service provided by Google Cloud Application Flex. Engine?

I am evaluating Symfony 5.0.1 with Google Cloud Application Flexible Engine.
I couldn't use Memcache service provided in App Engine because I don't know which "memcached_host" should be used.
Memcache in Application Engine
I tried using "session_memcached_host:localhost" in services.yaml but it doesn't work
Same Project of Symfony is tested locally and it works well with local Memcache server (in my local setup).
Here is an example of a PHP app using memcache on Google App Engine Standard.
Here specifically you can see how you should configure memcache to work on App Engine
I have tried the example above myself and it's working as expected.
NOTE: You have mentioned App Engine Flex but provided examples and docs on
Memcache is currently generally available for App Engine Standard.
Please keep in mind that there are huge differences between App Engine Flex and Standard.
I am not App Engine expert but looking at the example below it appears you can directly call it from your code. Everything is preconfigured and you can just call it directly from your code. See the link below for further information:

Do GCP or AWS support C++ and GUI app development?

I am interested in developing web apps using the following technologies on the cloud:
1) C++
2) A GUI tool that can be called from C++ (such as wxWidgets)
I have checked out GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and AWS for these 2 technologies.
In general, I have found that these 2 PaaS sites support the following technologies for developing web apps:Java, .NET, PHP, node.js, Python, Ruby, Go.
Therefore I'd like to ask if either of these PaaS sites supports C++ development including GUI apps built using C++?
I haven't used AWS myself but I can provide some insight on GCP.
In short, C++ is not supported on the native runtime environments provided on App Engine (which is the PaaS solution of GCP). You can see this answer for more details on this.
However, there are some workarounds available you could try to see if those fit your needs. Firstly you could make use of the App Engine Flex custom runtime environments where you will be able to run in an environment defined by a Dockerfile which will allow you to use your own runtime environment. You can refer to this quickstart guide which goes over the steps required to use custom runtimes. Make sure that your C++ app that will reside inside the docker container works as a service that is up and running continuously serving incoming traffic through HTTP otherwise you might end up stumbling with the same problem described in this Github issue.
Alternatively, I found this article that goes over the steps to implement an architectural pattern for invoking legacy code on App Engine.

Is it possible to create a GUI with python on the Google Cloud Platform

I am trying to create a web application using python on the google cloud platform. I have followed Google's quick-start guide and completed it.
App currently just prints out text
However, I am struggling to figure out a way to create a gui. I am aware of the python modules tk and tkinter and I have tried to use those with no success. I also saw the warning in the Google Cloud Console about how installed modules only exist for the current instance of the app - but even when installing the module directly before deploying the app - it still throws an import error.
I did some research and followed this guide:
Assuming I didn't miss any steps - would this guide solve my problem? Or is there a better way to create a GUI?
Any suggestions are encouraged. Thanks
App Engine is web oriented service. Read about it in the overview and the appropriate gui there would be a web based one.
If you want to have a remote server that will server graphical applications look closer at Google Cloud Compute Engine where you can have a VM instance, where you can install and run any application.

REST services running on Glassfish

I've developed REST web services using Jersey with NetBeans IDE.
Now I want to provide those services on Glassfish 3.1, without using NetBeans.
I want something like the .aar file that is created when we build web services with Apache Axis2.
Can you tell me how to do it? I have to use the .WAR file, right?
It is something like: ?
I could do it by following that tutorial that I've mentioned above.
At first that was not working because of the context-rooton glassfish-web.xml. I had not filled it with the root resource.

Porting a GAE Django app to Azure AppFabric

I have a GAE+Django app and wanted to port it to Microsoft Azure AppFabric. What would be the best way to do this? It's sort of like a RESTful service with custom output that is neither JSON nor XML. All of the Azure samples force you to output either XML or JSON and I can't seem to find any samples outputting the raw output.
Any help/information will be appreciated. Thanks!
I believe it is possible, I haven't tried.
Here's a Channel 9 video on running Python on Windows Azure:
Yes it is possible. See
So you should even be able to run django.
This is a bit late to the party, but here's a nicely packaged tutorial for running Django on Azure:
Note that you can also run Linux instances raw in Azure if the rest of the PaaS isn't to your liking.